path: root/web/src/js
diff options
authorMatthew Shao <me@matshao.com>2017-04-25 19:27:53 +0800
committerMatthew Shao <me@matshao.com>2017-04-25 19:27:53 +0800
commitdcac976a47046da286005ae8755630d72d251de7 (patch)
tree19abcf86e60e3d15a955eb0c8efb2cddd71b2cfd /web/src/js
parent15c19d2bc63e667a95bdc1f6f5b5af056264280f (diff)
parent161cdff25e440b3ec89b8f5a28f56d0d8159e5e5 (diff)
Merge branch 'jest-dev' of https://github.com/MatthewShao/mitmproxy into jest-dev
Diffstat (limited to 'web/src/js')
3 files changed, 225 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/web/src/js/__tests__/ducks/flowsSpec.js b/web/src/js/__tests__/ducks/flowsSpec.js
index 185e12bb..868e0621 100644
--- a/web/src/js/__tests__/ducks/flowsSpec.js
+++ b/web/src/js/__tests__/ducks/flowsSpec.js
@@ -1,32 +1,209 @@
-import reduceFlows, * as flowActions from '../../ducks/flows'
-import reduceStore from '../../ducks/utils/store'
-describe('select flow', () => {
- let state = reduceFlows(undefined, {})
+import reduceFlows from "../../ducks/flows"
+import * as flowActions from "../../ducks/flows"
+import reduceStore from "../../ducks/utils/store"
+import {fetchApi} from "../../utils"
+import {createStore} from "./tutils"
+describe('flow reducer', () => {
+ let state = undefined
for (let i of [1, 2, 3, 4]) {
- state = reduceFlows(state, {type: flowActions.ADD, data: {id: i}, cmd: 'add'})
+ state = reduceFlows(state, { type: flowActions.ADD, data: { id: i }, cmd: 'add' })
- it('should be possible to select a single flow', () => {
- expect(reduceFlows(state, flowActions.select(2))).toEqual(
- {
- ...state,
- selected: [2],
- }
- )
- })
- it('should be possible to deselect a flow', () => {
- expect(reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [1] }, flowActions.select())).toEqual(
- {
- ...state,
- selected: [],
- }
- )
+ it('should return initial state', () => {
+ expect(reduceFlows(undefined, {})).toEqual({
+ highlight: null,
+ filter: null,
+ sort: { column: null, desc: false },
+ selected: [],
+ ...reduceStore(undefined, {})
+ })
+ })
+ describe('selections', () => {
+ it('should be possible to select a single flow', () => {
+ expect(reduceFlows(state, flowActions.select(2))).toEqual(
+ {
+ ...state,
+ selected: [2],
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should be possible to deselect a flow', () => {
+ expect(reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [1] }, flowActions.select())).toEqual(
+ {
+ ...state,
+ selected: [],
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should be possible to select relative', () => {
+ // haven't selected any flow
+ expect(
+ flowActions.selectRelative(state, 1)
+ ).toEqual(
+ flowActions.select(4)
+ )
+ // already selected some flows
+ expect(
+ flowActions.selectRelative({ ...state, selected: [2] }, 1)
+ ).toEqual(
+ flowActions.select(3)
+ )
+ })
+ it('should update state.selected on remove', () => {
+ let next
+ next = reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [2] }, {
+ type: flowActions.REMOVE,
+ data: 2,
+ cmd: 'remove'
+ })
+ expect(next.selected).toEqual([3])
+ //last row
+ next = reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [4] }, {
+ type: flowActions.REMOVE,
+ data: 4,
+ cmd: 'remove'
+ })
+ expect(next.selected).toEqual([3])
+ //multiple selection
+ next = reduceFlows({ ...state, selected: [2, 3, 4] }, {
+ type: flowActions.REMOVE,
+ data: 3,
+ cmd: 'remove'
+ })
+ expect(next.selected).toEqual([2, 4])
+ })
+ })
+ it('should be possible to set filter', () => {
+ let filt = "~u 123"
+ expect(reduceFlows(undefined, flowActions.setFilter(filt)).filter).toEqual(filt)
+ })
+ it('should be possible to set highlight', () => {
+ let key = "foo"
+ expect(reduceFlows(undefined, flowActions.setHighlight(key)).highlight).toEqual(key)
+ })
+ it('should be possible to set sort', () => {
+ let sort = { column: "TLSColumn", desc: 1 }
+ expect(reduceFlows(undefined, flowActions.setSort(sort.column, sort.desc)).sort).toEqual(sort)
+ })
+describe('flows actions', () => {
+ let store = createStore({reduceFlows})
+ let tflow = { id: 1 }
+ it('should handle resume action', () => {
+ store.dispatch(flowActions.resume(tflow))
+ expect(fetchApi).toBeCalledWith('/flows/1/resume', { method: 'POST' })
+ })
+ it('should handle resumeAll action', () => {
+ flowActions.resumeAll()()
+ })
+ it('should handle kill action', () => {
+ flowActions.kill(tflow)()
+ })
+ it('should handle killAll action', () => {
+ flowActions.killAll()()
+ })
+ it('should handle remove action', () => {
+ flowActions.remove(tflow)()
+ })
+ it('should handle duplicate action', () => {
+ flowActions.duplicate(tflow)()
+ })
+ it('should handle replay action', () => {
+ flowActions.replay(tflow)()
+ })
+ it('should handle revert action', () => {
+ flowActions.revert(tflow)()
+ })
+ it('should handle update action', () => {
+ flowActions.update(tflow, "foo")()
+ })
+ it('should handle updateContent action', () => {
+ flowActions.uploadContent(tflow, "foo", "foo")()
+ })
+ it('should handle clear action', () => {
+ flowActions.clear()()
+ })
+ it('should handle download action', () => {
+ let state = reduceFlows(undefined, {})
+ expect(reduceFlows(state, flowActions.download())).toEqual(state)
+ })
+ it('should handle upload action', () => {
