diff options
authorMarco Paland <marco@paland.com>2018-11-02 14:06:51 +0100
committerMarco Paland <marco@paland.com>2018-11-02 14:06:51 +0100
commitc84f5464acfecc9b90c9e66b87579fbf969ce10d (patch)
parent54dfd185432d300746a8586cd3e620d5eb178a5d (diff)
chore(catch): update to catch2 2.4.2
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/test/catch.hpp b/test/catch.hpp
index 4191607..b324e56 100644
--- a/test/catch.hpp
+++ b/test/catch.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Catch v2.4.1
- * Generated: 2018-09-28 15:50:15.645795
+ * Catch v2.4.2
+ * Generated: 2018-10-26 21:12:29.223927
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* This file has been merged from multiple headers. Please don't edit it directly
* Copyright (c) 2018 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang system_header
@@ -356,6 +356,10 @@ namespace Catch {
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
+// We need a dummy global operator<< so we can bring it into Catch namespace later
+struct Catch_global_namespace_dummy {};
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, Catch_global_namespace_dummy);
namespace Catch {
struct CaseSensitive { enum Choice {
@@ -397,6 +401,11 @@ namespace Catch {
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, SourceLineInfo const& info );
+ // Bring in operator<< from global namespace into Catch namespace
+ // This is necessary because the overload of operator<< above makes
+ // lookup stop at namespace Catch
+ using ::operator<<;
// Use this in variadic streaming macros to allow
// >> +StreamEndStop
// as well as
@@ -850,14 +859,7 @@ inline id performOptionalSelector( id obj, SEL sel ) {
#pragma warning(disable:4180) // We attempt to stream a function (address) by const&, which MSVC complains about but is harmless
-// We need a dummy global operator<< so we can bring it into Catch namespace later
-struct Catch_global_namespace_dummy {};
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, Catch_global_namespace_dummy);
namespace Catch {
- // Bring in operator<< from global namespace into Catch namespace
- using ::operator<<;
namespace Detail {
extern const std::string unprintableString;
@@ -5121,6 +5123,7 @@ namespace Catch {
struct LeakDetector {
+ ~LeakDetector();
@@ -5772,7 +5775,7 @@ namespace Catch {
// See https://github.com/philsquared/Clara for more details
-// Clara v1.1.4
+// Clara v1.1.5
@@ -5798,8 +5801,8 @@ namespace Catch {
// A single-header library for wrapping and laying out basic text, by Phil Nash
-// This work is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause license.
-// See the accompanying LICENSE file, or the one at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// This project is hosted at https://github.com/philsquared/textflowcpp
@@ -5813,314 +5816,324 @@ namespace Catch {
-namespace Catch { namespace clara { namespace TextFlow {
- inline auto isWhitespace( char c ) -> bool {
- static std::string chars = " \t\n\r";
- return chars.find( c ) != std::string::npos;
- }
- inline auto isBreakableBefore( char c ) -> bool {
- static std::string chars = "[({<|";
- return chars.find( c ) != std::string::npos;
- }
- inline auto isBreakableAfter( char c ) -> bool {
- static std::string chars = "])}>.,:;*+-=&/\\";
- return chars.find( c ) != std::string::npos;
- }
- class Columns;
- class Column {
- std::vector<std::string> m_strings;
- size_t m_indent = 0;
- size_t m_initialIndent = std::string::npos;
- public:
- class iterator {
- friend Column;
- Column const& m_column;
- size_t m_stringIndex = 0;
- size_t m_pos = 0;
- size_t m_len = 0;
- size_t m_end = 0;
- bool m_suffix = false;
- iterator( Column const& column, size_t stringIndex )
- : m_column( column ),
- m_stringIndex( stringIndex )
- {}
- auto line() const -> std::string const& { return m_column.m_strings[m_stringIndex]; }
- auto isBoundary( size_t at ) const -> bool {
- assert( at > 0 );
- assert( at <= line().size() );
- return at == line().size() ||
- ( isWhitespace( line()[at] ) && !isWhitespace( line()[at-1] ) ) ||
- isBreakableBefore( line()[at] ) ||
- isBreakableAfter( line()[at-1] );
- }
- void calcLength() {
- assert( m_stringIndex < m_column.m_strings.size() );
