path: root/m6522.vhd
diff options
authorMike Stirling <opensource@mikestirling.co.uk>2011-07-17 21:32:44 +0100
committerMike Stirling <opensource@mikestirling.co.uk>2011-07-17 21:32:44 +0100
commit78c1dae8212afdd81df8aebbece895f9bf2796b4 (patch)
treecd1026289ddc9c32b8c127e8dcfb4bb7dba13127 /m6522.vhd
parent3eee5c973d8373cf0735a6af1d818440b56dd4e2 (diff)
Work in progress: Added MOS6522 from www.fpgaarcade.com. Added simple_uart component in "FRED" for test purposes and added alternative EHBASIC ROM for debugging
Diffstat (limited to 'm6522.vhd')
1 files changed, 889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/m6522.vhd b/m6522.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a49e5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m6522.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+-- A simulation model of VIC20 hardware
+-- Copyright (c) MikeJ - March 2003
+-- All rights reserved
+-- Redistribution and use in source and synthezised forms, with or without
+-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+-- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+-- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+-- Redistributions in synthesized form must reproduce the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+-- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+-- Neither the name of the author nor the names of other contributors may
+-- be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+-- specific prior written permission.
+-- You are responsible for any legal issues arising from your use of this code.
+-- The latest version of this file can be found at: www.fpgaarcade.com
+-- Email vic20@fpgaarcade.com
+-- Revision list
+-- version 002 fix from Mark McDougall, untested
+-- version 001 initial release
+-- not very sure about the shift register, documentation is a bit light.
+library ieee ;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
+ use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+--library UNISIM;
+-- use UNISIM.Vcomponents.all;
+entity M6522 is
+ port (
+ I_RS : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ I_DATA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ O_DATA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ O_DATA_OE_L : out std_logic;
+ I_RW_L : in std_logic;
+ I_CS1 : in std_logic;
+ I_CS2_L : in std_logic;
+ O_IRQ_L : out std_logic; -- note, not open drain
+ -- port a
+ I_CA1 : in std_logic;
+ I_CA2 : in std_logic;
+ O_CA2 : out std_logic;
+ O_CA2_OE_L : out std_logic;
+ I_PA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ O_PA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ O_PA_OE_L : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ -- port b
+ I_CB1 : in std_logic;
+ O_CB1 : out std_logic;
+ O_CB1_OE_L : out std_logic;
+ I_CB2 : in std_logic;
+ O_CB2 : out std_logic;
+ O_CB2_OE_L : out std_logic;
+ I_PB : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ O_PB : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ O_PB_OE_L : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ I_P2_H : in std_logic; -- high for phase 2 clock ____----__
+ RESET_L : in std_logic;
+ ENA_4 : in std_logic; -- clk enable
+ CLK : in std_logic
+ );
+architecture RTL of M6522 is
+ signal phase : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ signal p2_h_t1 : std_logic;
+ signal cs : std_logic;
+ -- registers
