path: root/libmproxy/protocol/http.py
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authorThomas Kriechbaumer <thomas@kriechbaumer.name>2015-07-27 11:46:49 +0200
committerThomas Kriechbaumer <thomas@kriechbaumer.name>2015-07-30 13:53:17 +0200
commit89f22f735944989912a7a0394dd7e80d420cb0f3 (patch)
tree426e961c5c98f9bf917e628df09ec5fc53c41442 /libmproxy/protocol/http.py
parentd2ae6b630e7924479aefbb9f0193fdfcbae8fea6 (diff)
refactor connection & protocol handling
Diffstat (limited to 'libmproxy/protocol/http.py')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 891 deletions
diff --git a/libmproxy/protocol/http.py b/libmproxy/protocol/http.py
index f2ac5acc..e0deadd5 100644
--- a/libmproxy/protocol/http.py
+++ b/libmproxy/protocol/http.py
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ from .primitives import KILL, ProtocolHandler, Flow, Error
from ..proxy.connection import ServerConnection
from .. import encoding, utils, controller, stateobject, proxy
+from .http_wrappers import decoded, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse
HDR_FORM_URLENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
HDR_FORM_MULTIPART = "multipart/form-data"
@@ -38,9 +40,10 @@ def send_connect_request(conn, host, port, update_state=True):
- resp = HTTPResponse.from_stream(conn.rfile, upstream_request.method)
- if resp.code != 200:
- raise proxy.ProxyError(resp.code,
+ protocol = http.http1.HTTP1Protocol(conn)
+ resp = HTTPResponse.from_protocol(protocol, upstream_request.method)
+ if resp.status_code != 200:
+ raise proxy.ProxyError(resp.status_code,
"Cannot establish SSL " +
"connection with upstream proxy: \r\n" +
@@ -53,884 +56,6 @@ def send_connect_request(conn, host, port, update_state=True):
return resp
-class decoded(object):
- """
- A context manager that decodes a request or response, and then
- re-encodes it with the same encoding after execution of the block.
- Example:
- with decoded(request):
- request.content = request.content.replace("foo", "bar")
- """
- def __init__(self, o):
- self.o = o
- ce = o.headers.get_first("content-encoding")
- if ce in encoding.ENCODINGS:
- self.ce = ce
- else:
- self.ce = None
- def __enter__(self):
- if self.ce:
- self.o.decode()
- def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
- if self.ce:
- self.o.encode(self.ce)
-class HTTPMessage(stateobject.StateObject):
- """
- Base class for HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse
- """
- def __init__(self, httpversion, headers, content, timestamp_start=None,
- timestamp_end=None):
- self.httpversion = httpversion
- self.headers = headers
- """@type: odict.ODictCaseless"""
- self.content = content
- self.timestamp_start = timestamp_start
- self.timestamp_end = timestamp_end
- _stateobject_attributes = dict(
- httpversion=tuple,
- headers=odict.ODictCaseless,
- content=str,
- timestamp_start=float,
- timestamp_end=float
- )
- _stateobject_long_attributes = {"content"}
- def get_state(self, short=False):
- ret = super(HTTPMessage, self).get_state(short)
- if short:
- if self.content:
- ret["contentLength"] = len(self.content)
- elif self.content == CONTENT_MISSING:
- ret["contentLength"] = None
- else:
- ret["contentLength"] = 0
- return ret
- def get_decoded_content(self):
- """
- Returns the decoded content based on the current Content-Encoding
- header.
- Doesn't change the message iteself or its headers.
- """
- ce = self.headers.get_first("content-encoding")
- if not self.content or ce not in encoding.ENCODINGS:
- return self.content
- return encoding.decode(ce, self.content)
- def decode(self):
- """
- Decodes content based on the current Content-Encoding header, then
- removes the header. If there is no Content-Encoding header, no
- action is taken.
- Returns True if decoding succeeded, False otherwise.
- """
- ce = self.headers.get_first("content-encoding")
- if not self.content or ce not in encoding.ENCODINGS:
- return False
- data = encoding.decode(ce, self.content)
- if data is None:
- return False
- self.content = data
- del self.headers["content-encoding"]
- return True
- def encode(self, e):
- """
- Encodes content with the encoding e, where e is "gzip", "deflate"
- or "identity".
