path: root/package/kernel/mt7621-qtn-rgmii
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# PS/2 Mouse Support :id=ps2-mouse-support

Its possible to hook up a PS/2 mouse (for example touchpads or trackpoints) to your keyboard as a composite device.

To hook up a Trackpoint, you need to obtain a Trackpoint module (i.e. harvest from a Thinkpad keyboard), identify the function of each pin of the module, and make the necessary circuitry between controller and Trackpoint module. For more information, please refer to [Trackpoint Hardware](https://deskthority.net/wiki/TrackPoint_Hardware) page on Deskthority Wiki.

There are three available modes for hooking up PS/2 devices: USART (best), interrupts (better) or busywait (not recommended).

## The Circuitry between Trackpoint and Controller :id=the-circuitry-between-trackpoint-and-controller

To get the things working, a 4.7K drag is needed between the two lines DATA and CLK and the line 5+. 


          DATA ----------+--------- PIN
MODULE    5+  --------+--+--------- PWR   CONTROLLER
          CLK   ------+------------ PIN

## Busywait Version :id=busywait-version

Note: This is not recommended, you may encounter jerky movement or unsent inputs. Please use interrupt or USART version if possible.

In rules.mk:


In your keyboard config.h:

#   define PS2_CLOCK_PORT  PORTD
#   define PS2_CLOCK_PIN   PIND
#   define PS2_CLOCK_DDR   DDRD
#   define PS2_CLOCK_BIT   1
#   define PS2_DATA_PORT   PORTD
#   define PS2_DATA_PIN    PIND
#   define PS2_DATA_DDR    DDRD
#   define PS2_DATA_BIT    2

## Interrupt Version :id=interrupt-version

The following example uses D2 for clock and D5 for data. You can use any INT or PCINT pin for clock, and any pin for data.

In rules.mk:

PS2_USE_INT = yes

In your keyboard config.h:

#ifdef PS2_USE_INT
#define PS2_CLOCK_PIN   PIND
#define PS2_CLOCK_DDR   DDRD
#define PS2_CLOCK_BIT   2
#define PS2_DATA_PIN    PIND
#define PS2_DATA_DDR    DDRD
#define PS2_DATA_BIT    5

#define PS2_INT_INIT()  do {    \
    EICRA |= ((1<<ISC21) |      \
              (0<<ISC20));      \
} while (0)
#define PS2_INT_ON()  do {      \
    EIMSK |= (1<<INT2);         \
} while (0)
#define PS2_INT_OFF() do {      \
    EIMSK &= ~(1<<INT2);        \
} while (0)
#define PS2_INT_VECT   INT2_vect

## USART Version :id=usart-version

To use USART on the ATMega32u4, you have to use PD5 for clock and PD2 for data. If one of those are unavailable, you need to use interrupt version.

In rules.mk:


In your keyboard config.h:

#ifdef PS2_USE_USART
#define PS2_CLOCK_PIN   PIND
#define PS2_CLOCK_DDR   DDRD
#define PS2_CLOCK_BIT   5
#define PS2_DATA_PIN    PIND
#define PS2_DATA_DDR    DDRD
#define PS2_DATA_BIT    2

/* synchronous, odd parity, 1-bit stop, 8-bit data, sample at falling edge */
/* set DDR of CLOCK as input to be slave */
#define PS2_USART_INIT() do {   \
    PS2_CLOCK_DDR &= ~(1<<PS2_CLOCK_BIT);   \
    PS2_DATA_DDR &= ~(1<<PS2_DATA_BIT);     \
    UCSR1C = ((1 << UMSEL10) |  \
              (3 << UPM10)   |  \
              (0 << USBS1)   |  \
              (3 << UCSZ10)  |  \
              (0 << UCPOL1));   \
    UCSR1A = 0;                 \
    UBRR1H = 0;                 \
    UBRR1L = 0;                 \
} while (0)
#define PS2_USART_RX_INT_ON() do {  \
    UCSR1B = ((1 << RXCIE1) |       \
              (1 << RXEN1));        \
} while (0)
#define PS2_USART_RX_POLL_ON() do { \
    UCSR1B = (1 << RXEN1);          \
} while (0)
#define PS2_USART_OFF() do {    \
    UCSR1C = 0;                 \
    UCSR1B &= ~((1 << RXEN1) |  \
                (1 << TXEN1));  \
} while (0)
#define PS2_USART_RX_READY      (UCSR1A & (1<<RXC1))
#define PS2_USART_RX_DATA       UDR1
#define PS2_USART_ERROR         (UCSR1A & ((1<<FE1) | (1<<DOR1) | (1<<UPE1)))
#define PS2_USART_RX_VECT       USART1_RX_vect

## Additional Settings :id=additional-settings

### PS/2 Mouse Features :id=ps2-mouse-features

These enable settings supported by the PS/2 mouse protocol.

/* Use remote mode instead of the default stream mode (see link) */

/* Enable the scrollwheel or scroll gesture on your mouse or touchpad */

/* Some mice will need a scroll mask to be configured. The default is 0xFF. */

/* Applies a transformation to the movement before sending to the host (see link) */

/* The time to wait after initializing the ps2 host */
#define PS2_MOUSE_INIT_DELAY 1000 /* Default */

You can also call the following functions from ps2_mouse.h

void ps2_mouse_disable_data_reporting(void);

void ps2_mouse_enable_data_reporting(void);

void ps2_mouse_set_remote_mode(void);

void ps2_mouse_set_stream_mode(void);

void ps2_mouse_set_scaling_2_1(void);

void ps2_mouse_set_scaling_1_1(void);

void ps2_mouse_set_resolution(ps2_mouse_resolution_t resolution);

void ps2_mouse_set_sample_rate(ps2_mouse_sample_rate_t sample_rate);

### Fine Control :id=fine-control

Use the following defines to change the sensitivity and speed of the mouse.
Note: you can also use `ps2_mouse_set_resolution` for the same effect (not supported on most touchpads).


### Scroll Button :id=scroll-button

If you're using a trackpoint, you will likely want to be able to use it for scrolling.
It's possible to enable a "scroll button/s" that when pressed will cause the mouse to scroll instead of moving.
To enable the feature, you must set a scroll button mask as follows:


To disable the scroll button feature:


The available buttons are:

#define PS2_MOUSE_BTN_LEFT      0
#define PS2_MOUSE_BTN_RIGHT     1
#define PS2_MOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE    2

You can also combine buttons in the mask by `|`ing them together.