path: root/test/netlib/http/test_cookies.py
diff options
authorAldo Cortesi <aldo@nullcube.com>2016-10-20 11:56:38 +1300
committerAldo Cortesi <aldo@nullcube.com>2016-10-20 11:56:38 +1300
commit8430f857b504a3e7406dc36e54dc32783569d0dd (patch)
treed3116cd540faf01f272a0892fc6a9b83b4f6de8a /test/netlib/http/test_cookies.py
parent853e03a5e753354fad3a3fa5384ef3a09384ef43 (diff)
The final piece: netlib -> mitproxy.net
Diffstat (limited to 'test/netlib/http/test_cookies.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/test/netlib/http/test_cookies.py b/test/netlib/http/test_cookies.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ca10a69c..00000000
--- a/test/netlib/http/test_cookies.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-import time
-from netlib.http import cookies
-from mitmproxy.test.tutils import raises
-import mock
-cookie_pairs = [
- [
- "",
- []
- ],
- [
- "one=uno",
- [["one", "uno"]]
- ],
- [
- "one",
- [["one", None]]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno; two=due",
- [["one", "uno"], ["two", "due"]]
- ],
- [
- 'one="uno"; two="\due"',
- [["one", "uno"], ["two", "due"]]
- ],
- [
- 'one="un\\"o"',
- [["one", 'un"o']]
- ],
- [
- 'one="uno,due"',
- [["one", 'uno,due']]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno; two; three=tre",
- [["one", "uno"], ["two", None], ["three", "tre"]]
- ],
- [
- "_lvs2=zHai1+Hq+Tc2vmc2r4GAbdOI5Jopg3EwsdUT9g=; "
- "_rcc2=53VdltWl+Ov6ordflA==;",
- [
- ["_lvs2", "zHai1+Hq+Tc2vmc2r4GAbdOI5Jopg3EwsdUT9g="],
- ["_rcc2", "53VdltWl+Ov6ordflA=="]
- ]
- ]
-def test_read_key():
- tokens = [
- [("foo", 0), ("foo", 3)],
- [("foo", 1), ("oo", 3)],
- [(" foo", 0), (" foo", 4)],
- [(" foo", 1), ("foo", 4)],
- [(" foo;", 1), ("foo", 4)],
- [(" foo=", 1), ("foo", 4)],
- [(" foo=bar", 1), ("foo", 4)],
- ]
- for q, a in tokens:
- assert cookies._read_key(*q) == a
-def test_read_quoted_string():
- tokens = [
- [('"foo" x', 0), ("foo", 5)],
- [('"f\oo" x', 0), ("foo", 6)],
- [(r'"f\\o" x', 0), (r"f\o", 6)],
- [(r'"f\\" x', 0), (r"f" + '\\', 5)],
- [('"fo\\\"" x', 0), ("fo\"", 6)],
- [('"foo" x', 7), ("", 8)],
- ]
- for q, a in tokens:
- assert cookies._read_quoted_string(*q) == a
-def test_read_cookie_pairs():
- vals = [
- [
- "one",
- [["one", None]]
- ],
- [
- "one=two",
- [["one", "two"]]
- ],
- [
- "one=",
- [["one", ""]]
- ],
- [
- 'one="two"',
- [["one", "two"]]
- ],
- [
- 'one="two"; three=four',
- [["one", "two"], ["three", "four"]]
- ],
- [
- 'one="two"; three=four; five',
- [["one", "two"], ["three", "four"], ["five", None]]
- ],
- [
- 'one="\\"two"; three=four',
- [["one", '"two'], ["three", "four"]]
- ],
- ]
- for s, lst in vals:
- ret, off = cookies._read_cookie_pairs(s)
- assert ret == lst
-def test_pairs_roundtrips():
- for s, expected in cookie_pairs:
- ret, off = cookies._read_cookie_pairs(s)
- assert ret == expected
- s2 = cookies._format_pairs(expected)
- ret, off = cookies._read_cookie_pairs(s2)
- assert ret == expected
-def test_cookie_roundtrips():
- for s, expected in cookie_pairs:
- ret = cookies.parse_cookie_header(s)
- assert ret == expected
- s2 = cookies.format_cookie_header(expected)
- ret = cookies.parse_cookie_header(s2)
- assert ret == expected
-def test_parse_set_cookie_pairs():
- pairs = [
- [
- "one=uno",
- [[
- ["one", "uno"]
- ]]
- ],
- [
- "one=un\x20",
- [[
- ["one", "un\x20"]
- ]]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno; foo",
- [[
- ["one", "uno"],
- ["foo", None]
- ]]
- ],
- [
- "mun=1.390.f60; "
- "expires=sun, 11-oct-2015 12:38:31 gmt; path=/; "
- "domain=b.aol.com",
- [[
- ["mun", "1.390.f60"],
- ["expires", "sun, 11-oct-2015 12:38:31 gmt"],
- ["path", "/"],
- ["domain", "b.aol.com"]
- ]]
- ],
- [
- r'rpb=190%3d1%2616726%3d1%2634832%3d1%2634874%3d1; '
- 'domain=.rubiconproject.com; '
- 'expires=mon, 11-may-2015 21:54:57 gmt; '
- 'path=/',
- [[
- ['rpb', r'190%3d1%2616726%3d1%2634832%3d1%2634874%3d1'],
- ['domain', '.rubiconproject.com'],
- ['expires', 'mon, 11-may-2015 21:54:57 gmt'],
- ['path', '/']
- ]]
- ],
- ]
- for s, expected in pairs:
- ret, off = cookies._read_set_cookie_pairs(s)
- assert ret == expected
- s2 = cookies._format_set_cookie_pairs(expected[0])
- ret2, off = cookies._read_set_cookie_pairs(s2)
- assert ret2 == expected
-def test_parse_set_cookie_header():
- def set_cookie_equal(obs, exp):