- """
- # FIXME: Error if there's an existing encoding header?
- self.content = encoding.encode(e, self.content)
- self.headers["content-encoding"] = [e]
- def size(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Size in bytes of a fully rendered message, including headers and
- HTTP lead-in.
- """
- hl = len(self._assemble_head(**kwargs))
- if self.content:
- return hl + len(self.content)
- else:
- return hl
- def copy(self):
- c = copy.copy(self)
- c.headers = self.headers.copy()
- return c
- def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in both the headers
- and the body of the message. Encoded content will be decoded
- before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards.
- Returns the number of replacements made.
- """
- with decoded(self):
- self.content, c = utils.safe_subn(
- pattern, repl, self.content, *args, **kwargs
- )
- c += self.headers.replace(pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs)
- return c
- def _assemble_first_line(self):
- """
- Returns the assembled request/response line
- """
- raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: nocover
- def _assemble_headers(self):
- """
- Returns the assembled headers
- """
- raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: nocover
- def _assemble_head(self):
- """
- Returns the assembled request/response line plus headers
- """
- raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: nocover
- def assemble(self):
- """
- Returns the assembled request/response
- """
- raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: nocover
-class HTTPRequest(HTTPMessage):
- """
- An HTTP request.
- Exposes the following attributes:
- method: HTTP method
- scheme: URL scheme (http/https)
- host: Target hostname of the request. This is not neccessarily the
- directy upstream server (which could be another proxy), but it's always
- the target server we want to reach at the end. This attribute is either
- inferred from the request itself (absolute-form, authority-form) or from
- the connection metadata (e.g. the host in reverse proxy mode).
- port: Destination port
- path: Path portion of the URL (not present in authority-form)
- httpversion: HTTP version tuple, e.g. (1,1)
- headers: odict.ODictCaseless object
- content: Content of the request, None, or CONTENT_MISSING if there
- is content associated, but not present. CONTENT_MISSING evaluates
- to False to make checking for the presence of content natural.
- form_in: The request form which mitmproxy has received. The following
- values are possible:
- - relative (GET /index.html, OPTIONS *) (covers origin form and
- asterisk form)
- - absolute (GET http://example.com:80/index.html)
- - authority-form (CONNECT example.com:443)
- Details: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-25#section-5.3
- form_out: The request form which mitmproxy will send out to the
- destination
- timestamp_start: Timestamp indicating when request transmission started
- timestamp_end: Timestamp indicating when request transmission ended
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- form_in,
- method,
- scheme,
- host,
- port,
- path,
- httpversion,
- headers,
- content,
- timestamp_start=None,
- timestamp_end=None,
- form_out=None
- ):
- assert isinstance(headers, odict.ODictCaseless) or not headers
- HTTPMessage.__init__(
- self,
- httpversion,
- headers,
- content,
- timestamp_start,
- timestamp_end
- )
- self.form_in = form_in
- self.method = method
- self.scheme = scheme
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.path = path
- self.httpversion = httpversion
- self.form_out = form_out or form_in
- # Have this request's cookies been modified by sticky cookies or auth?
- self.stickycookie = False
- self.stickyauth = False
- # Is this request replayed?
- self.is_replay = False
- _stateobject_attributes = HTTPMessage._stateobject_attributes.copy()
- _stateobject_attributes.update(
- form_in=str,
- method=str,
- scheme=str,
- host=str,
- port=int,
- path=str,
- form_out=str,
- is_replay=bool
- )
- @property
- def body(self):
- return self.content
- @classmethod
- def from_state(cls, state):
- f = cls(
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None)
- f.load_state(state)
- return f
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<HTTPRequest: {0}>".format(
- self._assemble_first_line(self.form_in)[:-9]
- )
- @classmethod
- def from_stream(
- cls,
- rfile,
- include_body=True,
- body_size_limit=None,
- wfile=None):
- """
- Parse an HTTP request from a file stream
- Args:
- rfile (file): Input file to read from
- include_body (bool): Read response body as well
- body_size_limit (bool): Maximum body size
- wfile (file): If specified, HTTP Expect headers are handled automatically.
- by writing a HTTP 100 CONTINUE response to the stream.
- Returns:
- HTTPRequest: The HTTP request
- Raises:
- HttpError: If the input is invalid.
