path: root/netlib/tcp.py
diff options
authorMaximilian Hils <git@maximilianhils.com>2016-02-18 13:03:40 +0100
committerMaximilian Hils <git@maximilianhils.com>2016-02-18 13:03:40 +0100
commitd33d3663ecb166461d9cb5a78a29b44ee7a8fbb7 (patch)
treefe8856f65d1dafa946150c5acbaf6e942ba3c026 /netlib/tcp.py
parent294774d6f0dee95b02a93307ec493b111b7f171e (diff)
combine projects
Diffstat (limited to 'netlib/tcp.py')
1 files changed, 911 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netlib/tcp.py b/netlib/tcp.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61b41cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netlib/tcp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
+import os
+import select
+import socket
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+import binascii
+from six.moves import range
+import certifi
+from backports import ssl_match_hostname
+import six
+import OpenSSL
+from OpenSSL import SSL
+from . import certutils, version_check, utils
+# This is a rather hackish way to make sure that
+# the latest version of pyOpenSSL is actually installed.
+from netlib.exceptions import InvalidCertificateException, TcpReadIncomplete, TlsException, \
+ TcpTimeout, TcpDisconnect, TcpException
+if six.PY2:
+ socket_fileobject = socket._fileobject
+ socket_fileobject = socket.SocketIO
+EINTR = 4
+if os.environ.get("NO_ALPN"):
+ HAS_ALPN = False
+ HAS_ALPN = OpenSSL._util.lib.Cryptography_HAS_ALPN
+# To enable all SSL methods use: SSLv23
+# then add options to disable certain methods
+# https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyopenssl/+bug/1020632/comments/3
+if hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_COMPRESSION"):
+if hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_COMPRESSION"):
+Map a reasonable SSL version specification into the format OpenSSL expects.
+Don't ask...
+sslversion_choices = {
+ # SSLv23_METHOD + NO_SSLv2 + NO_SSLv3 == TLS 1.0+
+ # TLSv1_METHOD would be TLS 1.0 only
+class SSLKeyLogger(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.f = None
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ # required for functools.wraps, which pyOpenSSL uses.
+ __name__ = "SSLKeyLogger"
+ def __call__(self, connection, where, ret):
+ if where == SSL.SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE and ret == 1:
+ with self.lock:
+ if not self.f:
+ d = os.path.dirname(self.filename)
+ if not os.path.isdir(d):
+ os.makedirs(d)
+ self.f = open(self.filename, "ab")
+ self.f.write(b"\r\n")
+ client_random = binascii.hexlify(connection.client_random())
+ masterkey = binascii.hexlify(connection.master_key())
+ self.f.write(b"CLIENT_RANDOM %s %s\r\n" % (client_random, masterkey))
+ self.f.flush()
+ def close(self):
+ with self.lock:
+ if self.f:
+ self.f.close()
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_logfun(filename):
+ if filename:
+ return SSLKeyLogger(filename)
+ return False
+log_ssl_key = SSLKeyLogger.create_logfun(
+class _FileLike(object):
+ BLOCKSIZE = 1024 * 32
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ self.o = o
+ self._log = None
+ self.first_byte_timestamp = None
+ def set_descriptor(self, o):
+ self.o = o
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self.o, attr)
+ def start_log(self):
+ """
+ Starts or resets the log.
+ This will store all bytes read or written.
+ """
+ self._log = []
+ def stop_log(self):
+ """
+ Stops the log.
+ """
+ self._log = None
+ def is_logging(self):
+ return self._log is not None
+ def get_log(self):
+ """
+ Returns the log as a string.
+ """
+ if not self.is_logging():
+ raise ValueError("Not logging!")
+ return b"".join(self._log)
+ def add_log(self, v):
+ if self.is_logging():
+ self._log.append(v)
+ def reset_timestamps(self):
+ self.first_byte_timestamp = None
+class Writer(_FileLike):
+ def flush(self):
+ """
+ May raise TcpDisconnect
+ """
+ if hasattr(self.o, "flush"):
+ try:
+ self.o.flush()
+ except (socket.error, IOError) as v:
+ raise TcpDisconnect(str(v))
+ def write(self, v):
+ """
+ May raise TcpDisconnect
+ """
+ if v:
+ self.first_byte_timestamp = self.first_byte_timestamp or time.time()
+ try:
+ if hasattr(self.o, "sendall"):
+ self.add_log(v)
+ return self.o.sendall(v)
+ else:
+ r = self.o.write(v)
+ self.add_log(v[:r])
+ return r
+ except (SSL.Error, socket.error) as e:
+ raise TcpDisconnect(str(e))
+class Reader(_FileLike):
+ def read(self, length):
+ """
+ If length is -1, we read until connection closes.
