diff options
16 files changed, 497 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/libmproxy/web/static/js/app.js b/libmproxy/web/static/js/app.js
index 92d6c4c8..8c898673 100644
--- a/libmproxy/web/static/js/app.js
+++ b/libmproxy/web/static/js/app.js
@@ -1,172 +1,188 @@
const PayloadSources = {
- function Dispatcher() {"use strict";
- this.callbacks = [];
- }
- Dispatcher.prototype.register=function(callback){"use strict";
- this.callbacks.push(callback);
- };
- Dispatcher.prototype.unregister=function(callback){"use strict";
- var index = this.callbacks.indexOf(f);
- if (index >= 0) {
- this.callbacks.splice(this.callbacks.indexOf(f), 1);
+ function Dispatcher() {"use strict";
+ this.callbacks = [];
- };
- Dispatcher.prototype.dispatch=function(payload){"use strict";
- console.debug("dispatch", payload);
- this.callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
- callback(payload);
- });
- };
+ Dispatcher.prototype.register=function(callback) {"use strict";
+ this.callbacks.push(callback);
+ };
+ Dispatcher.prototype.unregister=function(callback) {"use strict";
+ var index = this.callbacks.indexOf(f);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ this.callbacks.splice(this.callbacks.indexOf(f), 1);
+ }
+ };
+ Dispatcher.prototype.dispatch=function(payload) {"use strict";
+ console.debug("dispatch", payload);
+ this.callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
+ callback(payload);
+ });
+ };
AppDispatcher = new Dispatcher();
-AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction = function(action){
- action.actionSource = PayloadSources.VIEW_ACTION;
- this.dispatch(action);
+AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction = function(action) {
+ action.actionSource = PayloadSources.VIEW_ACTION;
+ this.dispatch(action);
-AppDispatcher.dispatchServerAction = function(action){
- action.actionSource = PayloadSources.SERVER_ACTION;
- this.dispatch(action);
+AppDispatcher.dispatchServerAction = function(action) {
+ action.actionSource = PayloadSources.SERVER_ACTION;
+ this.dispatch(action);
var ActionTypes = {
var SettingsActions = {
- update:function(settings) {
- settings = _.merge({}, SettingsStore.getAll(), settings);
- //TODO: Update server.
- //Facebook Flux: We do an optimistic update on the client already.
- AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction({
- actionType: ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE,
- settings: settings
- });
- }
+ update:function(settings) {
+ settings = _.merge({}, SettingsStore.getAll(), settings);
+ //TODO: Update server.
+ //Facebook Flux: We do an optimistic update on the client already.
+ AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction({
+ actionType: ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE,
+ settings: settings
+ });
+ }
- function EventEmitter() {"use strict";
- this.listeners = {};
- }
- EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(event) {"use strict";
- if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
- return;
- }
- this.listeners[event].forEach(function(listener) {
- listener.apply(this, arguments);
- }.bind(this));
- };
- EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(event, f) {"use strict";
- this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || [];
- this.listeners[event].push(f);
- };
- EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(event, f) {"use strict";
- if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
- return false;
- }
- var index = this.listeners[event].indexOf(f);
- if (index >= 0) {
- this.listeners[event].splice(index, 1);
- }
- };
+ function EventEmitter() {"use strict";
+ this.listeners = {};
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(event) {"use strict";
+ if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.listeners[event].forEach(function(listener) {
+ listener.apply(this, arguments);
+ }.bind(this));
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(event, f) {"use strict";
+ this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || [];
+ this.listeners[event].push(f);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(event, f) {"use strict";
+ if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var index = this.listeners[event].indexOf(f);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ this.listeners[event].splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ };
for(var EventEmitter____Key in EventEmitter){if(EventEmitter.hasOwnProperty(EventEmitter____Key)){_SettingsStore[EventEmitter____Key]=EventEmitter[EventEmitter____Key];}}var ____SuperProtoOfEventEmitter=EventEmitter===null?null:EventEmitter.prototype;_SettingsStore.prototype=Object.create(____SuperProtoOfEventEmitter);_SettingsStore.prototype.constructor=_SettingsStore;_SettingsStore.__superConstructor__=EventEmitter;
- function _SettingsStore() {"use strict";
- EventEmitter.call(this);
- this.settings = { version: "0.12", showEventLog: true }; //FIXME: Need to get that from somewhere.
