path: root/docs/os12/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/os12/')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/os12/ b/docs/os12/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11211c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/os12/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+* *
+* OSBYTE 140 *TAPE *
+* selects TAPE filing system *
+* *
+* OSBYTE 141 *ROM *
+* selects ROM filing system *
+* *
+F135 EOR #&8C ;if it's *TAPE A=0 *ROM A=1
+F137 ASL ;double it
+F138 STA &0247 ;store it in filing system flag store
+F13B CPX #&03 ;if X>=3 C set X=3 Z set
+F13D JMP &F14B ;
+******** set cassette options *******************************************
+ ;called after BREAK etc
+ ;lower nybble sets sequential access
+ ;upper sets load and save options
+ ;0000 Ignore errors, no messages
+ ;0001 Abort if error, no messages
+ ;0010 Retry after error, no messages
+ ;1000 Ignore error short messages
+ ;1001 Abort if error short messages
+ ;1010 Retry after error short messages
+ ;1100 Ignore error long messages
+ ;1101 Abort if error long messages
+ ;1110 Retry after error long messages
+F140 PHP ;save flags
+F141 LDA #&A1 ;set sequential access abort if error, no messages
+F143 STA &E3 ;set load/save retry if error, short messages
+F145 LDA #&19 ;set interblock gap
+F147 STA &03D1 ;and store it
+F14A PLP ;get back flags
+F14B PHP ;push flags
+F14C LDA #&06 ;get close files command to FSCV
+F14E JSR &E031 ;and gosub OSFSC
+F151 LDX #&06 ;
+F153 PLP ;get back flags
+F154 BEQ &F157 ;if Z set earlier
+F156 DEX ;do not decrement X
+F157 STX &C6 ;set current baud rate X=5 300 baud X=6 1200 baud
+********* reset FILEV,ARGSV,BGETV,BPUTV,GBPBV,FINDV,FSCV ******************
+********** to F27D, F18E, F4C9, F529, FFA6, F3CA, F1B1 ******************
+F15B LDA &D951,X ;
+F15E STA &0211,X ;
+F161 DEX ;
+F162 BNE &F15B ;
+F166 LDX #&0F ;set X to make Rom service call &F claim vectors!
+* *
+* OSBYTE 143 *
+* Pass service commands to sideways ROMs *
+* *
+ ; On entry X=service call number
+ ; Y=any additional parameter
+ ; On entry X=0 if claimed, or preserved if unclaimed
+ ; Y=any returned parameter
+ ; When called internally, EQ set if call claimed
+F168 LDA &F4 ; Get current ROM number
+F16A PHA ; Save it
+F16B TXA ; Pass service call number to A
+F16C LDX #&0F ; Start at ROM 15
+ ; Issue service call loop
+F16E INC &02A1,X ; Read bit 7 on ROM type table (no ROM has type 254 &FE)
+F171 DEC &02A1,X ;
+F174 BPL &F183 ; If not set (+ve result), step to next ROM down
+F176 STX &F4 ; Otherwise, select this ROM, &F4 RAM copy
+F178 STX &FE30 ; Page in selected ROM
+F17B JSR &8003 ; Call the ROM's service entry
+ ; X and P do not need to be preserved by the ROM
+F17E TAX ; On exit pass A to X to chech if claimed
+F17F BEQ &F186 ; If 0, service call claimed, reselect ROM and exit
+F181 LDX &F4 ; Otherwise, get current ROM back
+F183 DEX ; Step to next ROM down
+F184 BPL &F16E ; Loop until done ROM 0
+F186 PLA ; Get back original ROM number
+F187 STA &F4 ; Set ROM number RAM copy
+F189 STA &FE30 ; Page in the original ROM
