path: root/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw
diff options
authorJames <>2013-10-15 03:37:30 +0100
committerJames <>2013-10-15 03:37:30 +0100
commit1354ab97520ab8423647653af2e23606231eae3f (patch)
treeee20ce27ccf6344716d154def525358cb1c41520 /async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw
parent8340a59fa12a1940453d784a0cc9eef6bed90f30 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw.tcl b/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4223d10..0000000
--- a/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 13.0sp1
-# Mon Oct 14 20:32:15 BST 2013
-# async_16bit_bus_adapter "async_16bit_bus_adapter" v1.0
-# 2013.10.14.20:32:15
-# request TCL package from ACDS 13.1
-package require -exact qsys 13.1
-# module async_16bit_bus_adapter
-set_module_property DESCRIPTION ""
-set_module_property NAME async_16bit_bus_adapter
-set_module_property VERSION 1.0
-set_module_property INTERNAL false
-set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
-set_module_property GROUP my_lib
-set_module_property AUTHOR ""
-set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME async_16bit_bus_adapter
-set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true
-set_module_property EDITABLE true
-set_module_property ANALYZE_HDL AUTO
-set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false
-set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false
-# file sets
-set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH TOP_LEVEL async_16bit_bus_adapter
-add_fileset_file async_16bit_bus_adapter.vhd VHDL PATH hdl/async_16bit_bus_adapter.vhd TOP_LEVEL_FILE
-# parameters
-add_parameter AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE STRING -1 ""
-set_parameter_property AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE DEFAULT_VALUE -1
-set_parameter_property AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE WIDTH ""
-set_parameter_property AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE TYPE STRING
-set_parameter_property AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE UNITS None
-set_parameter_property AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE DESCRIPTION ""
-set_parameter_property AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE HDL_PARAMETER true
-# display items
-# connection point clock
-add_interface clock clock end
-set_interface_property clock clockRate 0
-set_interface_property clock ENABLED true
-set_interface_property clock EXPORT_OF ""
-set_interface_property clock PORT_NAME_MAP ""
-set_interface_property clock SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
-add_interface_port clock clk clk Input 1
-# connection point avalon_slave
-add_interface avalon_slave avalon end
-set_interface_property avalon_slave addressUnits WORDS
-set_interface_property avalon_slave associatedClock clock
-set_interface_property avalon_slave associatedReset reset
-set_interface_property avalon_slave bitsPerSymbol 8
-set_interface_property avalon_slave burstOnBurstBoundariesOnly false
-set_interface_property avalon_slave burstcountUnits WORDS
-set_interface_property avalon_slave explicitAddressSpan 0
-set_interface_property avalon_slave holdTime 0
-set_interface_property avalon_slave linewrapBursts false
-set_interface_property avalon_slave maximumPendingReadTransactions 0
-set_interface_property avalon_slave readLatency 0
-set_interface_property avalon_slave readWaitTime 1
-set_interface_property avalon_slave setupTime 0
-set_interface_property avalon_slave timingUnits Cycles
-set_interface_property avalon_slave writeWaitTime 0
-set_interface_property avalon_slave ENABLED true
-set_interface_property avalon_slave EXPORT_OF ""
-set_interface_property avalon_slave PORT_NAME_MAP ""
-set_interface_property avalon_slave SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
-add_interface_port avalon_slave cs_n chipselect_n Input 1
-add_interface_port avalon_slave address address Input 16
-add_interface_port avalon_slave writedata writedata Input 16
-add_interface_port avalon_slave wr_n write_n Input 1
-add_interface_port avalon_slave rd_n read_n Input 1
-add_interface_port avalon_slave wait_n waitrequest_n Output 1
-add_interface_port avalon_slave readdata readdata Output 16
-set_interface_assignment avalon_slave embeddedsw.configuration.isFlash 0
-set_interface_assignment avalon_slave embeddedsw.configuration.isMemoryDevice 0
-set_interface_assignment avalon_slave embeddedsw.configuration.isNonVolatileStorage 0
-set_interface_assignment avalon_slave embeddedsw.configuration.isPrintableDevice 0
-# connection point sbb
-add_interface sbb conduit end
-set_interface_property sbb associatedClock clock
-set_interface_property sbb associatedReset ""
-set_interface_property sbb ENABLED true
-set_interface_property sbb EXPORT_OF ""
-set_interface_property sbb PORT_NAME_MAP ""
-set_interface_property sbb SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
-add_interface_port sbb b_reset_n export Output 1
-add_interface_port sbb b_cs_n export Output 1
-add_interface_port sbb b_rnw export Output 1
-add_interface_port sbb b_wait_n export Input 1
-add_interface_port sbb b_addr export Output 16
-add_interface_port sbb b_data_in export Input 16
-add_interface_port sbb b_data_out export Output 16
-# connection point reset
-add_interface reset reset end
-set_interface_property reset associatedClock clock
-set_interface_property reset synchronousEdges DEASSERT
-set_interface_property reset ENABLED true
-set_interface_property reset EXPORT_OF ""
-set_interface_property reset PORT_NAME_MAP ""
-set_interface_property reset SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
-add_interface_port reset rst_n reset_n Input 1
diff --git a/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw/hdl/async_16bit_bus_adapter.vhd b/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw/hdl/async_16bit_bus_adapter.vhd
deleted file mode 100644
index 715123f..0000000
--- a/async_16bit_bus_adapter_hw/hdl/async_16bit_bus_adapter.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
--- async_16bit_bus_adapter.vhd
--- This file was auto-generated as a prototype implementation of a module
--- created in component editor. It ties off all outputs to ground and
--- ignores all inputs. It needs to be edited to make it do something
--- useful.
--- This file will not be automatically regenerated. You should check it in
--- to your version control system if you want to keep it.
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
-use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-entity async_16bit_bus_adapter is
- generic (
- AUTO_CLOCK_CLOCK_RATE : string := "-1"
- );
- port (
- clk : in std_logic := '0'; -- clock.clk
- rst_n : in std_logic := '0'; -- reset.reset_n
- cs_n : in std_logic := '0'; -- avalon_slave.chipselect_n
- address : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- .address
- writedata : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- .writedata
- wr_n : in std_logic := '0'; -- .write_n
- rd_n : in std_logic := '0'; -- .read_n
- wait_n : out std_logic; -- .waitrequest_n
- readdata : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- .readdata
- b_reset_n : out std_logic; -- eight_bit_bus.export
- b_cs_n : out std_logic; -- .export
- b_rnw : out std_logic; -- .export
- b_wait_n : in std_logic := '0'; -- .export
- b_addr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- .export
- b_data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- .export
- b_data_out : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) -- .export
- );
-end entity async_16bit_bus_adapter;
-architecture rtl of async_16bit_bus_adapter is
-signal state:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
- b_addr <= address;
- readdata <= b_data_in;
- b_data_out <= writedata;
- b_reset_n <= rst_n;
- b_cs_n <= cs_n or ( wr_n and rd_n );
- b_rnw <= wr_n;
- wait_n <= b_wait_n;
-end architecture rtl; -- of async_16bit_bus_adapter