+ signal r_ddra : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_ora : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_ira : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_ddrb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_orb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_irb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_t1l_l : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_t1l_h : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_t2l_l : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_t2l_h : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- not in real chip
+ signal r_sr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_acr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_pcr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_ifr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal r_ier : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
+ signal sr_write_ena : boolean;
+ signal sr_read_ena : boolean;
+ signal ifr_write_ena : boolean;
+ signal ier_write_ena : boolean;
+ signal clear_irq : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal load_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ -- timer 1
+ signal t1c : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ signal t1c_active : boolean;
+ signal t1c_done : boolean;
+ signal t1_w_reset_int : boolean;
+ signal t1_r_reset_int : boolean;
+ signal t1_load_counter : boolean;
+ signal t1_reload_counter : boolean;
+ signal t1_toggle : std_logic;
+ signal t1_irq : std_logic := '0';
+ -- timer 2
+ signal t2c : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ signal t2c_active : boolean;
+ signal t2c_done : boolean;
+ signal t2_pb6 : std_logic;
+ signal t2_pb6_t1 : std_logic;
+ signal t2_w_reset_int : boolean;
+ signal t2_r_reset_int : boolean;
+ signal t2_load_counter : boolean;
+ signal t2_reload_counter : boolean;
+ signal t2_irq : std_logic := '0';
+ signal t2_sr_ena : boolean;
+ -- shift reg
+ signal sr_cnt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal sr_cb1_oe_l : std_logic;
+ signal sr_cb1_out : std_logic;
+ signal sr_drive_cb2 : std_logic;
+ signal sr_strobe : std_logic;
+ signal sr_strobe_t1 : std_logic;
+ signal sr_strobe_falling : boolean;
+ signal sr_strobe_rising : boolean;
+ signal sr_irq : std_logic;
+ signal sr_out : std_logic;
+ signal sr_off_delay : std_logic;
+ -- io
+ signal w_orb_hs : std_logic;
+ signal w_ora_hs : std_logic;
+ signal r_irb_hs : std_logic;
+ signal r_ira_hs : std_logic;
+ signal ca_hs_sr : std_logic;
+ signal ca_hs_pulse : std_logic;
+ signal cb_hs_sr : std_logic;
+ signal cb_hs_pulse : std_logic;
+ signal cb1_in_mux : std_logic;
+ signal ca1_ip_reg : std_logic;
+ signal cb1_ip_reg : std_logic;
+ signal ca1_int : boolean;
+ signal cb1_int : boolean;
+ signal ca1_irq : std_logic;
+ signal cb1_irq : std_logic;
+ signal ca2_ip_reg : std_logic;
+ signal cb2_ip_reg : std_logic;
+ signal ca2_int : boolean;
+ signal cb2_int : boolean;
+ signal ca2_irq : std_logic;
+ signal cb2_irq : std_logic;
+ signal final_irq : std_logic;
+ p_phase : process
+ begin
+ -- internal clock phase
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ p2_h_t1 <= I_P2_H;
+ if (p2_h_t1 = '0') and (I_P2_H = '1') then
+ phase <= "11";
+ else
+ phase <= phase + "1";
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_cs : process(I_CS1, I_CS2_L, I_P2_H)
