path: root/libmproxy/cmdline.py
diff options
authorMaximilian Hils <git@maximilianhils.com>2016-02-15 14:58:46 +0100
committerMaximilian Hils <git@maximilianhils.com>2016-02-15 14:58:46 +0100
commit33fa49277a821b9d38e8c9bf0bcf2adcfa2f6f04 (patch)
tree31914a601302579ff817504019296fd7e9e46765 /libmproxy/cmdline.py
parent36f34f701991b5d474c005ec45e3b66e20f326a8 (diff)
move mitmproxy
Diffstat (limited to 'libmproxy/cmdline.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 789 deletions
diff --git a/libmproxy/cmdline.py b/libmproxy/cmdline.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b1cbfa3a..00000000
--- a/libmproxy/cmdline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,789 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import os
-import re
-import configargparse
-from netlib.tcp import Address, sslversion_choices
-import netlib.utils
-from . import filt, utils, version
-from .proxy import config
-APP_HOST = "mitm.it"
-APP_PORT = 80
-class ParseException(Exception):
- pass
-def _parse_hook(s):
- sep, rem = s[0], s[1:]
- parts = rem.split(sep, 2)
- if len(parts) == 2:
- patt = ".*"
- a, b = parts
- elif len(parts) == 3:
- patt, a, b = parts
- else:
- raise ParseException(
- "Malformed hook specifier - too few clauses: %s" % s
- )
- if not a:
- raise ParseException("Empty clause: %s" % str(patt))
- if not filt.parse(patt):
- raise ParseException("Malformed filter pattern: %s" % patt)
- return patt, a, b
-def parse_replace_hook(s):
- """
- Returns a (pattern, regex, replacement) tuple.
- The general form for a replacement hook is as follows:
- /patt/regex/replacement
- The first character specifies the separator. Example:
- :~q:foo:bar
- If only two clauses are specified, the pattern is set to match
- universally (i.e. ".*"). Example:
- /foo/bar/
- Clauses are parsed from left to right. Extra separators are taken to be
- part of the final clause. For instance, the replacement clause below is
- "foo/bar/":
- /one/two/foo/bar/
- Checks that pattern and regex are both well-formed. Raises
- ParseException on error.
- """
- patt, regex, replacement = _parse_hook(s)
- try:
- re.compile(regex)
- except re.error as e:
- raise ParseException("Malformed replacement regex: %s" % str(e.message))
- return patt, regex, replacement
-def parse_setheader(s):
- """
- Returns a (pattern, header, value) tuple.
- The general form for a replacement hook is as follows:
- /patt/header/value
- The first character specifies the separator. Example:
- :~q:foo:bar
- If only two clauses are specified, the pattern is set to match
- universally (i.e. ".*"). Example:
- /foo/bar/
- Clauses are parsed from left to right. Extra separators are taken to be
- part of the final clause. For instance, the value clause below is
- "foo/bar/":
- /one/two/foo/bar/
- Checks that pattern and regex are both well-formed. Raises
- ParseException on error.
