path: root/boards/base/STM32F469i-Discovery/board_STM32LTDC.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/boards/base/STM32F469i-Discovery/board_STM32LTDC.h b/boards/base/STM32F469i-Discovery/board_STM32LTDC.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cd87d89e..00000000
--- a/boards/base/STM32F469i-Discovery/board_STM32LTDC.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
- * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
- * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
- *
- * http://ugfx.org/license.html
- */
-// Avoid naming collisions with CubeHAL
-#undef Red
-#undef Green
-#undef Blue
-// Don't allow the driver to init the LTDC clock. We will do it here
-//#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
-//#include "stm32f4xx_hal_sdram.h"
-//#include "stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h"
-//#include "stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.h"
-//#include "stm32f4xx_hal_ltdc.h"
-#include "stm32469i_discovery_lcd.h"
- LTDC_HandleTypeDef hltdc_eval;
- static DSI_VidCfgTypeDef hdsivideo_handle;
- DSI_HandleTypeDef hdsi_eval;
-#define ALLOW_2ND_LAYER FALSE // Do we really have the RAM bandwidth for this?
-// Panel parameters
-// This panel is a KoD KM-040TMP-02-0621 DSI LCD Display.
-static const ltdcConfig driverCfg = {
- 800, 480, // Width, Height (pixels)
- 120, 12, // Horizontal, Vertical sync (pixels)
- 120, 12, // Horizontal, Vertical back porch (pixels)
- 120, 12, // Horizontal, Vertical front porch (pixels)
- 0, // Sync flags
- 0x000000, // Clear color (RGB888)
- { // Background layer config
- (LLDCOLOR_TYPE *)SDRAM_DEVICE_ADDR, // Frame buffer address
- 800, 480, // Width, Height (pixels)
- 800 * LTDC_PIXELBYTES, // Line pitch (bytes)
- LTDC_PIXELFORMAT, // Pixel format
- 0, 0, // Start pixel position (x, y)
- 800, 480, // Size of virtual layer (cx, cy)
- 0x00000000, // Default color (ARGB8888)
- 0x000000, // Color key (RGB888)
- LTDC_BLEND_FIX1_FIX2, // Blending factors
- 0, // Palette (RGB888, can be NULL)
- 0, // Palette length
- 0xFF, // Constant alpha factor
- LTDC_LEF_ENABLE // Layer configuration flags
- },
- { // Foreground layer config (if turned on)
- (LLDCOLOR_TYPE *)(SDRAM_DEVICE_ADDR+(800 * 480 * LTDC_PIXELBYTES)), // Frame buffer address
- 800, 480, // Width, Height (pixels)
- 800 * LTDC_PIXELBYTES, // Line pitch (bytes)
- LTDC_PIXELFORMAT, // Pixel format
- 0, 0, // Start pixel position (x, y)
- 800, 480, // Size of virtual layer (cx, cy)
- 0x00000000, // Default color (ARGB8888)
- 0x000000, // Color key (RGB888)
- LTDC_BLEND_MOD1_MOD2, // Blending factors
- 0, // Palette (RGB888, can be NULL)
- 0, // Palette length
- 0xFF, // Constant alpha factor
- LTDC_LEF_ENABLE // Layer configuration flags
- }
-/* Display timing */
-static GFXINLINE void init_board(GDisplay *g) {
- (void) g;
- DSI_PLLInitTypeDef dsiPllInit;
- DSI_PHY_TimerTypeDef PhyTimings;
-// static RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct;
- uint32_t LcdClock = 30000;//27429; /*!< LcdClk = 27429 kHz */
- /**
- * @brief Default Active LTDC Layer in which drawing is made is LTDC Layer Background
- */
-// static uint32_t ActiveLayer = LTDC_ACTIVE_LAYER_BACKGROUND;
- /**
- * @brief Current Drawing Layer properties variable
- */
-// static LCD_DrawPropTypeDef DrawProp[LTDC_MAX_LAYER_NUMBER];
- uint32_t laneByteClk_kHz = 0;
- uint32_t VSA; /*!< Vertical start active time in units of lines */
- uint32_t VBP; /*!< Vertical Back Porch time in units of lines */
- uint32_t VFP; /*!< Vertical Front Porch time in units of lines */
- uint32_t VACT; /*!< Vertical Active time in units of lines = imageSize Y in pixels to display */
- uint32_t HSA; /*!< Horizontal start active time in units of lcdClk */
- uint32_t HBP; /*!< Horizontal Back Porch time in units of lcdClk */