- }
- _SettingsStore.prototype.getAll=function() {"use strict";
- return this.settings;
- };
- _SettingsStore.prototype.handle=function(action) {"use strict";
- switch (action.actionType) {
- case ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE:
- this.settings = action.settings;
- this.emit("change");
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- };
+ function _SettingsStore() {"use strict";
+ EventEmitter.call(this);
+ //FIXME: What do we do if we haven't requested anything from the server yet?
+ this.settings = {
+ version: "0.12",
+ showEventLog: true
+ };
+ }
+ _SettingsStore.prototype.getAll=function() {"use strict";
+ return this.settings;
+ };
+ _SettingsStore.prototype.handle=function(action) {"use strict";
+ switch (action.actionType) {
+ case ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE:
+ this.settings = action.settings;
+ this.emit("change");
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ };
var SettingsStore = new _SettingsStore();
+// We have an EventLogView and an EventLogStore:
+// The basic architecture is that one can request views on the event log
+// from the store, which returns a view object and then deals with getting the data required for the view.
+// The view object is accessed by React components and distributes updates etc.
+// See also: components/EventLog.react.js
for(var EventEmitter____Key in EventEmitter){if(EventEmitter.hasOwnProperty(EventEmitter____Key)){EventLogView[EventEmitter____Key]=EventEmitter[EventEmitter____Key];}}var ____SuperProtoOfEventEmitter=EventEmitter===null?null:EventEmitter.prototype;EventLogView.prototype=Object.create(____SuperProtoOfEventEmitter);EventLogView.prototype.constructor=EventLogView;EventLogView.__superConstructor__=EventEmitter;
- function EventLogView(store, live){"use strict";
- EventEmitter.call(this);
- this.$EventLogView_store = store;
- this.live = live;
- this.log = [];
- this.add = this.add.bind(this);
- if(live){
- this.$EventLogView_store.addListener("new_entry", this.add);
- }
- }
- EventLogView.prototype.close=function() {"use strict";
- this.$EventLogView_store.removeListener("new_entry", this.add);
- };
- EventLogView.prototype.getAll=function() {"use strict";
- return this.log;
- };
- EventLogView.prototype.add=function(entry){"use strict";
- this.log.push(entry);
- this.emit("change");
- };
- EventLogView.prototype.add_bulk=function(messages){"use strict";
- var log = messages;
- var last_id = log[log.length-1].id;
- var to_add = _.filter(this.log, function(entry) {return entry.id > last_id;});
- this.log = log.concat(to_add);
- this.emit("change");
- };
+ function EventLogView(store, live) {"use strict";
+ EventEmitter.call(this);
+ this.$EventLogView_store = store;
+ this.live = live;
+ this.log = [];
+ this.add = this.add.bind(this);
+ if (live) {
+ this.$EventLogView_store.addListener("new_entry", this.add);
+ }
+ }
+ EventLogView.prototype.close=function() {"use strict";
+ this.$EventLogView_store.removeListener("new_entry", this.add);
+ };
+ EventLogView.prototype.getAll=function() {"use strict";
+ return this.log;
+ };
+ EventLogView.prototype.add=function(entry) {"use strict";
+ this.log.push(entry);
+ this.emit("change");
+ };
+ EventLogView.prototype.add_bulk=function(messages) {"use strict";
+ var log = messages;
+ var last_id = log[log.length - 1].id;
+ var to_add = _.filter(this.log, function(entry) {return entry.id > last_id;});
+ this.log = log.concat(to_add);
+ this.emit("change");
+ };
for(EventEmitter____Key in EventEmitter){if(EventEmitter.hasOwnProperty(EventEmitter____Key)){_EventLogStore[EventEmitter____Key]=EventEmitter[EventEmitter____Key];}}_EventLogStore.prototype=Object.create(____SuperProtoOfEventEmitter);_EventLogStore.prototype.constructor=_EventLogStore;_EventLogStore.__superConstructor__=EventEmitter;function _EventLogStore(){"use strict";if(EventEmitter!==null){EventEmitter.apply(this,arguments);}}
- _EventLogStore.prototype.getView=function(since){"use strict";
- var view = new EventLogView(this, !since);
- //TODO: Really do bulk retrieval of last messages.
- window.setTimeout(function(){
- view.add_bulk([
- { id:1, message: "Hello World"},
- { id:2, message: "I was already transmitted as an event."}
- ]);
- }, 100);
- var id = 2;
- view.add({id:id++, message: "I was already transmitted as an event."});
- view.add({id:id++, message: "I was only transmitted as an event before the bulk was added.."});
- window.setInterval(function(){
- view.add({id: id++, message: "."});
- }, 1000);
- return view;
- };
- _EventLogStore.prototype.handle=function(action) {"use strict";
- switch (action.actionType) {
- case ActionTypes.EVENTLOG_ADD:
- this.emit("new_message", action.message);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- };
+ _EventLogStore.prototype.getView=function(since) {"use strict";
+ var view = new EventLogView(this, !since);
+ //TODO: Really do bulk retrieval of last messages.
