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3 files changed, 90 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/.jenkins/Jenkinsfile-cryptography-wheel-builder b/.jenkins/Jenkinsfile-cryptography-wheel-builder
index 72158f3c..907f06e9 100644
--- a/.jenkins/Jenkinsfile-cryptography-wheel-builder
+++ b/.jenkins/Jenkinsfile-cryptography-wheel-builder
@@ -14,30 +14,6 @@ def configs = [
label: 'windows64',
versions: ['py27', 'py34', 'py35', 'py36', 'py37'],
- [
- label: 'sierra',
- // The py3x version listed here corresponds to the minimum ABI version
- // the wheels will support. e.g. py34 supports py34+
- versions: ['py27', 'py34'],
- ],
- [
- label: 'docker',
- imageName: 'pyca/cryptography-manylinux1:i686',
- // The py3x version listed here corresponds to the minimum ABI version
- // the wheels will support. e.g. cp34-cp34m supports py34+
- versions: [
- 'cp27-cp27m', 'cp27-cp27mu', 'cp34-cp34m',
- ],
- ],
- [
- label: 'docker',
- imageName: 'pyca/cryptography-manylinux1:x86_64',
- // The py3x version listed here corresponds to the minimum ABI version
- // the wheels will support. e.g. cp34-cp34m supports py34+
- versions: [
- 'cp27-cp27m', 'cp27-cp27mu', 'cp34-cp34m',
- ],
- ],
@@ -89,73 +65,6 @@ def build(version, label, imageName) {
pip install -f wheelhouse cryptography --no-index
python -c "from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend import backend;print('Loaded: ' + backend.openssl_version_text());print('Linked Against: ' + backend._ffi.string(backend._lib.OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT).decode('ascii'))"
- } else if (label.contains("sierra")) {
- def pythonPath = [
- py27: "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7",
- py34: "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin/python3.4",
- ]
- ansiColor {
- sh """#!/usr/bin/env bash
- set -xe
- # output the list of things we've installed as a point in time check of how up
- # to date the builder is
- /usr/sbin/system_profiler SPInstallHistoryDataType
- # Jenkins logs in as a non-interactive shell, so we don't even have /usr/local/bin in PATH
- export PATH="/usr/local/bin:\${PATH}"
- export PATH="/Users/jenkins/.pyenv/shims:\${PATH}"
- printenv
- virtualenv .venv -p ${pythonPath[version]}
- source .venv/bin/activate
- pip install -U wheel # upgrade wheel to latest before we use it to build the wheel
- pip install cffi six idna asn1crypto ipaddress enum34
- REGEX="py3([0-9])*"
- if [[ "${version}" =~ \$REGEX ]]; then
- PY_LIMITED_API="--build-option --py-limited-api=cp3\${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- fi
- LDFLAGS="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/libcrypto.a /usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/libssl.a" \
- CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include -mmacosx-version-min=10.9" \
- pip wheel cryptography==$BUILD_VERSION --no-use-pep517 --wheel-dir=wheelhouse --no-binary cryptography --no-deps \$PY_LIMITED_API
- pip install -f wheelhouse cryptography --no-index
- python -c "from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend import backend;print('Loaded: ' + backend.openssl_version_text());print('Linked Against: ' + backend._ffi.string(backend._lib.OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT).decode('ascii'))"
- otool -L `find .venv -name '_openssl*.so'`
- lipo -info `find .venv -name '*.so'`
- otool -L `find .venv -name '_openssl*.so'` | grep -vG "libcrypto\\|libssl"
- """
- }
- } else if (label.contains("docker")) {
- linux32 = ""
- if (imageName.contains("i686")) {
- linux32 = "linux32"
- }
- sh """#!/usr/bin/env bash
- set -x -e
- $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/pip install cffi six idna asn1crypto ipaddress enum34
- # Because we are doing this as root in the container, but we write to a mounted dir that is outside the container
- # we need to make sure we set these files writable such that the jenkins user can delete them afterwards
- mkdir -p tmpwheelhouse
- mkdir -p wheelhouse
- chmod -R 777 tmpwheelhouse
- chmod -R 777 wheelhouse
- REGEX="cp3([0-9])*"
- if [[ "${version}" =~ \$REGEX ]]; then
- PY_LIMITED_API="--build-option --py-limited-api=cp3\${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- fi
- LDFLAGS="-L/opt/pyca/cryptography/openssl/lib" \
- CFLAGS="-I/opt/pyca/cryptography/openssl/include -Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL" \
- $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/pip wheel cryptography==$BUILD_VERSION --no-use-pep517 --no-binary cryptography --no-deps --wheel-dir=tmpwheelhouse \$PY_LIMITED_API
- $linux32 auditwheel repair tmpwheelhouse/cryptography*.whl -w wheelhouse/
- unzip wheelhouse/*.whl -d execstack.check
- chmod -R 777 execstack.check
- (execstack execstack.check/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/*.so | grep '^X') && exit 1
- $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/pip install cryptography==$BUILD_VERSION --no-index -f wheelhouse/
- $linux32 /opt/python/$version/bin/python -c "from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend import backend;print('Loaded: ' + backend.openssl_version_text());print('Linked Against: ' + backend._ffi.string(backend._lib.OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT).decode('ascii'))"
- """