- m_suffix = false;
- auto width = m_column.m_width-indent();
- m_end = m_pos;
- while( m_end < line().size() && line()[m_end] != '\n' )
- ++m_end;
- if( m_end < m_pos + width ) {
- m_len = m_end - m_pos;
- }
- else {
- size_t len = width;
- while (len > 0 && !isBoundary(m_pos + len))
- --len;
- while (len > 0 && isWhitespace( line()[m_pos + len - 1] ))
- --len;
- if (len > 0) {
- m_len = len;
- } else {
- m_suffix = true;
- m_len = width - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- auto indent() const -> size_t {
- auto initial = m_pos == 0 && m_stringIndex == 0 ? m_column.m_initialIndent : std::string::npos;
- return initial == std::string::npos ? m_column.m_indent : initial;
- }
- auto addIndentAndSuffix(std::string const &plain) const -> std::string {
- return std::string( indent(), ' ' ) + (m_suffix ? plain + "-" : plain);
- }
- public:
- explicit iterator( Column const& column ) : m_column( column ) {
- assert( m_column.m_width > m_column.m_indent );
- assert( m_column.m_initialIndent == std::string::npos || m_column.m_width > m_column.m_initialIndent );
- calcLength();
- if( m_len == 0 )
- m_stringIndex++; // Empty string
- }
- auto operator *() const -> std::string {
- assert( m_stringIndex < m_column.m_strings.size() );
- assert( m_pos <= m_end );
- if( m_pos + m_column.m_width < m_end )
- return addIndentAndSuffix(line().substr(m_pos, m_len));
- else
- return addIndentAndSuffix(line().substr(m_pos, m_end - m_pos));
- }
- auto operator ++() -> iterator& {
- m_pos += m_len;
- if( m_pos < line().size() && line()[m_pos] == '\n' )
- m_pos += 1;
- else
- while( m_pos < line().size() && isWhitespace( line()[m_pos] ) )
- ++m_pos;
- if( m_pos == line().size() ) {
- m_pos = 0;
- ++m_stringIndex;
- }
- if( m_stringIndex < m_column.m_strings.size() )
- calcLength();
- return *this;
- }
- auto operator ++(int) -> iterator {
- iterator prev( *this );
- operator++();
- return prev;
- }
- auto operator ==( iterator const& other ) const -> bool {
- return
- m_pos == other.m_pos &&
- m_stringIndex == other.m_stringIndex &&
- &m_column == &other.m_column;
- }
- auto operator !=( iterator const& other ) const -> bool {
- return !operator==( other );
- }
- };
- using const_iterator = iterator;
- explicit Column( std::string const& text ) { m_strings.push_back( text ); }
- auto width( size_t newWidth ) -> Column& {
- assert( newWidth > 0 );
- m_width = newWidth;
- return *this;
- }
- auto indent( size_t newIndent ) -> Column& {
- m_indent = newIndent;
- return *this;
- }
- auto initialIndent( size_t newIndent ) -> Column& {
- m_initialIndent = newIndent;
- return *this;
- }
- auto width() const -> size_t { return m_width; }
- auto begin() const -> iterator { return iterator( *this ); }
- auto end() const -> iterator { return { *this, m_strings.size() }; }
- inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, Column const& col ) {
- bool first = true;
- for( auto line : col ) {
- if( first )
- first = false;
- else
- os << "\n";
- os << line;
- }
- return os;
- }
- auto operator + ( Column const& other ) -> Columns;
- auto toString() const -> std::string {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << *this;
- return oss.str();
- }
- };
- class Spacer : public Column {
- public:
- explicit Spacer( size_t spaceWidth ) : Column( "" ) {
- width( spaceWidth );
- }
- };
- class Columns {
- std::vector<Column> m_columns;
- public:
- class iterator {
- friend Columns;
- struct EndTag {};
- std::vector<Column> const& m_columns;
- std::vector<Column::iterator> m_iterators;
- size_t m_activeIterators;
- iterator( Columns const& columns, EndTag )
- : m_columns( columns.m_columns ),
- m_activeIterators( 0 )
- {
- m_iterators.reserve( m_columns.size() );
+namespace Catch {
+namespace clara {
+namespace TextFlow {
- for( auto const& col : m_columns )
- m_iterators.push_back( col.end() );
- }
+inline auto isWhitespace(char c) -> bool {
+ static std::string chars = " \t\n\r";
+ return chars.find(c) != std::string::npos;
+inline auto isBreakableBefore(char c) -> bool {
+ static std::string chars = "[({<|";
+ return chars.find(c) != std::string::npos;
+inline auto isBreakableAfter(char c) -> bool {