+ begin
+ cs <= '0';
+ if (I_CS1 = '1') and (I_CS2_L = '0') and (I_P2_H = '1') then
+ cs <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ -- peripheral control reg (pcr)
+ -- 0 ca1 interrupt control (0 +ve edge, 1 -ve edge)
+ -- 3..1 ca2 operation
+ -- 000 input -ve edge
+ -- 001 independend interrupt input -ve edge
+ -- 010 input +ve edge
+ -- 011 independend interrupt input +ve edge
+ -- 100 handshake output
+ -- 101 pulse output
+ -- 110 low output
+ -- 111 high output
+ -- 7..4 as 3..0 for cb1,cb2
+ -- auxiliary control reg (acr)
+ -- 0 input latch PA (0 disable, 1 enable)
+ -- 1 input latch PB (0 disable, 1 enable)
+ -- 4..2 shift reg control
+ -- 000 disable
+ -- 001 shift in using t2
+ -- 010 shift in using o2
+ -- 011 shift in using ext clk
+ -- 100 shift out free running t2 rate
+ -- 101 shift out using t2
+ -- 101 shift out using o2
+ -- 101 shift out using ext clk
+ -- 5 t2 timer control (0 timed interrupt, 1 count down with pulses on pb6)
+ -- 7..6 t1 timer control
+ -- 00 timed interrupt each time t1 is loaded pb7 disable
+ -- 01 continuous interrupts pb7 disable
+ -- 00 timed interrupt each time t1 is loaded pb7 one shot output
+ -- 01 continuous interrupts pb7 square wave output
+ --
+ p_write_reg_reset : process(RESET_L, CLK)
+ begin
+ if (RESET_L = '0') then
+ r_ora <= x"00"; r_orb <= x"00";
+ r_ddra <= x"00"; r_ddrb <= x"00";
+ r_acr <= x"00"; r_pcr <= x"00";
+ w_orb_hs <= '0';
+ w_ora_hs <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ w_orb_hs <= '0';
+ w_ora_hs <= '0';
+ if (cs = '1') and (I_RW_L = '0') then
+ case I_RS is
+ when x"0" => r_orb <= I_DATA; w_orb_hs <= '1';
+ when x"1" => r_ora <= I_DATA; w_ora_hs <= '1';
+ when x"2" => r_ddrb <= I_DATA;
+ when x"3" => r_ddra <= I_DATA;
+ when x"B" => r_acr <= I_DATA;
+ when x"C" => r_pcr <= I_DATA;
+ when x"F" => r_ora <= I_DATA;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if (r_acr(7) = '1') and (t1_toggle = '1') then
+ r_orb(7) <= not r_orb(7); -- toggle
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_write_reg : process
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ t1_w_reset_int <= false;
+ t1_load_counter <= false;
+ t2_w_reset_int <= false;
+ t2_load_counter <= false;
+ load_data <= x"00";
+ sr_write_ena <= false;
+ ifr_write_ena <= false;
+ ier_write_ena <= false;
+ if (cs = '1') and (I_RW_L = '0') then
+ load_data <= I_DATA;
+ case I_RS is
+ when x"4" => r_t1l_l <= I_DATA;
+ when x"5" => r_t1l_h <= I_DATA; t1_w_reset_int <= true;
+ t1_load_counter <= true;
+ when x"6" => r_t1l_l <= I_DATA;
+ when x"7" => r_t1l_h <= I_DATA; t1_w_reset_int <= true;
+ when x"8" => r_t2l_l <= I_DATA;
+ when x"9" => r_t2l_h <= I_DATA; t2_w_reset_int <= true;
+ t2_load_counter <= true;
+ when x"A" => sr_write_ena <= true;
+ when x"D" => ifr_write_ena <= true;
+ when x"E" => ier_write_ena <= true;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_oe : process(cs, I_RW_L)
+ begin
+ O_DATA_OE_L <= '1';
+ if (cs = '1') and (I_RW_L = '1') then
+ O_DATA_OE_L <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_read : process(cs, I_RW_L, I_RS, r_irb, r_ira, r_ddrb, r_ddra, t1c, r_t1l_l,
+ r_t1l_h, t2c, r_sr, r_acr, r_pcr, r_ifr, r_ier, r_orb)
+ begin
+ t1_r_reset_int <= false;
+ t2_r_reset_int <= false;
+ sr_read_ena <= false;
+ r_irb_hs <= '0';
+ r_ira_hs <= '0';
+ O_DATA <= x"00"; -- default
+ if (cs = '1') and (I_RW_L = '1') then