- """
- timestamp_start, timestamp_end = None, None
- timestamp_start = utils.timestamp()
- if hasattr(rfile, "reset_timestamps"):
- rfile.reset_timestamps()
- protocol = http1.HTTP1Protocol(rfile=rfile, wfile=wfile)
- req = protocol.read_request(
- include_body = include_body,
- body_size_limit = body_size_limit,
- )
- if hasattr(rfile, "first_byte_timestamp"):
- # more accurate timestamp_start
- timestamp_start = rfile.first_byte_timestamp
- timestamp_end = utils.timestamp()
- return HTTPRequest(
- req.form_in,
- req.method,
- req.scheme,
- req.host,
- req.port,
- req.path,
- req.httpversion,
- req.headers,
- req.body,
- timestamp_start,
- timestamp_end
- )
- def _assemble_first_line(self, form=None):
- form = form or self.form_out
- if form == "relative":
- request_line = '%s %s HTTP/%s.%s' % (
- self.method, self.path, self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1]
- )
- elif form == "authority":
- request_line = '%s %s:%s HTTP/%s.%s' % (
- self.method, self.host, self.port, self.httpversion[0],
- self.httpversion[1]
- )
- elif form == "absolute":
- request_line = '%s %s://%s:%s%s HTTP/%s.%s' % (
- self.method, self.scheme, self.host,
- self.port, self.path, self.httpversion[0],
- self.httpversion[1]
- )
- else:
- raise http.HttpError(400, "Invalid request form")
- return request_line
- # This list is adopted legacy code.
- # We probably don't need to strip off keep-alive.
- _headers_to_strip_off = ['Proxy-Connection',
- 'Keep-Alive',
- 'Connection',
- 'Transfer-Encoding',
- 'Upgrade']
- def _assemble_headers(self):
- headers = self.headers.copy()
- for k in self._headers_to_strip_off:
- del headers[k]
- if 'host' not in headers and self.scheme and self.host and self.port:
- headers["Host"] = [utils.hostport(self.scheme,
- self.host,
- self.port)]
- # If content is defined (i.e. not None or CONTENT_MISSING), we always
- # add a content-length header.
- if self.content or self.content == "":
- headers["Content-Length"] = [str(len(self.content))]
- return headers.format()
- def _assemble_head(self, form=None):
- return "%s\r\n%s\r\n" % (
- self._assemble_first_line(form), self._assemble_headers()
- )
- def assemble(self, form=None):
- """
- Assembles the request for transmission to the server. We make some
- modifications to make sure interception works properly.
- Raises an Exception if the request cannot be assembled.
- """
- if self.content == CONTENT_MISSING:
- raise proxy.ProxyError(
- 502,
- "Cannot assemble flow with CONTENT_MISSING"
- )
- head = self._assemble_head(form)
- if self.content:
- return head + self.content
- else:
- return head
- def __hash__(self):
- return id(self)
- def anticache(self):
- """
- Modifies this request to remove headers that might produce a cached
- response. That is, we remove ETags and If-Modified-Since headers.
- """
- delheaders = [
- "if-modified-since",
- "if-none-match",
- ]
- for i in delheaders:
- del self.headers[i]
- def anticomp(self):
- """
- Modifies this request to remove headers that will compress the
- resource's data.
- """
- self.headers["accept-encoding"] = ["identity"]
- def constrain_encoding(self):
- """
- Limits the permissible Accept-Encoding values, based on what we can
- decode appropriately.
- """
- if self.headers["accept-encoding"]:
- self.headers["accept-encoding"] = [
- ', '.join(
- e for e in encoding.ENCODINGS if e in self.headers["accept-encoding"][0])]
- def update_host_header(self):
- """
- Update the host header to reflect the current target.
- """
- self.headers["Host"] = [self.host]
- def get_form(self):
- """
- Retrieves the URL-encoded or multipart form data, returning an ODict object.
- Returns an empty ODict if there is no data or the content-type
- indicates non-form data.
- """
- if self.content:
- if self.headers.in_any("content-type", HDR_FORM_URLENCODED, True):
- return self.get_form_urlencoded()
- elif self.headers.in_any("content-type", HDR_FORM_MULTIPART, True):
- return self.get_form_multipart()
- return odict.ODict([])
- def get_form_urlencoded(self):
- """
- Retrieves the URL-encoded form data, returning an ODict object.
