path: root/de1/fpga-bbc-pq/master/dram-floating-pins.patch
diff options
authorroot <root@ka-ata-killa.ourano.james.local>2021-02-24 23:45:58 +0000
committerroot <root@ka-ata-killa.ourano.james.local>2021-02-24 23:45:58 +0000
commit1575d4f53805f177474b5bb96daebede9b2dfb73 (patch)
tree91f6819f7280088bb9344fae7dbef8c43a0a04c0 /de1/fpga-bbc-pq/master/dram-floating-pins.patch
Diffstat (limited to 'de1/fpga-bbc-pq/master/dram-floating-pins.patch')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/de1/fpga-bbc-pq/master/dram-floating-pins.patch b/de1/fpga-bbc-pq/master/dram-floating-pins.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c75184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/de1/fpga-bbc-pq/master/dram-floating-pins.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+diff --git a/bbc_micro_de1.vhd b/bbc_micro_de1.vhd
+index 2788103..fa7b2e8 100644
+--- a/bbc_micro_de1.vhd
++++ b/bbc_micro_de1.vhd
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ generic (
+ -- 5 Not used
+ -- 6 Not used
+ -- 7 MOS
+- ROM_OFFSET : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00001000"
++ ROM_OFFSET : std_logic_vector(21 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#20000#,22))
+ );
+ port (
+ -- Clocks
+@@ -663,6 +663,7 @@ signal sys_via_ca2_out : std_logic;
+ signal sys_via_ca2_oe_n : std_logic;
+ signal sys_via_pa_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal sys_via_pa_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
++signal effective_sys_via_pa_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal sys_via_pa_oe_n : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal sys_via_cb1_in : std_logic := '0';
+ signal sys_via_cb1_out : std_logic;
+@@ -745,6 +746,9 @@ signal romsel : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal mhz1_enable : std_logic; -- Set for access to any 1 MHz peripheral
++signal video_data : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
++signal cpu_ram_di : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
+ begin
+ -------------------------
+@@ -800,6 +804,8 @@ begin
+ cpu_a,
+ cpu_di,
+ cpu_do );
++ crtc_lpstb <='0';
+ crtc : mc6845 port map (
+ clock,
+@@ -826,7 +832,7 @@ begin
+ vidproc_enable,
+ cpu_a(0),
+ cpu_do,
+- SRAM_DQ(7 downto 0),
++ video_data,
+ vidproc_invert_n,
+ vidproc_disen,
+ crtc_cursor,
+@@ -850,7 +856,7 @@ begin
+ reset_n,
+ clock, -- Data input is synchronised from the bus clock domain
+ vid_clken,
+- SRAM_DQ(6 downto 0),
++ video_data(6 downto 0),
+ ttxt_glr,
+ ttxt_dew,
+ ttxt_crs,
+@@ -889,6 +895,8 @@ begin
+ mhz4_clken,
+ clock
+ );
++ effective_sys_via_pa_out <= sys_via_pa_out or sys_via_pa_oe_n;
+ -- User VIA
+ user_via : m6522 port map (
+@@ -1118,7 +1126,7 @@ begin
+ -- CPU data bus mux and interrupts
+ cpu_di <=
+- SRAM_DQ(7 downto 0) when ram_enable = '1' else
++ cpu_ram_di when ram_enable = '1' else
+ FL_DQ when rom_enable = '1' else
+ FL_DQ when mos_enable = '1' else
+ crtc_do when crtc_enable = '1' else
+@@ -1137,19 +1145,17 @@ begin
+ FL_CE_N <= '0';
+ FL_OE_N <= '0';
+ FL_WE_N <= '1';
+- FL_ADDR(21 downto 17) <= ROM_OFFSET(7 downto 3);
+- FL_ADDR(16 downto 14) <=
+- "111" when mos_enable = '1' else
+- "0" & romsel(1 downto 0);
++ FL_ADDR(21 downto 17) <= ROM_OFFSET(21 downto 17);
