path: root/mitmproxy/test/test_protocol_http2.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'mitmproxy/test/test_protocol_http2.py')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mitmproxy/test/test_protocol_http2.py b/mitmproxy/test/test_protocol_http2.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2c736af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mitmproxy/test/test_protocol_http2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
+import OpenSSL
+import pytest
+import traceback
+import os
+import tempfile
+from libmproxy.proxy.config import ProxyConfig
+from libmproxy.cmdline import APP_HOST, APP_PORT
+import logging
+import netlib
+from netlib import tservers as netlib_tservers
+from netlib.utils import http2_read_raw_frame
+import h2
+from . import tservers
+requires_alpn = pytest.mark.skipif(
+ not OpenSSL._util.lib.Cryptography_HAS_ALPN,
+ reason="requires OpenSSL with ALPN support")
+class _Http2ServerBase(netlib_tservers.ServerTestBase):
+ ssl = dict(alpn_select=b'h2')
+ class handler(netlib.tcp.BaseHandler):
+ def handle(self):
+ h2_conn = h2.connection.H2Connection(client_side=False)
+ preamble = self.rfile.read(24)
+ h2_conn.initiate_connection()
+ h2_conn.receive_data(preamble)
+ self.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ self.wfile.flush()
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ raw = b''.join(http2_read_raw_frame(self.rfile))
+ events = h2_conn.receive_data(raw)
+ except:
+ break
+ self.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ self.wfile.flush()
+ for event in events:
+ try:
+ if not self.server.handle_server_event(event, h2_conn, self.rfile, self.wfile):
+ done = True
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(repr(e))
+ print(traceback.format_exc())
+ done = True
+ break
+ def handle_server_event(self, h2_conn, rfile, wfile):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class _Http2TestBase(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_class(self):
+ self.config = ProxyConfig(**self.get_proxy_config())
+ tmaster = tservers.TestMaster(self.config)
+ tmaster.start_app(APP_HOST, APP_PORT)
+ self.proxy = tservers.ProxyThread(tmaster)
+ self.proxy.start()
+ @classmethod
+ def teardown_class(cls):
+ cls.proxy.shutdown()
+ @property
+ def master(self):
+ return self.proxy.tmaster
+ @classmethod
+ def get_proxy_config(cls):
+ cls.cadir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "mitmproxy")
+ return dict(
+ no_upstream_cert = False,
+ cadir = cls.cadir,
+ authenticator = None,
+ )
+ def setup(self):
+ self.master.clear_log()
+ self.master.state.clear()
+ self.server.server.handle_server_event = self.handle_server_event
+ def _setup_connection(self):
+ self.config.http2 = True
+ client = netlib.tcp.TCPClient(("", self.proxy.port))
+ client.connect()
+ # send CONNECT request
+ client.wfile.write(
+ b"CONNECT localhost:%d HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ b"Host: localhost:%d\r\n"
+ b"\r\n" % (self.server.server.address.port, self.server.server.address.port)
+ )
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ # read CONNECT response
+ while client.rfile.readline() != "\r\n":
+ pass
+ client.convert_to_ssl(alpn_protos=[b'h2'])
+ h2_conn = h2.connection.H2Connection(client_side=True)
+ h2_conn.initiate_connection()
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ return client, h2_conn
+ def _send_request(self, wfile, h2_conn, stream_id=1, headers=[], body=b''):
+ h2_conn.send_headers(
+ stream_id=stream_id,
+ headers=headers,
+ end_stream=(len(body) == 0),
+ )
+ if body:
+ h2_conn.send_data(stream_id, body)
+ h2_conn.end_stream(stream_id)
+ wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ wfile.flush()
+class TestSimple(_Http2TestBase, _Http2ServerBase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_class(self):
+ _Http2TestBase.setup_class()
+ _Http2ServerBase.setup_class()
+ @classmethod
+ def teardown_class(self):
+ _Http2TestBase.teardown_class()
+ _Http2ServerBase.teardown_class()
+ @classmethod
+ def handle_server_event(self, event, h2_conn, rfile, wfile):
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.ConnectionTerminated):
+ return False
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.RequestReceived):
+ h2_conn.send_headers(1, [
+ (':status', '200'),
+ ('foo', 'bar'),
+ ])
+ h2_conn.send_data(1, b'foobar')
+ h2_conn.end_stream(1)
+ wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ wfile.flush()
+ return True
+ def test_simple(self):
+ client, h2_conn = self._setup_connection()
+ self._send_request(client.wfile, h2_conn, headers=[
+ (':authority', "" % self.server.server.address.port),
+ (':method', 'GET'),
+ (':scheme', 'https'),
+ (':path', '/'),
+ ], body='my request body echoed back to me')
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ events = h2_conn.receive_data(b''.join(http2_read_raw_frame(client.rfile)))
+ except:
+ break
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ for event in events:
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamEnded):
+ done = True
+ h2_conn.close_connection()
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ assert len(self.master.state.flows) == 1
+ assert self.master.state.flows[0].response.status_code == 200
+ assert self.master.state.flows[0].response.headers['foo'] == 'bar'
+ assert self.master.state.flows[0].response.body == b'foobar'
+class TestWithBodies(_Http2TestBase, _Http2ServerBase):
+ tmp_data_buffer_foobar = b''
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_class(self):
+ _Http2TestBase.setup_class()
+ _Http2ServerBase.setup_class()
+ @classmethod
+ def teardown_class(self):
+ _Http2TestBase.teardown_class()
+ _Http2ServerBase.teardown_class()
+ @classmethod