- Returns an empty ODict if there is no data or the content-type
- indicates non-form data.
- """
- if self.content and self.headers.in_any(
- "content-type",
- True):
- return odict.ODict(utils.urldecode(self.content))
- return odict.ODict([])
- def get_form_multipart(self):
- if self.content and self.headers.in_any(
- "content-type",
- True):
- return odict.ODict(
- utils.multipartdecode(
- self.headers,
- self.content))
- return odict.ODict([])
- def set_form_urlencoded(self, odict):
- """
- Sets the body to the URL-encoded form data, and adds the
- appropriate content-type header. Note that this will destory the
- existing body if there is one.
- """
- # FIXME: If there's an existing content-type header indicating a
- # url-encoded form, leave it alone.
- self.headers["Content-Type"] = [HDR_FORM_URLENCODED]
- self.content = utils.urlencode(odict.lst)
- def get_path_components(self):
- """
- Returns the path components of the URL as a list of strings.
- Components are unquoted.
- """
- _, _, path, _, _, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
- return [urllib.unquote(i) for i in path.split("/") if i]
- def set_path_components(self, lst):
- """
- Takes a list of strings, and sets the path component of the URL.
- Components are quoted.
- """
- lst = [urllib.quote(i, safe="") for i in lst]
- path = "/" + "/".join(lst)
- scheme, netloc, _, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
- self.url = urlparse.urlunparse(
- [scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment]
- )
- def get_query(self):
- """
- Gets the request query string. Returns an ODict object.
- """
- _, _, _, _, query, _ = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
- if query:
- return odict.ODict(utils.urldecode(query))
- return odict.ODict([])
- def set_query(self, odict):
- """
- Takes an ODict object, and sets the request query string.
- """
- scheme, netloc, path, params, _, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
- query = utils.urlencode(odict.lst)
- self.url = urlparse.urlunparse(
- [scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment]
- )
- def pretty_host(self, hostheader):
- """
- Heuristic to get the host of the request.
- Note that pretty_host() does not always return the TCP destination
- of the request, e.g. if an upstream proxy is in place
- If hostheader is set to True, the Host: header will be used as
- additional (and preferred) data source. This is handy in
- transparent mode, where only the IO of the destination is known,
- but not the resolved name. This is disabled by default, as an
- attacker may spoof the host header to confuse an analyst.
- """
- host = None
- if hostheader:
- host = self.headers.get_first("host")
- if not host:
- host = self.host
- if host:
- try:
- return host.encode("idna")
- except ValueError:
- return host
- else:
- return None
- def pretty_url(self, hostheader):
- if self.form_out == "authority": # upstream proxy mode
- return "%s:%s" % (self.pretty_host(hostheader), self.port)
- return utils.unparse_url(self.scheme,
- self.pretty_host(hostheader),
- self.port,
- self.path).encode('ascii')
- @property
- def url(self):
- """
- Returns a URL string, constructed from the Request's URL components.
- """
- return utils.unparse_url(
- self.scheme,
- self.host,
- self.port,
- self.path
- ).encode('ascii')
- @url.setter
- def url(self, url):
- """
- Parses a URL specification, and updates the Request's information
- accordingly.
- Returns False if the URL was invalid, True if the request succeeded.
- """
- parts = http.parse_url(url)
- if not parts:
- raise ValueError("Invalid URL: %s" % url)
- self.scheme, self.host, self.port, self.path = parts
- def get_cookies(self):
- """
- Returns a possibly empty netlib.odict.ODict object.
- """
- ret = odict.ODict()
- for i in self.headers["cookie"]:
- ret.extend(cookies.parse_cookie_header(i))
- return ret
- def set_cookies(self, odict):
- """
- Takes an netlib.odict.ODict object. Over-writes any existing Cookie
- headers.
- """
- v = cookies.format_cookie_header(odict)
- self.headers["Cookie"] = [v]
- def replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Replaces a regular expression pattern with repl in the headers, the
- request path and the body of the request. Encoded content will be
- decoded before replacement, and re-encoded afterwards.
- Returns the number of replacements made.