+F18C TXA ; Pass X back to A to set zero flag
+F18D RTS ; And return
+* *
+* CFS OSARGS entry point *
+F18E ORA #&00 ;is A=00
+F190 BNE &F1A2 ;if not return
+F192 CPY #&00 ;is Y=0
+F194 BNE &F1A2 ;if not return
+F196 LDA &C6 ;else get current baud rate and zero bit 2
+F198 AND #&FB ;C6=5 becomes 1, 6 becomes 2
+F19A ORA &0247 ;if cassette selected A=0 else A=2
+F19D ASL ;multiply by 2
+F19E ORA &0247 ;Or it again
+F1A1 LSR ;divide by 2
+F1A2 RTS ;return cassette =0
+* *
+* *
+F1A3 DB 4C,F5 ; *OPT (F54C)
+F1A5 DB 1D,F6 ; check EOF (F61D)
+F1A7 DB 04,F3 ; */ (F304)
+F1A9 DB 0F,E3 ; unknown command (E30F)
+F1AB DB 04,F3 ; *RUN (F304)
+F1AD DB 2A,F3 ; *CAT (F32A)
+F1AF DB 74,E2 ; osbyte 77 (E274)
+* Filing System control entry OSFSC *
+* Entry via 021E FSCV *
+* A= index 0 to 7 *
+ ;on entry A is reason code
+ ;A=0 A *OPT command has been used X & Y are the 2 parameters
+ ;A=1 EOF is being checked, on entry X=File handle
+ on Exit X=FF = EOF exists else 00
+ ;A=2 A */ command has been used *RUN the file
+ ;A=3 An unrecognised OS command has ben used X,Y point at command
+ ;A=4 A *RUN command has been used X,Y point at filename
+ ;A=5 A *CAT cammand has been issued X,Y point to rest of command
+ ;A=6 New filing system about to take over, close SPOOL & EXEC files
+ ;A=7 Return in X and Y lowest and highest file handle used
+ ;A=8 OS about to process *command
+F1B1 CMP #&07 ;if A>6
+F1B3 BCS &F1A2 ;goto F1A2 (RTS)
+F1B5 STX &BC ;else save X
+F1B7 ASL ;A=A*2
+F1B8 TAX ;X=A to get offset
+F1B9 LDA &F1A4,X ;get hi byte of address
+F1BC PHA ;push it
+F1BD LDA &F1A3,X ;get lo byte of address
+F1C0 PHA ;push it
+F1C1 LDX &BC ;get back X
+F1C3 RTS ;this now jumps to the address got from the table +1
+ ;the next RTS takes us back to CLI
+* *
+* *
+F1C4 PHP ;save flags on stack
+F1C5 PHA ;save A on stack
+F1C6 JSR &FB27 ;Set cassette optionsinto (BB),set C7=6
+ ;claim serial system for cassette
+F1C9 LDA &03C2 ;execution address LO
+F1CC PHA ;save A on stack
+F1CD JSR &F631 ;search for file
+F1D0 PLA ;get back A
+F1D1 BEQ &F1ED ;if A=0 F1ED
+F1D3 LDX #&03 ;else X=3
+F1D5 LDA #&FF ;A=&FF
+F1D7 PHA ;save A on stack
+F1D8 LDA &03BE,X ;get load address
+F1DB STA &B0,X ;store it as current load address
+F1DD PLA ;get back A
+F1DE AND &B0,X ;
+F1E0 DEX ;X=X-1
+F1E1 BPL &F1D7 ;until all 4 bytes copied
+F1E3 CMP #&FF ;if all bytes contain don't contain &FF
+F1E5 BNE &F1ED ;continue
+F1E7 JSR &FAE8 ;else sound bell, reset ACIA & motor off
+F1EA JMP &E267 ;'Bad Address' error
+F1ED LDA &03CA ;block flag
+F1F0 LSR ;set carry from bit 0
+F1F1 PLA ;get back A
+F1F2 BEQ &F202 ;if A=0 F202
+F1F4 BCC &F209 ;if carry clear F209
+*************** LOCKED FILE ROUTINE *************************************
+F1F6 JSR &FAF2 ;enable second processor and reset serial system
+F1F9 BRK ;
+F1FA DB &E5 ;error number
+F1FC 'Locked' ;
+F201 BRK ;
+F202 BCC &F209 ;if carry clear F209
+F204 LDA #&03 ;else A=3
+F206 STA &0258 ;store to cause ESCAPE disable and memory
+ ;clear on break
+F209 LDA #&30 ;
+F20B AND &BB ;current OPTions