+ flowActions.upload("foo")()
+ })
+describe('makeSort', () => {
+ it('should be possible to sort by TLSColumn', () => {
+ let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'TLSColumn', desc: true }),
+ a = { request: { scheme: 'http' } },
+ b = { request: { scheme: 'https' } }
+ expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(1)
+ })
+ it('should be possible to sort by PathColumn', () => {
+ let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'PathColumn', desc: true }),
+ a = { request: {} },
+ b = { request: {} }
+ expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(0)
+ })
+ it('should be possible to sort by MethodColumn', () => {
+ let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'MethodColumn', desc: true }),
+ a = { request: { method: 'GET' } },
+ b = { request: { method: 'POST' } }
+ expect(sort(b, a)).toEqual(-1)
+ })
+ it('should be possible to sort by StatusColumn', () => {
+ let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'StatusColumn', desc: false }),
+ a = { response: { status_code: 200 } },
+ b = { response: { status_code: 404 } }
+ expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(-1)
+ })
+ it('should be possible to sort by TimeColumn', () => {
+ let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'TimeColumn', desc: false }),
+ a = { response: { timestamp_end: 9 }, request: { timestamp_start: 8 } },
+ b = { response: { timestamp_end: 10 }, request: { timestamp_start: 8 } }
+ expect(sort(b, a)).toEqual(1)
+ })
+ it('should be possible to sort by SizeColumn', () => {
+ let sort = flowActions.makeSort({ column: 'SizeColumn', desc: true }),
+ a = { request: { contentLength: 1 }, response: { contentLength: 1 } },
+ b = { request: { contentLength: 1 } }
+ expect(sort(a, b)).toEqual(-1)
it('should be possible to select relative',() => {
diff --git a/web/src/js/ducks/flows.js b/web/src/js/ducks/flows.js
index 92408891..d36bc247 100644
--- a/web/src/js/ducks/flows.js
+++ b/web/src/js/ducks/flows.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { fetchApi } from "../utils"
-import reduceStore, * as storeActions from "./utils/store"
+import reduceStore from "./utils/store"
+import * as storeActions from "./utils/store"
import Filt from "../filt/filt"
import { RequestUtils } from "../flow/utils"
@@ -29,8 +30,6 @@ export default function reduce(state = defaultState, action) {
case UPDATE:
case REMOVE:
- // FIXME: Update state.selected on REMOVE:
- // The selected flow may have been removed, we need to select the next one in the view.
let storeAction = storeActions[action.cmd](
@@ -152,22 +151,20 @@ export function setSort(column, desc) {
return { type: SET_SORT, sort: { column, desc } }
-export function selectRelative(shift) {
- return (dispatch, getState) => {
- let currentSelectionIndex = getState().flows.viewIndex[getState().flows.selected[0]]
- let minIndex = 0
- let maxIndex = getState().flows.view.length - 1
- let newIndex
- if (currentSelectionIndex === undefined) {
- newIndex = (shift < 0) ? minIndex : maxIndex
- } else {
- newIndex = currentSelectionIndex + shift
- newIndex = window.Math.max(newIndex, minIndex)
- newIndex = window.Math.min(newIndex, maxIndex)
- }
- let flow = getState().flows.view[newIndex]
- dispatch(select(flow ? flow.id : undefined))
+export function selectRelative(flows, shift) {
+ let currentSelectionIndex = flows.viewIndex[flows.selected[0]]
+ let minIndex = 0
+ let maxIndex = flows.view.length - 1
+ let newIndex
+ if (currentSelectionIndex === undefined) {
+ newIndex = (shift < 0) ? minIndex : maxIndex
+ } else {
+ newIndex = currentSelectionIndex + shift
+ newIndex = window.Math.max(newIndex, minIndex)
+ newIndex = window.Math.min(newIndex, maxIndex)
+ let flow = flows.view[newIndex]
+ return select(flow ? flow.id : undefined)
diff --git a/web/src/js/ducks/ui/keyboard.js b/web/src/js/ducks/ui/keyboard.js
index 30fd76e1..0e3491fa 100644
--- a/web/src/js/ducks/ui/keyboard.js
+++ b/web/src/js/ducks/ui/keyboard.js
@@ -9,39 +9,40 @@ export function onKeyDown(e) {
return () => {
- var key = e.keyCode
- var shiftKey = e.shiftKey
+ let key = e.keyCode,
+ shiftKey = e.shiftKey
return (dispatch, getState) => {
- const flow = getState().flows.byId[getState().flows.selected[0]]
+ const flows = getState().flows,
+ flow = flows.byId[getState().flows.selected[0]]
switch (key) {
case Key.K:
case Key.UP:
- dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(-1))
+ dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(flows, -1))
case Key.J:
case Key.DOWN:
- dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(+1))
+ dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(flows, +1))
case Key.SPACE:
case Key.PAGE_DOWN:
- dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(+10))
+ dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(flows, +10))
case Key.PAGE_UP:
- dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(-10))
+ dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(flows, -10))
case Key.END:
- dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(+1e10))
+ dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(flows, +1e10))
case Key.HOME:
- dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(-1e10))
+ dispatch(flowsActions.selectRelative(flows, -1e10))
case Key.ESC: