/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- * $Id$ * * This file is part of plptools. * * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Fritz Elfert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool full = false; bool S5mx = false; bool doRestore = false; bool doBackup = false; bool doFormat = false; bool skipError = false; bool doAbort = false; int verbose = 0; int caughtSig = 0; unsigned long backupSize = 0; unsigned long backupCount = 0; unsigned long totalBytes = 0; unsigned long fileSize = 0; PlpDir toBackup; PlpDir toRestore; vector driveList; vector archList; vector savedCommands; rfsv *Rfsv; rpcs *Rpcs; static RETSIGTYPE sig_handler(int sig) { caughtSig = sig; signal(sig, sig_handler); }; static const char * const getHomeDir() { struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw && pw->pw_dir && strlen(pw->pw_dir)) return pw->pw_dir; else cerr << _("Could not get user's home directory from /etc/passwd") << endl; return ""; } static const char * const generateBackupName() { time_t now = time(0); Enum res; char tstr[80]; static char nbuf[4096]; rpcs::machineInfo mi; if ((res = Rpcs->getMachineInfo(mi)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << _("Could not get machine UID") << endl; exit(1); } strftime(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", localtime(&now)); sprintf(nbuf, "%s/plpbackup/%16llx/%c%s.tar.gz", getHomeDir(), mi.machineUID, full ? 'F' : 'I', tstr); return nbuf; } static const char * const generateTmpDir() { const char *tmpdir; static char nbuf[4096]; if (!(tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"))) tmpdir = P_tmpdir; sprintf(nbuf, "%s/plpbackup_%d", tmpdir, getpid()); mkdir(nbuf, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP); return nbuf; } static bool checkAbort() { if (caughtSig) { if (verbose > 0) cout << endl; cout << _("Got signal "); switch (caughtSig) { case SIGTERM: cout << "SIGTERM"; break; case SIGINT: cout << "SIGINT"; break; default: cout << caughtSig; } cout << endl; cout << _("Abort? (y/N) ") << flush; const char *validA = _("Y"); char answer; cin >> answer; caughtSig = 0; if (toupper(answer) == *validA) doAbort = true; } return doAbort; } static int stopPrograms() { Enum res; bufferArray tmp; if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Stopping programs ...") << endl; if ((res = Rpcs->queryDrive('C', tmp)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << _("plpbackup: Could not get process list: ") << res << endl; return 1; } else { while (!tmp.empty()) { ostrstream pbuf; bufferStore cmdargs; bufferStore bs = tmp.pop(); int pid = bs.getWord(0); pbuf << bs.getString(2) << ".$"; if (S5mx) pbuf << dec << setw(2) << setfill(0) << pid; else pbuf << dec << pid; pbuf << '\0'; bs = tmp.pop(); if (Rpcs->getCmdLine(pbuf.str(), cmdargs) == 0) { string cmdline = cmdargs.getString(0); cmdline += " "; cmdline += bs.getString(0); savedCommands.push_back(cmdline); if (verbose > 1) cout << cmdline << endl; } Rpcs->stopProgram(pbuf.str()); } time_t tstart = time(0) + 5; while (true) { usleep(100000); if (checkAbort()) return 1; if ((res = Rpcs->queryDrive('C', tmp)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not get process list, Error: " << res << endl; return 1; } if (tmp.empty()) break; if (time(0) > tstart) { cout << _( "Could not stop all processes. Please stop running\n" "programs manually on the Psion, then hit return.") << flush; cin.getline((char *)&tstart, 1); tstart = time(0) + 5; } } } return 0; } static int startPrograms() { Enum res; if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Restarting programs ...") << endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < savedCommands.size(); i++) { int firstBlank = savedCommands[i].find(' '); string cmd = string(savedCommands[i], 0, firstBlank); string arg = string(savedCommands[i], firstBlank + 1); if (!cmd.empty()) { if (verbose > 1) cout << cmd << " " << arg << endl; // Workaround for broken programs like Backlite. These do not store // the full program path. In that case we try running the arg1 which // results in starting the program via recog. facility. if ((arg.size() > 2) && (arg[1] == ':') && (arg[0] >= 'A') && (arg[0] <= 'Z')) res = Rpcs->execProgram(arg.c_str(), ""); else res = Rpcs->execProgram(cmd.c_str(), arg.c_str()); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { // If we got an error here, that happened probably because // we have no path at all (e.g. Macro5) and the program is // not registered in the Psion's path properly. Now try // the ususal \System\Apps\\.app // on all drives. if (cmd.find('\\') == cmd.npos) { u_int32_t devbits; if ((res = Rfsv->devlist(devbits)) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (devbits & 1) { ostrstream tmp; tmp << 'A' + i << "\\System\\Apps\\" << cmd << "\\" << cmd << ".app"; res = Rpcs->execProgram(tmp.str(), ""); } if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) break; } } } } if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not start " << cmd << " " << arg << endl; cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; } } } return 0; } string unix2psion(const char * const path) { string tmp = path; int pos; while ((pos = tmp.find('/')) != -1) tmp.replace(pos, 1, "\\"); while ((pos = tmp.find("%2f")) != -1) tmp.replace(pos, 3, "/"); while ((pos = tmp.find("%25")) != -1) tmp.replace(pos, 3, "%"); return tmp; } string psion2unix(const char * const path) { string tmp; for (const char *p = path; p && *p; p++) switch (*p) { case '%': tmp += "%25"; break; case '/': tmp += "%2f"; break; case '\\': tmp += "/"; break; default: tmp += *p; } return tmp; } static void collectFiles(bool &found, const char *dir) { Enum res; PlpDir files; string tmp; tmp = dir; tmp += "\\"; if ((res = Rfsv->dir(tmp.c_str(), files)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; else for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = files[i]; if (checkAbort()) return; // long size = s.getDWord(4); long attr = e.getAttr(); tmp = dir; tmp += "\\"; tmp += e.getName(); if (attr & rfsv::PSI_A_DIR) { collectFiles(found, tmp.c_str()); } else { if ((attr & rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE) || full) { e.setName(tmp.c_str()); toBackup.push_back(e); found |= true; } } } } static int reportProgress(void *, u_int32_t size) { unsigned long percent = 0; char pstr[10]; char bstr[10]; if (checkAbort()) return 0; if (verbose < 1) return 1; switch (verbose) { case 1: if (backupSize == 0) percent = 100; else percent = (totalBytes + size) * 100 / backupSize; break; case 2: if (fileSize == 0) percent = 100; else percent = size * 100 / fileSize; break; } sprintf(pstr, " %3ld%%", percent); memset(bstr, 8, sizeof(bstr)); bstr[strlen(pstr)] = '\0'; printf("%s%s", pstr, bstr); fflush(stdout); return 1; } static cpCallback_t cab = reportProgress; static int mkdirp(const char *_path) { char *path = strdup(_path); char *p = strchr(path, '/'); while (p) { char csave = *(++p); *p = '\0'; switch (mkdir(path, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP)) { struct stat stbuf; case 0: break; default: if (errno != EEXIST) { perror(path); free(path); return 1; } stat(path, &stbuf); if (!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) { perror(path); free(path); return 1; } break; } *p++ = csave; p = strchr(p, '/'); } free(path); return 0; } static void rmrf(const char *_path) { DIR *d = opendir(_path); if (d) { struct dirent *de; while ((de = readdir(d))) { struct stat st; if ((de->d_name[0] == '.') && ((de->d_name[1] == '\0') || ((de->d_name[1] == '.') && (de->d_name[2] == '\0')))) continue; string path = _path; path += "/"; path += de->d_name; if (stat(path.c_str(), &st) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) rmrf(path.c_str()); else unlink(path.c_str()); } } } closedir(d); rmdir(_path); } static void startMessage(const char *arch) { if (verbose >= 0) { cout << "Performing "; if (doFormat) cout << "format"; if (doRestore) { if (doFormat) cout << " and "; cout << "restore"; } else cout << (full ? "full" : "incremental") << " backup"; cout << " of "; if (driveList.empty()) cout << "all drives"; else { cout << "Drive "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < driveList.size(); i++) { cout << driveList[i++]; if (i < (driveList.size() - 1)) cout << ", "; else { if (driveList.size() > 1) cout << " and "; } } } if (arch) { if (doBackup) cout << " to " << arch; if (doRestore) cout << " from " << arch; } cout << endl; } } static double tdiff(struct timeval *start, struct timeval *end) { double s = (double)start->tv_sec * 1000000.0; double e = (double)end->tv_sec * 1000000.0; s += start->tv_usec; e += end->tv_usec; return (e - s) / 1000000.0; } static int runFormat() { return 0; } static int editfile(char *name) { int shin, shout, sherr; int mode_out, mode_err; int status; int rc = -1; int rerrno = 0; int pid, w; #ifdef POSIX_SIGNALS sigset_t sigset_mask, sigset_omask; struct sigaction act, iact, qact; #else #ifdef BSD_SIGNALS int mask; struct sigvec vec, ivec, qvec; #else RETSIGTYPE (*istat) (int), (*qstat) (int); #endif #endif /* setup default file descriptor numbers */ shin = 0; shout = 1; sherr = 2; /* set the file modes for stdout and stderr */ mode_out = mode_err = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT; /* Make sure we don't flush this twice, once in the subprocess. */ fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); /* The output files, if any, are now created. Do the fork and dups. We use vfork not so much for a performance boost (the performance boost, if any, is modest on most modern unices), but for the sake of systems without a memory management unit, which find it difficult or impossible to implement fork at all (e.g. Amiga). The other solution is spawn (see windows-NT/run.c). */ #ifdef HAVE_VFORK pid = vfork (); #else pid = fork (); #endif if (pid == 0) { #ifdef SETXID_SUPPORT /* ** This prevents a user from creating a privileged shell ** from the text editor when the SETXID_SUPPORT option is selected. */ if (!strcmp (run_argv[0], Editor) && setegid (getgid ())) { error (0, errno, "cannot set egid to gid"); _exit (127); } #endif /* dup'ing is done. try to run it now */ char *editor = getenv("EDITOR"); if (!editor) editor = "vi"; execlp (editor, editor, name, NULL); perror(editor); _exit (127); } else if (pid == -1) { rerrno = errno; goto out; } /* the parent. Ignore some signals for now */ #ifdef POSIX_SIGNALS act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; (void) sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; (void) sigaction (SIGINT, &act, &iact); (void) sigaction (SIGQUIT, &act, &qact); #else #ifdef BSD_SIGNALS memset ((char *) &vec, 0, sizeof (vec)); vec.sv_handler = SIG_IGN; (void) sigvec (SIGINT, &vec, &ivec); (void) sigvec (SIGQUIT, &vec, &qvec); #else istat = signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); qstat = signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); #endif #endif /* wait for our process to die and munge return status */ #ifdef POSIX_SIGNALS while ((w = waitpid (pid, &status, 0)) == -1 && errno == EINTR) ; #else while ((w = wait (&status)) != pid) { if (w == -1 && errno != EINTR) break; } #endif if (w == -1) { rc = -1; rerrno = errno; } #ifndef VMS /* status is return status */ else if (WIFEXITED (status)) rc = WEXITSTATUS (status); else if (WIFSIGNALED (status)) { if (WTERMSIG (status) == SIGPIPE) perror("broken pipe"); rc = 2; } else rc = 1; #else /* VMS */ rc = WEXITSTATUS (status); #endif /* VMS */ /* restore the signals */ #ifdef POSIX_SIGNALS (void) sigaction (SIGINT, &iact, (struct sigaction *) NULL); (void) sigaction (SIGQUIT, &qact, (struct sigaction *) NULL); #else #ifdef BSD_SIGNALS (void) sigvec (SIGINT, &ivec, (struct sigvec *) NULL); (void) sigvec (SIGQUIT, &qvec, (struct sigvec *) NULL); #else (void) signal (SIGINT, istat); (void) signal (SIGQUIT, qstat); #endif #endif out: if (rerrno) errno = rerrno; return (rc); } static void collectIndex(FILE *f, const char *archname) { char buf[1024]; string drives; int i; PlpDir indexSel; PlpDir indexRestore; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { unsigned long attr; unsigned long size; unsigned long timeLo; unsigned long timeHi; char drive = buf[36]; char *p = strrchr(buf, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; if (drive != '!') { sscanf(buf, "%08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx ", &timeHi, &timeLo, &size, &attr); PlpDirent e(size, attr, timeHi, timeLo, &buf[36]); indexSel.push_back(e); if (drives.find(drive) == drives.npos) drives += drive; } } // drives now contains the drive-chars of all drives found in // the backup. if (!drives.empty()) { cout << "It contains Backups of drive "; for (i = 0; i < drives.size(); i++) { if (i>0) { if (i < (drives.size() - 1)) cout << ", "; else if (drives.size() > 1) cout << " and "; } cout << drives[i] << ":"; } cout << endl; // Check, if one of the drives is in driveList (commandline args) bool select = false; for (i = 0; i < driveList.size(); i++) { if (drives.find(driveList[i][0]) != drives.npos) select = true; } if (select) { cout << "Do you want to select individual files from this archive? (y/N)" << endl; const char *validA = _("Y"); char answer; cin >> answer; if (toupper(answer) == *validA) { strcpy(buf, "/tmp/plpbackupL_XXXXXX"); int fd = mkstemp(buf); if (fd == -1) { perror("mkstemp"); exit(-1); } FILE *tf = fdopen(fd, "w"); fprintf(tf, "# Edit this file to you needs and save it\n"); fprintf(tf, "# Change the 'N' in the first column to 'Y'\n"); fprintf(tf, "# if you want a file to be restored.\n"); fprintf(tf, "# DO NOT INSERT ANY LINES!\n"); for (i = 0; i < indexSel.size(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < driveList.size(); j++) if (*(indexSel[i].getName()) == driveList[j][0]) fprintf(tf, "N %s\n", indexSel[i].getName()); fclose(tf); if (editfile(buf) == -1) { perror("Could not run external editor"); unlink(buf); exit(-1); } tf = fopen(buf, "r"); if (!tf) { perror(buf); unlink(buf); exit(-1); } unlink(buf); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), tf)) { char *p = strrchr(buf, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; if (buf[0] == 'Y') { for (i = 0; i < indexSel.size(); i++) if (!strcmp(indexSel[i].getName(), &buf[2])) indexRestore.push_back(indexSel[i]); } } fclose(tf); } else { for (i = 0; i < indexSel.size(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < driveList.size(); j++) if (*(indexSel[i].getName()) == driveList[j][0]) indexRestore.push_back(indexSel[i]); } } else cout << "Archive skipped, because it does not contain any files on selected drives" << endl; } if (!indexRestore.empty()) { PlpDirent e(0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef, archname); for (i = 0; i < indexRestore.size(); i++) toRestore.push_back(indexRestore[i]); } } static bool askOverwrite(const char *name) { return true; } static int cps(unsigned long size, struct timeval *start, struct timeval *end) { double t = tdiff(start, end); if (t == 0.0) return 99999; else return (int)(((double)size) / t); } static void runRestore() { unsigned int i; char indexbuf[40]; ostrstream tarcmd; string dstPath; struct timeval start_tv, end_tv, cstart_tv, cend_tv, sstart_tv, send_tv; for (i = 0; i < archList.size(); i++) { tarcmd << "tar --to-stdout -xzf " << archList[i] << " 'KPsion*Index'" << '\0'; char backupType = '?'; FILE *f = popen(tarcmd.str(), "r"); if (!f) { perror("Could not get backup index"); continue; } fgets(indexbuf, sizeof(indexbuf), f); if (!strncmp(indexbuf, "#plpbackup index ", 17)) backupType = indexbuf[17]; switch (backupType) { case 'F': cout << "'" << archList[i] << "' is a full backup" << endl; collectIndex(f, archList[i].c_str()); break; case 'I': cout << "'" << archList[i] << "' is a incremental backup" << endl; collectIndex(f, archList[i].c_str()); break; default: cerr << "'" << archList[i] << "' is NOT a plpbackup" << endl; break; } pclose(f); } if (!toBackup.empty()) { dstPath = ""; backupSize = backupCount = 0; // Calculate number of files and total bytecount for (i = 0; i < toRestore.size(); i++) { backupSize += toBackup[i].getSize(); backupCount++; } // Stop all programs on Psion stopPrograms(); string dest; string pDir; for (i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = toBackup[i]; Enum res; u_int32_t handle; struct timeval fstart_tv, fend_tv; const char *fn = e.getName(); if ((e.getSize() == 0xdeadbeef) && (e.getAttr() == 0xdeadbeef) && (e.getPsiTime().getPsiTimeLo() == 0xdeadbeef) && (e.getPsiTime().getPsiTimeHi() == 0xdeadbeef)) { if (!dstPath.empty()) rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); dstPath = generateTmpDir(); tarcmd.flush(); tarcmd << "tar xCf " << dstPath << " " << fn << '\0'; system(tarcmd.str()); } if (checkAbort()) { // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); cout << _("Restore aborted by user") << endl; return; } dest = dstPath; dest += '/'; dest += psion2unix(fn); fileSize = e.getSize(); if (verbose > 1) cout << _("Restore ") << fn << flush; string cpDir(fn); int bslash = cpDir.rfind('\\'); if (bslash != cpDir.npos) cpDir.resize(bslash); if (pDir != cpDir) { pDir = cpDir; res = Rfsv->mkdir(pDir.c_str()); if ((res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (res != rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST)) { cerr << "Could not create directory " << pDir << ": " << res << endl; continue; } } res = Rfsv->fcreatefile( Rfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), fn, handle); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST) { if (!askOverwrite(fn)) continue; res = Rfsv->freplacefile( Rfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), fn, handle); } if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not create " << fn << ": " << res << endl; continue; } Rfsv->fclose(handle); gettimeofday(&fstart_tv, NULL); res = Rfsv->copyToPsion(dest.c_str(), fn, NULL, cab); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { u_int32_t oldattr; res = Rfsv->fgetattr(fn, oldattr); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not get attributes of " << fn << ": " << res << endl; continue; } u_int32_t mask = e.getAttr() ^ oldattr; u_int32_t sattr = e.getAttr() & mask; u_int32_t dattr = ~sattr & mask; int retry = 10; // Retry, because file somtimes takes some time // to close; do { res = Rfsv->fsetattr(fn, sattr, dattr); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) usleep(100000); retry--; } while ((res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (retry > 0)); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not set attributes of" << fn << ": " << res << endl; continue; } retry = 10; do { res = Rfsv->fsetmtime(fn, e.getPsiTime()); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) usleep(100000); retry--; } while ((res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (retry > 0)); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not set modification time of " << fn << ": " << res << endl; continue; } } if (checkAbort()) { // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); cout << _("Backup aborted by user") << endl; return; } gettimeofday(&fend_tv, NULL); if (verbose > 1) cout << " " << cps(fileSize, &fstart_tv, &fend_tv) << " CPS " << endl; totalBytes += fileSize; if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { if (skipError) { e.setName("!"); if (verbose > 0) cerr << _("Skipping ") << fn << ": " << res << endl; } else { cerr << _("Error during restore of ") << fn << ": " << res << endl; if (isatty(0)) { bool askLoop = true; do { char answer; string vans = _("STAR"); cerr << _("(S)kip all, Skip (t)his, (A)bort, (R)etry: ") << flush; cin >> answer; switch (vans.find(toupper(answer))) { case 0: skipError = true; // fall thru case 1: e.setName("!"); askLoop = false; break; case 2: i = toBackup.size(); askLoop = false; break; case 3: if (verbose > 1) cout << _("Restore ") << fn << flush; break; res = Rfsv->copyFromPsion(fn, dest.c_str(), NULL, cab); if (checkAbort()) { // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); cout << _("Restore aborted by user") << endl; return; } if (verbose > 1) cout << endl; if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << _("Error during restore of ") << fn << ": " << res << endl; } else askLoop = false; break; } } while (askLoop); } else { break; } } } } } } static void runBackup() { vectorbackupDrives; Enum res; string dstPath; string archPath; bool bErr = false; bool found; int i; struct timeval start_tv, end_tv, cstart_tv, cend_tv, sstart_tv, send_tv; gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL); if (archList.empty()) archPath = generateBackupName(); else archPath = archList[0]; dstPath = generateTmpDir(); startMessage(archPath.c_str()); // Stop all programs on Psion stopPrograms(); if (checkAbort()) { // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); cout << _("Backup aborted by user") << endl; return; } gettimeofday(&sstart_tv, NULL); // Scan for files to be backed up backupCount = 0; if (driveList.empty()) { char drive[3]; u_int32_t devbits; if (Rfsv->devlist(devbits) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { PlpDrive psidr; if ((devbits & 1) && Rfsv->devinfo(i + 'A', psidr) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { if (psidr.getMediaType() != 7) { sprintf(drive, "%c:", 'A' + i); if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Scanning Drive ") << drive << " ..." << flush; found = false; collectFiles(found, drive); if (verbose > 0) cout << endl; if (found) backupDrives.push_back(drive); } } devbits >>= 1; } } else cerr << _("plpbackup: Couldn't get Drive list") << endl; } else { for (i = 0; i < driveList.size(); i++) { char *drive = (char *)driveList[i].c_str(); if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Scanning Drive ") << drive << " ..." << flush; found = false; collectFiles(found, drive); if (verbose > 0) cout << endl; if (found) backupDrives.push_back(drive); } } gettimeofday(&send_tv, NULL); if (checkAbort()) { // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); cout << _("Backup aborted by user") << endl; return; } // Calculate number of files and total bytecount for (i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { backupSize += toBackup[i].getSize(); backupCount++; } if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Size of backup: ") << backupSize << _(" bytes in ") << backupCount << _(" files.") << endl; if (backupCount == 0) cerr << _("Nothing to backup") << endl; else { string dest; gettimeofday(&cstart_tv, NULL); // copy all files to local temporary dir for (i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { struct timeval fstart_tv, fend_tv; PlpDirent e = toBackup[i]; const char *fn = e.getName(); dest = dstPath; dest += '/'; dest += psion2unix(fn); fileSize = e.getSize(); if (verbose > 1) cout << _("Backing up ") << fn << flush; if (mkdirp(dest.c_str()) != 0) { bErr = true; break; } gettimeofday(&fstart_tv, NULL); res = Rfsv->copyFromPsion(fn, dest.c_str(), NULL, cab); if (checkAbort()) { // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); cout << _("Backup aborted by user") << endl; return; } gettimeofday(&fend_tv, NULL); if (verbose > 1) cout << " " << cps(fileSize, &fstart_tv, &fend_tv) << " CPS" << endl; totalBytes += fileSize; if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { if (skipError) { e.setName("!"); if (verbose > 0) cerr << _("Skipping ") << fn << ": " << res << endl; } else { cerr << _("Error during backup of ") << fn << ": " << res << endl; if (isatty(0)) { bool askLoop = true; do { char answer; string vans = _("STAR"); cerr << _("(S)kip all, Skip (t)his, (A)bort, (R)etry: ") << flush; cin >> answer; switch (vans.find(toupper(answer))) { case 0: skipError = true; // fall thru case 1: e.setName("!"); askLoop = false; break; case 2: bErr = true; i = toBackup.size(); askLoop = false; break; case 3: if (verbose > 1) cout << _("Backing up ") << fn << flush; break; res = Rfsv->copyFromPsion(fn, dest.c_str(), NULL, cab); if (checkAbort()) { // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); cout << _("Backup aborted by user") << endl; return; } if (verbose > 1) cout << endl; if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << _("Error during backup of ") << fn << ": " << res << endl; } else askLoop = false; break; } } while (askLoop); } else { bErr = true; break; } } } } gettimeofday(&cend_tv, NULL); // Create index file if (!bErr) { if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Writing index ...") << endl; dest = dstPath; dest += "/KPsion"; dest += ((full) ? "Full" : "Incremental"); dest += "Index"; ofstream op(dest.c_str()); if (op) { op << "#plpbackup index " << (full ? "F" : "I") << endl; for (i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = toBackup[i]; PsiTime t = e.getPsiTime(); long attr = e.getAttr() & ~rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE; op << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << t.getPsiTimeHi() << " " << setw(8) << setfill('0') << t.getPsiTimeLo() << " " << setw(8) << setfill('0') << e.getSize() << " " << setw(8) << setfill('0') << attr << " " << setw(0) << e.getName() << endl; } op.close(); } else { cerr << _("plpbackup: Could not write index ") << dest << endl; bErr = true; } } // tar it all up if (!bErr) { ostrstream tarcmd; if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Creating tar archive ...") << endl; tarcmd << "tar czCf"; if (verbose > 1) tarcmd << 'v'; tarcmd << " " << dstPath << " " << archPath << " KPsion"; tarcmd << (full ? "Full" : "Incremental") << "Index"; for (i = 0; i < backupDrives.size(); i++) tarcmd << " " << backupDrives[i]; tarcmd << '\0'; mkdirp(archPath.c_str()); if (system(tarcmd.str())) { cerr << _("plpbackup: Error during execution of ") << tarcmd.str() << endl; unlink(archPath.c_str()); bErr = true; } } // finally reset archive attributes if (!bErr) { if (verbose > 0) cout << _("Resetting archive attributes ...") << endl; for (i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = toBackup[i]; if (e.getAttr() & rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE) { res = Rfsv->fsetattr(e.getName(), 0, rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { bErr = true; break; } } } } } // remove temporary dir rmrf(dstPath.c_str()); if (bErr) cerr << _("Backup aborted due to error") << endl; // restart previously killed programs startPrograms(); gettimeofday(&end_tv, NULL); if (!checkAbort() && verbose > 0) { cout << _("Total time elapsed: ") << tdiff(&start_tv, &end_tv) << endl; cout << _("Time for scanning: ") << tdiff(&sstart_tv, &send_tv) << endl; if (backupSize > 0) { cout << _("Time for transfer: ") << tdiff(&cstart_tv, &cend_tv) << endl; cout << _("Average transfer speed: ") << cps(backupSize, &cstart_tv, &cend_tv) << endl; } } } void usage(ostream *hlp) { if (hlp == &cout) { *hlp << _("Usage: plpbackup OPTIONS [:] [:] ...\n" "\n" " Options:\n" " -h, --help Print this message and exit.\n" " -V, --version Print version and exit.\n" " -p, --port=[HOST:]PORT Connect to ncpd on HOST, PORT.\n" " -v, --verbose Increase verbosity.\n" " -q, --quiet Decrease verbosity.