// // PLP - An implementation of the PSION link protocol // // Copyright (C) 1999 Philip Proudman // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // e-mail philip.proudman@btinternet.com #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rfsv32.h" #include "bufferstore.h" #include "ppsocket.h" #include "bufferarray.h" #include "plpdirent.h" rfsv32::rfsv32(ppsocket * _skt) { skt = _skt; serNum = 0; status = rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DISC; reset(); } Enum rfsv32:: fopen(u_int32_t attr, const char *name, u_int32_t &handle) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addDWord(attr); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(OPEN_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE && a.getLen() == 4) { handle = a.getDWord(0); return E_PSI_GEN_NONE; } return res; } Enum rfsv32:: mktemp(u_int32_t &handle, string &tmpname) { bufferStore a; if (!sendCommand(TEMP_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { handle = a.getDWord(0); tmpname = a.getString(6); } return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fcreatefile(u_int32_t attr, const char *name, u_int32_t &handle) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addDWord(attr); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(CREATE_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE && a.getLen() == 4) handle = a.getDWord(0); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: freplacefile(const u_int32_t attr, const char * const name, u_int32_t &handle) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addDWord(attr); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(REPLACE_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE && a.getLen() == 4) handle = a.getDWord(0); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fopendir(const u_int32_t attr, const char * const name, u_int32_t &handle) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addDWord(attr | EPOC_ATTR_GETUID); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(OPEN_DIR, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (!res && a.getLen() == 4) handle = a.getDWord(0); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fclose(u_int32_t handle) { bufferStore a; a.addDWord(handle); if (!sendCommand(CLOSE_HANDLE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } Enum rfsv32:: opendir(const u_int32_t attr, const char *name, rfsvDirhandle &dH) { u_int32_t handle; Enum res = fopendir(std2attr(attr), name, handle); dH.h = handle; dH.b.init(); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: closedir(rfsvDirhandle &dH) { return fclose(dH.h); } Enum rfsv32:: readdir(rfsvDirhandle &dH, PlpDirent &e) { Enum res = E_PSI_GEN_NONE; if (dH.b.getLen() < 17) { dH.b.init(); dH.b.addDWord(dH.h); if (!sendCommand(READ_DIR, dH.b)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; res = getResponse(dH.b); } if ((res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (dH.b.getLen() > 16)) { long shortLen = dH.b.getDWord(0); long longLen = dH.b.getDWord(32); e.attr = attr2std(dH.b.getDWord(4)); e.size = dH.b.getDWord(8); e.UID = PlpUID(dH.b.getDWord(20), dH.b.getDWord(24), dH.b.getDWord(28)); e.time = PsiTime(dH.b.getDWord(16), dH.b.getDWord(12)); e.name = ""; e.attrstr = string(attr2String(e.attr)); int d = 36; for (int i = 0; i < longLen; i++, d++) e.name += dH.b.getByte(d); while (d % 4) d++; d += shortLen; while (d % 4) d++; dH.b.discardFirstBytes(d); } return res; } Enum rfsv32:: dir(const char *name, PlpDir &files) { rfsvDirhandle h; files.clear(); Enum res = opendir(PSI_A_HIDDEN | PSI_A_SYSTEM | PSI_A_DIR, name, h); while (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { PlpDirent e; res = readdir(h, e); if (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) files.push_back(e); } closedir(h); if (res == E_PSI_FILE_EOF) res = E_PSI_GEN_NONE; return res; } u_int32_t rfsv32:: opMode(const u_int32_t mode) { u_int32_t ret = 0; ret |= (((mode & 03) == PSI_O_RDONLY) ? 0 : EPOC_OMODE_READ_WRITE); if (!ret) ret |= (mode & PSI_O_EXCL) ? 0 : EPOC_OMODE_SHARE_READERS; return ret; } Enum rfsv32:: fgetmtime(const char * const name, PsiTime &mtime) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(MODIFIED, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; mtime.setPsiTime(a.getDWord(4), a.getDWord(0)); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fsetmtime(const char * const name, PsiTime mtime) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addDWord(mtime.getPsiTimeLo()); a.addDWord(mtime.getPsiTimeHi()); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(SET_MODIFIED, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } Enum rfsv32:: fgetattr(const char * const name, u_int32_t &attr) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(ATT, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; attr = attr2std(a.getDWord(0)); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fgeteattr(const char * const name, PlpDirent &e) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); const char *p = strrchr(n.c_str(), '\\'); if (p) p++; else p = n.c_str(); e.name = p; if (!sendCommand(REMOTE_ENTRY, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; Enum res = getResponse(a); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; // long shortLen = a.getDWord(0); // long longLen = a.getDWord(32); e.attr = attr2std(a.getDWord(4)); e.size = a.getDWord(8); e.UID = PlpUID(a.getDWord(20), a.getDWord(24), a.getDWord(28)); e.time = PsiTime(a.getDWord(16), a.getDWord(12)); e.attrstr = string(attr2String(e.attr)); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fsetattr(const char * const name, const u_int32_t seta, const u_int32_t unseta) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addDWord(std2attr(seta)); a.addDWord(std2attr(unseta)); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(SET_ATT, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } Enum rfsv32:: dircount(const char * const name, u_int32_t &count) { u_int32_t handle; Enum res = fopendir(EPOC_ATTR_HIDDEN | EPOC_ATTR_SYSTEM | EPOC_ATTR_DIRECTORY, name, handle); count = 0; if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; while (1) { bufferStore a; a.addDWord(handle); if (!sendCommand(READ_DIR, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; res = getResponse(a); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) break; while (a.getLen() > 16) { int d = 36 + a.getDWord(32); while (d % 4) d++; d += a.getDWord(0); while (d % 4) d++; a.discardFirstBytes(d); count++; } } fclose(handle); if (res == E_PSI_FILE_EOF) res = E_PSI_GEN_NONE; return res; } Enum rfsv32:: devlist(u_int32_t &devbits) { bufferStore a; Enum res; if (!sendCommand(GET_DRIVE_LIST, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; res = getResponse(a); devbits = 0; if ((res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (a.getLen() == 26)) { for (int i = 25; i >= 0; i--) { devbits <<= 1; if (a.getByte(i) != 0) devbits |= 1; } } return res; } Enum rfsv32:: devinfo(const u_int32_t dev, PlpDrive &drive) { bufferStore a; Enum res; a.addDWord(dev); if (!sendCommand(DRIVE_INFO, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; res = getResponse(a); if (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { drive.setMediaType(a.getDWord(0)); drive.setDriveAttribute(a.getDWord(8)); drive.setMediaAttribute(a.getDWord(12)); drive.setUID(a.getDWord(16)); drive.setSize(a.getDWord(20), a.getDWord(24)); drive.setSpace(a.getDWord(28), a.getDWord(32)); a.addByte(0); drive.setName('A' + dev, a.getString(40)); } return res; } bool rfsv32:: sendCommand(enum commands cc, bufferStore & data) { if (status == E_PSI_FILE_DISC) { reconnect(); if (status == E_PSI_FILE_DISC) return false; } bool result; bufferStore a; a.addWord(cc); a.addWord(serNum); if (serNum < 0xffff) serNum++; else serNum = 0; a.addBuff(data); result = skt->sendBufferStore(a); if (!result) { reconnect(); result = skt->sendBufferStore(a); if (!result) status = E_PSI_FILE_DISC; } return result; } Enum rfsv32:: getResponse(bufferStore & data) { if (skt->getBufferStore(data) == 1 && data.getWord(0) == 0x11) { int32_t ret = data.getDWord(4); data.discardFirstBytes(8); return err2psierr(ret); } else status = E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return status; } Enum rfsv32:: fread(const u_int32_t handle, unsigned char * const buf, const u_int32_t len, u_int32_t &count) { Enum res; count = 0; long l; unsigned char *p = buf; do { bufferStore a; a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(((len - count) > RFSV_SENDLEN)?RFSV_SENDLEN:(len - count)); if (!sendCommand(READ_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; if ((l = a.getLen()) > 0) { memcpy(p, a.getString(), l); count += l; p += res; } } while ((count < len) && (l > 0)); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fwrite(const u_int32_t handle, const unsigned char * const buf, const u_int32_t len, u_int32_t &count) { Enum res; const unsigned char *p = buf; long l; count = 0; do { l = ((len - count) > RFSV_SENDLEN)?RFSV_SENDLEN:(len - count); if (l > 0) { bufferStore a; bufferStore tmp(p, l); a.addDWord(handle); a.addBuff(tmp); if (!sendCommand(WRITE_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; count += l; p += l; } } while ((count < len) && (l > 0)); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: copyFromPsion(const char *from, const char *to, void *ptr, cpCallback_t cb) { Enum res; u_int32_t handle; u_int32_t len; u_int32_t total = 0; if ((res = fopen(EPOC_OMODE_SHARE_READERS | EPOC_OMODE_BINARY, from, handle)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; ofstream op(to); if (!op) { fclose(handle); return E_PSI_GEN_FAIL; } unsigned char *buff = new unsigned char[RFSV_SENDLEN]; do { if ((res = fread(handle, buff, RFSV_SENDLEN, len)) == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { op.write(buff, len); total += len; if (cb && !cb(ptr, total)) res = E_PSI_FILE_CANCEL; } } while ((len > 0) && (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE)); delete[]buff; fclose(handle); op.close(); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: copyToPsion(const char *from, const char *to, void *ptr, cpCallback_t cb) { u_int32_t handle; Enum res; ifstream ip(from); if (!ip) return E_PSI_FILE_NXIST; res = fcreatefile(EPOC_OMODE_BINARY | EPOC_OMODE_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | EPOC_OMODE_READ_WRITE, to, handle); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { res = freplacefile(EPOC_OMODE_BINARY | EPOC_OMODE_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | EPOC_OMODE_READ_WRITE, to, handle); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; } unsigned char *buff = new unsigned char[RFSV_SENDLEN]; u_int32_t total = 0; while (ip && !ip.eof() && (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE)) { u_int32_t len; ip.read(buff, RFSV_SENDLEN); if ((res = fwrite(handle, buff, ip.gcount(), len)) == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { total += len; if (cb && !cb(ptr, total)) res = E_PSI_FILE_CANCEL; } } fclose(handle); ip.close(); delete[]buff; return res; } Enum rfsv32:: copyOnPsion(const char *from, const char *to, void *ptr, cpCallback_t cb) { u_int32_t handle_from; u_int32_t handle_to; PlpDirent from_e; Enum res; if ((res = fgeteattr(from, from_e)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; if ((res = fopen(EPOC_OMODE_SHARE_READERS | EPOC_OMODE_BINARY, from, handle_from)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; res = fcreatefile(EPOC_OMODE_BINARY | EPOC_OMODE_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | EPOC_OMODE_READ_WRITE, to, handle_to); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { res = freplacefile(EPOC_OMODE_BINARY | EPOC_OMODE_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | EPOC_OMODE_READ_WRITE, to, handle_to); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { fclose(handle_from); return res; } } u_int32_t total = 0; while (res == E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { bufferStore b; b.addDWord(RFSV_SENDLEN * 10); b.addDWord(handle_to); b.addDWord(handle_from); if (!sendCommand(READ_WRITE_FILE, b)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; res = getResponse(b); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) break; if (b.getLen() != 4) { res = E_PSI_GEN_FAIL; break; } u_int32_t len = b.getDWord(0); total += len; if (cb && !cb(ptr, total)) res = E_PSI_FILE_CANCEL; if (len != (RFSV_SENDLEN * 10)) break; } fclose(handle_from); fclose(handle_to); if (res != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) remove(to); return res; } Enum rfsv32:: fsetsize(u_int32_t handle, u_int32_t size) { bufferStore a; a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(size); if (!sendCommand(SET_SIZE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } /* * Unix-like implementation off fseek with one * exception: If seeking beyond eof, the gap * contains garbage instead of zeroes. */ Enum rfsv32:: fseek(const u_int32_t handle, const int32_t pos, const u_int32_t mode, u_int32_t &resultpos) { bufferStore a; Enum res; u_int32_t savpos = 0; u_int32_t calcpos = 0; int32_t mypos = pos; u_int32_t realpos; /* seek-parameter for psion: dword position dword handle dword mode 1 = from start 2 = from current pos 3 = from end ??no more?? 4 = sense recpos ??no more?? 5 = set recpos ??no more?? 6 = text-rewind */ if ((mode < PSI_SEEK_SET) || (mode > PSI_SEEK_END)) return E_PSI_GEN_ARG; if ((mode == PSI_SEEK_CUR) && (mypos >= 0)) { /* get and save current position */ a.addDWord(0); a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(PSI_SEEK_CUR); if (!sendCommand(SEEK_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; savpos = a.getDWord(0); if (mypos == 0) { resultpos = savpos; return res; } a.init(); } if ((mode == PSI_SEEK_END) && (mypos >= 0)) { /* get and save end position */ a.addDWord(0); a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(PSI_SEEK_END); if (!sendCommand(SEEK_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; savpos = a.getDWord(0); if (mypos == 0) { resultpos = savpos; return res; } /* Expand file */ a.init(); a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(savpos + mypos); if (!sendCommand(SET_SIZE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; mypos = 0; a.init(); } /* Now the real seek */ a.addDWord(mypos); a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(mode); if (!sendCommand(SEEK_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; realpos = a.getDWord(0); switch (mode) { case PSI_SEEK_SET: calcpos = mypos; break; case PSI_SEEK_CUR: calcpos = savpos + mypos; break; case PSI_SEEK_END: resultpos = realpos; return res; break; } if (calcpos > realpos) { /* Beyond end of file */ a.init(); a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(calcpos); if (!sendCommand(SET_SIZE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; a.addDWord(calcpos); a.addDWord(handle); a.addDWord(PSI_SEEK_SET); if (!sendCommand(SEEK_FILE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; if ((res = getResponse(a)) != E_PSI_GEN_NONE) return res; realpos = a.getDWord(0); } resultpos = realpos; return res; } Enum rfsv32:: mkdir(const char *name) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); if (n.find_last_of('\\') == (n.size() - 1)) n += '\\'; a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(MK_DIR_ALL, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } Enum rfsv32:: rmdir(const char *name) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); if (n.find_last_of('\\') == (n.size() - 1)) n += '\\'; a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(RM_DIR, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } Enum rfsv32:: rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname) { bufferStore a; string on = convertSlash(oldname); string nn = convertSlash(newname); a.addWord(on.size()); a.addString(on.c_str()); a.addWord(nn.size()); a.addString(nn.