path: root/keyboards/ckeys/nakey/readme.md
blob: b85e822abdf5a4be02f2367fe1b33176822881fe (plain)
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# naKey

Firmware for custom keyboard

Keyboard Maintainer: [James Underwood](https://github.com/ju0)  
Hardware Supported: naKey  
Hardware Availability: [ckeys.org](https://ckeys.org)

To build this keyboard, follow the [build guide](https://ckeys.org/tutorials/nakey-numpad-build-guide/). 

Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):

    make ckeys/nakey:default

See [build environment setup](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_build_tools) then the [make instructions](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_make_guide) for more information.

## Quantum MK Firmware

For the full Quantum feature list, see [the parent readme](/).

## Building

Download or clone the whole firmware and navigate to the root folder. Once your dev env is setup, you'll be able to type `make ckeys/nakey:default` to generate your .hex - you can then use the Teensy Loader to program your .hex file. 

(Note: replace naKey with the name of your keyboard.)

Depending on which keymap you would like to use, you will have to compile slightly differently.

### Default

To build with the default keymap, simply run `make ckeys/nakey:default`.

### Other Keymaps

Several version of keymap are available in advance but you are recommended to define your favorite layout yourself. To define your own keymap create a folder with the name of your keymap in the keymaps folder. Create a `readme.md` and a `keymap.c` file to complete your new keymap. When you are done your file tree should look like this:

* `qmk_firmware/`
  * `keyboard/`
    * `keymaps/`
      * `config.h` (optional)
      * `keymap.c`
      * `readme.md`
      * `rules.mk` (optional)

To build the firmware binary hex file with a keymap just do `make` with a keymap like this:

$ make naKey-[default|jack|<name>]