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ view.add_bulk([{
+ id: 1,
+ message: "Hello World"
+ }, {
+ id: 2,
+ message: "I was already transmitted as an event."
+ }]);
+ }, 100);
+ var id = 2;
+ view.add({
+ id: id++,
+ message: "I was already transmitted as an event."
+ });
+ view.add({
+ id: id++,
+ message: "I was only transmitted as an event before the bulk was added.."
+ });
+ window.setInterval(function() {
+ view.add({
+ id: id++,
+ message: "."
+ });
+ }, 1000);
+ return view;
+ };
+ _EventLogStore.prototype.handle=function(action) {"use strict";
+ switch (action.actionType) {
+ case ActionTypes.EVENTLOG_ADD:
+ this.emit("new_message", action.message);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ };
var EventLogStore = new _EventLogStore();
@@ -177,11 +193,9 @@ AppDispatcher.register(EventLogStore.handle.bind(EventLogStore));
this.root = root;
_Connection.prototype.init=function() {"use strict";
_Connection.prototype.openWebSocketConnection=function() {"use strict";
this.ws = new WebSocket(this.root.replace("http", "ws") + "/ws");
var ws = this.ws;
@@ -191,7 +205,6 @@ AppDispatcher.register(EventLogStore.handle.bind(EventLogStore));
ws.onerror = this.onerror.bind(this);
ws.onclose = this.onclose.bind(this);
_Connection.prototype.onopen=function(open) {"use strict";
console.log("onopen", this, arguments);
@@ -206,7 +219,6 @@ AppDispatcher.register(EventLogStore.handle.bind(EventLogStore));
console.log("onclose", this, arguments);
var Connection = new _Connection();
/** @jsx React.DOM */
@@ -217,21 +229,23 @@ var MainMenu = React.createClass({displayName: 'MainMenu',
- return React.DOM.div(null,
- React.DOM.button({className: "btn " + (this.props.settings.showEventLog ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default"), onClick: this.toggleEventLog},
+ return (
+ React.DOM.div(null,
+ React.DOM.button({className: "btn " + (this.props.settings.showEventLog ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default"), onClick: this.toggleEventLog},
React.DOM.i({className: "fa fa-database"}), " Display Event Log"
+ )
- );
+ );
var ToolsMenu = React.createClass({displayName: 'ToolsMenu',
- return (React.DOM.div(null, "Tools Menu"));
+ return React.DOM.div(null, "Tools Menu");
var ReportsMenu = React.createClass({displayName: 'ReportsMenu',
- return (React.DOM.div(null, "Reports Menu"));
+ return React.DOM.div(null, "Reports Menu");
@@ -268,7 +282,6 @@ var Header = React.createClass({displayName: 'Header',
console.log("File click");
var header = [];
for(var item in _Header_Entries){
@@ -292,74 +305,78 @@ var Header = React.createClass({displayName: 'Header',
React.DOM.div({className: "menu"},
- ));
+ )
+ );
/** @jsx React.DOM */
var TrafficTable = React.createClass({displayName: 'TrafficTable',
- getInitialState: function(){
+ getInitialState:function() {
return {
flows: []
- componentDidMount:function(){
+ componentDidMount:function() {
//this.flowStore = FlowStore.getView();
- componentWillUnmount:function(){
+ componentWillUnmount:function() {
- onFlowChange:function(){
+ onFlowChange:function() {
//flows: this.flowStore.getAll()
- render: function () {
- /*var flows = this.state.flows.map(function(flow){
- return <div>{flow.request.method} {flow.request.scheme}://{flow.request.host}{flow.request.path}</div>;
- }); *//**/
- x = "Flow";
- i = 12;
- while(i--) x += x;
- return React.DOM.div(null, React.DOM.pre(null, x));
- }
+ render:function() {
+ /*var flows = this.state.flows.map(function(flow){
+ return <div>{flow.request.method} {flow.request.scheme}://{flow.request.host}{flow.request.path}</div>;
+ }); */
+ //Dummy Text for layout testing
+ x = "Flow";
+ i = 12;
+ while (i--) x += x;
+ return (
+ React.DOM.div(null, React.DOM.pre(null, " ", x, " "))
+ );
+ }
/** @jsx React.DOM */
var EventLog = React.createClass({displayName: 'EventLog',
- getInitialState:function(){
- return {
- log: []
- };
- },
- componentDidMount:function(){
- this.log = EventLogStore.getView();
- this.log.addListener("change",this.onEventLogChange);
- },
- componentWillUnmount:function(){
- this.log.removeListener("change",this.onEventLogChange);
