/* * lib/error.c Error Handling * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Thomas Graf <tgraf@suug.ch> */ #include <netlink-local.h> #include <netlink/netlink.h> static const char *errmsg[NLE_MAX+1] = { [NLE_SUCCESS] = "Success", [NLE_FAILURE] = "Unspecific failure", [NLE_INTR] = "Interrupted system call", [NLE_BAD_SOCK] = "Bad socket", [NLE_AGAIN] = "Try again", [NLE_NOMEM] = "Out of memory", [NLE_EXIST] = "Object exists", [NLE_INVAL] = "Invalid input data or parameter", [NLE_RANGE] = "Input data out of range", [NLE_MSGSIZE] = "Message size not sufficient", [NLE_OPNOTSUPP] = "Operation not supported", [NLE_AF_NOSUPPORT] = "Address family not supported", [NLE_OBJ_NOTFOUND] = "Object not found", [NLE_NOATTR] = "Attribute not available", [NLE_MISSING_ATTR] = "Missing attribute", [NLE_AF_MISMATCH] = "Address family mismatch", [NLE_SEQ_MISMATCH] = "Message sequence number mismatch", [NLE_MSG_OVERFLOW] = "Kernel reported message overflow", [NLE_MSG_TRUNC] = "Kernel reported truncated message", [NLE_NOADDR] = "Invalid address for specified address family", [NLE_SRCRT_NOSUPPORT] = "Source based routing not supported", [NLE_MSG_TOOSHORT] = "Netlink message is too short", [NLE_MSGTYPE_NOSUPPORT] = "Netlink message type is not supported", [NLE_OBJ_MISMATCH] = "Object type does not match cache", [NLE_NOCACHE] = "Unknown or invalid cache type", [NLE_BUSY] = "Object busy", [NLE_PROTO_MISMATCH] = "Protocol mismatch", [NLE_NOACCESS] = "No Access", [NLE_PERM] = "Operation not permitted", [NLE_PKTLOC_FILE] = "Unable to open packet location file", [NLE_PARSE_ERR] = "Unable to parse object", [NLE_NODEV] = "No such device", [NLE_IMMUTABLE] = "Immutable attribute", [NLE_DUMP_INTR] = "Dump inconsistency detected, interrupted", }; /** * Return error message for an error code * @return error message */ const char *nl_geterror(int error) { error = abs(error); if (error > NLE_MAX) error = NLE_FAILURE; return errmsg[error]; } /** * Print a libnl error message * @arg s error message prefix * * Prints the error message of the call that failed last. * * If s is not NULL and *s is not a null byte the argument * string is printed, followed by a colon and a blank. Then * the error message and a new-line. */ void nl_perror(int error, const char *s) { if (s && *s) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", s, nl_geterror(error)); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", nl_geterror(error)); } int nl_syserr2nlerr(int error) { error = abs(error); switch (error) { case EBADF: return NLE_BAD_SOCK; case EADDRINUSE: return NLE_EXIST; case EEXIST: return NLE_EXIST; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: return NLE_NOADDR; case ESRCH: /* fall through */ case ENOENT: return NLE_OBJ_NOTFOUND; case EINTR: return NLE_INTR; case EAGAIN: return NLE_AGAIN; case ENOTSOCK: return NLE_BAD_SOCK; case ENOPROTOOPT: return NLE_INVAL; case EFAULT: return NLE_INVAL; case EACCES: return NLE_NOACCESS; case EINVAL: return NLE_INVAL; case ENOBUFS: return NLE_NOMEM; case ENOMEM: return NLE_NOMEM; case EAFNOSUPPORT: return NLE_AF_NOSUPPORT; case EPROTONOSUPPORT: return NLE_PROTO_MISMATCH; case EOPNOTSUPP: return NLE_OPNOTSUPP; case EPERM: return NLE_PERM; case EBUSY: return NLE_BUSY; case ERANGE: return NLE_RANGE; case ENODEV: return NLE_NODEV; default: return NLE_FAILURE; } } /** @} */