+F20D BEQ &F213 ;if options and #&30 =0 ignore error condition is set
+F20F LDA &C1 ;else get checksum result
+F211 BNE &F21D ;and if not 0 F21D
+F213 TYA ;A=Y
+F214 PHA ;save A on stack
+F215 JSR &FBBB ;read from second processor if present
+F218 PLA ;get back A
+F219 TAY ;Y=A
+F21A JSR &F7D5 ;reset flags and check block length
+F21D JSR &F9B4 ;load file from tape
+F220 BNE &F255 ;if not found return to search
+F222 JSR &FB69 ;increment current block number
+F225 BIT &03CA ;block flag
+F228 BMI &F232 ;if bit 7=1 then this is last block so F232
+F22A JSR &F96A ;else increment current load address
+F22D JSR &F77B ;read block header
+F230 BNE &F209 ;and goto F209
+******** store data in OSFILE parameter block ***************************
+F232 LDY #&0A ;Y=&0A
+F234 LDA &CC ;file length counter lo
+F236 STA (&C8),Y ;OSFILE parameter block
+F238 INY ;Y=Y+1
+F239 LDA &CD ;file length counter hi
+F23B STA (&C8),Y ;OSFILE parameter block
+F23D LDA #&00 ;A=0
+F23F INY ;Y=Y+1
+F240 STA (&C8),Y ;OSFILE parameter block
+F242 INY ;Y=Y+1
+F243 STA (&C8),Y ;OSFILE parameter block
+F245 PLP ;get back flags
+F246 JSR &FAE8 ;bell, reset ACIA & motor
+F249 BIT &BA ;current block flag
+F24B BMI &F254 ;return
+F24D PHP ;save flags on stack
+F24E JSR &FA46 ; print message following call (in this case NEWLINE!)
+F251 DB &0D,&00 ;message
+F254 RTS ;return
+ ;
+************RETRY AFTER A FAILURE ROUTINE *******************************
+F255 JSR &F637 ;search for a specified block
+F258 BNE &F209 ;goto F209
+*********** Read Filename using Command Line Interpreter ****************
+;filename pointed to by X and Y
+F25A STX &F2 ;OS filename/command line pointer lo
+F25C STY &F3 ;OS filename/command line pointer
+F25E LDY #&00 ;Y=0
+F260 JSR &EA1D ;initialise string
+F263 LDX #&00 ;X=0
+F265 JSR &EA2F ;GSREAD call
+F268 BCS &F277 ;if end of character string F277
+F26A BEQ &F274 ;if 0 found F274
+F26C STA &03D2,X ;else store character in CFS filename area
+F26F INX ;X=X+1
+F270 CPX #&0B ;if X<>11
+F272 BNE &F265 ;then read next
+F274 JMP &EA8F ;else Bad String error
+************* terminate Filename ****************************************
+F277 LDA #&00 ;terminate filename with 0
+F279 STA &03D2,X ;
+F27C RTS ;return
+* *
+* *
+* on entry A determines action *
+* A=0 save block of memory as a file *
+* A=1 write catalogue info for existing file *
+* A=2 write load address only for existing file *
+* A=3 write execution address only for existing file *
+* A=4 write attributes only for existing file *
+* A=5 Read catalogue info, return file type in A *
+* A=6 Delete named file *
+* A=&FF load the named file if lo byte of Exec address=0 use *
+* address in parameter block else files own load address *
+* X,Y point to parameter block *
+* bytes 0,1 filename address, 2-5 load,6-9 exec,A-D length or *
+* start of data for save, 0E End address /attributes *
+;parameter block located by XY
+;0/1 Address of Filename terminated by &0D
+;2/4 Load Address of File
+;6/9 Execution Address of File
+;A/D Start address of data for write operations or length of file
+; for read operations