- this.log.close();
- },
- onEventLogChange:function(){
- this.setState({
- log: this.log.getAll()
- });
- },
- close:function(){
- SettingsActions.update({
- showEventLog: false
- });
- },
- render:function(){
- var messages = this.state.log.map(function(row) {return React.DOM.div({key: row.id}, row.message);});
+ getInitialState:function() {
+ return {
+ log: []
+ };
+ },
+ componentDidMount:function() {
+ this.log = EventLogStore.getView();
+ this.log.addListener("change", this.onEventLogChange);
+ },
+ componentWillUnmount:function() {
+ this.log.removeListener("change", this.onEventLogChange);
+ this.log.close();
+ },
+ onEventLogChange:function() {
+ this.setState({
+ log: this.log.getAll()
+ });
+ },
+ close:function() {
+ SettingsActions.update({
+ showEventLog: false
+ });
+ },
+ render:function() {
+ var messages = this.state.log.map(function(row) {return React.DOM.div({key: row.id}, row.message);});
return (
React.DOM.div({className: "eventlog"},
- React.DOM.pre(null,
- React.DOM.i({className: "fa fa-close close-button", onClick: this.close}),
- messages
- )
+ React.DOM.pre(null,
+ React.DOM.i({className: "fa fa-close close-button", onClick: this.close}),
+ messages
+ )
@@ -379,54 +396,54 @@ var Footer = React.createClass({displayName: 'Footer',
//TODO: Move out of here, just a stub.
var Reports = React.createClass({displayName: 'Reports',
- render:function(){
- return (React.DOM.div(null, "Report Editor"));
- }
+ render:function(){
+ return React.DOM.div(null, "Report Editor");
+ }
var ProxyAppMain = React.createClass({displayName: 'ProxyAppMain',
- return { settings: SettingsStore.getAll() };
+ return { settings: SettingsStore.getAll() };
- SettingsStore.addListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
+ SettingsStore.addListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
- SettingsStore.removeListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
+ SettingsStore.removeListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
- console.log("onSettingsChange");
- this.setState({settings: SettingsStore.getAll()});
+ console.log("onSettingsChange");
+ this.setState({settings: SettingsStore.getAll()});
render:function() {
- return (
- React.DOM.div({id: "container"},
- Header({settings: this.state.settings}),
- React.DOM.div({id: "main"}, this.props.activeRouteHandler(null)),
- this.state.settings.showEventLog ? EventLog(null) : null,
- Footer(null)
- )
- );
+ return (
+ React.DOM.div({id: "container"},
+ Header({settings: this.state.settings}),
+ React.DOM.div({id: "main"}, this.props.activeRouteHandler(null)),
+ this.state.settings.showEventLog ? EventLog(null) : null,
+ Footer(null)
+ )
+ );
var ProxyApp = (
- ReactRouter.Routes({location: "hash"},
- ReactRouter.Route({name: "app", path: "/", handler: ProxyAppMain},
- ReactRouter.Route({name: "main", handler: TrafficTable}),
- ReactRouter.Route({name: "reports", handler: Reports}),
- ReactRouter.Redirect({to: "main"})
+ ReactRouter.Routes({location: "hash"},
+ ReactRouter.Route({name: "app", path: "/", handler: ProxyAppMain},
+ ReactRouter.Route({name: "main", handler: TrafficTable}),
+ ReactRouter.Route({name: "reports", handler: Reports}),
+ ReactRouter.Redirect({to: "main"})
+ )
- )
+$(function() {
- Connection.init();
- app = React.renderComponent(ProxyApp, document.body);
+ Connection.init();
+ app = React.renderComponent(ProxyApp, document.body);
//# sourceMappingURL=app.js.map \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/gulpfile.js b/web/gulpfile.js
index 3aebcd95..6f72016b 100644
--- a/web/gulpfile.js
+++ b/web/gulpfile.js
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ gulp.task("scripts-prod", ["scripts-app-prod", "scripts-vendor-prod"]);
gulp.task("jshint", function () {
return gulp.src(["src/js/**"])
- .pipe(react({harmony: true}))
+ .pipe(react({harmony: false /* Do not do Harmony transformation for JSHint */}))
diff --git a/web/src/css/app.less b/web/src/css/app.less
index ce9d9149..a5ff516d 100644
--- a/web/src/css/app.less
+++ b/web/src/css/app.less
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
// www.paulirish.com/2012/box-sizing-border-box-ftw/