+ case I_RS is
+ --when x"0" => O_DATA <= r_irb; r_irb_hs <= '1';
+ -- fix from Mark McDougall, untested
+ when x"0" => O_DATA <= (r_irb and not r_ddrb) or (r_orb and r_ddrb); r_irb_hs <= '1';
+ when x"1" => O_DATA <= r_ira; r_ira_hs <= '1';
+ when x"2" => O_DATA <= r_ddrb;
+ when x"3" => O_DATA <= r_ddra;
+ when x"4" => O_DATA <= t1c( 7 downto 0); t1_r_reset_int <= true;
+ when x"5" => O_DATA <= t1c(15 downto 8);
+ when x"6" => O_DATA <= r_t1l_l;
+ when x"7" => O_DATA <= r_t1l_h;
+ when x"8" => O_DATA <= t2c( 7 downto 0); t2_r_reset_int <= true;
+ when x"9" => O_DATA <= t2c(15 downto 8);
+ when x"A" => O_DATA <= r_sr; sr_read_ena <= true;
+ when x"B" => O_DATA <= r_acr;
+ when x"C" => O_DATA <= r_pcr;
+ when x"D" => O_DATA <= r_ifr;
+ when x"E" => O_DATA <= ('0' & r_ier);
+ when x"F" => O_DATA <= r_ira;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --
+ -- IO
+ --
+ p_ca1_cb1_sel : process(sr_cb1_oe_l, sr_cb1_out, I_CB1)
+ begin
+ -- if the shift register is enabled, cb1 may be an output
+ -- in this case, we should listen to the CB1_OUT for the interrupt
+ if (sr_cb1_oe_l = '1') then
+ cb1_in_mux <= I_CB1;
+ else
+ cb1_in_mux <= sr_cb1_out;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_ca1_cb1_int : process(r_pcr, ca1_ip_reg, I_CA1, cb1_ip_reg, cb1_in_mux)
+ begin
+ if (r_pcr(0) = '0') then -- ca1 control
+ -- negative edge
+ ca1_int <= (ca1_ip_reg = '1') and (I_CA1 = '0');
+ else
+ -- positive edge
+ ca1_int <= (ca1_ip_reg = '0') and (I_CA1 = '1');
+ end if;
+ if (r_pcr(4) = '0') then -- cb1 control
+ -- negative edge
+ cb1_int <= (cb1_ip_reg = '1') and (cb1_in_mux = '0');
+ else
+ -- positive edge
+ cb1_int <= (cb1_ip_reg = '0') and (cb1_in_mux = '1');
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_ca2_cb2_int : process(r_pcr, ca2_ip_reg, I_CA2, cb2_ip_reg, I_CB2)
+ begin
+ ca2_int <= false;
+ if (r_pcr(3) = '0') then -- ca2 input
+ if (r_pcr(2) = '0') then -- ca2 edge
+ -- negative edge
+ ca2_int <= (ca2_ip_reg = '1') and (I_CA2 = '0');
+ else
+ -- positive edge
+ ca2_int <= (ca2_ip_reg = '0') and (I_CA2 = '1');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ cb2_int <= false;
+ if (r_pcr(7) = '0') then -- cb2 input
+ if (r_pcr(6) = '0') then -- cb2 edge
+ -- negative edge
+ cb2_int <= (cb2_ip_reg = '1') and (I_CB2 = '0');
+ else
+ -- positive edge
+ cb2_int <= (cb2_ip_reg = '0') and (I_CB2 = '1');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_ca2_cb2 : process(RESET_L, CLK)
+ begin
+ if (RESET_L = '0') then
+ O_CA2 <= '0';
+ O_CA2_OE_L <= '1';
+ O_CB2 <= '0';
+ O_CB2_OE_L <= '1';
+ ca_hs_sr <= '0';
+ ca_hs_pulse <= '0';
+ cb_hs_sr <= '0';
+ cb_hs_pulse <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ -- ca
+ if (phase = "00") and ((w_ora_hs = '1') or (r_ira_hs = '1')) then
+ ca_hs_sr <= '1';
+ elsif ca1_int then
+ ca_hs_sr <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if (phase = "00") then
+ ca_hs_pulse <= w_ora_hs or r_ira_hs;
+ end if;
+ O_CA2_OE_L <= not r_pcr(3); -- ca2 output
+ case r_pcr(3 downto 1) is
+ when "000" => O_CA2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "001" => O_CA2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "010" => O_CA2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "011" => O_CA2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "100" => O_CA2 <= not (ca_hs_sr); -- handshake