+ """
+ result = b''
+ start = time.time()
+ while length == -1 or length > 0:
+ if length == -1 or length > self.BLOCKSIZE:
+ rlen = self.BLOCKSIZE
+ else:
+ rlen = length
+ try:
+ data = self.o.read(rlen)
+ except SSL.ZeroReturnError:
+ # TLS connection was shut down cleanly
+ break
+ except (SSL.WantWriteError, SSL.WantReadError):
+ # From the OpenSSL docs:
+ # If the underlying BIO is non-blocking, SSL_read() will also return when the
+ # underlying BIO could not satisfy the needs of SSL_read() to continue the
+ # operation. In this case a call to SSL_get_error with the return value of
+ if (time.time() - start) < self.o.gettimeout():
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise TcpTimeout()
+ except socket.timeout:
+ raise TcpTimeout()
+ except socket.error as e:
+ raise TcpDisconnect(str(e))
+ except SSL.SysCallError as e:
+ if e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
+ break
+ raise TlsException(str(e))
+ except SSL.Error as e:
+ raise TlsException(str(e))
+ self.first_byte_timestamp = self.first_byte_timestamp or time.time()
+ if not data:
+ break
+ result += data
+ if length != -1:
+ length -= len(data)
+ self.add_log(result)
+ return result
+ def readline(self, size=None):
+ result = b''
+ bytes_read = 0
+ while True:
+ if size is not None and bytes_read >= size:
+ break
+ ch = self.read(1)
+ bytes_read += 1
+ if not ch:
+ break
+ else:
+ result += ch
+ if ch == b'\n':
+ break
+ return result
+ def safe_read(self, length):
+ """
+ Like .read, but is guaranteed to either return length bytes, or
+ raise an exception.
+ """
+ result = self.read(length)
+ if length != -1 and len(result) != length:
+ if not result:
+ raise TcpDisconnect()
+ else:
+ raise TcpReadIncomplete(
+ "Expected %s bytes, got %s" % (length, len(result))
+ )
+ return result
+ def peek(self, length):
+ """
+ Tries to peek into the underlying file object.
+ Returns:
+ Up to the next N bytes if peeking is successful.
+ Raises:
+ TcpException if there was an error with the socket
+ TlsException if there was an error with pyOpenSSL.
+ NotImplementedError if the underlying file object is not a [pyOpenSSL] socket
+ """
+ if isinstance(self.o, socket_fileobject):
+ try:
+ return self.o._sock.recv(length, socket.MSG_PEEK)
+ except socket.error as e:
+ raise TcpException(repr(e))
+ elif isinstance(self.o, SSL.Connection):
+ try:
+ if tuple(int(x) for x in OpenSSL.__version__.split(".")[:2]) > (0, 15):
+ return self.o.recv(length, socket.MSG_PEEK)
+ else:
+ # TODO: remove once a new version is released
+ # Polyfill for pyOpenSSL <= 0.15.1
+ # Taken from https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/commit/1d95dea7fea03c7c0df345a5ea30c12d8a0378d2
+ buf = SSL._ffi.new("char[]", length)
+ result = SSL._lib.SSL_peek(self.o._ssl, buf, length)
+ self.o._raise_ssl_error(self.o._ssl, result)
+ return SSL._ffi.buffer(buf, result)[:]
+ except SSL.Error as e:
+ six.reraise(TlsException, TlsException(str(e)), sys.exc_info()[2])
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Can only peek into (pyOpenSSL) sockets")
+class Address(utils.Serializable):
+ """
+ This class wraps an IPv4/IPv6 tuple to provide named attributes and
+ ipv6 information.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, address, use_ipv6=False):
+ self.address = tuple(address)
+ self.use_ipv6 = use_ipv6
+ def get_state(self):
+ return {
+ "address": self.address,
+ "use_ipv6": self.use_ipv6
+ }
+ def set_state(self, state):
+ self.address = state["address"]
+ self.use_ipv6 = state["use_ipv6"]
+ @classmethod
+ def from_state(cls, state):
+ return Address(**state)
+ @classmethod
+ def wrap(cls, t):
+ if isinstance(t, cls):
+ return t
+ else:
+ return cls(t)
+ def __call__(self):
+ return self.address
+ @property
+ def host(self):
+ return self.address[0]
+ @property
+ def port(self):
+ return self.address[1]
+ @property
+ def use_ipv6(self):
+ return self.family == socket.AF_INET6
+ @use_ipv6.setter
+ def use_ipv6(self, b):
+ self.family = socket.AF_INET6 if b else socket.AF_INET
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "{}:{}".format(self.host, self.port)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.address)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return False
+ other = Address.wrap(other)
+ return (self.address, self.family) == (other.address, other.family)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.address) ^ 42 # different hash than the tuple alone.
