path: root/doc-src/faq.html
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1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc-src/faq.html b/doc-src/faq.html
index 8b0a3ff5..253d32a3 100644
--- a/doc-src/faq.html
+++ b/doc-src/faq.html
@@ -14,4 +14,58 @@
components are hanging. Visit the relevant domains using your browser, and
add a certificate trust exception for each one. </p>
+ <p class="question">I'm pentesting an non-browser app that checks SSL
+ certificate validity. How do I make it trust the MITMProxy certificate?</p>
+ <p> Here's a quick and easy procedure you can use for Windows 7, as long as
+ the app in question uses the global Windows certificate repository. </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> First copy the file <b>libmproxy/resources/bogus_template</b>
+ from the MITMProxy source, and edit it to include your target domain in
+ the CN parameter. The result should look like this:
+<pre>[ req ]
+prompt = no
+distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+C = NZ
+ST = none
+L = none
+O = none
+OU = none
+CN = target.domain.com
+emailAddress = none</pre>
+ </li>
+ <li> Next, use your bogus template to generate a certificate, and
+ install it for MITMPRoxy to use:
+<pre>openssl req -config ./my_bogus_template -x509 -nodes -days 9999 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout mycert -out mycert
+cp mycert ~/.mitmproxy/cert.pem</pre>
+ </li>
+ <li> Fire up MITMProxy, and configure Firefox on the Windows box to use
+ it. Browse to the target domain, and you should see a big warning about
+ an untrusted certificate. Use Firefox to export the certificate ("Add
+ Exception", "Get Certificate", then "View", tab to "Details" and click
+ "Export"). </li>
+ <li> From the command console, fire up <b>certmgr</b>. Select "Trusted
+ Root Certification Authorities", then on the top menu, "Action", "All
+ Tasks", and "Import". When prompted, select the certificate file you've
+ just saved from Firefox.</li>
+ <li> And that's it - your certificate should now be trusted for that
+ domain. Happy pentesting.</li>
+ </ul>