+ static std::string chars = "])}>.,:;*+-=&/\\";
+ return chars.find(c) != std::string::npos;
- public:
- explicit iterator( Columns const& columns )
- : m_columns( columns.m_columns ),
- m_activeIterators( m_columns.size() )
- {
- m_iterators.reserve( m_columns.size() );
+class Columns;
- for( auto const& col : m_columns )
- m_iterators.push_back( col.begin() );
- }
+class Column {
+ std::vector<std::string> m_strings;
+ size_t m_indent = 0;
+ size_t m_initialIndent = std::string::npos;
- auto operator ==( iterator const& other ) const -> bool {
- return m_iterators == other.m_iterators;
- }
- auto operator !=( iterator const& other ) const -> bool {
- return m_iterators != other.m_iterators;
- }
- auto operator *() const -> std::string {
- std::string row, padding;
+ class iterator {
+ friend Column;
+ Column const& m_column;
+ size_t m_stringIndex = 0;
+ size_t m_pos = 0;
+ size_t m_len = 0;
+ size_t m_end = 0;
+ bool m_suffix = false;
+ iterator(Column const& column, size_t stringIndex)
+ : m_column(column),
+ m_stringIndex(stringIndex) {}
+ auto line() const -> std::string const& { return m_column.m_strings[m_stringIndex]; }
+ auto isBoundary(size_t at) const -> bool {
+ assert(at > 0);
+ assert(at <= line().size());
+ return at == line().size() ||
+ (isWhitespace(line()[at]) && !isWhitespace(line()[at - 1])) ||
+ isBreakableBefore(line()[at]) ||
+ isBreakableAfter(line()[at - 1]);
+ }
+ void calcLength() {
+ assert(m_stringIndex < m_column.m_strings.size());
+ m_suffix = false;
+ auto width = m_column.m_width - indent();
+ m_end = m_pos;
+ while (m_end < line().size() && line()[m_end] != '\n')
+ ++m_end;
+ if (m_end < m_pos + width) {
+ m_len = m_end - m_pos;
+ } else {
+ size_t len = width;
+ while (len > 0 && !isBoundary(m_pos + len))
+ --len;
+ while (len > 0 && isWhitespace(line()[m_pos + len - 1]))
+ --len;
+ if (len > 0) {
+ m_len = len;
+ } else {
+ m_suffix = true;
+ m_len = width - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto indent() const -> size_t {
+ auto initial = m_pos == 0 && m_stringIndex == 0 ? m_column.m_initialIndent : std::string::npos;
+ return initial == std::string::npos ? m_column.m_indent : initial;
+ }
+ auto addIndentAndSuffix(std::string const &plain) const -> std::string {
+ return std::string(indent(), ' ') + (m_suffix ? plain + "-" : plain);
+ }
+ public:
+ using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
+ using value_type = std::string;
+ using pointer = value_type * ;
+ using reference = value_type & ;
+ using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
+ explicit iterator(Column const& column) : m_column(column) {
+ assert(m_column.m_width > m_column.m_indent);
+ assert(m_column.m_initialIndent == std::string::npos || m_column.m_width > m_column.m_initialIndent);
+ calcLength();
+ if (m_len == 0)
+ m_stringIndex++; // Empty string
+ }
+ auto operator *() const -> std::string {
+ assert(m_stringIndex < m_column.m_strings.size());
+ assert(m_pos <= m_end);
+ return addIndentAndSuffix(line().substr(m_pos, m_len));
+ }
+ auto operator ++() -> iterator& {
+ m_pos += m_len;
+ if (m_pos < line().size() && line()[m_pos] == '\n')
+ m_pos += 1;
+ else
+ while (m_pos < line().size() && isWhitespace(line()[m_pos]))
+ ++m_pos;
+ if (m_pos == line().size()) {
+ m_pos = 0;
+ ++m_stringIndex;
+ }
+ if (m_stringIndex < m_column.m_strings.size())
+ calcLength();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto operator ++(int) -> iterator {
+ iterator prev(*this);
+ operator++();
+ return prev;
+ }
+ auto operator ==(iterator const& other) const -> bool {
+ return
+ m_pos == other.m_pos &&
+ m_stringIndex == other.m_stringIndex &&
+ &m_column == &other.m_column;
+ }
+ auto operator !=(iterator const& other) const -> bool {
+ return !operator==(other);
+ }
+ };
+ using const_iterator = iterator;
+ explicit Column(std::string const& text) { m_strings.push_back(text); }
+ auto width(size_t newWidth) -> Column& {
+ assert(newWidth > 0);
+ m_width = newWidth;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto indent(size_t newIndent) -> Column& {
+ m_indent = newIndent;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto initialIndent(size_t newIndent) -> Column& {