- """
- return _parse_hook(s)
-def parse_server_spec(url):
- try:
- p = netlib.utils.parse_url(url)
- if p[0] not in ("http", "https"):
- raise ValueError()
- except ValueError:
- raise configargparse.ArgumentTypeError(
- "Invalid server specification: %s" % url
- )
- address = Address(p[1:3])
- scheme = p[0].lower()
- return config.ServerSpec(scheme, address)
-def get_common_options(options):
- stickycookie, stickyauth = None, None
- if options.stickycookie_filt:
- stickycookie = options.stickycookie_filt
- if options.stickyauth_filt:
- stickyauth = options.stickyauth_filt
- stream_large_bodies = utils.parse_size(options.stream_large_bodies)
- reps = []
- for i in options.replace:
- try:
- p = parse_replace_hook(i)
- except ParseException as e:
- raise configargparse.ArgumentTypeError(e.message)
- reps.append(p)
- for i in options.replace_file:
- try:
- patt, rex, path = parse_replace_hook(i)
- except ParseException as e:
- raise configargparse.ArgumentTypeError(e.message)
- try:
- v = open(path, "rb").read()
- except IOError as e:
- raise configargparse.ArgumentTypeError(
- "Could not read replace file: %s" % path
- )
- reps.append((patt, rex, v))
- setheaders = []
- for i in options.setheader:
- try:
- p = parse_setheader(i)
- except ParseException as e:
- raise configargparse.ArgumentTypeError(e.message)
- setheaders.append(p)
- return dict(
- app=options.app,
- app_host=options.app_host,
- app_port=options.app_port,
- anticache=options.anticache,
- anticomp=options.anticomp,
- client_replay=options.client_replay,
- kill=options.kill,
- no_server=options.no_server,
- refresh_server_playback=not options.norefresh,
- rheaders=options.rheaders,
- rfile=options.rfile,
- replacements=reps,
- setheaders=setheaders,
- server_replay=options.server_replay,
- scripts=options.scripts,
- stickycookie=stickycookie,
- stickyauth=stickyauth,
- stream_large_bodies=stream_large_bodies,
- showhost=options.showhost,
- outfile=options.outfile,
- verbosity=options.verbose,
- nopop=options.nopop,
- replay_ignore_content=options.replay_ignore_content,
- replay_ignore_params=options.replay_ignore_params,
- replay_ignore_payload_params=options.replay_ignore_payload_params,
- replay_ignore_host=options.replay_ignore_host
- )
-def basic_options(parser):
- parser.add_argument(
- '--version',
- action='version',
- version="%(prog)s" + " " + version.VERSION
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- '--shortversion',
- action='version',
- help="show program's short version number and exit",
- version=version.VERSION
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--anticache",
- action="store_true", dest="anticache", default=False,
- help="""
- Strip out request headers that might cause the server to return
- 304-not-modified.
- """
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--cadir",
- action="store", type=str, dest="cadir", default=config.CA_DIR,
- help="Location of the default mitmproxy CA files. (%s)" % config.CA_DIR
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--host",
- action="store_true", dest="showhost", default=False,
- help="Use the Host header to construct URLs for display."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-q", "--quiet",
- action="store_true", dest="quiet",
- help="Quiet."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-r", "--read-flows",
- action="store", dest="rfile", default=None,
- help="Read flows from file."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-s", "--script",
- action="append", type=str, dest="scripts", default=[],
- metavar='"script.py --bar"',
- help="""
- Run a script. Surround with quotes to pass script arguments. Can be
- passed multiple times.
- """
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-t", "--stickycookie",
- action="store",
- dest="stickycookie_filt",
- default=None,
- metavar="FILTER",
- help="Set sticky cookie filter. Matched against requests."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-u", "--stickyauth",
- action="store", dest="stickyauth_filt", default=None, metavar="FILTER",
- help="Set sticky auth filter. Matched against requests."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-v", "--verbose",
- action="store_const", dest="verbose", default=1, const=2,
- help="Increase event log verbosity."
- )
- outfile = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- outfile.add_argument(
- "-w", "--wfile",
- action="store", dest="outfile", type=lambda f: (f, "wb"),
- help="Write flows to file."
- )
- outfile.add_argument(
- "-a", "--afile",
- action="store", dest="outfile", type=lambda f: (f, "ab"),
- help="Append flows to file."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-z", "--anticomp",
- action="store_true", dest="anticomp", default=False,
- help="Try to convince servers to send us un-compressed data."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-Z", "--body-size-limit",
- action="store", dest="body_size_limit", default=None,
- metavar="SIZE",
- help="Byte size limit of HTTP request and response bodies."
- " Understands k/m/g suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--stream",
- action="store", dest="stream_large_bodies", default=None,
- metavar="SIZE",
- help="""
- Stream data to the client if response body exceeds the given
- threshold. If streamed, the body will not be stored in any way.
- Understands k/m/g suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes.