+def ssl_read_select(rlist, timeout):
+ """
+ This is a wrapper around select.select() which also works for SSL.Connections
+ by taking ssl_connection.pending() into account.
+ Caveats:
+ If .pending() > 0 for any of the connections in rlist, we avoid the select syscall
+ and **will not include any other connections which may or may not be ready**.
+ Args:
+ rlist: wait until ready for reading
+ Returns:
+ subset of rlist which is ready for reading.
+ """
+ return [
+ conn for conn in rlist
+ if isinstance(conn, SSL.Connection) and conn.pending() > 0
+ ] or select.select(rlist, (), (), timeout)[0]
+def close_socket(sock):
+ """
+ Does a hard close of a socket, without emitting a RST.
+ """
+ try:
+ # We already indicate that we close our end.
+ # may raise "Transport endpoint is not connected" on Linux
+ sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
+ # Section of RFC 1122 tells us that a close() with any pending
+ # readable data could lead to an immediate RST being sent (which is the
+ # case on Windows).
+ # http://ia600609.us.archive.org/22/items/TheUltimateSo_lingerPageOrWhyIsMyTcpNotReliable/the-ultimate-so_linger-page-or-why-is-my-tcp-not-reliable.html
+ #
+ # This in turn results in the following issue: If we send an error page
+ # to the client and then close the socket, the RST may be received by
+ # the client before the error page and the users sees a connection
+ # error rather than the error page. Thus, we try to empty the read
+ # buffer on Windows first. (see
+ # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/527#issuecomment-93782988)
+ #
+ if os.name == "nt": # pragma: no cover
+ # We cannot rely on the shutdown()-followed-by-read()-eof technique
+ # proposed by the page above: Some remote machines just don't send
+ # a TCP FIN, which would leave us in the unfortunate situation that
+ # recv() would block infinitely. As a workaround, we set a timeout
+ # here even if we are in blocking mode.
+ sock.settimeout(sock.gettimeout() or 20)
+ # limit at a megabyte so that we don't read infinitely
+ for _ in range(1024 ** 3 // 4096):
+ # may raise a timeout/disconnect exception.
+ if not sock.recv(4096):
+ break
+ # Now we can close the other half as well.
+ sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD)
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ sock.close()
+class _Connection(object):
+ rbufsize = -1
+ wbufsize = -1
+ def _makefile(self):
+ """
+ Set up .rfile and .wfile attributes from .connection
+ """
+ # Ideally, we would use the Buffered IO in Python 3 by default.
+ # Unfortunately, the implementation of .peek() is broken for n>1 bytes,
+ # as it may just return what's left in the buffer and not all the bytes we want.
+ # As a workaround, we just use unbuffered sockets directly.
+ # https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-June/089986.html
+ if six.PY2:
+ self.rfile = Reader(self.connection.makefile('rb', self.rbufsize))
+ self.wfile = Writer(self.connection.makefile('wb', self.wbufsize))
+ else:
+ self.rfile = Reader(socket.SocketIO(self.connection, "rb"))
+ self.wfile = Writer(socket.SocketIO(self.connection, "wb"))
+ def __init__(self, connection):
+ if connection:
+ self.connection = connection
+ self._makefile()
+ else:
+ self.connection = None
+ self.rfile = None
+ self.wfile = None
+ self.ssl_established = False
+ self.finished = False
+ def get_current_cipher(self):
+ if not self.ssl_established:
+ return None
+ name = self.connection.get_cipher_name()
+ bits = self.connection.get_cipher_bits()
+ version = self.connection.get_cipher_version()
+ return name, bits, version
+ def finish(self):
+ self.finished = True
+ # If we have an SSL connection, wfile.close == connection.close
+ # (We call _FileLike.set_descriptor(conn))
+ # Closing the socket is not our task, therefore we don't call close
+ # then.