+ def handle_server_event(self, event, h2_conn, rfile, wfile):
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.ConnectionTerminated):
+ return False
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.DataReceived):
+ self.tmp_data_buffer_foobar += event.data
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamEnded):
+ h2_conn.send_headers(1, [
+ (':status', '200'),
+ ])
+ h2_conn.send_data(1, self.tmp_data_buffer_foobar)
+ h2_conn.end_stream(1)
+ wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ wfile.flush()
+ return True
+ def test_with_bodies(self):
+ client, h2_conn = self._setup_connection()
+ self._send_request(
+ client.wfile,
+ h2_conn,
+ headers=[
+ (':authority', "" % self.server.server.address.port),
+ (':method', 'GET'),
+ (':scheme', 'https'),
+ (':path', '/'),
+ ],
+ body='foobar with request body',
+ )
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ events = h2_conn.receive_data(b''.join(http2_read_raw_frame(client.rfile)))
+ except:
+ break
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ for event in events:
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamEnded):
+ done = True
+ h2_conn.close_connection()
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ assert self.master.state.flows[0].response.body == b'foobar with request body'
+class TestPushPromise(_Http2TestBase, _Http2ServerBase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setup_class(self):
+ _Http2TestBase.setup_class()
+ _Http2ServerBase.setup_class()
+ @classmethod
+ def teardown_class(self):
+ _Http2TestBase.teardown_class()
+ _Http2ServerBase.teardown_class()
+ @classmethod
+ def handle_server_event(self, event, h2_conn, rfile, wfile):
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.ConnectionTerminated):
+ return False
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.RequestReceived):
+ if event.stream_id != 1:
+ # ignore requests initiated by push promises
+ return True
+ h2_conn.send_headers(1, [(':status', '200')])
+ h2_conn.push_stream(1, 2, [
+ (':authority', "" % self.port),
+ (':method', 'GET'),
+ (':scheme', 'https'),
+ (':path', '/pushed_stream_foo'),
+ ('foo', 'bar')
+ ])
+ h2_conn.push_stream(1, 4, [
+ (':authority', "" % self.port),
+ (':method', 'GET'),
+ (':scheme', 'https'),
+ (':path', '/pushed_stream_bar'),
+ ('foo', 'bar')
+ ])
+ wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ wfile.flush()
+ h2_conn.send_headers(2, [(':status', '200')])
+ h2_conn.send_headers(4, [(':status', '200')])
+ wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ wfile.flush()
+ h2_conn.send_data(1, b'regular_stream')
+ h2_conn.send_data(2, b'pushed_stream_foo')
+ h2_conn.send_data(4, b'pushed_stream_bar')
+ wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ wfile.flush()
+ h2_conn.end_stream(1)
+ h2_conn.end_stream(2)
+ h2_conn.end_stream(4)
+ wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ wfile.flush()
+ return True
+ def test_push_promise(self):
+ client, h2_conn = self._setup_connection()
+ self._send_request(client.wfile, h2_conn, stream_id=1, headers=[
+ (':authority', "" % self.server.server.address.port),
+ (':method', 'GET'),
+ (':scheme', 'https'),
+ (':path', '/'),
+ ('foo', 'bar')
+ ])
+ done = False
+ ended_streams = 0
+ pushed_streams = 0
+ responses = 0
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ raw = b''.join(http2_read_raw_frame(client.rfile))
+ events = h2_conn.receive_data(raw)
+ except:
+ break
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ for event in events:
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamEnded):
+ ended_streams += 1
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.PushedStreamReceived):
+ pushed_streams += 1
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.ResponseReceived):
+ responses += 1
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.ConnectionTerminated):
+ done = True
+ if responses == 3 and ended_streams == 3 and pushed_streams == 2:
+ done = True
+ h2_conn.close_connection()
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ assert ended_streams == 3
+ assert pushed_streams == 2
+ bodies = [flow.response.body for flow in self.master.state.flows]
+ assert len(bodies) == 3
+ assert b'regular_stream' in bodies
+ assert b'pushed_stream_foo' in bodies
+ assert b'pushed_stream_bar' in bodies
+ def test_push_promise_reset(self):
+ client, h2_conn = self._setup_connection()
+ self._send_request(client.wfile, h2_conn, stream_id=1, headers=[
+ (':authority', "" % self.server.server.address.port),
+ (':method', 'GET'),
+ (':scheme', 'https'),
+ (':path', '/'),
+ ('foo', 'bar')
+ ])
+ done = False
+ ended_streams = 0
+ pushed_streams = 0
+ responses = 0
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ events = h2_conn.receive_data(b''.join(http2_read_raw_frame(client.rfile)))
+ except:
+ break
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ for event in events:
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.StreamEnded) and event.stream_id == 1:
+ ended_streams += 1
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.PushedStreamReceived):
+ pushed_streams += 1
+ h2_conn.reset_stream(event.pushed_stream_id, error_code=0x8)
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ elif isinstance(event, h2.events.ResponseReceived):
+ responses += 1
+ if isinstance(event, h2.events.ConnectionTerminated):
+ done = True
+ if responses >= 1 and ended_streams >= 1 and pushed_streams == 2:
+ done = True
+ h2_conn.close_connection()
+ client.wfile.write(h2_conn.data_to_send())
+ client.wfile.flush()
+ bodies = [flow.response.body for flow in self.master.state.flows if flow.response]
+ assert len(bodies) >= 1
+ assert b'regular_stream' in bodies
+ # the other two bodies might not be transmitted before the reset