//  PLP - An implementation of the PSION link protocol
//  Copyright (C) 1999  Philip Proudman
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
//  e-mail philip.proudman@btinternet.com

#include <stream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "bufferstore.h"

bufferStore::bufferStore() {
	lenAllocd = 0;
	buff = NULL;
	len = 0;
	start = 0;

bufferStore::bufferStore(const bufferStore &a) {
	lenAllocd = (a.getLen() > MIN_LEN) ? a.getLen() : MIN_LEN;
	buff = new unsigned char [lenAllocd];
	len = a.getLen();
	memcpy(buff, a.getString(0), len);
	start = 0;

bufferStore::bufferStore(const unsigned char*_buff, long _len) {
	lenAllocd = (_len > MIN_LEN) ? _len : MIN_LEN;
	buff = new unsigned char [lenAllocd];
	len = _len;
	memcpy(buff, _buff, len);
	start = 0;

void bufferStore::operator =(const bufferStore &a) {
	len = a.getLen();
	memcpy(buff, a.getString(0), len);
	start = 0;

void bufferStore::init() {
	start = 0;
	len = 0;

void bufferStore::init(const unsigned char*_buff, long _len) {
	start = 0;
	len = _len;
	memcpy(buff, _buff, len);

bufferStore::~bufferStore() {
	delete [] buff;

unsigned long bufferStore::getLen() const {
	return (start > len) ? 0 : len - start;

unsigned char bufferStore::getByte(long pos) const {
	return buff[pos+start];

unsigned int bufferStore::getWord(long pos) const {
	return buff[pos+start] + (buff[pos+start+1] << 8);

unsigned int bufferStore::getDWord(long pos) const {
	return buff[pos+start] +
		(buff[pos+start+1] << 8) +
		(buff[pos+start+2] << 16) +
		(buff[pos+start+3] << 24);

const char* bufferStore::getString(long pos) const {
	return (const char*)buff+pos+start;

ostream &operator<<(ostream &s, const bufferStore &m) {
		for (int i = m.start; i < m.len; i++)
		s << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (int)m.buff[i] << " ";
	s << "(";
		for (int i = m.start; i < m.len; i++) {
			unsigned char c = m.buff[i];
			if (c>=' ' && c <= 'z') s << c;
	s<< ")";
	return s;

void bufferStore::discardFirstBytes(int n) {
	start += n;
	if (start > len) start = len;

void bufferStore::checkAllocd(long newLen) {
	if (newLen >= lenAllocd) {
		do {
			lenAllocd = (lenAllocd < MIN_LEN)?MIN_LEN:(lenAllocd*2);
		} while (newLen >= lenAllocd);
		unsigned char* newBuff = new unsigned char [lenAllocd];
		memcpy(&newBuff[start], &buff[start], len - start);
		delete [] buff;
		buff = newBuff;

void bufferStore::addByte(unsigned char cc) {
	checkAllocd(len + 1);
	buff[len++] = cc;

void bufferStore::addString(const char* s) {
	int l = strlen(s);
	checkAllocd(len + l);
	memcpy(&buff[len], s, l);
	len += l;

void bufferStore::addStringT(const char* s) {

void bufferStore::addBuff(const bufferStore &s, long maxLen) {
	long l = s.getLen();
	checkAllocd(len + l);
	if ((maxLen >= 0) && (maxLen < l))
		l = maxLen;
	if (l > 0) {
		memcpy(&buff[len], s.getString(0), l);
		len += l;

void bufferStore::addWord(int a) {
	checkAllocd(len + 2);
	buff[len++] = a & 0xff;
	buff[len++] = (a>>8) & 0xff;

void bufferStore::addDWord(long a) {
	checkAllocd(len + 4);
	buff[len++] = a & 0xff;
	buff[len++] = (a>>8) & 0xff;
	buff[len++] = (a>>16) & 0xff;
	buff[len++] = (a>>24) & 0xff;  