- """
- )
-def proxy_modes(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group("Proxy Modes").add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- group.add_argument(
- "-R", "--reverse",
- action="store",
- type=parse_server_spec,
- dest="reverse_proxy",
- default=None,
- help="""
- Forward all requests to upstream HTTP server:
- http[s][2http[s]]://host[:port]
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--socks",
- action="store_true", dest="socks_proxy", default=False,
- help="Set SOCKS5 proxy mode."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-T", "--transparent",
- action="store_true", dest="transparent_proxy", default=False,
- help="Set transparent proxy mode."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-U", "--upstream",
- action="store",
- type=parse_server_spec,
- dest="upstream_proxy",
- default=None,
- help="Forward all requests to upstream proxy server: http://host[:port]"
- )
-def proxy_options(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group("Proxy Options")
- group.add_argument(
- "-b", "--bind-address",
- action="store", type=str, dest="addr", default='',
- help="Address to bind proxy to (defaults to all interfaces)"
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-I", "--ignore",
- action="append", type=str, dest="ignore_hosts", default=[],
- metavar="HOST",
- help="""
- Ignore host and forward all traffic without processing it. In
- transparent mode, it is recommended to use an IP address (range),
- not the hostname. In regular mode, only SSL traffic is ignored and
- the hostname should be used. The supplied value is interpreted as a
- regular expression and matched on the ip or the hostname. Can be
- passed multiple times.
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--tcp",
- action="append", type=str, dest="tcp_hosts", default=[],
- metavar="HOST",
- help="""
- Generic TCP SSL proxy mode for all hosts that match the pattern.
- Similar to --ignore, but SSL connections are intercepted. The
- communication contents are printed to the event log in verbose mode.
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-n", "--no-server",
- action="store_true", dest="no_server",
- help="Don't start a proxy server."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-p", "--port",
- action="store", type=int, dest="port", default=8080,
- help="Proxy service port."
- )
- http2 = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- # !!!
- # Watch out: We raise a RuntimeError in libmproxy.proxy.config if http2 is enabled,
- # but the OpenSSL version does not have ALPN support (which is the default on Ubuntu 14.04).
- # Do not simply set --http2 as enabled by default.
- # !!!
- http2.add_argument("--http2", action="store_true", dest="http2")
- http2.add_argument("--no-http2", action="store_false", dest="http2",
- help="Explicitly enable/disable experimental HTTP2 support. "
- "Disabled by default. "
- "Default value will change in a future version."
- )
- rawtcp = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- rawtcp.add_argument("--raw-tcp", action="store_true", dest="rawtcp")
- rawtcp.add_argument("--no-raw-tcp", action="store_false", dest="rawtcp",
- help="Explicitly enable/disable experimental raw tcp support. "
- "Disabled by default. "
- "Default value will change in a future version."
- )
-def proxy_ssl_options(parser):
- # TODO: Agree to consistently either use "upstream" or "server".
- group = parser.add_argument_group("SSL")
- group.add_argument(
- "--cert",
- dest='certs',
- default=[],
- type=str,
- metavar="SPEC",
- action="append",
- help='Add an SSL certificate. SPEC is of the form "[domain=]path". '
- 'The domain may include a wildcard, and is equal to "*" if not specified. '
- 'The file at path is a certificate in PEM format. If a private key is included '
- 'in the PEM, it is used, else the default key in the conf dir is used. '
- 'The PEM file should contain the full certificate chain, with the leaf certificate '
- 'as the first entry. Can be passed multiple times.')
- group.add_argument(
- "--ciphers-client", action="store",
- type=str, dest="ciphers_client", default=config.DEFAULT_CLIENT_CIPHERS,
- help="Set supported ciphers for client connections. (OpenSSL Syntax)"
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--ciphers-server", action="store",
- type=str, dest="ciphers_server", default=None,
- help="Set supported ciphers for server connections. (OpenSSL Syntax)"
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--client-certs", action="store",
- type=str, dest="clientcerts", default=None,
- help="Client certificate file or directory."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--no-upstream-cert", default=False,
- action="store_true", dest="no_upstream_cert",
- help="Don't connect to upstream server to look up certificate details."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--verify-upstream-cert", default=False,
- action="store_true", dest="ssl_verify_upstream_cert",
- help="Verify upstream server SSL/TLS certificates and fail if invalid "
- "or not present."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--upstream-trusted-cadir", default=None, action="store",
- dest="ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_cadir",
- help="Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates for upstream "
- "server verification prepared using the c_rehash tool."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--upstream-trusted-ca", default=None, action="store",
- dest="ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca",
- help="Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--ssl-version-client", dest="ssl_version_client",
- default="secure", action="store",
- choices=sslversion_choices.keys(),
- help="Set supported SSL/TLS versions for client connections. "
- "SSLv2, SSLv3 and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--ssl-version-server", dest="ssl_version_server",
- default="secure", action="store",
- choices=sslversion_choices.keys(),
- help="Set supported SSL/TLS versions for server connections. "
- "SSLv2, SSLv3 and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+."