+ m_initialIndent = newIndent;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto width() const -> size_t { return m_width; }
+ auto begin() const -> iterator { return iterator(*this); }
+ auto end() const -> iterator { return { *this, m_strings.size() }; }
+ inline friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, Column const& col) {
+ bool first = true;
+ for (auto line : col) {
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ os << "\n";
+ os << line;
+ }
+ return os;
+ }
+ auto operator + (Column const& other)->Columns;
+ auto toString() const -> std::string {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << *this;
+ return oss.str();
+ }
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); ++i ) {
- auto width = m_columns[i].width();
- if( m_iterators[i] != m_columns[i].end() ) {
- std::string col = *m_iterators[i];
- row += padding + col;
- if( col.size() < width )
- padding = std::string( width - col.size(), ' ' );
- else
- padding = "";
- }
- else {
- padding += std::string( width, ' ' );
- }
- }
- return row;
- }
- auto operator ++() -> iterator& {
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); ++i ) {
- if (m_iterators[i] != m_columns[i].end())
- ++m_iterators[i];
- }
- return *this;
- }
- auto operator ++(int) -> iterator {
- iterator prev( *this );
- operator++();
- return prev;
- }
- };
- using const_iterator = iterator;
+class Spacer : public Column {
- auto begin() const -> iterator { return iterator( *this ); }
- auto end() const -> iterator { return { *this, iterator::EndTag() }; }
+ explicit Spacer(size_t spaceWidth) : Column("") {
+ width(spaceWidth);
+ }
- auto operator += ( Column const& col ) -> Columns& {
- m_columns.push_back( col );
- return *this;
- }
- auto operator + ( Column const& col ) -> Columns {
- Columns combined = *this;
- combined += col;
- return combined;
- }
+class Columns {
+ std::vector<Column> m_columns;
- inline friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, Columns const& cols ) {
- bool first = true;
- for( auto line : cols ) {
- if( first )
- first = false;
- else
- os << "\n";
- os << line;
- }
- return os;
- }
+ class iterator {
+ friend Columns;
+ struct EndTag {};
+ std::vector<Column> const& m_columns;
+ std::vector<Column::iterator> m_iterators;
+ size_t m_activeIterators;
+ iterator(Columns const& columns, EndTag)
+ : m_columns(columns.m_columns),
+ m_activeIterators(0) {
+ m_iterators.reserve(m_columns.size());
+ for (auto const& col : m_columns)
+ m_iterators.push_back(col.end());
+ }
+ public:
+ using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
+ using value_type = std::string;
+ using pointer = value_type * ;
+ using reference = value_type & ;
+ using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
+ explicit iterator(Columns const& columns)
+ : m_columns(columns.m_columns),
+ m_activeIterators(m_columns.size()) {
+ m_iterators.reserve(m_columns.size());
+ for (auto const& col : m_columns)
+ m_iterators.push_back(col.begin());
+ }
+ auto operator ==(iterator const& other) const -> bool {
+ return m_iterators == other.m_iterators;
+ }
+ auto operator !=(iterator const& other) const -> bool {
+ return m_iterators != other.m_iterators;
+ }
+ auto operator *() const -> std::string {
+ std::string row, padding;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); ++i) {
+ auto width = m_columns[i].width();
+ if (m_iterators[i] != m_columns[i].end()) {
+ std::string col = *m_iterators[i];
+ row += padding + col;
+ if (col.size() < width)
+ padding = std::string(width - col.size(), ' ');
+ else
+ padding = "";
+ } else {
+ padding += std::string(width, ' ');
+ }
+ }
+ return row;
+ }
+ auto operator ++() -> iterator& {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); ++i) {
+ if (m_iterators[i] != m_columns[i].end())
+ ++m_iterators[i];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto operator ++(int) -> iterator {
+ iterator prev(*this);
+ operator++();
+ return prev;
+ }
+ };
+ using const_iterator = iterator;
+ auto begin() const -> iterator { return iterator(*this); }
+ auto end() const -> iterator { return { *this, iterator::EndTag() }; }
+ auto operator += (Column const& col) -> Columns& {