++ FL_ADDR(16 downto 14) <= "111" when mos_enable = '1' else "0" & romsel(1 downto 0);
+ FL_ADDR(13 downto 0) <= cpu_a(13 downto 0);
+ -- SRAM bus
+ SRAM_UB_N <= '1';
+ SRAM_LB_N <= '0';
+- SRAM_CE_N <= '0';
++ SRAM_CE_N <= clock;
+ SRAM_OE_N <= '0';
+- SRAM_DQ(15 downto 8) <= (others => '0');
++ video_data <= SRAM_DQ(7 downto 0);
+ -- Synchronous outputs to SRAM
+ process(clock,reset_n)
+ variable ram_write : std_logic;
+@@ -1158,23 +1164,25 @@ begin
+ if reset_n = '0' then
+ SRAM_WE_N <= '1';
+- SRAM_DQ(7 downto 0) <= (others => 'Z');
++ SRAM_DQ(15 downto 0) <= (others => 'Z');
+ elsif rising_edge(clock) then
+- -- Default to inputs
+- SRAM_DQ(7 downto 0) <= (others => 'Z');
+ -- Register SRAM signals to outputs (clock must be at least 2x CPU clock)
+ if vid_clken = '1' then
+- -- Fetch data from previous CPU cycle
++ -- set up bus for CPU cycle
+ SRAM_WE_N <= not ram_write;
+ SRAM_ADDR <= "00" & cpu_a(15 downto 0);
+ if ram_write = '1' then
++ SRAM_DQ(15 downto 8) <=(others =>'0');
+ SRAM_DQ(7 downto 0) <= cpu_do;
++ else
++ SRAM_DQ(15 downto 0) <= (others => 'Z');
+ end if;
+ else
+- -- Fetch data from previous display cycle
++ cpu_ram_di <= SRAM_DQ(7 downto 0);
++ -- setup crtc cycle
+ SRAM_WE_N <= '1';
+ SRAM_ADDR <= "000" & display_a;
++ SRAM_DQ(15 downto 0) <= (others => 'Z');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+@@ -1242,24 +1250,25 @@ begin
+ -- Connections to System VIA
+ -- ADC
+- sys_via_cb1_in <= '1'; -- /EOC
++ sys_via_cb1_in <= '0'; -- EOC
+ -- CRTC
+ sys_via_ca1_in <= crtc_vsync;
+ sys_via_cb2_in <= crtc_lpstb;
+ -- Keyboard
+ sys_via_ca2_in <= keyb_int;
+ sys_via_pa_in(7) <= keyb_out;
+- sys_via_pa_in(6 downto 0) <= sys_via_pa_out(6 downto 0); -- Must loop back output pins or keyboard won't work
+- keyb_column <= sys_via_pa_out(3 downto 0);
+- keyb_row <= sys_via_pa_out(6 downto 4);
++ sys_via_pa_in(6 downto 0) <= effective_sys_via_pa_out(6 downto 0); -- Must loop back output pins or keyboard won't work
++ keyb_column <= effective_sys_via_pa_out(3 downto 0);
++ keyb_row <= effective_sys_via_pa_out(6 downto 4);
+ -- Sound
+- sound_di <= sys_via_pa_out;
++ sound_di <= effective_sys_via_pa_out;
+ -- Others (idle until missing bits implemented)
+ sys_via_pb_in(7 downto 4) <= (others => '1');
+ -- Connections to User VIA (user port is output on green LEDs)
+ user_via_ca1_in <= '1'; -- Pulled up
+ --LEDG <= user_via_pb_out;
++ --LEDG(7 downto 2) <= (others => '0');
+ user_via_cb1_in <= user_via_pb_out(1);
+@@ -1290,15 +1299,15 @@ begin
+ disp_addr_offs <= ic32(5 downto 4);
+ caps_lock_led_n <= ic32(6);
+ shift_lock_led_n <= ic32(7);
+ process(clock,reset_n)
+ variable bit_num : integer;
+ begin
+ bit_num := to_integer(unsigned(sys_via_pb_out(2 downto 0)));
+ if reset_n = '0' then
+- ic32 <= (others => '0');
+- elsif rising_edge(clock) then
++ ic32 <= (others => '1');
++ elsif rising_edge(clock) then -- the real beep latches this on the 1MHz bus clock exactly once per sys_via_enable
+ ic32(bit_num) <= sys_via_pb_out(3);
+ end if;
+ end process;
+@@ -1311,6 +1320,9 @@ begin
+ -----------------
++ DRAM_DQ <= (others => 'Z');
++ DRAM_DQ <= (others => 'Z');
+ GPIO_0(0) <= not (crtc_hsync xor crtc_vsync);
+ GPIO_0(1) <= crtc_de;