#ifndef PINS_H_INCLUDED #define PINS_H_INCLUDED // Detects if we are on USB power. #define VBUS_DET GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 3) // Buttons #define BTN_ALARM GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 2) #define WATCH_BTN_ALARM_EIC_CHANNEL 2 #define BTN_LIGHT GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 5) #define WATCH_BTN_LIGHT_EIC_CHANNEL 5 #define BTN_MODE GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 7) #define WATCH_BTN_MODE_EIC_CHANNEL 7 // Buzzer #define BUZZER GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 27) #define WATCH_BUZZER_TCC_PINMUX PINMUX_PA27F_TCC0_WO5 #define WATCH_BUZZER_TCC_CHANNEL 1 // LEDs #define WATCH_INVERT_LED_POLARITY #define RED GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 4) #define WATCH_RED_TCC_CHANNEL 0 #define WATCH_RED_TCC_PINMUX PINMUX_PA04E_TCC0_WO0 #ifdef WATCH_IS_BLUE_BOARD #define GREEN GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 22) #define WATCH_GREEN_TCC_CHANNEL 2 #define WATCH_GREEN_TCC_PINMUX PINMUX_PB22F_TCC0_WO2 #else #define GREEN GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 23) #define WATCH_GREEN_TCC_CHANNEL 3 #define WATCH_GREEN_TCC_PINMUX PINMUX_PB23F_TCC0_WO3 #endif // Segment LCD // The LCD in this board can run comfortably at a lower voltage. #define CONF_SLCD_CONTRAST_ADJUST 7 #define SLCD0 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 6) #define SLCD1 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 7) #define SLCD2 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 8) #define SLCD3 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 9) #define SLCD4 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 5) #define SLCD5 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 6) #define SLCD6 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 8) #define SLCD7 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 9) #define SLCD8 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 10) #define SLCD9 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 11) #define SLCD10 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 11) #define SLCD11 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 12) #define SLCD12 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 13) #define SLCD13 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 14) #define SLCD14 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 15) #define SLCD15 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 14) #define SLCD16 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 15) #define SLCD17 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 16) #define SLCD18 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 17) #define SLCD19 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 18) #define SLCD20 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 19) #define SLCD21 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 16) #define SLCD22 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 17) #define SLCD23 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 20) #define SLCD24 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 21) #define SLCD25 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 22) #define SLCD26 GPIO(GPIO_PORTA, 23) // This board uses a slightly different pin mapping from the standard watch, and it's not enough to // just declare the pins. We also have to set the LCD Pin Enable register with the SLCD pins we're // using. These numbers are not port/pin numbers, but the "SLCD/LP[x]" numbers in the pinmux table. // If not defined in pins.h, the LCD driver will fall back to the pin mapping in hpl_slcd_config.h. // LPENL is for pins SLCD/LP[0..31]. #define CONF_SLCD_LPENL (\ (uint32_t)1 << 0 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 1 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 2 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 3 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 5 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 6 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 11 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 12 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 13 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 14 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 21 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 22 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 23 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 24 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 25 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 30 | \ (uint32_t)1 << 31 | 0) // LPENH is for pins SLCD/LP[32..51], where bit 0 represents pin 32. #define CONF_SLCD_LPENH (\ (uint32_t)1 << (32 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (33 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (34 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (35 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (42 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (43 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (48 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (49 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (50 - 32) | \ (uint32_t)1 << (51 - 32) | 0) // 9-pin connector #define A0 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 4) #define WATCH_A0_EIC_CHANNEL 4 #define A1 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 1) #define WATCH_A1_EIC_CHANNEL 1 #define A2 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 2) #define WATCH_A2_EIC_CHANNEL 2 #define A3 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 3) #define WATCH_A3_EIC_CHANNEL 3 #define A4 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 0) #define WATCH_A4_EIC_CHANNEL 0 #define SDA GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 30) #define SCL GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 31) // aliases for as A3/A4; these were mentioned as D0/D1 in early documentation. #define D0 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 3) #define D1 GPIO(GPIO_PORTB, 0) #endif // PINS_H_INCLUDED