path: root/netlib/certutils.py
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authorMaximilian Hils <git@maximilianhils.com>2016-02-18 13:03:40 +0100
committerMaximilian Hils <git@maximilianhils.com>2016-02-18 13:03:40 +0100
commitd33d3663ecb166461d9cb5a78a29b44ee7a8fbb7 (patch)
treefe8856f65d1dafa946150c5acbaf6e942ba3c026 /netlib/certutils.py
parent294774d6f0dee95b02a93307ec493b111b7f171e (diff)
combine projects
Diffstat (limited to 'netlib/certutils.py')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netlib/certutils.py b/netlib/certutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..616a778e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netlib/certutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, division)
+import os
+import ssl
+import time
+import datetime
+from six.moves import filter
+import ipaddress
+import sys
+from pyasn1.type import univ, constraint, char, namedtype, tag
+from pyasn1.codec.der.decoder import decode
+from pyasn1.error import PyAsn1Error
+import OpenSSL
+from .utils import Serializable
+# Default expiry must not be too long: https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/815
+DEFAULT_EXP = 94608000 # = 24 * 60 * 60 * 365 * 3
+# Generated with "openssl dhparam". It's too slow to generate this on startup.
+def create_ca(o, cn, exp):
+ key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey()
+ key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
+ cert = OpenSSL.crypto.X509()
+ cert.set_serial_number(int(time.time() * 10000))
+ cert.set_version(2)
+ cert.get_subject().CN = cn
+ cert.get_subject().O = o
+ cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(-3600 * 48)
+ cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(exp)
+ cert.set_issuer(cert.get_subject())
+ cert.set_pubkey(key)
+ cert.add_extensions([
+ OpenSSL.crypto.X509Extension(
+ b"basicConstraints",
+ True,
+ b"CA:TRUE"
+ ),
+ OpenSSL.crypto.X509Extension(
+ b"nsCertType",
+ False,
+ b"sslCA"
+ ),
+ OpenSSL.crypto.X509Extension(
+ b"extendedKeyUsage",
+ False,
+ b"serverAuth,clientAuth,emailProtection,timeStamping,msCodeInd,msCodeCom,msCTLSign,msSGC,msEFS,nsSGC"
+ ),
+ OpenSSL.crypto.X509Extension(
+ b"keyUsage",
+ True,
+ b"keyCertSign, cRLSign"
+ ),
+ OpenSSL.crypto.X509Extension(
+ b"subjectKeyIdentifier",
+ False,
+ b"hash",
+ subject=cert
+ ),
+ ])
+ cert.sign(key, "sha256")
+ return key, cert
+def dummy_cert(privkey, cacert, commonname, sans):
+ """
+ Generates a dummy certificate.
+ privkey: CA private key
+ cacert: CA certificate
+ commonname: Common name for the generated certificate.
+ sans: A list of Subject Alternate Names.
+ Returns cert if operation succeeded, None if not.
+ """
+ ss = []
+ for i in sans:
+ try:
+ ipaddress.ip_address(i.decode("ascii"))
+ except ValueError:
+ ss.append(b"DNS: %s" % i)
+ else:
+ ss.append(b"IP: %s" % i)
+ ss = b", ".join(ss)
+ cert = OpenSSL.crypto.X509()
+ cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(-3600 * 48)
+ cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(DEFAULT_EXP)
+ cert.set_issuer(cacert.get_subject())
+ if commonname is not None:
+ cert.get_subject().CN = commonname
+ cert.set_serial_number(int(time.time() * 10000))
+ if ss:
+ cert.set_version(2)
+ cert.add_extensions(
+ [OpenSSL.crypto.X509Extension(b"subjectAltName", False, ss)])
+ cert.set_pubkey(cacert.get_pubkey())
+ cert.sign(privkey, "sha256")
+ return SSLCert(cert)
+# DNTree did not pass TestCertStore.test_sans_change and is temporarily replaced by a simple dict.
+# class _Node(UserDict.UserDict):
+# def __init__(self):
+# UserDict.UserDict.__init__(self)
+# self.value = None
+# class DNTree:
+# """
+# Domain store that knows about wildcards. DNS wildcards are very
+# restricted - the only valid variety is an asterisk on the left-most
+# domain component, i.e.:
+# *.foo.com
+# """
+# def __init__(self):
+# self.d = _Node()
+# def add(self, dn, cert):
+# parts = dn.split(".")