+ when "101" => O_CA2 <= not (ca_hs_pulse); -- pulse
+ when "110" => O_CA2 <= '0'; -- low
+ when "111" => O_CA2 <= '1'; -- high
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ -- cb
+ if (phase = "00") and (w_orb_hs = '1') then
+ cb_hs_sr <= '1';
+ elsif cb1_int then
+ cb_hs_sr <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if (phase = "00") then
+ cb_hs_pulse <= w_orb_hs;
+ end if;
+ O_CB2_OE_L <= not (r_pcr(7) or sr_drive_cb2); -- cb2 output or serial
+ if (sr_drive_cb2 = '1') then -- serial output
+ O_CB2 <= sr_out;
+ else
+ case r_pcr(7 downto 5) is
+ when "000" => O_CB2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "001" => O_CB2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "010" => O_CB2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "011" => O_CB2 <= '0'; -- input
+ when "100" => O_CB2 <= not (cb_hs_sr); -- handshake
+ when "101" => O_CB2 <= not (cb_hs_pulse); -- pulse
+ when "110" => O_CB2 <= '0'; -- low
+ when "111" => O_CB2 <= '1'; -- high
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ O_CB1 <= sr_cb1_out;
+ O_CB1_OE_L <= sr_cb1_oe_l;
+ p_ca_cb_irq : process(RESET_L, CLK)
+ begin
+ if (RESET_L = '0') then
+ ca1_irq <= '0';
+ ca2_irq <= '0';
+ cb1_irq <= '0';
+ cb2_irq <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ -- not pretty
+ if ca1_int then
+ ca1_irq <= '1';
+ elsif (r_ira_hs = '1') or (w_ora_hs = '1') or (clear_irq(1) = '1') then
+ ca1_irq <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if ca2_int then
+ ca2_irq <= '1';
+ else
+ if (((r_ira_hs = '1') or (w_ora_hs = '1')) and (r_pcr(1) = '0')) or
+ (clear_irq(0) = '1') then
+ ca2_irq <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if cb1_int then
+ cb1_irq <= '1';
+ elsif (r_irb_hs = '1') or (w_orb_hs = '1') or (clear_irq(4) = '1') then
+ cb1_irq <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if cb2_int then
+ cb2_irq <= '1';
+ else
+ if (((r_irb_hs = '1') or (w_orb_hs = '1')) and (r_pcr(5) = '0')) or
+ (clear_irq(3) = '1') then
+ cb2_irq <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_input_reg : process(RESET_L, CLK)
+ begin
+ if (RESET_L = '0') then
+ ca1_ip_reg <= '0';
+ cb1_ip_reg <= '0';
+ ca2_ip_reg <= '0';
+ cb2_ip_reg <= '0';
+ r_ira <= x"00";
+ r_irb <= x"00";
+ elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ -- we have a fast clock, so we can have input registers
+ ca1_ip_reg <= I_CA1;
+ cb1_ip_reg <= cb1_in_mux;
+ ca2_ip_reg <= I_CA2;
+ cb2_ip_reg <= I_CB2;
+ if (r_acr(0) = '0') then
+ r_ira <= I_PA;
+ else -- enable latching
+ if ca1_int then
+ r_ira <= I_PA;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if (r_acr(1) = '0') then
+ r_irb <= I_PB;
+ else -- enable latching
+ if cb1_int then
+ r_irb <= I_PB;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_buffers : process(r_ddra, r_ora, r_ddrb, r_acr, r_orb)
+ begin
+ -- data direction reg (ddr) 0 = input, 1 = output
+ O_PA <= r_ora;
+ O_PA_OE_L <= not r_ddra;
+ if (r_acr(7) = '1') then -- not clear if r_ddrb(7) must be 1 as well
+ O_PB_OE_L(7) <= '0'; -- an output if under t1 control
+ else
+ O_PB_OE_L(7) <= not (r_ddrb(7));
+ end if;
+ O_PB_OE_L(6 downto 0) <= not r_ddrb(6 downto 0);
+ O_PB(7 downto 0) <= r_orb(7 downto 0);
+ end process;
+ --
+ -- Timer 1
+ --
+ p_timer1_done : process
+ variable done : boolean;
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ done := (t1c = x"0000");