- )
-def onboarding_app(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group("Onboarding App")
- group.add_argument(
- "--noapp",
- action="store_false", dest="app", default=True,
- help="Disable the mitmproxy onboarding app."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--app-host",
- action="store", dest="app_host", default=APP_HOST, metavar="host",
- help="""
- Domain to serve the onboarding app from. For transparent mode, use
- an IP when a DNS entry for the app domain is not present. Default:
- %s
- """ % APP_HOST
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--app-port",
- action="store",
- dest="app_port",
- default=APP_PORT,
- type=int,
- metavar="80",
- help="Port to serve the onboarding app from."
- )
-def client_replay(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group("Client Replay")
- group.add_argument(
- "-c", "--client-replay",
- action="append", dest="client_replay", default=None, metavar="PATH",
- help="Replay client requests from a saved file."
- )
-def server_replay(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group("Server Replay")
- group.add_argument(
- "-S", "--server-replay",
- action="append", dest="server_replay", default=None, metavar="PATH",
- help="Replay server responses from a saved file."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-k", "--kill",
- action="store_true", dest="kill", default=False,
- help="Kill extra requests during replay."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--rheader",
- action="append", dest="rheaders", type=str,
- help="Request headers to be considered during replay. "
- "Can be passed multiple times."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--norefresh",
- action="store_true", dest="norefresh", default=False,
- help="""
- Disable response refresh, which updates times in cookies and headers
- for replayed responses.
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--no-pop",
- action="store_true", dest="nopop", default=False,
- help="Disable response pop from response flow. "
- "This makes it possible to replay same response multiple times."
- )
- payload = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- payload.add_argument(
- "--replay-ignore-content",
- action="store_true", dest="replay_ignore_content", default=False,
- help="""
- Ignore request's content while searching for a saved flow to replay
- """
- )
- payload.add_argument(
- "--replay-ignore-payload-param",
- action="append", dest="replay_ignore_payload_params", type=str,
- help="""
- Request's payload parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data) to
- be ignored while searching for a saved flow to replay.
- Can be passed multiple times.
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--replay-ignore-param",
- action="append", dest="replay_ignore_params", type=str,
- help="""
- Request's parameters to be ignored while searching for a saved flow
- to replay. Can be passed multiple times.
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--replay-ignore-host",
- action="store_true",
- dest="replay_ignore_host",
- default=False,
- help="Ignore request's destination host while searching for a saved flow to replay")
-def replacements(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group(
- "Replacements",
- """
- Replacements are of the form "/pattern/regex/replacement", where
- the separator can be any character. Please see the documentation
- for more information.
- """.strip()
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--replace",
- action="append", type=str, dest="replace", default=[],
- metavar="PATTERN",
- help="Replacement pattern."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--replace-from-file",
- action="append", type=str, dest="replace_file", default=[],
- metavar="PATH",
- help="""
- Replacement pattern, where the replacement clause is a path to a
- file.
- """
- )
-def set_headers(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group(
- "Set Headers",
- """
- Header specifications are of the form "/pattern/header/value",
- where the separator can be any character. Please see the
- documentation for more information.
- """.strip()
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--setheader",
- action="append", type=str, dest="setheader", default=[],
- metavar="PATTERN",
- help="Header set pattern."
- )
-def proxy_authentication(parser):
- group = parser.add_argument_group(
- "Proxy Authentication",
- """
- Specify which users are allowed to access the proxy and the method
- used for authenticating them.
- """
- ).add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- group.add_argument(
- "--nonanonymous",
- action="store_true", dest="auth_nonanonymous",
- help="Allow access to any user long as a credentials are specified."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--singleuser",
- action="store", dest="auth_singleuser", type=str,
- metavar="USER",
- help="""
- Allows access to a a single user, specified in the form
- username:password.