html {
- box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
*, *:before, *:after {
- box-sizing: inherit;
+ box-sizing: inherit;
@import (less) "layout.less";
diff --git a/web/src/css/eventlog.less b/web/src/css/eventlog.less
index 8ad304aa..6b0c0e61 100644
--- a/web/src/css/eventlog.less
+++ b/web/src/css/eventlog.less
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
.eventlog {
- flex: 0 0 auto;
+ flex: 0 0 auto;
- pre {
- margin: 0;
- border-radius: 0;
- height: 200px;
- overflow: auto;
- }
+ pre {
+ margin: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ height: 200px;
+ overflow: auto;
+ }
- .close-button {
- float: right;
- margin: -9px;
- padding: 4px;
- cursor: pointer;
- color: grey;
- &:hover {
- color: black;
- }
- }
+ .close-button {
+ float: right;
+ margin: -9px;
+ padding: 4px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ color: grey;
+ &:hover {
+ color: black;
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/css/footer.less b/web/src/css/footer.less
index be7a1d76..c041a022 100644
--- a/web/src/css/footer.less
+++ b/web/src/css/footer.less
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
footer {
- box-shadow: 0 -1px 3px lightgray;
- padding: 0px 10px 3px;
+ box-shadow: 0 -1px 3px lightgray;
+ padding: 0px 10px 3px;
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/Connection.es6.js b/web/src/js/Connection.es6.js
index 05d86c93..7250dd39 100644
--- a/web/src/js/Connection.es6.js
+++ b/web/src/js/Connection.es6.js
@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ class _Connection {
this.root = root;
init() {
openWebSocketConnection() {
this.ws = new WebSocket(this.root.replace("http", "ws") + "/ws");
var ws = this.ws;
@@ -19,7 +17,6 @@ class _Connection {
ws.onerror = this.onerror.bind(this);
ws.onclose = this.onclose.bind(this);
onopen(open) {
console.log("onopen", this, arguments);
@@ -33,6 +30,5 @@ class _Connection {
onclose(close) {
console.log("onclose", this, arguments);
var Connection = new _Connection(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/Dispatcher.es6.js b/web/src/js/Dispatcher.es6.js
index 6ac17f9f..f1f36cc8 100644
--- a/web/src/js/Dispatcher.es6.js
+++ b/web/src/js/Dispatcher.es6.js
@@ -1,40 +1,35 @@
const PayloadSources = {
class Dispatcher {
- constructor() {
- this.callbacks = [];
- }
- register(callback){
- this.callbacks.push(callback);
- }
- unregister(callback){
- var index = this.callbacks.indexOf(f);
- if (index >= 0) {
- this.callbacks.splice(this.callbacks.indexOf(f), 1);
+ constructor() {
+ this.callbacks = [];
+ }
+ register(callback) {
+ this.callbacks.push(callback);
+ }
+ unregister(callback) {
+ var index = this.callbacks.indexOf(f);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ this.callbacks.splice(this.callbacks.indexOf(f), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ dispatch(payload) {
+ console.debug("dispatch", payload);
+ this.callbacks.forEach((callback) => {
+ callback(payload);
+ });
- }
- dispatch(payload){
- console.debug("dispatch", payload);
- this.callbacks.forEach((callback) => {
- callback(payload);
- });
- }
AppDispatcher = new Dispatcher();
-AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction = function(action){
- action.actionSource = PayloadSources.VIEW_ACTION;
- this.dispatch(action);
+AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction = function(action) {
+ action.actionSource = PayloadSources.VIEW_ACTION;
+ this.dispatch(action);
-AppDispatcher.dispatchServerAction = function(action){
- action.actionSource = PayloadSources.SERVER_ACTION;
- this.dispatch(action);
+AppDispatcher.dispatchServerAction = function(action) {
+ action.actionSource = PayloadSources.SERVER_ACTION;
+ this.dispatch(action);
}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/actions.es6.js b/web/src/js/actions.es6.js
index 6b3a5870..55cb4552 100644
--- a/web/src/js/actions.es6.js
+++ b/web/src/js/actions.es6.js
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
var ActionTypes = {
var SettingsActions = {
- update(settings) {
- settings = _.merge({}, SettingsStore.getAll(), settings);
- //TODO: Update server.
