path: root/mitmproxy/libmproxy/proxy/root_context.py
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1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mitmproxy/libmproxy/proxy/root_context.py b/mitmproxy/libmproxy/proxy/root_context.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f56aee6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mitmproxy/libmproxy/proxy/root_context.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
+import string
+import sys
+import six
+from libmproxy.exceptions import ProtocolException, TlsProtocolException
+from netlib.exceptions import TcpException
+from ..protocol import (
+ RawTCPLayer, TlsLayer, Http1Layer, Http2Layer, is_tls_record_magic, ServerConnectionMixin,
+ UpstreamConnectLayer, TlsClientHello
+from .modes import HttpProxy, HttpUpstreamProxy, ReverseProxy
+class RootContext(object):
+ """
+ The outermost context provided to the root layer.
+ As a consequence, every layer has access to methods and attributes defined here.
+ Attributes:
+ client_conn:
+ The :py:class:`client connection <libmproxy.models.ClientConnection>`.
+ channel:
+ A :py:class:`~libmproxy.controller.Channel` to communicate with the FlowMaster.
+ Provides :py:meth:`.ask() <libmproxy.controller.Channel.ask>` and
+ :py:meth:`.tell() <libmproxy.controller.Channel.tell>` methods.
+ config:
+ The :py:class:`proxy server's configuration <libmproxy.proxy.ProxyConfig>`
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client_conn, config, channel):
+ self.client_conn = client_conn
+ self.channel = channel
+ self.config = config
+ def next_layer(self, top_layer):
+ """
+ This function determines the next layer in the protocol stack.
+ Arguments:
+ top_layer: the current innermost layer.
+ Returns:
+ The next layer
+ """
+ layer = self._next_layer(top_layer)
+ return self.channel.ask("next_layer", layer)
+ def _next_layer(self, top_layer):
+ try:
+ d = top_layer.client_conn.rfile.peek(3)
+ except TcpException as e:
+ six.reraise(ProtocolException, ProtocolException(str(e)), sys.exc_info()[2])
+ client_tls = is_tls_record_magic(d)
+ # 1. check for --ignore
+ if self.config.check_ignore:
+ ignore = self.config.check_ignore(top_layer.server_conn.address)
+ if not ignore and client_tls:
+ try:
+ client_hello = TlsClientHello.from_client_conn(self.client_conn)
+ except TlsProtocolException as e:
+ self.log("Cannot parse Client Hello: %s" % repr(e), "error")
+ else:
+ ignore = self.config.check_ignore((client_hello.client_sni, 443))
+ if ignore:
+ return RawTCPLayer(top_layer, logging=False)
+ # 2. Always insert a TLS layer, even if there's neither client nor server tls.
+ # An inline script may upgrade from http to https,
+ # in which case we need some form of TLS layer.
+ if isinstance(top_layer, ReverseProxy):
+ return TlsLayer(top_layer, client_tls, top_layer.server_tls)
+ if isinstance(top_layer, ServerConnectionMixin) or isinstance(top_layer, UpstreamConnectLayer):
+ return TlsLayer(top_layer, client_tls, client_tls)
+ # 3. In Http Proxy mode and Upstream Proxy mode, the next layer is fixed.
+ if isinstance(top_layer, TlsLayer):
+ if isinstance(top_layer.ctx, HttpProxy):
+ return Http1Layer(top_layer, "regular")
+ if isinstance(top_layer.ctx, HttpUpstreamProxy):
+ return Http1Layer(top_layer, "upstream")
+ # 4. Check for other TLS cases (e.g. after CONNECT).
+ if client_tls:
+ return TlsLayer(top_layer, True, True)
+ # 4. Check for --tcp
+ if self.config.check_tcp(top_layer.server_conn.address):
+ return RawTCPLayer(top_layer)
+ # 5. Check for TLS ALPN (HTTP1/HTTP2)
+ if isinstance(top_layer, TlsLayer):
+ alpn = top_layer.client_conn.get_alpn_proto_negotiated()
+ if alpn == b'h2':
+ return Http2Layer(top_layer, 'transparent')
+ if alpn == b'http/1.1':
+ return Http1Layer(top_layer, 'transparent')
+ # 6. Check for raw tcp mode
+ is_ascii = (
+ len(d) == 3 and
+ # better be safe here and don't expect uppercase...
+ all(x in string.ascii_letters for x in d)
+ )
+ if self.config.rawtcp and not is_ascii:
+ return RawTCPLayer(top_layer)
+ # 7. Assume HTTP1 by default
+ return Http1Layer(top_layer, 'transparent')
+ def log(self, msg, level, subs=()):
+ """
+ Send a log message to the master.
+ """
+ full_msg = [
+ "{}: {}".format(repr(self.client_conn.address), msg)
+ ]
+ for i in subs:
+ full_msg.append(" -> " + i)
+ full_msg = "\n".join(full_msg)
+ self.channel.tell("log", Log(full_msg, level))
+ @property
+ def layers(self):
+ return []
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "RootContext"
+class Log(object):
+ def __init__(self, msg, level="info"):
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.level = level