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(RENAME, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } Enum rfsv32:: remove(const char *name) { bufferStore a; string n = convertSlash(name); a.addWord(n.size()); a.addString(n.c_str()); if (!sendCommand(DELETE, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } Enum rfsv32:: setVolumeName(const char drive , const char * const name) { bufferStore a; a.addDWord(drive - 'A'); a.addWord(strlen(name)); a.addStringT(name); if (!sendCommand(SET_VOLUME_LABEL, a)) return E_PSI_FILE_DISC; return getResponse(a); } static enum rfsv::errs e2psi[] = { rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DIRFULL, // -43 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_POWER, // -42 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_DIVIDE, // -41 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_TOOBIG, // -40 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_ABORT, // -39 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_DESCR, // -38 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_LIB, // -37 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NDISC, // -36 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DISC, // -35 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_CONNECT, // -34 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_RETRAN, // -33 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_PARITY, // -32 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_OVERRUN, // -31 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_FRAME, // -30 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_LINE, // -29 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NAME, // -28 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DRIVER, // -27 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_FULL, // -26 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EOF, // -25 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_FSYS, // -24 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_WRITE, // -23 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_LOCKED, // -22 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_ACCESS, // -21 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_CORRUPT, // -20 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_UNKNOWN, // -19 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NOTREADY, // -18 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_COMPLETION, // -17 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_BUSY, // -16 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_TERMINATED, // -15 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_INUSE, // -14 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_DIED, // -13 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DIR, // -12 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST, // -11 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_UNDER, // -10 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_OVER, // -9 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_HANDLE, // -8 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_RANGE, // -7 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_ARG, // -6 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NSUP, // -5 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NOMEMORY, // -4 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_CANCEL, // -3 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_FAIL, // -2 rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NXIST, // -1 rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE // 0 }; Enum rfsv32:: err2psierr(int32_t status) { if ((status > E_EPOC_NONE) || (status < E_EPOC_DIR_FULL)) { cerr << "FATAL: inavlid error-code" << endl; cerr << "status: " << status << " " << hex << status << endl; return E_PSI_INTERNAL; } return e2psi[status - E_EPOC_DIR_FULL]; } /* * Translate EPOC attributes to standard attributes. */ u_int32_t rfsv32:: attr2std(const u_int32_t attr) { long res = 0; // Common attributes if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_RONLY) res |= PSI_A_RDONLY; if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_HIDDEN) res |= PSI_A_HIDDEN; if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_SYSTEM) res |= PSI_A_SYSTEM; if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_DIRECTORY) res |= PSI_A_DIR; if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_ARCHIVE) res |= PSI_A_ARCHIVE; if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_VOLUME) res |= PSI_A_VOLUME; // EPOC-specific if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_NORMAL) res |= PSI_A_NORMAL; if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_TEMPORARY) res |= PSI_A_TEMP; if (attr & EPOC_ATTR_COMPRESSED) res |= PSI_A_COMPRESSED; // Do what we can for SIBO res |= PSI_A_READ; return res; } /* * Translate standard attributes to EPOC attributes. */ u_int32_t rfsv32:: std2attr(const u_int32_t attr) { long res = 0; // Common attributes if (attr & PSI_A_RDONLY) res |= EPOC_ATTR_RONLY; if (attr & PSI_A_HIDDEN) res |= EPOC_ATTR_HIDDEN; if (attr & PSI_A_SYSTEM) res |= EPOC_ATTR_SYSTEM; if (attr & PSI_A_DIR) res |= EPOC_ATTR_DIRECTORY; if (attr & PSI_A_ARCHIVE) res |= EPOC_ATTR_ARCHIVE; if (attr & PSI_A_VOLUME) res |= EPOC_ATTR_VOLUME; // EPOC-specific if (attr & PSI_A_NORMAL) res |= EPOC_ATTR_NORMAL; if (attr & PSI_A_TEMP) res |= EPOC_ATTR_TEMPORARY; if (attr & PSI_A_COMPRESSED) res |= EPOC_ATTR_COMPRESSED; return res; }