path: root/watch-library/hardware
diff options
authorTheOnePerson <>2023-01-11 21:26:33 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-01-11 15:26:33 -0500
commit47812f462d275ff62e3796d4064cdac66772f6c9 (patch)
treef9f21d36c4d88a77c4a28fc8b38780cd574afbae /watch-library/hardware
parentca7e70442930ad24285385291dc98c1437b9881b (diff)
Play sound sequences asynchronously (#122)
* buzzer sequences: first draft, does not work on hardware yet (but in simulator) * buzzer sequences: add changes to movement.c * buzzer sequences: add demo face to Makefile * buzzer sequences: fix problem of interrupted sounds. Add logic for repeating sub sequences. Tidy up (move logic to watch_buzzer files, remove buzzer_demo_face) * buzzer sequences: tidy up even more * buzzer sequences: disable registering a 32 Hz tick callback for watch faces, so it will be used exclusively by the buzzer sequences functionality * buzzer sequences: add callback slot functionality to watch_rtc and make watch_buzzer use it. Switch internal buzzer sequences tick frequency to 64 Hz. Revert changes to movement.c * buzzer sequences: fix parameter sanity check in watch_rtc code * buzzer sequences/watch_rtc: optimize calling tick callbacks in RTC_Handler * buzzer sequences/watch_rtc: fix error in calling callback functions * buzzer sequences: revert changes to watch_rtc logic. Instead, use TC3 as the source for timing the sound sequences. * buzzer sequences: fix frequency of callback * buzzer sequences: integrate changes from PR #162 (set both CCBUF and PERFBUF for correct buzzer tone)
Diffstat (limited to 'watch-library/hardware')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/watch-library/hardware/watch/watch_buzzer.c b/watch-library/hardware/watch/watch_buzzer.c
index 07303482..b999397a 100644
--- a/watch-library/hardware/watch/watch_buzzer.c
+++ b/watch-library/hardware/watch/watch_buzzer.c
@@ -23,13 +23,133 @@
#include "watch_buzzer.h"
+#include "../../../watch-library/hardware/include/saml22j18a.h"
+#include "../../../watch-library/hardware/include/component/tc.h"
+#include "../../../watch-library/hardware/hri/hri_tc_l22.h"
- inline void watch_enable_buzzer(void) {
+void cb_watch_buzzer_seq(void);
+static uint16_t _seq_position;
+static int8_t _tone_ticks, _repeat_counter;
+static bool _callback_running = false;
+static int8_t *_sequence;
+static void (*_cb_finished)(void);
+static void _tcc_write_RUNSTDBY(bool value) {
+ // enables or disables RUNSTDBY of the tcc
+ hri_tcc_clear_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(TCC0);
+ hri_tcc_write_CTRLA_RUNSTDBY_bit(TCC0, value);
+ hri_tcc_set_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(TCC0);
+ hri_tcc_wait_for_sync(TCC0, TCC_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE);
+static inline void _tc3_start() {
+ // start the TC3 timer
+ hri_tc_set_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(TC3);
+ _callback_running = true;
+static inline void _tc3_stop() {
+ // stop the TC3 timer
+ hri_tc_clear_CTRLA_ENABLE_bit(TC3);
+ hri_tc_wait_for_sync(TC3, TC_SYNCBUSY_ENABLE);
+ _callback_running = false;
+static void _tc3_initialize() {
+ // setup and initialize TC3 for a 64 Hz interrupt
+ hri_mclk_set_APBCMASK_TC3_bit(MCLK);
+ _tc3_stop();
+ hri_tc_write_CTRLA_reg(TC3, TC_CTRLA_SWRST);
+ hri_tc_wait_for_sync(TC3, TC_SYNCBUSY_SWRST);
+ hri_tc_write_CTRLA_reg(TC3, TC_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV64 |
+ hri_tccount8_write_PER_reg(TC3, 7); // 32 Khz divided by 64 divided by 8 equals 64 Hz
+ hri_tc_set_INTEN_OVF_bit(TC3);
+ NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(TC3_IRQn);
+ NVIC_EnableIRQ (TC3_IRQn);
+void watch_buzzer_play_sequence(int8_t *note_sequence, void (*callback_on_end)(void)) {
+ if (_callback_running) _tc3_stop();
+ watch_set_buzzer_off();
+ _sequence = note_sequence;
+ _cb_finished = callback_on_end;
+ _seq_position = 0;
+ _tone_ticks = 0;
+ _repeat_counter = -1;
+ // prepare buzzer
+ watch_enable_buzzer();
+ // setup TC3 timer
+ _tc3_initialize();
+ // TCC should run in standby mode
+ _tcc_write_RUNSTDBY(true);
+ // start the timer (for the 64 hz callback)
+ _tc3_start();
+void cb_watch_buzzer_seq(void) {
+ // callback for reading the note sequence
+ if (_tone_ticks == 0) {
+ if (_sequence[_seq_position] < 0 && _sequence[_seq_position + 1]) {
+ // repeat indicator found
+ if (_repeat_counter == -1) {
+ // first encounter: load repeat counter
+ _repeat_counter = _sequence[_seq_position + 1];
+ } else _repeat_counter--;
+ if (_repeat_counter > 0)
+ // rewind
+ if (_seq_position > _sequence[_seq_position] * -2)
+ _seq_position += _sequence[_seq_position] * 2;
+ else
+ _seq_position = 0;
+ else {
+ // continue
+ _seq_position += 2;
+ _repeat_counter = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_sequence[_seq_position] && _sequence[_seq_position + 1]) {
+ // read note
+ BuzzerNote note = _sequence[_seq_position];
+ if (note != BUZZER_NOTE_REST) {
+ watch_set_buzzer_period(NotePeriods[note]);
+ watch_set_buzzer_on();
+ } else watch_set_buzzer_off();
+ // set duration ticks and move to next tone
+ _tone_ticks = _sequence[_seq_position + 1];
+ _seq_position += 2;
+ } else {
+ // end the sequence
+ watch_buzzer_abort_sequence();
+ if (_cb_finished) _cb_finished();
+ }
+ } else _tone_ticks--;
+void watch_buzzer_abort_sequence(void) {
+ // ends/aborts the sequence
+ if (_callback_running) _tc3_stop();
+ watch_set_buzzer_off();
+ // disable standby mode for TCC
+ _tcc_write_RUNSTDBY(false);
+void TC3_Handler(void) {
+ // interrupt handler vor TC3 (globally!)
+ cb_watch_buzzer_seq();
+inline void watch_enable_buzzer(void) {
if (!hri_tcc_get_CTRLA_reg(TCC0, TCC_CTRLA_ENABLE)) {
gpio_set_pin_direction(BUZZER, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUT);
inline void watch_set_buzzer_period(uint32_t period) {
hri_tcc_write_PERBUF_reg(TCC0, period);
hri_tcc_write_CCBUF_reg(TCC0, WATCH_BUZZER_TCC_CHANNEL, period / 2);