/* lzma2eva - convert lzma-compressed file to AVM EVA bootloader format Copyright (C) 2007 Enrik Berkhan <Enrik.Berkhan@inka.de> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <zlib.h> /* crc32 */ #define checksum_add32(csum, data) \ csum += ((uint8_t *)&data)[0]; \ csum += ((uint8_t *)&data)[1]; \ csum += ((uint8_t *)&data)[2]; \ csum += ((uint8_t *)&data)[3]; void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: lzma2eva <loadadddr> <entry> <lzmafile> <evafile>\n"); exit(1); } void pexit(const char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *infile, *outfile; FILE *in, *out; static uint8_t buf[4096]; size_t elems; uint8_t properties; uint32_t dictsize; uint64_t datasize; uint32_t magic = 0xfeed1281L; uint32_t reclength = 0; fpos_t reclengthpos; uint32_t loadaddress = 0; uint32_t type = 0x075a0201L; /* might be 7Z 2.1? */ uint32_t checksum = 0; uint32_t compsize = 0; fpos_t compsizepos; uint32_t datasize32 = 0; uint32_t datacrc32 = crc32(0, 0, 0); uint32_t zero = 0; uint32_t entry = 0; if (argc != 5) usage(); /* "parse" command line */ loadaddress = strtoul(argv[1], 0, 0); entry = strtoul(argv[2], 0, 0); infile = argv[3]; outfile = argv[4]; in = fopen(infile, "rb"); if (!in) pexit("fopen"); out = fopen(outfile, "w+b"); if (!out) pexit("fopen"); /* read LZMA header */ if (1 != fread(&properties, sizeof properties, 1, in)) pexit("fread"); if (1 != fread(&dictsize, sizeof dictsize, 1, in)) pexit("fread"); if (1 != fread(&datasize, sizeof datasize, 1, in)) pexit("fread"); /* write EVA header */ if (1 != fwrite(&magic, sizeof magic, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (fgetpos(out, &reclengthpos)) pexit("fgetpos"); if (1 != fwrite(&reclength, sizeof reclength, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&loadaddress, sizeof loadaddress, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&type, sizeof type, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); /* write EVA LZMA header */ if (fgetpos(out, &compsizepos)) pexit("fgetpos"); if (1 != fwrite(&compsize, sizeof compsize, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); /* XXX check length */ datasize32 = (uint32_t)datasize; if (1 != fwrite(&datasize32, sizeof datasize32, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&datacrc32, sizeof datacrc32, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); /* write modified LZMA header */ if (1 != fwrite(&properties, sizeof properties, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&dictsize, sizeof dictsize, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&zero, 3, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); /* copy compressed data, calculate crc32 */ while (0 < (elems = fread(&buf, sizeof buf[0], sizeof buf, in))) { compsize += elems; if (elems != fwrite(&buf, sizeof buf[0], elems, out)) pexit("fwrite"); datacrc32 = crc32(datacrc32, buf, elems); } if (ferror(in)) pexit("fread"); fclose(in); /* re-write record length */ reclength = compsize + 24; if (fsetpos(out, &reclengthpos)) pexit("fsetpos"); if (1 != fwrite(&reclength, sizeof reclength, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); /* re-write EVA LZMA header including size and data crc */ if (fsetpos(out, &compsizepos)) pexit("fsetpos"); if (1 != fwrite(&compsize, sizeof compsize, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&datasize32, sizeof datasize32, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&datacrc32, sizeof datacrc32, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); /* calculate record checksum */ checksum += reclength; checksum += loadaddress; checksum_add32(checksum, type); checksum_add32(checksum, compsize); checksum_add32(checksum, datasize32); checksum_add32(checksum, datacrc32); if (fseek(out, 0, SEEK_CUR)) pexit("fseek"); while (0 < (elems = fread(&buf, sizeof buf[0], sizeof buf, out))) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < elems; ++i) checksum += buf[i]; } if (ferror(out)) pexit("fread"); if (fseek(out, 0, SEEK_CUR)) pexit("fseek"); checksum = ~checksum + 1; if (1 != fwrite(&checksum, sizeof checksum, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); /* write entry record */ if (1 != fwrite(&zero, sizeof zero, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (1 != fwrite(&entry, sizeof entry, 1, out)) pexit("fwrite"); if (fclose(out)) pexit("fclose"); return 0; }