path: root/upgrade/upgrade.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'upgrade/upgrade.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/upgrade/upgrade.c b/upgrade/upgrade.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 698ed28..0000000
--- a/upgrade/upgrade.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// Upgrade is an in-place firmware upgrader for tiny85 chips - just fill in the
-// 'bootloaderAddress' variable in bootloader_data.h, and the bootloaderData
-// progmem array with the bootloader data, and you're ready to go.
-// Upgrade will firstly rewrite the interrupt vector table to disable the bootloader,
-// rewriting it to just run the upgrade app. Next it erases and writes each page of the
-// bootloader in sequence, erasing over any remaining pages leaving them set to 0xFFFF
-// Finally upgrader erases it's interrupt table again and fills it with RJMPs to
-// bootloaderAddress, effectively bridging the interrupts in to the new bootloader's
-// interrupts table.
-// While upgrade has been written with attiny85 and micronucleus in mind, it should
-// work with other bootloaders and other chips with flash self program but no hardware
-// bootloader protection, where the bootloader exists at the end of flash
-// Be very careful to not power down the AVR while upgrader is running.
-// If you connect a piezo between pb0 and pb1 you'll hear a bleep when the update
-// is complete. You can also connect an LED with pb0 positive and pb1 or gnd negative and
-// it will blink
-#include "./utils.h"
-#include <avr/io.h>
-#include <avr/interrupt.h>
-#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
-#include <avr/wdt.h>
-#include <avr/boot.h>
-#include "./bootloader_data.c"
-void secure_interrupt_vector_table(void);
-void write_new_bootloader(void);
-void forward_interrupt_vector_table(void);
-void beep(void);
-void reboot(void);
-void load_table(uint16_t address, uint16_t words[SPM_PAGESIZE / 2]);
-void erase_page(uint16_t address);
-void write_page(uint16_t address, uint16_t words[SPM_PAGESIZE / 2]);
-int main(void) {
- pinsOff(0xFF); // pull down all pins
- outputs(0xFF); // all to ground - force usb disconnect
- delay(250); // milliseconds
- inputs(0xFF); // let them float
- delay(250);
- cli();
- secure_interrupt_vector_table(); // reset our vector table to it's original state
- write_new_bootloader();
- forward_interrupt_vector_table();
- beep();
- reboot();
- return 0;
-// erase first page, removing any interrupt table hooks the bootloader added when
-// upgrade was uploaded
-void secure_interrupt_vector_table(void) {
- uint16_t table[SPM_PAGESIZE / 2];
- load_table(0, table);
- // wipe out any interrupt hooks the bootloader rewrote
- int i = 0;
- while (i < SPM_PAGESIZE / 2) {
- table[0] = 0xFFFF;
- i++;
- }
- erase_page(0);
- write_page(0, table);
-// erase bootloader's section and write over it with new bootloader code
-void write_new_bootloader(void) {
- uint16_t outgoing_page[SPM_PAGESIZE / 2];
- int iter = 0;
- while (iter < sizeof(bootloader_data)) {
- // read in one page's worth of data from progmem
- int word_addr = 0;
- while (word_addr < SPM_PAGESIZE) {
- int subaddress = ((int) bootloader_data) + iter + word_addr;
- if (subaddress >= ((int) bootloader_data) + sizeof(bootloader_data)) {
- outgoing_page[word_addr / 2] = 0xFFFF;
- } else {
- outgoing_page[word_addr / 2] = pgm_read_word(subaddress);
- }
- word_addr += 2;
- }
- // erase page in destination
- erase_page(bootloader_address + iter);
- // write updated page
- write_page(bootloader_address + iter, outgoing_page);
- iter += 64;
- }
-// write in forwarding interrupt vector table
-void forward_interrupt_vector_table(void) {
- uint16_t vector_table[SPM_PAGESIZE / 2];
- int iter = 0;
- while (iter < SPM_PAGESIZE / 2) {
- // rjmp to bootloader_address's interrupt table
- vector_table[iter] = 0xC000 + (bootloader_address / 2) - 1;
- iter++;
- }
- erase_page(0);
- write_page(0, vector_table);
-void load_table(uint16_t address, uint16_t words[SPM_PAGESIZE / 2]) {
- uint16_t subaddress = 0;
- address -= address % SPM_PAGESIZE; // round down to nearest page start
- while (subaddress < SPM_PAGESIZE) {
- words[subaddress / 2] = pgm_read_word(address + subaddress);
- subaddress += 2;
- }
-void erase_page(uint16_t address) {
- boot_page_erase(address - (address % SPM_PAGESIZE));
- boot_spm_busy_wait();
-void write_page(uint16_t address, uint16_t words[SPM_PAGESIZE / 2]) {
- // fill buffer
- uint16_t iter = 0;
- while (iter < SPM_PAGESIZE / 2) {
- boot_page_fill(address + (iter * 2), words[iter]);
- iter++;
- }
- boot_page_write(address);
- boot_spm_busy_wait(); // Wait until the memory is written.
-// beep for a quarter of a second
-void beep(void) {
- outputs(pin(0) | pin(1));
- pinOff(1);
- byte i = 0;
- while (i < 250) {
- delay(1);
- pinOn(pin(0));
- delay(1);
- pinOff(pin(0));
- i++;
- }
-void reboot(void) {
- void (*ptrToFunction)(); // pointer to a function
- ptrToFunction = 0x0000;
- (*ptrToFunction)(); // reset!
-////////////// Add padding to start of program so no program code could reasonably be erased while program is running
-// this never needs to be called - avr-gcc stuff happening:
-volatile void FakeISR (void) __attribute__ ((naked)) __attribute__ ((section (".init0")));
-volatile void FakeISR (void) {
- // 16 nops to pad out first section of program
- asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");
- asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop"); asm("nop");