+;E/11 End address of Data; i.e. byte AFTER last byte to be written
+; or file attributes
+;On Entry action is determined by value in A
+;A=0 Save section of memory as named file, write catalogue information
+;A=1 Write catalogue information for named file
+;A=2 Write the LOAD address (only) for the named File
+;A=3 Write the EXECUTION address (only) for the named File
+;A=4 Write the ATTRIBUTES for the named File
+;A=5 Read the named files catalogue information Place file type in A
+;A=6 Delete the named file
+;A=&FF Load the named file and read its catalogue information
+F27D PHA ;save A on stack
+F27E STX &C8 ;osfile block pointer lo
+F280 STY &C9 ;osfile block pointer hi
+F282 LDY #&00 ;Y=0
+F284 LDA (&C8),Y ;OSFILE parameter block
+F286 TAX ;X=A
+F287 INY ;Y=Y+1
+F288 LDA (&C8),Y ;OSFILE parameter block
+F28A TAY ;Y=A
+F28B JSR &F25A ;get filename from BUFFER
+F28E LDY #&02 ;Y=2
+F290 LDA (&C8),Y ;copy parameters to Cassette block at 3BE/C5
+F292 STA &03BC,Y ;from LOAD and EXEC address
+F295 STA &00AE,Y ;make second copy at B0-B8
+F298 INY ;Y=Y+1
+F299 CPY #&0A ;until Y=10
+F29B BNE &F290 ;
+F29D PLA ;get back A
+F29E BEQ &F2A7 ;if A=0 F2A7
+F2A0 CMP #&FF ;else if A<>&FF
+F2A2 BNE &F254 ;RETURN as cassette has no other options
+F2A4 JMP &F1C4 ;load file
+************** Save a file **********************************************
+F2A7 STA &03C6 ;zero block number
+F2AA STA &03C7 ;zero block number hi
+F2AD LDA (&C8),Y ;OSFILE parameter block
+F2AF STA &00A6,Y ;store to Zero page copy (&B0 to &B7)
+F2B2 INY ;data start and data end address
+F2B3 CPY #&12 ;until Y=18
+F2B5 BNE &F2AD ;
+F2B7 TXA ;A=X
+F2B8 BEQ &F274 ;if X=0 no filename found so B274 else BAD STRING error
+F2BA JSR &FB27 ;Set cassette option sinto (BB),set C7=6
+ ;claim serial system for cassette
+F2BD JSR &F934 ;prompt to start recording
+F2C0 LDA #&00 ;A=0
+F2C2 JSR &FBBD ;enable 2nd proc. if present and set up osfile block
+F2C5 JSR &FBE2 ;set up CFS for write operation
+F2C8 SEC ;set carry flag
+F2C9 LDX #&FD ;X=&FD
+F2CB LDA &FFB7,X ;set 03C8/A block length and block flag
+F2CE SBC &FFB3,X ;to B4/6-B0/2 the number of pages (blocks) to be
+ ;saved
+F2D1 STA &02CB,X ;
+F2D4 INX ;X=X+1
+F2D5 BNE &F2CB ;
+F2D7 TAY ;Y=A
+F2D8 BNE &F2E8 ;if last byte is non zero F2E8 else
+F2DA CPX &03C8 ;compare X with block length
+F2DD LDA #&01 ;A=1
+F2DF SBC &03C9 ;subtract block length hi
+F2E2 BCC &F2E8 ;if carry clear F2E8
+F2E4 LDX #&80 ;X=&80
+F2E6 BNE &F2F0 ;jump F2F0
+F2E8 LDA #&01 ;A=1
+F2EA STA &03C9 ;block length hi
+F2ED STX &03C8 ;block length
+F2F0 STX &03CA ;block flag
+F2F3 JSR &F7EC ;write block to Tape
+F2F6 BMI &F341 ;return if negative
+F2F8 JSR &F96A ;increment current load address
+F2FB INC &03C6 ;block number
+F2FE BNE &F2C8 ;if not 0 loop back again else
+F300 INC &03C7 ;block number hi
+F303 BNE &F2C8 ;and loop back again
+* *
+* *
+F305 JSR &F25A ;get filename from BUFFER
+F308 LDX #&FF ;X=&FF
+F30A STX &03C2 ;execution address
+F30D JSR &F1C4 ;load file
+F310 BIT &027A ;&FF if tube present
+F313 BPL &F31F ;so if not present F31F else