+ t1c_done <= done and (phase = "11");
+ if (phase = "11") then
+ t1_reload_counter <= done and (r_acr(6) = '1');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_timer1 : process
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ if t1_load_counter or (t1_reload_counter and phase = "11") then
+ t1c( 7 downto 0) <= r_t1l_l;
+ t1c(15 downto 8) <= r_t1l_h;
+ elsif (phase="11") then
+ t1c <= t1c - "1";
+ end if;
+ if t1_load_counter or t1_reload_counter then
+ t1c_active <= true;
+ elsif t1c_done then
+ t1c_active <= false;
+ end if;
+ t1_toggle <= '0';
+ if t1c_active and t1c_done then
+ t1_toggle <= '1';
+ t1_irq <= '1';
+ elsif t1_w_reset_int or t1_r_reset_int or (clear_irq(6) = '1') then
+ t1_irq <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --
+ -- Timer2
+ --
+ p_timer2_pb6_input : process
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ if (phase = "01") then -- leading edge p2_h
+ t2_pb6 <= I_PB(6);
+ t2_pb6_t1 <= t2_pb6;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_timer2_done : process
+ variable done : boolean;
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ done := (t2c = x"0000");
+ t2c_done <= done and (phase = "11");
+ if (phase = "11") then
+ t2_reload_counter <= done;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_timer2 : process
+ variable ena : boolean;
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ if (r_acr(5) = '0') then
+ ena := true;
+ else
+ ena := (t2_pb6_t1 = '1') and (t2_pb6 = '0'); -- falling edge
+ end if;
+ if t2_load_counter or (t2_reload_counter and phase = "11") then
+ -- not sure if t2c_reload should be here. Does timer2 just continue to
+ -- count down, or is it reloaded ? Reloaded makes more sense if using
+ -- it to generate a clock for the shift register.
+ t2c( 7 downto 0) <= r_t2l_l;
+ t2c(15 downto 8) <= r_t2l_h;
+ else
+ if (phase="11") and ena then -- or count mode
+ t2c <= t2c - "1";
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ t2_sr_ena <= (t2c(7 downto 0) = x"00") and (phase = "11");
+ if t2_load_counter then
+ t2c_active <= true;
+ elsif t2c_done then
+ t2c_active <= false;
+ end if;
+ if t2c_active and t2c_done then
+ t2_irq <= '1';
+ elsif t2_w_reset_int or t2_r_reset_int or (clear_irq(5) = '1') then
+ t2_irq <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --
+ -- Shift Register
+ --
+ p_sr : process(RESET_L, CLK)
+ variable dir_out : std_logic;
+ variable ena : std_logic;
+ variable cb1_op : std_logic;
+ variable cb1_ip : std_logic;
+ variable use_t2 : std_logic;
+ variable free_run : std_logic;
+ variable sr_count_ena : boolean;
+ begin
+ if (RESET_L = '0') then
+ r_sr <= x"00";
+ sr_drive_cb2 <= '0';
+ sr_cb1_oe_l <= '1';
+ sr_cb1_out <= '0';
+ sr_strobe <= '1';
+ sr_cnt <= "0000";
+ sr_irq <= '0';
+ sr_out <= '1';
+ sr_off_delay <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ -- decode mode
+ dir_out := r_acr(4); -- output on cb2
+ cb1_op := '0';
+ cb1_ip := '0';
+ use_t2 := '0';
+ free_run := '0';
+ case r_acr(4 downto 2) is
+ when "000" => ena := '0';
+ when "001" => ena := '1'; cb1_op := '1'; use_t2 := '1';
+ when "010" => ena := '1'; cb1_op := '1';
+ when "011" => ena := '1'; cb1_ip := '1';
+ when "100" => ena := '1'; use_t2 := '1'; free_run := '1';
+ when "101" => ena := '1'; cb1_op := '1'; use_t2 := '1';
+ when "110" => ena := '1';
+ when "111" => ena := '1'; cb1_ip := '1';