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "wheelhouse/cryptography*.whl"
@@ -172,28 +81,11 @@ for (config in configs) {
for (_version in versions) {
def version = _version
- if (label.contains("docker")) {
- def imageName = config["imageName"]
- def combinedName = "${imageName}-${version}"
- builders[combinedName] = {
- node(label) {
- stage(combinedName) {
- def buildImage = docker.image(imageName)
- buildImage.pull()
- buildImage.inside("-u root") {
- build(version, label, imageName)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- def combinedName = "${label}-${version}"
- builders[combinedName] = {
- node(label) {
- stage(combinedName) {
- build(version, label, "")
- }
+ def combinedName = "${label}-${version}"
+ builders[combinedName] = {
+ node(label) {
+ stage(combinedName) {
+ build(version, label, "")
diff --git a/dev-requirements.txt b/dev-requirements.txt
index 58827ed4..60819739 100644
--- a/dev-requirements.txt
+++ b/dev-requirements.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
tox >= 2.4.1
diff --git a/release.py b/release.py
index d7c18d10..b8269114 100644
--- a/release.py
+++ b/release.py
@@ -7,13 +7,19 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import getpass
import glob
import io
+import json
import os
import subprocess
+import tempfile
import time
+import zipfile
+from azure.devops.connection import Connection
+from azure.devops.v5_1.build.models import Build
import click
-from clint.textui.progress import Bar as ProgressBar
+from msrest.authentication import BasicAuthentication
import requests
@@ -29,7 +35,63 @@ def run(*args, **kwargs):
subprocess.check_call(list(args), **kwargs)
-def wait_for_build_completed(session):
+def wait_for_build_completed_azure(build_client, build_id):
+ while True:
+ build = build_client.get_build("cryptography", build_id)
+ if build.finish_time is not None:
+ break
+ time.sleep(3)
+def download_artifacts_azure(build_client, build_id):
+ artifacts = build_client.get_artifacts("cryptography", build_id)
+ paths = []
+ for artifact in artifacts:
+ contents = build_client.get_artifact_content_zip(
+ "cryptography", build_id, artifact.name
+ )
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
+ for chunk in contents:
+ f.write(chunk)
+ f.flush()
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(f.name) as z:
+ for name in z.namelist():
+ if not name.endswith(".whl"):
+ continue
+ p = z.open(name)
+ out_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ "dist",
+ os.path.basename(name),
+ )
+ with open(out_path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(p.read())
+ paths.append(out_path)
+ return paths
+def build_wheels_azure(version):
+ token = getpass.getpass("Azure personal access token: ")
+ credentials = BasicAuthentication("", token)
+ connection = Connection(
+ base_url="https://dev.azure.com/pyca", creds=credentials
+ )
+ build_client = connection.clients.get_build_client()
+ [definition] = build_client.get_definitions(
+ "cryptography", "wheel builder"
+ )
+ build_description = Build(
+ definition=definition,
+ parameters=json.dumps({"BUILD_VERSION": version}),
+ )
+ build = build_client.queue_build(
+ project="cryptography", build=build_description
+ )
+ wait_for_build_completed_azure(build_client, build.id)
+ return download_artifacts_azure(build_client, build.id)
+def wait_for_build_completed_jenkins(session):
# Wait 20 seconds before actually checking if the build is complete, to
# ensure that it had time to really start.
@@ -47,7 +109,7 @@ def wait_for_build_completed(session):
-def download_artifacts(session):
+def download_artifacts_jenkins(session):
response = session.get(
@@ -69,16 +131,9 @@ def download_artifacts(session):
assert response.headers["content-length"]
print("Downloading {0}".format(artifact["fileName"]))
- bar = ProgressBar(
- expected_size=int(response.headers["content-length"]),
- filled_char="="
- )
content = io.BytesIO()
for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
- bar.show(content.tell())
- assert bar.expected_size == content.tell()
- bar.done()
out_path = os.path.join(
@@ -90,6 +145,22 @@ def download_artifacts(session):
return paths
+def build_wheels_jenkins(version):
+ token = getpass.getpass("Input the Jenkins token: ")
+ session = requests.Session()
+ response = session.get(
+ "{0}/buildWithParameters".format(JENKINS_URL),
+ params={
+ "token": token,
+ "BUILD_VERSION": version,
+ "cause": "Building wheels for {0}".format(version)
+ }
+ )
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ wait_for_build_completed_jenkins(session)
+ return download_artifacts_jenkins(session)
def release(version):
@@ -108,21 +179,9 @@ def release(version):
run("twine", "upload", "-s", *packages)
- session = requests.Session()
- token = getpass.getpass("Input the Jenkins token: ")
- response = session.get(
- "{0}/buildWithParameters".format(JENKINS_URL),
- params={
- "token": token,
- "BUILD_VERSION": version,
- "cause": "Building wheels for {0}".format(version)
- }
- )
- response.raise_for_status()
- wait_for_build_completed(session)
- paths = download_artifacts(session)
- run("twine", "upload", *paths)
+ azure_wheel_paths = build_wheels_azure(version)
+ jenkins_wheel_paths = build_wheels_jenkins(version)
+ run("twine", "upload", *(azure_wheel_paths + jenkins_wheel_paths))
if __name__ == "__main__":