- """
- c = HTTPMessage.replace(self, pattern, repl, *args, **kwargs)
- self.path, pc = utils.safe_subn(
- pattern, repl, self.path, *args, **kwargs
- )
- c += pc
- return c
-class HTTPResponse(HTTPMessage):
- """
- An HTTP response.
- Exposes the following attributes:
- httpversion: HTTP version tuple, e.g. (1,1)
- code: HTTP response code
- msg: HTTP response message
- headers: ODict object
- content: Content of the request, None, or CONTENT_MISSING if there
- is content associated, but not present. CONTENT_MISSING evaluates
- to False to make checking for the presence of content natural.
- timestamp_start: Timestamp indicating when request transmission started
- timestamp_end: Timestamp indicating when request transmission ended
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- httpversion,
- code,
- msg,
- headers,
- content,
- timestamp_start=None,
- timestamp_end=None):
- assert isinstance(headers, odict.ODictCaseless) or headers is None
- HTTPMessage.__init__(
- self,
- httpversion,
- headers,
- content,
- timestamp_start,
- timestamp_end
- )
- self.code = code
- self.msg = msg
- # Is this request replayed?
- self.is_replay = False
- self.stream = False
- _stateobject_attributes = HTTPMessage._stateobject_attributes.copy()
- _stateobject_attributes.update(
- code=int,
- msg=str
- )
- @property
- def body(self):
- return self.content
- @classmethod
- def from_state(cls, state):
- f = cls(None, None, None, None, None)
- f.load_state(state)
- return f
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.content:
- size = netlib.utils.pretty_size(len(self.content))
- else:
- size = "content missing"
- return "<HTTPResponse: {code} {msg} ({contenttype}, {size})>".format(
- code=self.code,
- msg=self.msg,
- contenttype=self.headers.get_first(
- "content-type", "unknown content type"
- ),
- size=size
- )
- @classmethod
- def from_stream(
- cls,
- rfile,
- request_method,
- include_body=True,
- body_size_limit=None):
- """
- Parse an HTTP response from a file stream
- """
- timestamp_start = utils.timestamp()
- if hasattr(rfile, "reset_timestamps"):
- rfile.reset_timestamps()
- protocol = http1.HTTP1Protocol(rfile=rfile)
- resp = protocol.read_response(
- request_method,
- body_size_limit,
- include_body=include_body
- )
- if hasattr(rfile, "first_byte_timestamp"):
- # more accurate timestamp_start
- timestamp_start = rfile.first_byte_timestamp
- if include_body:
- timestamp_end = utils.timestamp()
- else:
- timestamp_end = None
- return HTTPResponse(
- resp.httpversion,
- resp.status_code,
- resp.msg,
- resp.headers,
- resp.body,
- timestamp_start,
- timestamp_end
- )
- def _assemble_first_line(self):
- return 'HTTP/%s.%s %s %s' % \
- (self.httpversion[0], self.httpversion[1], self.code, self.msg)
- _headers_to_strip_off = ['Proxy-Connection',
- 'Alternate-Protocol',
- 'Alt-Svc']
- def _assemble_headers(self, preserve_transfer_encoding=False):
- headers = self.headers.copy()
- for k in self._headers_to_strip_off:
- del headers[k]
- if not preserve_transfer_encoding:
- del headers['Transfer-Encoding']
- # If content is defined (i.e. not None or CONTENT_MISSING), we always
- # add a content-length header.
- if self.content or self.content == "":
- headers["Content-Length"] = [str(len(self.content))]
- return headers.format()
- def _assemble_head(self, preserve_transfer_encoding=False):
- return '%s\r\n%s\r\n' % (
- self._assemble_first_line(),
- self._assemble_headers(
- preserve_transfer_encoding=preserve_transfer_encoding
- )
- )
- def assemble(self):
- """
- Assembles the response for transmission to the client. We make some
- modifications to make sure interception works properly.
- Raises an Exception if the request cannot be assembled.
- """
- if self.content == CONTENT_MISSING:
- raise proxy.ProxyError(
- 502,
- "Cannot assemble flow with CONTENT_MISSING"
- )
- head = self._assemble_head()
- if self.content:
- return head + self.content
- else:
- return head
- def _refresh_cookie(self, c, delta):
- """
- Takes a cookie string c and a time delta in seconds, and returns
- a refreshed cookie string.