- uint32_t HFP; /*!< Horizontal Front Porch time in units of lcdClk */
- uint32_t HACT; /*!< Horizontal Active time in units of lcdClk = imageSize X in pixels to display */
- /* Toggle Hardware Reset of the DSI LCD using
- * its XRES signal (active low) */
- BSP_LCD_Reset();
- /* Call first MSP Initialize only in case of first initialization
- * This will set IP blocks LTDC, DSI and DMA2D
- * - out of reset
- * - clocked
- * - NVIC IRQ related to IP blocks enabled
- */
- BSP_LCD_MspInit();
- /*************************DSI Initialization***********************************/
- /* Base address of DSI Host/Wrapper registers to be set before calling De-Init */
- hdsi_eval.Instance = DSI;
- HAL_DSI_DeInit(&(hdsi_eval));
- #if !defined(USE_STM32469I_DISCO_REVA)
- dsiPllInit.PLLNDIV = 125;
- dsiPllInit.PLLIDF = DSI_PLL_IN_DIV2;
- #else
- dsiPllInit.PLLNDIV = 100;
- dsiPllInit.PLLIDF = DSI_PLL_IN_DIV5;
- #endif
- laneByteClk_kHz = 62500; /* 500 MHz / 8 = 62.5 MHz = 62500 kHz */
- /* Set number of Lanes */
- hdsi_eval.Init.NumberOfLanes = DSI_TWO_DATA_LANES;
- /* TXEscapeCkdiv = f(LaneByteClk)/15.62 = 4 */
- hdsi_eval.Init.TXEscapeCkdiv = laneByteClk_kHz/15620;
- HAL_DSI_Init(&(hdsi_eval), &(dsiPllInit));
- /* Timing parameters for all Video modes
- * Set Timing parameters of LTDC depending on its chosen orientation
- */
- /* lcd_orientation == LCD_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE */
- uint32_t lcd_x_size = OTM8009A_800X480_WIDTH; /* 800 */
- uint32_t lcd_y_size = OTM8009A_800X480_HEIGHT; /* 480 */
- HACT = lcd_x_size;
- VACT = lcd_y_size;
- /* The following values are same for portrait and landscape orientations */
- VSA = 12;//OTM8009A_480X800_VSYNC; /* 12 */
- VBP = 12;//OTM8009A_480X800_VBP; /* 12 */
- VFP = 12;//OTM8009A_480X800_VFP; /* 12 */
- HSA = 120;//OTM8009A_480X800_HSYNC; /* 63 */
- HBP = 120;//OTM8009A_480X800_HBP; /* 120 */
- HFP = 120;//OTM8009A_480X800_HFP; /* 120 */
- hdsivideo_handle.VirtualChannelID = LCD_OTM8009A_ID;
- hdsivideo_handle.ColorCoding = LCD_DSI_PIXEL_DATA_FMT_RBG888;
- hdsivideo_handle.VSPolarity = DSI_VSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH;
- hdsivideo_handle.HSPolarity = DSI_HSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH;
- hdsivideo_handle.DEPolarity = DSI_DATA_ENABLE_ACTIVE_HIGH;
- hdsivideo_handle.Mode = DSI_VID_MODE_BURST; /* Mode Video burst ie : one LgP per line */
- hdsivideo_handle.NullPacketSize = 0xFFF;
- hdsivideo_handle.NumberOfChunks = 0;
- hdsivideo_handle.PacketSize = HACT; /* Value depending on display orientation choice portrait/landscape */
- hdsivideo_handle.HorizontalSyncActive = (HSA * laneByteClk_kHz) / LcdClock;
- hdsivideo_handle.HorizontalBackPorch = (HBP * laneByteClk_kHz) / LcdClock;
- hdsivideo_handle.HorizontalLine = ((HACT + HSA + HBP + HFP) * laneByteClk_kHz) / LcdClock; /* Value depending on display orientation choice portrait/landscape */
- hdsivideo_handle.VerticalSyncActive = VSA;
- hdsivideo_handle.VerticalBackPorch = VBP;
- hdsivideo_handle.VerticalFrontPorch = VFP;
- hdsivideo_handle.VerticalActive = VACT; /* Value depending on display orientation choice portrait/landscape */
- /* Enable or disable sending LP command while streaming is active in video mode */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPCommandEnable = DSI_LP_COMMAND_ENABLE; /* Enable sending commands in mode LP (Low Power) */
- /* Largest packet size possible to transmit in LP mode in VSA, VBP, VFP regions */
- /* Only useful when sending LP packets is allowed while streaming is active in video mode */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPLargestPacketSize = 16;
- /* Largest packet size possible to transmit in LP mode in HFP region during VACT period */