\n" " -f, --full Do a full backup (incremental otherwise).\n" " -b, --backup[=TGZ] Backup to specified archive TGZ.\n" " -r, --restore=TGZ Restore from specified archive TGZ.\n" " -F, --format Format drive (can be combined with restore).\n" "\n" " A drive character. If none given, scan all drives.\n" "\n"); exit(0); } else { *hlp << _("Try 'plpbackup --help' for more information.") << endl; exit(1); } } static struct option opts[] = { { "full", no_argument, 0, 'f' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "port", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q' }, { "backup", optional_argument, 0, 'b' }, { "restore", required_argument, 0, 'r' }, { "format", no_argument, 0, 'F' }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'V' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; static void parse_destination(const char *arg, const char **host, int *port) { if (!arg) return; // We don't want to modify argv, therefore copy it first ... char *argcpy = strdup(arg); char *pp = strchr(argcpy, ':'); if (pp) { // host.domain:400 // *pp ++= '\0'; *host = argcpy; } else { // 400 // host.domain // host // if (strchr(argcpy, '.') || !isdigit(argcpy[0])) { *host = argcpy; pp = 0L; } else pp = argcpy; } if (pp) *port = atoi(pp); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ppsocket *skt; ppsocket *skt2; const char *host = ""; int sockNum = DPORT; int op; #ifdef LC_ALL setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); #endif textdomain(PACKAGE); struct servent *se = getservbyname("psion", "tcp"); endservent(); if (se != 0L) sockNum = ntohs(se->s_port); // Command line parameter processing opterr = 1; while ((op = getopt_long(argc, argv, "fFhqvVp:r:b::", opts, NULL)) != EOF) { switch (op) { case 'V': cout << _("plpbackup version ") << VERSION << endl; exit(0); case 'h': usage(&cout); break; case 'f': full = true; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'q': verbose--; break; case 'b': doBackup = true; if (optarg) archList.push_back(optarg); break; case 'r': doRestore = true; archList.push_back(optarg); break; case 'F': doFormat = true; break; case 'p': parse_destination(optarg, &host, &sockNum); break; default: usage(&cerr); } } for (int i = optind; i < argc; i++) { if ((strlen(argv[i]) != 2) || (toupper(argv[i][0]) < 'A') || (toupper(argv[i][0]) > 'Z') || (argv[i][1] != ':')) { cerr << _("Invalid drive argument ") << argv[i] << endl; usage(&cerr); } driveList.push_back(argv[i]); } if (doBackup && (doRestore || doFormat)) { cerr << _("Backup mode can not be combined with format or restore.") << endl; usage(&cerr); } if (doFormat && driveList.empty()) { cerr << _("Format mode needs at least one drive specified.") << endl; usage(&cerr); } if (doBackup && (archList.size() > 1)) { cerr << _("Backup can only create one archive at a time.") << endl; usage(&cerr); } signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); // Connect to Psion skt = new ppsocket(); if (!skt->connect(host, sockNum)) { cerr << _("plpbackup: could not connect to ncpd") << endl; return 1; } skt2 = new ppsocket(); if (!skt2->connect(host, sockNum)) { cerr << _("plpbackup: could not connect to ncpd") << endl; return 1; } rfsvfactory *rf = new rfsvfactory(skt); rpcsfactory *rp = new rpcsfactory(skt2); Rfsv = rf->create(false); if (Rfsv == NULL) { cerr << "plpbackup: " << X_(rf->getError()) << endl; exit(1); } Rpcs = rp->create(false); if (Rpcs == NULL) { cerr << "plpbackup: " << X_(rp->getError()) << endl; exit(1); } Enum res; Enum machType; Rpcs->getMachineType(machType); if (machType == rpcs::PSI_MACH_S5) { rpcs::machineInfo mi; if ((res = Rpcs->getMachineInfo(mi)) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { if (!strcmp(mi.machineName, "SERIES5mx")) S5mx = true; } } if (doBackup) runBackup(); if (doRestore) runRestore(); if (doFormat) runFormat(); delete Rpcs; delete Rfsv; return 0; }