+# parts.reverse()
+# current = self.d
+# for i in parts:
+# current = current.setdefault(i, _Node())
+# current.value = cert
+# def get(self, dn):
+# parts = dn.split(".")
+# current = self.d
+# for i in reversed(parts):
+# if i in current:
+# current = current[i]
+# elif "*" in current:
+# return current["*"].value
+# else:
+# return None
+# return current.value
+class CertStoreEntry(object):
+ def __init__(self, cert, privatekey, chain_file):
+ self.cert = cert
+ self.privatekey = privatekey
+ self.chain_file = chain_file
+class CertStore(object):
+ """
+ Implements an in-memory certificate store.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ default_privatekey,
+ default_ca,
+ default_chain_file,
+ dhparams):
+ self.default_privatekey = default_privatekey
+ self.default_ca = default_ca
+ self.default_chain_file = default_chain_file
+ self.dhparams = dhparams
+ self.certs = dict()
+ @staticmethod
+ def load_dhparam(path):
+ # netlib<=0.10 doesn't generate a dhparam file.
+ # Create it now if neccessary.
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ with open(path, "wb") as f:
+ bio = OpenSSL.SSL._lib.BIO_new_file(path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), b"r")
+ if bio != OpenSSL.SSL._ffi.NULL:
+ bio = OpenSSL.SSL._ffi.gc(bio, OpenSSL.SSL._lib.BIO_free)
+ dh = OpenSSL.SSL._lib.PEM_read_bio_DHparams(
+ bio,
+ OpenSSL.SSL._ffi.NULL,
+ OpenSSL.SSL._ffi.NULL,
+ OpenSSL.SSL._ffi.NULL)
+ dh = OpenSSL.SSL._ffi.gc(dh, OpenSSL.SSL._lib.DH_free)
+ return dh
+ @classmethod
+ def from_store(cls, path, basename):
+ ca_path = os.path.join(path, basename + "-ca.pem")
+ if not os.path.exists(ca_path):
+ key, ca = cls.create_store(path, basename)
+ else:
+ with open(ca_path, "rb") as f:
+ raw = f.read()
+ ca = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ raw)
+ key = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ raw)
+ dh_path = os.path.join(path, basename + "-dhparam.pem")
+ dh = cls.load_dhparam(dh_path)
+ return cls(key, ca, ca_path, dh)
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_store(path, basename, o=None, cn=None, expiry=DEFAULT_EXP):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ o = o or basename
+ cn = cn or basename
+ key, ca = create_ca(o=o, cn=cn, exp=expiry)
+ # Dump the CA plus private key
+ with open(os.path.join(path, basename + "-ca.pem"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ key))
+ f.write(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ ca))
+ # Dump the certificate in PEM format
+ with open(os.path.join(path, basename + "-ca-cert.pem"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ ca))
+ # Create a .cer file with the same contents for Android
+ with open(os.path.join(path, basename + "-ca-cert.cer"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ ca))
+ # Dump the certificate in PKCS12 format for Windows devices
+ with open(os.path.join(path, basename + "-ca-cert.p12"), "wb") as f:
+ p12 = OpenSSL.crypto.PKCS12()
+ p12.set_certificate(ca)
+ p12.set_privatekey(key)
+ f.write(p12.export())
+ with open(os.path.join(path, basename + "-dhparam.pem"), "wb") as f:
+ return key, ca
+ def add_cert_file(self, spec, path):
+ with open(path, "rb") as f:
+ raw = f.read()
+ cert = SSLCert(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ raw))
+ try:
+ privatekey = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ raw)
+ except Exception:
+ privatekey = self.default_privatekey
+ self.add_cert(
+ CertStoreEntry(cert, privatekey, path),
+ spec
+ )
+ def add_cert(self, entry, *names):
+ """
+ Adds a cert to the certstore. We register the CN in the cert plus
+ any SANs, and also the list of names provided as an argument.
+ """
+ if entry.cert.cn:
+ self.certs[entry.cert.cn] = entry
+ for i in entry.cert.altnames:
+ self.certs[i] = entry
+ for i in names:
+ self.certs[i] = entry
+ @staticmethod
+ def asterisk_forms(dn):
+ if dn is None:
+ return []
+ parts = dn.split(b".")