+ m_columns.push_back(col);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ auto operator + (Column const& col) -> Columns {
+ Columns combined = *this;
+ combined += col;
+ return combined;
+ }
+ inline friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, Columns const& cols) {
+ bool first = true;
+ for (auto line : cols) {
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ os << "\n";
+ os << line;
+ }
+ return os;
+ }
+ auto toString() const -> std::string {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << *this;
+ return oss.str();
+ }
- auto toString() const -> std::string {
- std::ostringstream oss;
- oss << *this;
- return oss.str();
- }
- };
+inline auto Column::operator + (Column const& other) -> Columns {
+ Columns cols;
+ cols += *this;
+ cols += other;
+ return cols;
- inline auto Column::operator + ( Column const& other ) -> Columns {
- Columns cols;
- cols += *this;
- cols += other;
- return cols;
- }
-}}} // namespace Catch::clara::TextFlow
// ----------- end of #include from clara_textflow.hpp -----------
// ........... back in clara.hpp
+#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
@@ -7119,6 +7132,18 @@ namespace Catch {
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognised verbosity, '" + verbosity + "'" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
+ auto const setReporter = [&]( std::string const& reporter ) {
+ IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap const& factories = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getFactories();
+ auto lcReporter = toLower( reporter );
+ auto result = factories.find( lcReporter );
+ if( factories.end() != result )
+ config.reporterName = lcReporter;
+ else
+ return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognized reporter, '" + reporter + "'. Check available with --list-reporters" );
+ return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
+ };
auto cli
= ExeName( config.processName )
@@ -7144,7 +7169,7 @@ namespace Catch {
| Opt( config.outputFilename, "filename" )
( "output filename" )
- | Opt( config.reporterName, "name" )
+ | Opt( setReporter, "name" )
( "reporter to use (defaults to console)" )
| Opt( config.name, "name" )
@@ -8292,6 +8317,10 @@ namespace Catch {
Catch::LeakDetector::LeakDetector() {}
+Catch::LeakDetector::~LeakDetector() {
+ Catch::cleanUp();
// end catch_leak_detector.cpp
// start catch_list.cpp
@@ -8315,7 +8344,7 @@ namespace Catch {
std::size_t listTags( Config const& config );
- std::size_t listReporters( Config const& /*config*/ );
+ std::size_t listReporters();
Option<std::size_t> list( Config const& config );
@@ -8433,7 +8462,7 @@ namespace Catch {
return tagCounts.size();
- std::size_t listReporters( Config const& /*config*/ ) {
+ std::size_t listReporters() {
Catch::cout() << "Available reporters:\n";
IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap const& factories = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getFactories();
std::size_t maxNameLen = 0;
@@ -8464,7 +8493,7 @@ namespace Catch {
if( config.listTags() )
listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listTags( config );
if( config.listReporters() )
- listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listReporters( config );
+ listedCount = listedCount.valueOr(0) + listReporters();
return listedCount;
@@ -9930,13 +9959,22 @@ namespace Catch {
void libIdentify();
int applyCommandLine( int argc, char const * const * argv );
+ #if defined(CATCH_CONFIG_WCHAR) && defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
+ int applyCommandLine( int argc, wchar_t const * const * argv );
+ #endif
void useConfigData( ConfigData const& configData );
- int run( int argc, char* argv[] );
- #if defined(CATCH_CONFIG_WCHAR) && defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
- int run( int argc, wchar_t* const argv[] );
- #endif
+ template<typename CharT>
+ int run(int argc, CharT const * const argv[]) {
+ if (m_startupExceptions)
+ return 1;
+ int returnCode = applyCommandLine(argc, argv);
+ if (returnCode == 0)
+ returnCode = run();
+ return returnCode;
+ }
int run();
clara::Parser const& cli() const;
@@ -10148,22 +10186,8 @@ namespace Catch {
return 0;