- assert obs[0] == exp[0]
- assert obs[1] == exp[1]
- assert obs[2].items(multi=True) == exp[2]
- vals = [
- [
- "", []
- ],
- [
- ";", []
- ],
- [
- "one=uno",
- [
- ("one", "uno", ())
- ]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno; foo=bar",
- [
- ("one", "uno", (("foo", "bar"),))
- ]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno; foo=bar; foo=baz",
- [
- ("one", "uno", (("foo", "bar"), ("foo", "baz")))
- ]
- ],
- # Comma Separated Variant of Set-Cookie Headers
- [
- "foo=bar, doo=dar",
- [
- ("foo", "bar", ()),
- ("doo", "dar", ()),
- ]
- ],
- [
- "foo=bar; path=/, doo=dar; roo=rar; zoo=zar",
- [
- ("foo", "bar", (("path", "/"),)),
- ("doo", "dar", (("roo", "rar"), ("zoo", "zar"))),
- ]
- ],
- [
- "foo=bar; expires=Mon, 24 Aug 2037",
- [
- ("foo", "bar", (("expires", "Mon, 24 Aug 2037"),)),
- ]
- ],
- [
- "foo=bar; expires=Mon, 24 Aug 2037 00:00:00 GMT, doo=dar",
- [
- ("foo", "bar", (("expires", "Mon, 24 Aug 2037 00:00:00 GMT"),)),
- ("doo", "dar", ()),
- ]
- ],
- ]
- for s, expected in vals:
- ret = cookies.parse_set_cookie_header(s)
- if expected:
- for i in range(len(expected)):
- set_cookie_equal(ret[i], expected[i])
- s2 = cookies.format_set_cookie_header(ret)
- ret2 = cookies.parse_set_cookie_header(s2)
- for i in range(len(expected)):
- set_cookie_equal(ret2[i], expected[i])
- else:
- assert not ret
-def test_refresh_cookie():
- # Invalid expires format, sent to us by Reddit.
- c = "rfoo=bar; Domain=reddit.com; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT; Path=/"
- assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)
- c = "MOO=BAR; Expires=Tue, 08-Mar-2011 00:20:38 GMT; Path=foo.com; Secure"
- assert "00:21:38" in cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)
- c = "foo,bar"
- with raises(ValueError):
- cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)
- # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/773
- c = ">=A"
- assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 60)
- # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/1118
- c = "foo:bar=bla"
- assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 0)
- c = "foo/bar=bla"
- assert cookies.refresh_set_cookie_header(c, 0)
-def test_get_expiration_ts(*args):
- # Freeze time
- now_ts = 17
- time.time.return_value = now_ts
- CA = cookies.CookieAttrs
- F = cookies.get_expiration_ts
- assert F(CA([("Expires", "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT")])) == 0
- assert F(CA([("Expires", "Mon, 24-Aug-2037 00:00:00 GMT")])) == 2134684800
- assert F(CA([("Max-Age", "0")])) == now_ts
- assert F(CA([("Max-Age", "31")])) == now_ts + 31
-def test_is_expired():
- CA = cookies.CookieAttrs
- # A cookie can be expired
- # by setting the expire time in the past
- assert cookies.is_expired(CA([("Expires", "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT")]))
- # or by setting Max-Age to 0
- assert cookies.is_expired(CA([("Max-Age", "0")]))
- # or both
- assert cookies.is_expired(CA([("Expires", "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT"), ("Max-Age", "0")]))
- assert not cookies.is_expired(CA([("Expires", "Mon, 24-Aug-2037 00:00:00 GMT")]))
- assert not cookies.is_expired(CA([("Max-Age", "1")]))
- assert not cookies.is_expired(CA([("Expires", "Wed, 15-Jul-2037 00:00:00 GMT"), ("Max-Age", "1")]))
- assert not cookies.is_expired(CA([("Max-Age", "nan")]))
- assert not cookies.is_expired(CA([("Expires", "false")]))
-def test_group_cookies():
- CA = cookies.CookieAttrs
- groups = [
- [
- "one=uno; foo=bar; foo=baz",
- [
- ('one', 'uno', CA([])),
- ('foo', 'bar', CA([])),
- ('foo', 'baz', CA([]))
- ]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno; Path=/; foo=bar; Max-Age=0; foo=baz; expires=24-08-1993",
- [
- ('one', 'uno', CA([('Path', '/')])),
- ('foo', 'bar', CA([('Max-Age', '0')])),
- ('foo', 'baz', CA([('expires', '24-08-1993')]))
- ]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno;",
- [
- ('one', 'uno', CA([]))
- ]
- ],
- [
- "one=uno; Path=/; Max-Age=0; Expires=24-08-1993",
- [
- ('one', 'uno', CA([('Path', '/'), ('Max-Age', '0'), ('Expires', '24-08-1993')]))
- ]
- ],
- [
- "path=val; Path=/",
- [
- ('path', 'val', CA([('Path', '/')]))
- ]
- ]
- ]
- for c, expected in groups:
- observed = cookies.group_cookies(cookies.parse_cookie_header(c))
- assert observed == expected