+ update(settings) {
+ settings = _.merge({}, SettingsStore.getAll(), settings);
+ //TODO: Update server.
- //Facebook Flux: We do an optimistic update on the client already.
- AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction({
- actionType: ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE,
- settings: settings
- });
- }
+ //Facebook Flux: We do an optimistic update on the client already.
+ AppDispatcher.dispatchViewAction({
+ actionType: ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE,
+ settings: settings
+ });
+ }
}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/app.js b/web/src/js/app.js
index 2049ef25..3af4c79c 100644
--- a/web/src/js/app.js
+++ b/web/src/js/app.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+$(function() {
- Connection.init();
- app = React.renderComponent(ProxyApp, document.body);
+ Connection.init();
+ app = React.renderComponent(ProxyApp, document.body);
}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/components/EventLog.react.js b/web/src/js/components/EventLog.react.js
index 3a7dedc8..6c7a7c58 100644
--- a/web/src/js/components/EventLog.react.js
+++ b/web/src/js/components/EventLog.react.js
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
/** @jsx React.DOM */
var EventLog = React.createClass({
- getInitialState(){
- return {
- log: []
- };
- },
- componentDidMount(){
- this.log = EventLogStore.getView();
- this.log.addListener("change",this.onEventLogChange);
- },
- componentWillUnmount(){
- this.log.removeListener("change",this.onEventLogChange);
- this.log.close();
- },
- onEventLogChange(){
- this.setState({
- log: this.log.getAll()
- });
- },
- close(){
- SettingsActions.update({
- showEventLog: false
- });
- },
- render(){
- var messages = this.state.log.map(row => <div key={row.id}>{row.message}</div>);
+ getInitialState() {
+ return {
+ log: []
+ };
+ },
+ componentDidMount() {
+ this.log = EventLogStore.getView();
+ this.log.addListener("change", this.onEventLogChange);
+ },
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ this.log.removeListener("change", this.onEventLogChange);
+ this.log.close();
+ },
+ onEventLogChange() {
+ this.setState({
+ log: this.log.getAll()
+ });
+ },
+ close() {
+ SettingsActions.update({
+ showEventLog: false
+ });
+ },
+ render() {
+ var messages = this.state.log.map(row => (<div key={row.id}>{row.message}</div>));
return (
<div className="eventlog">
- <pre>
- <i className="fa fa-close close-button" onClick={this.close}></i>
- {messages}
- </pre>
+ <pre>
+ <i className="fa fa-close close-button" onClick={this.close}></i>
+ {messages}
+ </pre>
diff --git a/web/src/js/components/Header.react.js b/web/src/js/components/Header.react.js
index 41202463..0131d350 100644
--- a/web/src/js/components/Header.react.js
+++ b/web/src/js/components/Header.react.js
@@ -7,21 +7,23 @@ var MainMenu = React.createClass({
- return <div>
- <button className={"btn " + (this.props.settings.showEventLog ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default")} onClick={this.toggleEventLog}>
+ return (
+ <div>
+ <button className={"btn " + (this.props.settings.showEventLog ? "btn-primary" : "btn-default")} onClick={this.toggleEventLog}>
<i className="fa fa-database"></i> Display Event Log
- </button>
- </div>;
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ );
var ToolsMenu = React.createClass({
- return (<div>Tools Menu</div>);
+ return <div>Tools Menu</div>;
var ReportsMenu = React.createClass({
- return (<div>Reports Menu</div>);
+ return <div>Reports Menu</div>;
@@ -58,7 +60,6 @@ var Header = React.createClass({
console.log("File click");
var header = [];
for(var item in _Header_Entries){
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ var Header = React.createClass({
<div className="menu">
{ menu }
- </header>);
+ </header>
+ );
}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/components/ProxyApp.react.js b/web/src/js/components/ProxyApp.react.js
index fc21ecd8..01adb089 100644
--- a/web/src/js/components/ProxyApp.react.js
+++ b/web/src/js/components/ProxyApp.react.js
@@ -2,46 +2,46 @@
//TODO: Move out of here, just a stub.