+ parts.reverse()
+ curr_dn = b""
+ dn_forms = [b"*"]
+ for part in parts[:-1]:
+ curr_dn = b"." + part + curr_dn # .example.com
+ dn_forms.append(b"*" + curr_dn) # *.example.com
+ if parts[-1] != b"*":
+ dn_forms.append(parts[-1] + curr_dn)
+ return dn_forms
+ def get_cert(self, commonname, sans):
+ """
+ Returns an (cert, privkey, cert_chain) tuple.
+ commonname: Common name for the generated certificate. Must be a
+ valid, plain-ASCII, IDNA-encoded domain name.
+ sans: A list of Subject Alternate Names.
+ """
+ potential_keys = self.asterisk_forms(commonname)
+ for s in sans:
+ potential_keys.extend(self.asterisk_forms(s))
+ potential_keys.append((commonname, tuple(sans)))
+ name = next(
+ filter(lambda key: key in self.certs, potential_keys),
+ None
+ )
+ if name:
+ entry = self.certs[name]
+ else:
+ entry = CertStoreEntry(
+ cert=dummy_cert(
+ self.default_privatekey,
+ self.default_ca,
+ commonname,
+ sans),
+ privatekey=self.default_privatekey,
+ chain_file=self.default_chain_file)
+ self.certs[(commonname, tuple(sans))] = entry
+ return entry.cert, entry.privatekey, entry.chain_file
+class _GeneralName(univ.Choice):
+ # We are only interested in dNSNames. We use a default handler to ignore
+ # other types.
+ # TODO: We should also handle iPAddresses.
+ componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
+ namedtype.NamedType('dNSName', char.IA5String().subtype(
+ implicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatSimple, 2)
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+class _GeneralNames(univ.SequenceOf):
+ componentType = _GeneralName()
+ sizeSpec = univ.SequenceOf.sizeSpec + \
+ constraint.ValueSizeConstraint(1, 1024)
+class SSLCert(Serializable):
+ def __init__(self, cert):
+ """
+ Returns a (common name, [subject alternative names]) tuple.
+ """
+ self.x509 = cert
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.digest("sha256") == other.digest("sha256")
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def get_state(self):
+ return self.to_pem()
+ def set_state(self, state):
+ self.x509 = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, state)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_state(cls, state):
+ cls.from_pem(state)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_pem(cls, txt):
+ x509 = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, txt)
+ return cls(x509)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_der(cls, der):
+ pem = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(der)
+ return cls.from_pem(pem)
+ def to_pem(self):
+ return OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(
+ OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ self.x509)
+ def digest(self, name):
+ return self.x509.digest(name)
+ @property
+ def issuer(self):
+ return self.x509.get_issuer().get_components()
+ @property
+ def notbefore(self):
+ t = self.x509.get_notBefore()
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(t.decode("ascii"), "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
+ @property
+ def notafter(self):
+ t = self.x509.get_notAfter()
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(t.decode("ascii"), "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
+ @property
+ def has_expired(self):
+ return self.x509.has_expired()
+ @property
+ def subject(self):
+ return self.x509.get_subject().get_components()
+ @property
+ def serial(self):
+ return self.x509.get_serial_number()
+ @property
+ def keyinfo(self):
+ pk = self.x509.get_pubkey()
+ types = {
+ OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA: "RSA",
+ OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_DSA: "DSA",
+ }
+ return (
+ types.get(pk.type(), "UNKNOWN"),
+ pk.bits()
+ )
+ @property
+ def cn(self):
+ c = None
+ for i in self.subject:
+ if i[0] == b"CN":
+ c = i[1]
+ return c
+ @property
+ def altnames(self):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ All DNS altnames.
+ """
+ # tcp.TCPClient.convert_to_ssl assumes that this property only contains DNS altnames for hostname verification.
+ altnames = []
+ for i in range(self.x509.get_extension_count()):
+ ext = self.x509.get_extension(i)
+ if ext.get_short_name() == b"subjectAltName":
+ try:
+ dec = decode(ext.get_data(), asn1Spec=_GeneralNames())
+ except PyAsn1Error:
+ continue
+ for i in dec[0]:
+ altnames.append(i[0].asOctets())
+ return altnames