- void Session::useConfigData( ConfigData const& configData ) {
- m_configData = configData;
- m_config.reset();
- }
- int Session::run( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
- if( m_startupExceptions )
- return 1;
- int returnCode = applyCommandLine( argc, argv );
- if( returnCode == 0 )
- returnCode = run();
- return returnCode;
- }
#if defined(CATCH_CONFIG_WCHAR) && defined(WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
- int Session::run( int argc, wchar_t* const argv[] ) {
+ int Session::applyCommandLine( int argc, wchar_t const * const * argv ) {
char **utf8Argv = new char *[ argc ];
@@ -10175,7 +10199,7 @@ namespace Catch {
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, argv[i], -1, utf8Argv[i], bufSize, NULL, NULL );
- int returnCode = run( argc, utf8Argv );
+ int returnCode = applyCommandLine( argc, utf8Argv );
for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i )
delete [] utf8Argv[ i ];
@@ -10185,6 +10209,12 @@ namespace Catch {
return returnCode;
+ void Session::useConfigData( ConfigData const& configData ) {
+ m_configData = configData;
+ m_config.reset();
+ }
int Session::run() {
if( ( m_configData.waitForKeypress & WaitForKeypress::BeforeStart ) != 0 ) {
Catch::cout() << "...waiting for enter/ return before starting" << std::endl;
@@ -11686,7 +11716,7 @@ std::string StringMaker<bool>::convert(bool b) {
return b ? "true" : "false";
-std::string StringMaker<char>::convert(char value) {
+std::string StringMaker<signed char>::convert(signed char value) {
if (value == '\r') {
return "'\\r'";
} else if (value == '\f') {
@@ -11703,8 +11733,8 @@ std::string StringMaker<char>::convert(char value) {
return chstr;
-std::string StringMaker<signed char>::convert(signed char c) {
- return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<char>(c));
+std::string StringMaker<char>::convert(char c) {
+ return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<signed char>(c));
std::string StringMaker<unsigned char>::convert(unsigned char c) {
return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<char>(c));
@@ -11836,7 +11866,7 @@ namespace Catch {
Version const& libraryVersion() {
- static Version version( 2, 4, 1, "", 0 );
+ static Version version( 2, 4, 2, "", 0 );
return version;
@@ -13517,6 +13547,9 @@ namespace Catch {
m_xml.startElement( "Catch" );
if( !m_config->name().empty() )
m_xml.writeAttribute( "name", m_config->name() );
+ if( m_config->rngSeed() != 0 )
+ m_xml.scopedElement( "Randomness" )
+ .writeAttribute( "seed", m_config->rngSeed() );
void XmlReporter::testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) {
@@ -13792,6 +13825,14 @@ int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
+#define CATCH_STATIC_REQUIRE( ... ) static_assert( __VA_ARGS__ , #__VA_ARGS__ ); CATCH_SUCCEED( #__VA_ARGS__ )
+#define CATCH_STATIC_REQUIRE_FALSE( ... ) static_assert( !(__VA_ARGS__), "!(" #__VA_ARGS__ ")" ); CATCH_SUCCEED( #__VA_ARGS__ )
// "BDD-style" convenience wrappers
#define CATCH_SCENARIO( ... ) CATCH_TEST_CASE( "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
#define CATCH_SCENARIO_METHOD( className, ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD( className, "Scenario: " __VA_ARGS__ )
@@ -13851,6 +13892,14 @@ int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
#define SUCCEED( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_MSG( "SUCCEED", Catch::ResultWas::Ok, Catch::ResultDisposition::ContinueOnFailure, __VA_ARGS__ )
+#define STATIC_REQUIRE( ... ) static_assert( __VA_ARGS__, #__VA_ARGS__ ); SUCCEED( #__VA_ARGS__ )
+#define STATIC_REQUIRE_FALSE( ... ) static_assert( !(__VA_ARGS__), "!(" #__VA_ARGS__ ")" ); SUCCEED( "!(" #__VA_ARGS__ ")" )
+#define STATIC_REQUIRE( ... ) REQUIRE( __VA_ARGS__ )
@@ -13931,6 +13980,9 @@ using Catch::Detail::Approx;
#define CATCH_THEN( desc )
#define CATCH_AND_THEN( desc )
+#define CATCH_STATIC_REQUIRE( ... ) (void)(0)
+#define CATCH_STATIC_REQUIRE_FALSE( ... ) (void)(0)
// If CATCH_CONFIG_PREFIX_ALL is not defined then the CATCH_ prefix is not required
@@ -13980,6 +14032,9 @@ using Catch::Detail::Approx;
#define SUCCEED( ... ) (void)(0)
+#define STATIC_REQUIRE( ... ) (void)(0)
+#define STATIC_REQUIRE_FALSE( ... ) (void)(0)