- """
- c = Cookie.SimpleCookie(str(c))
- for i in c.values():
- if "expires" in i:
- d = parsedate_tz(i["expires"])
- if d:
- d = mktime_tz(d) + delta
- i["expires"] = formatdate(d)
- else:
- # This can happen when the expires tag is invalid.
- # reddit.com sends a an expires tag like this: "Thu, 31 Dec
- # 2037 23:59:59 GMT", which is valid RFC 1123, but not
- # strictly correct according to the cookie spec. Browsers
- # appear to parse this tolerantly - maybe we should too.
- # For now, we just ignore this.
- del i["expires"]
- return c.output(header="").strip()
- def refresh(self, now=None):
- """
- This fairly complex and heuristic function refreshes a server
- response for replay.
- - It adjusts date, expires and last-modified headers.
- - It adjusts cookie expiration.
- """
- if not now:
- now = time.time()
- delta = now - self.timestamp_start
- refresh_headers = [
- "date",
- "expires",
- "last-modified",
- ]
- for i in refresh_headers:
- if i in self.headers:
- d = parsedate_tz(self.headers[i][0])
- if d:
- new = mktime_tz(d) + delta
- self.headers[i] = [formatdate(new)]
- c = []
- for i in self.headers["set-cookie"]:
- c.append(self._refresh_cookie(i, delta))
- if c:
- self.headers["set-cookie"] = c
- def get_cookies(self):
- """
- Get the contents of all Set-Cookie headers.
- Returns a possibly empty ODict, where keys are cookie name strings,
- and values are [value, attr] lists. Value is a string, and attr is
- an ODictCaseless containing cookie attributes. Within attrs, unary
- attributes (e.g. HTTPOnly) are indicated by a Null value.
- """
- ret = []
- for header in self.headers["set-cookie"]:
- v = http.cookies.parse_set_cookie_header(header)
- if v:
- name, value, attrs = v
- ret.append([name, [value, attrs]])
- return odict.ODict(ret)
- def set_cookies(self, odict):
- """
- Set the Set-Cookie headers on this response, over-writing existing
- headers.
- Accepts an ODict of the same format as that returned by get_cookies.
- """
- values = []
- for i in odict.lst:
- values.append(
- http.cookies.format_set_cookie_header(
- i[0],
- i[1][0],
- i[1][1]
- )
- )
- self.headers["Set-Cookie"] = values
class HTTPFlow(Flow):
A HTTPFlow is a collection of objects representing a single HTTP
@@ -1054,9 +179,11 @@ class HTTPHandler(ProtocolHandler):
for attempt in (0, 1):
# Only get the headers at first...
- flow.response = HTTPResponse.from_stream(
- self.c.server_conn.rfile,
+ protocol = http.http1.HTTP1Protocol(self.c.server_conn)
+ flow.response = HTTPResponse.from_protocol(
+ protocol,
@@ -1094,7 +221,7 @@ class HTTPHandler(ProtocolHandler):
if flow.response.stream:
flow.response.content = CONTENT_MISSING
- protocol = http1.HTTP1Protocol(rfile=self.c.server_conn.rfile)
+ protocol = http1.HTTP1Protocol(self.c.server_conn)
flow.response.content = protocol.read_http_body(
@@ -1108,10 +235,10 @@ class HTTPHandler(ProtocolHandler):
flow = HTTPFlow(self.c.client_conn, self.c.server_conn, self.live)
- req = HTTPRequest.from_stream(
- self.c.client_conn.rfile,
- body_size_limit=self.c.config.body_size_limit,
- wfile=self.c.client_conn.wfile
+ protocol = http.http1.HTTP1Protocol(self.c.client_conn)
+ req = HTTPRequest.from_protocol(
+ protocol,
+ body_size_limit=self.c.config.body_size_limit
except tcp.NetLibError:
# don't throw an error for disconnects that happen
@@ -1601,10 +728,12 @@ class RequestReplayThread(threading.Thread):
r.form_out = "relative"
self.flow.server_conn = server
- self.flow.response = HTTPResponse.from_stream(
- server.rfile,
+ protocol = http.http1.HTTP1Protocol(server)
+ self.flow.response = HTTPResponse.from_protocol(
+ protocol,
- body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit
+ body_size_limit=self.config.body_size_limit,
if self.channel:
response_reply = self.channel.ask("response", self.flow)