+F315 LDA &03C4 ;execution address extend
+F318 AND &03C5 ;execution address extend
+F31B CMP #&FF ;if they are NOT both &FF i.e.for base processor
+F31D BNE &F322 ;F322 else
+F31F JMP (&03C2) ; RUN file
+F322 LDX #&C2 ;point to execution address
+F324 LDY #&03 ;(&03C2)
+F326 LDA #&04 ;Tube call 4
+F328 JMP &FBC7 ;and issue to Tube to run file
+* *
+* *
+ ;bit 0 input file open
+ ;bit 1 output file open
+ ;bit 2,4,5 not used
+ ;bit 3 current CATalogue status
+ ;bit 6 EOF reached
+ ;bit 7 EOF warning given
+F32B LDA #&08 ;A=8
+F32D JSR &F344 ;set status bits from A
+F330 JSR &FB27 ;Set cassette options into (BB),set C7=6
+ ;claim serial system for cassette
+F333 LDA #&00 ;A=0
+F335 JSR &F348 ;read data from CFS/RFS
+F338 JSR &FAFC ;perform read
+F33B LDA #&F7 ;A=&F7
+F33D AND &E2 ;clear bit 3 of CFS status bit
+F33F STA &E2 ;
+F341 RTS ;return
+ ;
+F342 LDA #&40 ;set bit 6 of E2 cassette options
+F344 ORA &E2 ;
+F346 BNE &F33F ;and Jump F33F
+********** search routine ***********************************************
+F348 PHA ;save A on stack
+F349 LDA &0247 ;filing system flag 0=CFS 2=RFS
+F34C BEQ &F359 ;if CFS F359 else
+F34E JSR &EE13 ;set current Filing System ROM/PHROM
+F351 JSR &EE18 ;get byte from data Romcheck type
+F354 BCC &F359 ;if carry clear F359 else
+F356 CLV ;clear overflow flag
+F357 BVC &F39A ;JUMP F39A
+*********** cassette routine********************************************
+F359 JSR &F77B ;read block header
+F35C LDA &03C6 ;block number
+F35F STA &B4 ;current block no. lo
+F361 LDA &03C7 ;block number hi
+F364 STA &B5 ;current block no. hi
+F366 LDX #&FF ;X=&FF
+F368 STX &03DF ;copy of last read block flag
+F36B INX ;X=X+1
+F36C STX &BA ;current block flag
+F36E BEQ &F376 ;if 0 F376
+F370 JSR &FB69 ;inc. current block no.
+F373 JSR &F77B ;read block header
+F376 LDA &0247 ;get filing system flag 0=CFS 2=RFS
+F379 BEQ &F37D ;if CFS F37D
+F37B BVC &F39A ;if V clear F39A
+F37D PLA ;get back A
+F37E PHA ;save A on stack
+F37F BEQ &F3AE ;if A=0 F3AE
+F381 JSR &FA72 ;else check filename header block matches searched Fn
+F384 BNE &F39C ;if so F39C
+F386 LDA #&30 ;else A=30 to clear all but bits 4/5 of current OPTions
+F388 AND &BB ;current OPTions
+F38A BEQ &F39A ;if 0 F39A else
+F38C LDA &03C6 ;block number
+F38F CMP &B6 ;next block no. lo
+F391 BNE &F39C ;
+F393 LDA &03C7 ;block number hi
+F396 CMP &B7 ;next block no. hi
+F398 BNE &F39C ;
+F39A PLA ;get back A
+F39B RTS ;return
+ ;
+F39C LDA &0247 ;filing system flag 0=CFS 2=RFS
+F39F BEQ &F3AE ;if tape F3AE
+F3A1 JSR &EEAD ;else set ROM displacement address
+F3A4 LDA #&FF ;A=&FF
+F3A6 STA &03C6 ;block number
+F3A9 STA &03C7 ;block number hi
+F3AC BNE &F370 ;jump F370
+F3AE BVC &F3B5 ;if carry clear F3B5
+F3B0 LDA #&FF ;A=&FF
+F3B2 JSR &F7D7 ;set flags
+F3B5 LDX #&00 ;X=0
+F3B7 JSR &F9D9 ;report 'DATA?'
+F3BA LDA &0247 ;filing system flag 0=CFS 2=RFS
+F3BD BEQ &F3C3 ;
+F3BF BIT &BB ;current OPTions
+F3C1 BVC &F3A1 ;long messages not required if BIT 6 =0
+F3C3 BIT &03CA ;block flag
+F3C6 BMI &F3A4 ;if -ve F3A4
+F3C8 BPL &F370 ;else loop back and do it again