+ if not isinstance(self.connection, SSL.Connection):
+ if not getattr(self.wfile, "closed", False):
+ try:
+ self.wfile.flush()
+ self.wfile.close()
+ except TcpDisconnect:
+ pass
+ self.rfile.close()
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.connection.shutdown()
+ except SSL.Error:
+ pass
+ def _create_ssl_context(self,
+ verify_options=SSL.VERIFY_NONE,
+ ca_path=None,
+ ca_pemfile=None,
+ cipher_list=None,
+ alpn_protos=None,
+ alpn_select=None,
+ alpn_select_callback=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Creates an SSL Context.
+ :param method: One of SSLv2_METHOD, SSLv3_METHOD, SSLv23_METHOD, TLSv1_METHOD, TLSv1_1_METHOD, or TLSv1_2_METHOD
+ :param options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.OP_* values
+ :param verify_options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_* values
+ :param ca_path: Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates prepared using the c_rehash tool
+ :param ca_pemfile: Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate
+ :param cipher_list: A textual OpenSSL cipher list, see https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html
+ :rtype : SSL.Context
+ """
+ context = SSL.Context(method)
+ # Options (NO_SSLv2/3)
+ if options is not None:
+ context.set_options(options)
+ # Verify Options (NONE/PEER and trusted CAs)
+ if verify_options is not None:
+ def verify_cert(conn, x509, errno, err_depth, is_cert_verified):
+ if not is_cert_verified:
+ self.ssl_verification_error = dict(errno=errno,
+ depth=err_depth)
+ return is_cert_verified
+ context.set_verify(verify_options, verify_cert)
+ if ca_path is None and ca_pemfile is None:
+ ca_pemfile = certifi.where()
+ context.load_verify_locations(ca_pemfile, ca_path)
+ # Workaround for
+ # https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/issues/190
+ # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/472
+ # Options already set before are not cleared.
+ context.set_mode(SSL._lib.SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY)
+ # Cipher List
+ if cipher_list:
+ try:
+ context.set_cipher_list(cipher_list)
+ # TODO: maybe change this to with newer pyOpenSSL APIs
+ context.set_tmp_ecdh(OpenSSL.crypto.get_elliptic_curve('prime256v1'))
+ except SSL.Error as v:
+ raise TlsException("SSL cipher specification error: %s" % str(v))
+ if log_ssl_key:
+ context.set_info_callback(log_ssl_key)
+ if HAS_ALPN:
+ if alpn_protos is not None:
+ # advertise application layer protocols
+ context.set_alpn_protos(alpn_protos)
+ elif alpn_select is not None and alpn_select_callback is None:
+ # select application layer protocol
+ def alpn_select_callback(conn_, options):
+ if alpn_select in options:
+ return bytes(alpn_select)
+ else: # pragma no cover
+ return options[0]
+ context.set_alpn_select_callback(alpn_select_callback)
+ elif alpn_select_callback is not None and alpn_select is None:
+ context.set_alpn_select_callback(alpn_select_callback)
+ elif alpn_select_callback is not None and alpn_select is not None:
+ raise TlsException("ALPN error: only define alpn_select (string) OR alpn_select_callback (method).")
+ return context
+class TCPClient(_Connection):
+ def __init__(self, address, source_address=None):
+ super(TCPClient, self).__init__(None)
+ self.address = address
+ self.source_address = source_address
+ self.cert = None
+ self.ssl_verification_error = None
+ self.sni = None
+ @property
+ def address(self):
+ return self.__address
+ @address.setter
+ def address(self, address):
+ if address:
+ self.__address = Address.wrap(address)
+ else:
+ self.__address = None
+ @property
+ def source_address(self):
+ return self.__source_address
+ @source_address.setter
+ def source_address(self, source_address):
+ if source_address:
+ self.__source_address = Address.wrap(source_address)
+ else:
+ self.__source_address = None
+ def close(self):
+ # Make sure to close the real socket, not the SSL proxy.
+ # OpenSSL is really good at screwing up, i.e. when trying to recv from a failed connection,
+ # it tries to renegotiate...
+ if isinstance(self.connection, SSL.Connection):
+ close_socket(self.connection._socket)
+ else:
+ close_socket(self.connection)
+ def create_ssl_context(self, cert=None, alpn_protos=None, **sslctx_kwargs):
+ context = self._create_ssl_context(
+ alpn_protos=alpn_protos,
+ **sslctx_kwargs)
+ # Client Certs
+ if cert:
+ try:
+ context.use_privatekey_file(cert)
+ context.use_certificate_file(cert)
+ except SSL.Error as v:
+ raise TlsException("SSL client certificate error: %s" % str(v))
+ return context
+ def convert_to_ssl(self, sni=None, alpn_protos=None, **sslctx_kwargs):
+ """
+ cert: Path to a file containing both client cert and private key.