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ -- clock select
+ if (ena = '0') then
+ sr_strobe <= '1';
+ else
+ if (cb1_ip = '1') then
+ sr_strobe <= I_CB1;
+ else
+ if (sr_cnt(3) = '0') and (free_run = '0') then
+ sr_strobe <= '1';
+ else
+ if ((use_t2 = '1') and t2_sr_ena) or
+ ((use_t2 = '0') and (phase = "00")) then
+ sr_strobe <= not sr_strobe;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- latch on rising edge, shift on falling edge
+ if sr_write_ena then
+ r_sr <= load_data;
+ elsif (ena = '1') then -- use shift reg
+ if (dir_out = '0') then
+ -- input
+ if (sr_cnt(3) = '1') or (cb1_ip = '1') then
+ if sr_strobe_rising then
+ r_sr(0) <= I_CB2;
+ elsif sr_strobe_falling then
+ r_sr(7 downto 1) <= r_sr(6 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ sr_out <= '1';
+ else
+ -- output
+ if (sr_cnt(3) = '1') or (sr_off_delay = '1') or (cb1_ip = '1') or (free_run = '1') then
+ if sr_strobe_falling then
+ r_sr(7 downto 1) <= r_sr(6 downto 0);
+ r_sr(0) <= r_sr(7);
+ sr_out <= r_sr(7);
+ end if;
+ else
+ sr_out <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ sr_count_ena := sr_strobe_rising;
+ if sr_write_ena or sr_read_ena then
+ -- some documentation says sr bit in IFR must be set as well ?
+ sr_cnt <= "1000";
+ elsif sr_count_ena and (sr_cnt(3) = '1') then
+ sr_cnt <= sr_cnt + "1";
+ end if;
+ if (phase = "00") then
+ sr_off_delay <= sr_cnt(3); -- give some hold time when shifting out
+ end if;
+ if sr_count_ena and (sr_cnt = "1111") and (ena = '1') and (free_run = '0') then
+ sr_irq <= '1';
+ elsif sr_write_ena or sr_read_ena or (clear_irq(2) = '1') then
+ sr_irq <= '0';
+ end if;
+ -- assign ops
+ sr_drive_cb2 <= dir_out;
+ sr_cb1_oe_l <= not cb1_op;
+ sr_cb1_out <= sr_strobe;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_sr_strobe_rise_fall : process
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge(CLK);
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ sr_strobe_t1 <= sr_strobe;
+ sr_strobe_rising <= (sr_strobe_t1 = '0') and (sr_strobe = '1');
+ sr_strobe_falling <= (sr_strobe_t1 = '1') and (sr_strobe = '0');
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ --
+ -- Interrupts
+ --
+ p_ier : process(RESET_L, CLK)
+ begin
+ if (RESET_L = '0') then
+ r_ier <= "0000000";
+ elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ if ier_write_ena then
+ if (load_data(7) = '1') then
+ -- set
+ r_ier <= r_ier or load_data(6 downto 0);
+ else
+ -- clear
+ r_ier <= r_ier and not load_data(6 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_ifr : process(t1_irq, t2_irq, final_irq, ca1_irq, ca2_irq, sr_irq,
+ cb1_irq, cb2_irq)
+ begin
+ r_ifr(7) <= final_irq;
+ r_ifr(6) <= t1_irq;
+ r_ifr(5) <= t2_irq;
+ r_ifr(4) <= cb1_irq;
+ r_ifr(3) <= cb2_irq;
+ r_ifr(2) <= sr_irq;
+ r_ifr(1) <= ca1_irq;
+ r_ifr(0) <= ca2_irq;
+ O_IRQ_L <= not final_irq;
+ end process;
+ p_irq : process(RESET_L, CLK)
+ begin
+ if (RESET_L = '0') then
+ final_irq <= '0';
+ elsif rising_edge(CLK) then
+ if (ENA_4 = '1') then
+ if ((r_ifr(6 downto 0) and r_ier(6 downto 0)) = "0000000") then
+ final_irq <= '0'; -- no interrupts
+ else
+ final_irq <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ p_clear_irq : process(ifr_write_ena, load_data)
+ begin
+ clear_irq <= x"00";
+ if ifr_write_ena then
+ clear_irq <= load_data;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end architecture RTL;