var Reports = React.createClass({
- render(){
- return (<div>Report Editor</div>);
- }
+ render(){
+ return <div>Report Editor</div>;
+ }
var ProxyAppMain = React.createClass({
- return { settings: SettingsStore.getAll() };
+ return { settings: SettingsStore.getAll() };
- SettingsStore.addListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
+ SettingsStore.addListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
- SettingsStore.removeListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
+ SettingsStore.removeListener("change", this.onSettingsChange);
- console.log("onSettingsChange");
- this.setState({settings: SettingsStore.getAll()});
+ console.log("onSettingsChange");
+ this.setState({settings: SettingsStore.getAll()});
render() {
- return (
- <div id="container">
- <Header settings={this.state.settings}/>
- <div id="main"><this.props.activeRouteHandler/></div>
- {this.state.settings.showEventLog ? <EventLog/> : null}
- <Footer/>
- </div>
- );
+ return (
+ <div id="container">
+ <Header settings={this.state.settings}/>
+ <div id="main"><this.props.activeRouteHandler/></div>
+ {this.state.settings.showEventLog ? <EventLog/> : null}
+ <Footer/>
+ </div>
+ );
var ProxyApp = (
- <ReactRouter.Routes location="hash">
- <ReactRouter.Route name="app" path="/" handler={ProxyAppMain}>
- <ReactRouter.Route name="main" handler={TrafficTable}/>
- <ReactRouter.Route name="reports" handler={Reports}/>
- <ReactRouter.Redirect to="main"/>
- </ReactRouter.Route>
- </ReactRouter.Routes>
+ <ReactRouter.Routes location="hash">
+ <ReactRouter.Route name="app" path="/" handler={ProxyAppMain}>
+ <ReactRouter.Route name="main" handler={TrafficTable}/>
+ <ReactRouter.Route name="reports" handler={Reports}/>
+ <ReactRouter.Redirect to="main"/>
+ </ReactRouter.Route>
+ </ReactRouter.Routes>
diff --git a/web/src/js/components/TrafficTable.react.js b/web/src/js/components/TrafficTable.react.js
index d6a4f200..7e9e26e3 100644
--- a/web/src/js/components/TrafficTable.react.js
+++ b/web/src/js/components/TrafficTable.react.js
@@ -1,31 +1,34 @@
/** @jsx React.DOM */
var TrafficTable = React.createClass({
- getInitialState: function(){
+ getInitialState() {
return {
flows: []
- componentDidMount(){
+ componentDidMount() {
//this.flowStore = FlowStore.getView();
- componentWillUnmount(){
+ componentWillUnmount() {
- onFlowChange(){
+ onFlowChange() {
//flows: this.flowStore.getAll()
- render: function () {
- /*var flows = this.state.flows.map(function(flow){
- return <div>{flow.request.method} {flow.request.scheme}://{flow.request.host}{flow.request.path}</div>;
- }); *//**/
- x = "Flow";
- i = 12;
- while(i--) x += x;
- return <div><pre>{x}</pre></div>;
- }
+ render() {
+ /*var flows = this.state.flows.map(function(flow){
+ return <div>{flow.request.method} {flow.request.scheme}://{flow.request.host}{flow.request.path}</div>;
+ }); */
+ //Dummy Text for layout testing
+ x = "Flow";
+ i = 12;
+ while (i--) x += x;
+ return (
+ <div><pre> { x } </pre></div>
+ );
+ }
}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/stores/EventLogStore.es6.js b/web/src/js/stores/EventLogStore.es6.js
index 55401690..e470f44f 100644
--- a/web/src/js/stores/EventLogStore.es6.js
+++ b/web/src/js/stores/EventLogStore.es6.js
@@ -1,67 +1,84 @@
-class EventLogView extends EventEmitter {
- constructor(store, live){
- super();
- this._store = store;
- this.live = live;
- this.log = [];
+// We have an EventLogView and an EventLogStore:
+// The basic architecture is that one can request views on the event log
+// from the store, which returns a view object and then deals with getting the data required for the view.
+// The view object is accessed by React components and distributes updates etc.
+// See also: components/EventLog.react.js
- this.add = this.add.bind(this);
+class EventLogView extends EventEmitter {
+ constructor(store, live) {
+ super();
+ this._store = store;
+ this.live = live;
+ this.log = [];
- if(live){
- this._store.addListener("new_entry", this.add);
- }
- }
- close() {
- this._store.removeListener("new_entry", this.add);
- }
- getAll() {
- return this.log;
- }
+ this.add = this.add.bind(this);
- add(entry){
- this.log.push(entry);
- this.emit("change");
- }
- add_bulk(messages){
- var log = messages;
- var last_id = log[log.length-1].id;
- var to_add = _.filter(this.log, entry => entry.id > last_id);
- this.log = log.concat(to_add);
- this.emit("change");
- }
+ if (live) {
+ this._store.addListener("new_entry", this.add);
+ }
+ }
+ close() {
+ this._store.removeListener("new_entry", this.add);
+ }
+ getAll() {
+ return this.log;
+ }
+ add(entry) {
+ this.log.push(entry);
+ this.emit("change");
+ }
+ add_bulk(messages) {
+ var log = messages;
+ var last_id = log[log.length - 1].id;
+ var to_add = _.filter(this.log, entry => entry.id > last_id);
+ this.log = log.concat(to_add);
+ this.emit("change");
+ }
class _EventLogStore extends EventEmitter {
- getView(since){
- var view = new EventLogView(this, !since);
- //TODO: Really do bulk retrieval of last messages.