+ options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.OP_* values
+ verify_options: A bit field consisting of OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_* values
+ ca_path: Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates prepared using the c_rehash tool
+ ca_pemfile: Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate
+ """
+ verification_mode = sslctx_kwargs.get('verify_options', None)
+ if verification_mode == SSL.VERIFY_PEER and not sni:
+ raise TlsException("Cannot validate certificate hostname without SNI")
+ context = self.create_ssl_context(
+ alpn_protos=alpn_protos,
+ **sslctx_kwargs
+ )
+ self.connection = SSL.Connection(context, self.connection)
+ if sni:
+ self.sni = sni
+ self.connection.set_tlsext_host_name(sni)
+ self.connection.set_connect_state()
+ try:
+ self.connection.do_handshake()
+ except SSL.Error as v:
+ if self.ssl_verification_error:
+ raise InvalidCertificateException("SSL handshake error: %s" % repr(v))
+ else:
+ raise TlsException("SSL handshake error: %s" % repr(v))
+ else:
+ # Fix for pre v1.0 OpenSSL, which doesn't throw an exception on
+ # certificate validation failure
+ if verification_mode == SSL.VERIFY_PEER and self.ssl_verification_error is not None:
+ raise InvalidCertificateException("SSL handshake error: certificate verify failed")
+ self.cert = certutils.SSLCert(self.connection.get_peer_certificate())
+ # Validate TLS Hostname
+ try:
+ crt = dict(
+ subjectAltName=[("DNS", x.decode("ascii", "strict")) for x in self.cert.altnames]
+ )
+ if self.cert.cn:
+ crt["subject"] = [[["commonName", self.cert.cn.decode("ascii", "strict")]]]
+ if sni:
+ hostname = sni.decode("ascii", "strict")
+ else:
+ hostname = "no-hostname"
+ ssl_match_hostname.match_hostname(crt, hostname)
+ except (ValueError, ssl_match_hostname.CertificateError) as e:
+ self.ssl_verification_error = dict(depth=0, errno="Invalid Hostname")
+ if verification_mode == SSL.VERIFY_PEER:
+ raise InvalidCertificateException("Presented certificate for {} is not valid: {}".format(sni, str(e)))
+ self.ssl_established = True
+ self.rfile.set_descriptor(self.connection)
+ self.wfile.set_descriptor(self.connection)
+ def connect(self):
+ try:
+ connection = socket.socket(self.address.family, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ if self.source_address:
+ connection.bind(self.source_address())
+ connection.connect(self.address())
+ if not self.source_address:
+ self.source_address = Address(connection.getsockname())
+ except (socket.error, IOError) as err:
+ raise TcpException(
+ 'Error connecting to "%s": %s' %
+ (self.address.host, err))
+ self.connection = connection
+ self._makefile()
+ def settimeout(self, n):
+ self.connection.settimeout(n)
+ def gettimeout(self):
+ return self.connection.gettimeout()
+ def get_alpn_proto_negotiated(self):
+ if HAS_ALPN and self.ssl_established:
+ return self.connection.get_alpn_proto_negotiated()
+ else:
+ return b""
+class BaseHandler(_Connection):
+ """
+ The instantiator is expected to call the handle() and finish() methods.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, connection, address, server):
+ super(BaseHandler, self).__init__(connection)
+ self.address = Address.wrap(address)
+ self.server = server
+ self.clientcert = None
+ def create_ssl_context(self,
+ cert, key,
+ handle_sni=None,
+ request_client_cert=None,
+ chain_file=None,
+ dhparams=None,
+ **sslctx_kwargs):
+ """
+ cert: A certutils.SSLCert object or the path to a certificate
+ chain file.
+ handle_sni: SNI handler, should take a connection object. Server
+ name can be retrieved like this:
+ connection.get_servername()
+ And you can specify the connection keys as follows:
+ new_context = Context(TLSv1_METHOD)
+ new_context.use_privatekey(key)
+ new_context.use_certificate(cert)
+ connection.set_context(new_context)
+ The request_client_cert argument requires some explanation. We're
+ supposed to be able to do this with no negative effects - if the
+ client has no cert to present, we're notified and proceed as usual.
