path: root/bbc_micro_de1.vhd
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Diffstat (limited to 'bbc_micro_de1.vhd')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/bbc_micro_de1.vhd b/bbc_micro_de1.vhd
index 184f8b4..d114a57 100644
--- a/bbc_micro_de1.vhd
+++ b/bbc_micro_de1.vhd
@@ -43,6 +43,32 @@ use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL;
-- Generic top-level entity for Altera DE1 board
entity bbc_micro_de1 is
+generic (
+ -- ROM offset
+ -- The 4MB Flash is used in 16KB banks as a simple mechanism for
+ -- different machines to address different parts of the ROM, saving
+ -- on re-flashing each time a new machine is run on the board.
+ -- This generic sets the upper 8 address bits.
+ -- Note that the lower bits may be ignored by the implementation,
+ -- e.g. where ROMs are bigger than 16K or where multiple banks
+ -- are required. In this case it is important to ensure that the
+ -- ROM images are aligned correctly (such that these ignored bits are 0).
+ --
+ -- For the BBC the ROMs start in bank 8 (the first 8 banks are used by
+ -- the Spectrum project). The particular bank is selected by the sideways
+ -- ROM paging register, and bank 7 is used for the MOS. Recommended layout
+ -- is:
+ --
+ -- 0 Sideways
+ -- 1 Sideways
+ -- 2 Sideways - SuperMMC (DFS)
+ -- 3 Sideways - BASIC
+ -- 4 Not used
+ -- 5 Not used
+ -- 6 Not used
+ -- 7 MOS
+ ROM_OFFSET : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00001000"
+ );
port (
-- Clocks
CLOCK_24 : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
@@ -151,35 +177,6 @@ component pll32 IS
end component;
--- Test UART for custom ROM
-component simple_uart is
-generic (
- f_clock : natural := 32000000;
- baud_rate : natural := 19200
- );
-port (
- CLOCK : in std_logic;
- nRESET : in std_logic;
- ENABLE : in std_logic;
- -- Read not write
- R_nW : in std_logic;
- -- Data not status (address)
- S_nD : in std_logic;
- -- Data bus in
- DI : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- -- Data bus out
- DO : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- -- Port pins
- RXD : in std_logic;
- TXD : out std_logic
- );
-end component;
-- CPU
@@ -561,9 +558,6 @@ signal mhz1_clken : std_logic; -- 1 MHz bus and associated peripherals, 6522 ph
signal ttxt_clken_counter : unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal ttxt_clken : std_logic;
--- Testing
-signal test_uart_do : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Debugger connections
signal debug_irq_in_n : std_logic;
signal debug_aux : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
@@ -746,19 +740,6 @@ begin
- -- Test UART
- test_uart : simple_uart port map (
- clock,
- reset_n,
- io_fred,
- cpu_r_nw,
- cpu_a(0),
- cpu_do,
- test_uart_do,
- );
-- 6502 CPU
cpu : T65 port map (
@@ -1094,23 +1075,23 @@ begin
"00000010" when acia_enable = '1' else
sys_via_do when sys_via_enable = '1' else
user_via_do when user_via_enable = '1' else
- test_uart_do when io_fred = '1' else
(others => '0'); -- un-decoded locations are pulled down by RP1
debug_irq_in_n <= sys_via_irq_n and user_via_irq_n; -- route IRQ through debugger
--cpu_irq_n <= sys_via_irq_n and user_via_irq_n;
- -- ROMs are in external flash
+ -- ROMs are in external flash and split into 16K slots (since this also suits other
+ -- computers that might be run on the same board).
+ -- The first 8 slots are allocated for use here, and the first 4 are decoded as
+ -- the sideways ROMs. Slot 7 is used for the MOS.
FL_RST_N <= reset_n;
FL_CE_N <= '0';
FL_OE_N <= '0';
FL_WE_N <= '1';
- FL_ADDR(13 downto 0) <= cpu_a(13 downto 0);
- FL_ADDR(21 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
- FL_ADDR(15 downto 14) <=
- "00" when mos_enable = '1' else
- "01" when rom_enable = '1' and romsel(1 downto 0) = "11" else -- BASIC
- "10" when rom_enable = '1' and romsel(1 downto 0) = "00" else -- DFS/MMC
- "11"; -- Spare
+ FL_ADDR(21 downto 17) <= ROM_OFFSET(7 downto 3);
+ FL_ADDR(16 downto 14) <=
+ "111" when mos_enable = '1' else
+ "0" & romsel(1 downto 0);
+ FL_ADDR(13 downto 0) <= cpu_a(13 downto 0);
-- SRAM bus
SRAM_UB_N <= '1';