- /* Only useful when sending LP packets is allowed while streaming is active in video mode */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPVACTLargestPacketSize = 0;
- /* Specify for each region of the video frame, if the transmission of command in LP mode is allowed in this region */
- /* while streaming is active in video mode */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPHorizontalFrontPorchEnable = DSI_LP_HFP_ENABLE; /* Allow sending LP commands during HFP period */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPHorizontalBackPorchEnable = DSI_LP_HBP_ENABLE; /* Allow sending LP commands during HBP period */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPVerticalActiveEnable = DSI_LP_VACT_ENABLE; /* Allow sending LP commands during VACT period */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPVerticalFrontPorchEnable = DSI_LP_VFP_ENABLE; /* Allow sending LP commands during VFP period */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPVerticalBackPorchEnable = DSI_LP_VBP_ENABLE; /* Allow sending LP commands during VBP period */
- hdsivideo_handle.LPVerticalSyncActiveEnable = DSI_LP_VSYNC_ENABLE; /* Allow sending LP commands during VSync = VSA period */
- /* Configure DSI Video mode timings with settings set above */
- HAL_DSI_ConfigVideoMode(&(hdsi_eval), &(hdsivideo_handle));
- /* Configure DSI PHY HS2LP and LP2HS timings */
- PhyTimings.ClockLaneHS2LPTime = 35;
- PhyTimings.ClockLaneLP2HSTime = 35;
- PhyTimings.DataLaneHS2LPTime = 35;
- PhyTimings.DataLaneLP2HSTime = 35;
- PhyTimings.DataLaneMaxReadTime = 0;
- PhyTimings.StopWaitTime = 10;
- HAL_DSI_ConfigPhyTimer(&hdsi_eval, &PhyTimings);
- /*************************End DSI Initialization*******************************/
- /************************LTDC Initialization***********************************/
- // KoD LCD clock configuration
- // PLLSAI_VCO Input = HSE_VALUE/PLL_M = 1 Mhz
- // PLLSAI_VCO Output = PLLSAI_VCO Input * PLLSAIN = 384 Mhz
- // PLLLCDCLK = PLLSAI_VCO Output/PLLSAIR = 384/7 = 54.857 Mhz
- // LTDC clock frequency = PLLLCDCLK / LTDC_PLLSAI_DIVR_2 = 54.857/2 = 27.429Mhz
- #define STM32_SAISRC_NOCLOCK (0 << 23) /**< No clock. */
- #define STM32_SAISRC_PLL (1 << 23) /**< SAI_CKIN is PLL. */
- #define STM32_SAIR_DIV2 (0 << 16) /**< R divided by 2. */
- #define STM32_SAIR_DIV4 (1 << 16) /**< R divided by 4. */
- #define STM32_SAIR_DIV8 (2 << 16) /**< R divided by 8. */
- #define STM32_SAIR_DIV16 (3 << 16) /**< R divided by 16. */
- #define STM32_PLLSAIN_VALUE 384
- #define STM32_PLLSAIQ_VALUE 4
-// PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_LTDC;
-// PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLSAI.PLLSAIN = 384;
-// PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLSAI.PLLSAIR = 7;
-// PeriphClkInitStruct.PLLSAIDivR = RCC_PLLSAIDIVR_2;
-// HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInitStruct);
- /* Get LTDC Configuration from DSI Configuration */
-// HAL_LTDC_StructInitFromVideoConfig(&(hltdc_eval), &(hdsivideo_handle));
- /* Initialize the LTDC */
-// HAL_LTDC_Init(&hltdc_eval);
- /* Enable the DSI host and wrapper : but LTDC is not started yet at this stage */
- HAL_DSI_Start(&(hdsi_eval));
- #if !defined(DATA_IN_ExtSDRAM)
- /* Initialize the SDRAM */
- BSP_SDRAM_Init();
- #endif /* DATA_IN_ExtSDRAM */
-static GFXINLINE void post_init_board(GDisplay* g)
- (void)g;
- if (g->controllerdisplay)
- return;
- /* Initialize the font */
- /************************End LTDC Initialization*******************************/
- /***********************OTM8009A Initialization********************************/
- /* Initialize the OTM8009A LCD Display IC Driver (KoD LCD IC Driver)
- * depending on configuration set in 'hdsivideo_handle'.
- */
-static GFXINLINE void set_backlight(GDisplay* g, uint8_t percent)
- (void)g;
- (void)percent;
-#endif /* _GDISP_LLD_BOARD_H */