+ Unfortunately, Android seems to have a bug (tested on 4.2.2) - when
+ an Android client is asked to present a certificate it does not
+ have, it hangs up, which is frankly bogus. Some time down the track
+ we may be able to make the proper behaviour the default again, but
+ until then we're conservative.
+ """
+ context = self._create_ssl_context(**sslctx_kwargs)
+ context.use_privatekey(key)
+ if isinstance(cert, certutils.SSLCert):
+ context.use_certificate(cert.x509)
+ else:
+ context.use_certificate_chain_file(cert)
+ if handle_sni:
+ # SNI callback happens during do_handshake()
+ context.set_tlsext_servername_callback(handle_sni)
+ if request_client_cert:
+ def save_cert(conn_, cert, errno_, depth_, preverify_ok_):
+ self.clientcert = certutils.SSLCert(cert)
+ # Return true to prevent cert verification error
+ return True
+ context.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER, save_cert)
+ # Cert Verify
+ if chain_file:
+ context.load_verify_locations(chain_file)
+ if dhparams:
+ SSL._lib.SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(context._context, dhparams)
+ return context
+ def convert_to_ssl(self, cert, key, **sslctx_kwargs):
+ """
+ Convert connection to SSL.
+ For a list of parameters, see BaseHandler._create_ssl_context(...)
+ """
+ context = self.create_ssl_context(
+ cert,
+ key,
+ **sslctx_kwargs)
+ self.connection = SSL.Connection(context, self.connection)
+ self.connection.set_accept_state()
+ try:
+ self.connection.do_handshake()
+ except SSL.Error as v:
+ raise TlsException("SSL handshake error: %s" % repr(v))
+ self.ssl_established = True
+ self.rfile.set_descriptor(self.connection)
+ self.wfile.set_descriptor(self.connection)
+ def handle(self): # pragma: no cover
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def settimeout(self, n):
+ self.connection.settimeout(n)
+ def get_alpn_proto_negotiated(self):
+ if HAS_ALPN and self.ssl_established:
+ return self.connection.get_alpn_proto_negotiated()
+ else:
+ return b""
+class TCPServer(object):
+ request_queue_size = 20
+ def __init__(self, address):
+ self.address = Address.wrap(address)
+ self.__is_shut_down = threading.Event()
+ self.__shutdown_request = False
+ self.socket = socket.socket(self.address.family, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ self.socket.bind(self.address())
+ self.address = Address.wrap(self.socket.getsockname())
+ self.socket.listen(self.request_queue_size)
+ def connection_thread(self, connection, client_address):
+ client_address = Address(client_address)
+ try:
+ self.handle_client_connection(connection, client_address)
+ except:
+ self.handle_error(connection, client_address)
+ finally:
+ close_socket(connection)
+ def serve_forever(self, poll_interval=0.1):
+ self.__is_shut_down.clear()
+ try:
+ while not self.__shutdown_request:
+ try:
+ r, w_, e_ = select.select(
+ [self.socket], [], [], poll_interval)
+ except select.error as ex: # pragma: no cover
+ if ex[0] == EINTR:
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise
+ if self.socket in r:
+ connection, client_address = self.socket.accept()
+ t = threading.Thread(
+ target=self.connection_thread,
+ args=(connection, client_address),
+ name="ConnectionThread (%s:%s -> %s:%s)" %
+ (client_address[0], client_address[1],
+ self.address.host, self.address.port)
+ )
+ t.setDaemon(1)
+ try:
+ t.start()
+ except threading.ThreadError:
+ self.handle_error(connection, Address(client_address))
+ connection.close()
+ finally:
+ self.__shutdown_request = False
+ self.__is_shut_down.set()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ self.__shutdown_request = True
+ self.__is_shut_down.wait()
+ self.socket.close()
+ self.handle_shutdown()
+ def handle_error(self, connection_, client_address, fp=sys.stderr):
+ """
+ Called when handle_client_connection raises an exception.
+ """
+ # If a thread has persisted after interpreter exit, the module might be
+ # none.
+ if traceback:
+ exc = six.text_type(traceback.format_exc())
+ print(u'-' * 40, file=fp)
+ print(
+ u"Error in processing of request from %s" % repr(client_address), file=fp)
+ print(exc, file=fp)
+ print(u'-' * 40, file=fp)
+ def handle_client_connection(self, conn, client_address): # pragma: no cover
+ """
+ Called after client connection.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def handle_shutdown(self):
+ """
+ Called after server shutdown.
+ """