+ getView(since) {
+ var view = new EventLogView(this, !since);
- window.setTimeout(function(){
- view.add_bulk([
- { id:1, message: "Hello World"},
- { id:2, message: "I was already transmitted as an event."}
- ]);
- }, 100);
+ //TODO: Really do bulk retrieval of last messages.
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ view.add_bulk([{
+ id: 1,
+ message: "Hello World"
+ }, {
+ id: 2,
+ message: "I was already transmitted as an event."
+ }]);
+ }, 100);
- var id = 2;
- view.add({id:id++, message: "I was already transmitted as an event."});
- view.add({id:id++, message: "I was only transmitted as an event before the bulk was added.."});
- window.setInterval(function(){
- view.add({id: id++, message: "."});
- }, 1000);
- return view;
- }
- handle(action) {
- switch (action.actionType) {
- case ActionTypes.EVENTLOG_ADD:
- this.emit("new_message", action.message);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- }
+ var id = 2;
+ view.add({
+ id: id++,
+ message: "I was already transmitted as an event."
+ });
+ view.add({
+ id: id++,
+ message: "I was only transmitted as an event before the bulk was added.."
+ });
+ window.setInterval(function() {
+ view.add({
+ id: id++,
+ message: "."
+ });
+ }, 1000);
+ return view;
+ }
+ handle(action) {
+ switch (action.actionType) {
+ case ActionTypes.EVENTLOG_ADD:
+ this.emit("new_message", action.message);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
var EventLogStore = new _EventLogStore();
AppDispatcher.register(EventLogStore.handle.bind(EventLogStore)); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/stores/SettingsStore.es6.js b/web/src/js/stores/SettingsStore.es6.js
index dea4597c..2743161e 100644
--- a/web/src/js/stores/SettingsStore.es6.js
+++ b/web/src/js/stores/SettingsStore.es6.js
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
class _SettingsStore extends EventEmitter {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.settings = { version: "0.12", showEventLog: true }; //FIXME: Need to get that from somewhere.
- }
- getAll() {
- return this.settings;
- }
- handle(action) {
- switch (action.actionType) {
- case ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE:
- this.settings = action.settings;
- this.emit("change");
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ //FIXME: What do we do if we haven't requested anything from the server yet?
+ this.settings = {
+ version: "0.12",
+ showEventLog: true
+ };
+ }
+ getAll() {
+ return this.settings;
+ }
+ handle(action) {
+ switch (action.actionType) {
+ case ActionTypes.SETTINGS_UPDATE:
+ this.settings = action.settings;
+ this.emit("change");
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
var SettingsStore = new _SettingsStore();
+AppDispatcher.register(SettingsStore.handle.bind(SettingsStore)); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/src/js/stores/base.es6.js b/web/src/js/stores/base.es6.js
index d5d0c7ab..1dc4ca2f 100644
--- a/web/src/js/stores/base.es6.js
+++ b/web/src/js/stores/base.es6.js
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
class EventEmitter {
- constructor() {
- this.listeners = {};
- }
- emit(event) {
- if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
- return;
- }
- this.listeners[event].forEach(function(listener) {
- listener.apply(this, arguments);
- }.bind(this));
- }
- addListener(event, f) {
- this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || [];
- this.listeners[event].push(f);
- }
- removeListener(event, f) {
- if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
- return false;
- }
- var index = this.listeners[event].indexOf(f);
- if (index >= 0) {
- this.listeners[event].splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
+ constructor() {
+ this.listeners = {};
+ }
+ emit(event) {
+ if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.listeners[event].forEach(function(listener) {
+ listener.apply(this, arguments);
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ addListener(event, f) {
+ this.listeners[event] = this.listeners[event] || [];
+ this.listeners[event].push(f);
+ }
+ removeListener(event, f) {
+ if (!(event in this.listeners)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var index = this.listeners[event].indexOf(f);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ this.listeners[event].splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file