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--htpasswd",
- action="store", dest="auth_htpasswd", type=str,
- metavar="PATH",
- help="Allow access to users specified in an Apache htpasswd file."
- )
-def common_options(parser):
- basic_options(parser)
- proxy_modes(parser)
- proxy_options(parser)
- proxy_ssl_options(parser)
- onboarding_app(parser)
- client_replay(parser)
- server_replay(parser)
- replacements(parser)
- set_headers(parser)
- proxy_authentication(parser)
-def mitmproxy():
- # Don't import libmproxy.console for mitmdump, urwid is not available on all
- # platforms.
- from .console import palettes
- parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(
- usage="%(prog)s [options]",
- args_for_setting_config_path=["--conf"],
- default_config_files=[
- os.path.join(config.CA_DIR, "common.conf"),
- os.path.join(config.CA_DIR, "mitmproxy.conf")
- ],
- add_config_file_help=True,
- add_env_var_help=True
- )
- common_options(parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- "--palette", type=str, default=palettes.DEFAULT,
- action="store", dest="palette",
- choices=sorted(palettes.palettes.keys()),
- help="Select color palette: " + ", ".join(palettes.palettes.keys())
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--palette-transparent",
- action="store_true", dest="palette_transparent", default=False,
- help="Set transparent background for palette."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-e", "--eventlog",
- action="store_true", dest="eventlog",
- help="Show event log."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-f", "--follow",
- action="store_true", dest="follow",
- help="Follow flow list."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--no-mouse",
- action="store_true", dest="no_mouse",
- help="Disable mouse interaction."
- )
- group = parser.add_argument_group(
- "Filters",
- "See help in mitmproxy for filter expression syntax."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-i", "--intercept", action="store",
- type=str, dest="intercept", default=None,
- help="Intercept filter expression."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-l", "--limit", action="store",
- type=str, dest="limit", default=None,
- help="Limit filter expression."
- )
- return parser
-def mitmdump():
- parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(
- usage="%(prog)s [options] [filter]",
- args_for_setting_config_path=["--conf"],
- default_config_files=[
- os.path.join(config.CA_DIR, "common.conf"),
- os.path.join(config.CA_DIR, "mitmdump.conf")
- ],
- add_config_file_help=True,
- add_env_var_help=True
- )
- common_options(parser)
- parser.add_argument(
- "--keepserving",
- action="store_true", dest="keepserving", default=False,
- help="""
- Continue serving after client playback or file read. We exit by
- default.
- """
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-d", "--detail",
- action="count", dest="flow_detail", default=1,
- help="Increase flow detail display level. Can be passed multiple times."
- )
- parser.add_argument('args', nargs="...")
- return parser
-def mitmweb():
- parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(
- usage="%(prog)s [options]",
- args_for_setting_config_path=["--conf"],
- default_config_files=[
- os.path.join(config.CA_DIR, "common.conf"),
- os.path.join(config.CA_DIR, "mitmweb.conf")
- ],
- add_config_file_help=True,
- add_env_var_help=True
- )
- group = parser.add_argument_group("Mitmweb")
- group.add_argument(
- "--wport",
- action="store", type=int, dest="wport", default=8081,
- metavar="PORT",
- help="Mitmweb port."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--wiface",
- action="store", dest="wiface", default="",
- metavar="IFACE",
- help="Mitmweb interface."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--wdebug",
- action="store_true", dest="wdebug",
- help="Turn on mitmweb debugging"
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--wsingleuser",
- action="store", dest="wsingleuser", type=str,
- metavar="USER",
- help="""
- Allows access to a a single user, specified in the form
- username:password.
- """
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "--whtpasswd",
- action="store", dest="whtpasswd", type=str,
- metavar="PATH",
- help="Allow access to users specified in an Apache htpasswd file."
- )
- common_options(parser)
- group = parser.add_argument_group(
- "Filters",
- "See help in mitmproxy for filter expression syntax."
- )
- group.add_argument(
- "-i", "--intercept", action="store",
- type=str, dest="intercept", default=None,
- help="Intercept filter expression."
- )
- return parser