/*-*-c++-*- * $Id$ * * This file is part of plptools. * * Copyright (C) 2001 Fritz Elfert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "kpsionconfig.h" #include "wizards.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FirstTimeWizard::FirstTimeWizard(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KWizard(parent, name, true) { QStringList sl; KPsionConfig pcfg; setCaption(i18n("KPsion Configuration")); QWhatsThis::add(nextButton(), i18n("Click this button to continue with the next page.")); QWhatsThis::add(backButton(), i18n("Click this button, to go to a previous page.")); QWhatsThis::add(cancelButton(), i18n("If you click this button, the setup of KPSion will be aborted and next time you start KPsion, it will run this setup again.")); bdirDefault = pcfg.getStrDefault(KPsionConfig::DEF_BACKUPDIR); bdirCreated = ""; // Page 1 page1 = new QWidget(this, "welcome"); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(page1); QLabel *l = new QLabel(page1, "welcome message"); l->setText(i18n( "" "

Welcome to KPsion!

" "It looks like you started KPsion the first time. " "At least, i could not find any valid configuration.
" "On the following pages, we will gather some information, " "which is needed for working with KPsion.
" "
" "Have fun." "
" )); grid->addWidget(l, 1, 1, Qt::AlignTop); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); grid->setRowStretch(1, 1); grid->addRowSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(2, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(2, KDialog::marginHint()); addPage(page1, i18n("Welcome")); // Page 2 page2 = new QWidget(this, "step1"); grid = new QGridLayout(page2); l = new QLabel(page2, "step1"); l->setText(i18n( "" "First, we need a folder for storing backups of " "your Psion. You probably don't want others to " "have access to it, so it's best to choose a " "location somewhere in your home directory. " "Please browse through existing folders and select a suitable " "location or simply accept the default shown below." "" )); grid->addMultiCellWidget(l, 1, 1, 1, 2, Qt::AlignTop); bdirLabel = new QLabel(page2, "bdirLabel"); bdirLabel->setText(bdirDefault); bdirButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Browse"), page2); QWhatsThis::add(bdirLabel, i18n("This is the name of the backup folder.")); QWhatsThis::add(bdirButton, i18n("Click here, for opening a dialog which lets you easily select the backup folder.")); grid->addWidget(bdirLabel, 3, 1); grid->addWidget(bdirButton, 3, 2); grid->setRowStretch(1, 1); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); grid->addRowSpacing(2, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(4, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(3, KDialog::marginHint()); connect(bdirButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotBdirBrowse())); addPage(page2, i18n("Step 1 - Specify backup directory")); // Page 3 page3 = new QWidget(this, "step2"); grid = new QGridLayout(page3); l = new QLabel(page3, "step2"); l->setText(i18n( "" "Next, please specify some information regarding " "backup policy:
  • How many generations of backups " "do you want to keep?
  • Should I perform automatic " "backups?
  • If yes, how often do you want backups" "to happen?
" "
" )); grid->addMultiCellWidget(l, 1, 1, 1, 2, Qt::AlignTop); l = new QLabel( i18n("&Incremental backup interval"), page3, "iBackupIntLabel"); grid->addWidget(l, 3, 1); iIntCombo = new KComboBox(false, page3, "iIntCombo"); iIntCombo->insertStringList(pcfg.getConfigBackupInterval()); iIntCombo->setCurrentItem(pcfg.getIntDefault(KPsionConfig::DEF_INCINTERVAL)); grid->addWidget(iIntCombo, 3, 2); l->setBuddy(iIntCombo); l = new QLabel(i18n("&Full backup interval"), page3, "fBackupIntLabel"); grid->addWidget(l, 5, 1); fIntCombo = new KComboBox(false, page3, "fIntCombo"); fIntCombo->insertStringList(pcfg.getConfigBackupInterval()); fIntCombo->setCurrentItem(pcfg.getIntDefault(KPsionConfig::DEF_FULLINTERVAL)); grid->addWidget(fIntCombo, 5, 2); l->setBuddy(fIntCombo); l = new QLabel(i18n("Backup &generations"), page3, "backupGenLabel"); grid->addWidget(l, 7, 1); genSpin = new KIntSpinBox(0, 10, 1, pcfg.getIntDefault(KPsionConfig::DEF_BACKUPGEN), 10, page3, "backupGenSpin"); grid->addWidget(genSpin, 7, 2); l->setBuddy(genSpin); grid->setRowStretch(1, 1); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); grid->addRowSpacing(2, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(4, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(6, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(8, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(3, KDialog::marginHint()); addPage(page3, i18n("Step 2 - Backup policy")); // Page 4 page4 = new QWidget(this, "step3"); grid = new QGridLayout(page4); l = new QLabel(page4, "step2"); l->setText(i18n( "" "If no connection could be established on startup, " "KPsion will attempt to connect in regular " "intervals. Please specify the interval after which " "a connection attempt should happen. If you don't want " "automatic retry, set the interval to zero. Furthermore, " "KPsion can try to start ncpd if it is not already " "running. For that to work correctly, you need to" "
  • specify the serial port to use.
  • " "
  • specify the baud rate
  • " "
  • have permission to use the specified port
" "
" )); grid->addMultiCellWidget(l, 1, 1, 1, 2, Qt::AlignTop); l = new QLabel( i18n("&Connection retry interval (sec.)"), page4, "rconLabel"); grid->addWidget(l, 3, 1); rconSpin = new KIntSpinBox(0, 600, 1, pcfg.getIntDefault(KPsionConfig::DEF_CONNRETRY), 10, page4, "rconSpin"); grid->addWidget(rconSpin, 3, 2); l->setBuddy(rconSpin); l = new QLabel(i18n("Serial &device"), page4, "devLabel"); grid->addWidget(l, 5, 1); devCombo = new KComboBox(false, page4, "devCombo"); sl = pcfg.getConfigDevices(); devCombo->insertStringList(sl); devCombo->setCurrentItem(pcfg.getIntDefault(KPsionConfig::DEF_SERIALDEV)); grid->addWidget(devCombo, 5, 2); l->setBuddy(devCombo); l = new QLabel(i18n("Serial &speed"), page4, "speedLabel"); grid->addWidget(l, 7, 1); speedCombo = new KComboBox(false, page4, "speedCombo"); sl = pcfg.getConfigSpeeds(); speedCombo->insertStringList(sl); speedCombo->setCurrentItem(pcfg.getIntDefault(KPsionConfig::DEF_SERIALSPEED)); grid->addWidget(speedCombo, 7, 2); l->setBuddy(speedCombo); grid->setRowStretch(1, 1); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); grid->addRowSpacing(2, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(4, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(6, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(8, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(3, KDialog::marginHint()); addPage(page4, i18n("Step 3 - Connection parameters")); // Page 5 page5 = new QWidget(this, "step3"); grid = new QGridLayout(page5); l = new QLabel(page5, "step2"); l->setText(i18n( "" "That's it!
" "Now I will start KPsion and if your Psion is already " "connected and its communication link turned on (use" "Ctrl-L on the System screen), then KPsion will " "bring up a dialog similar to this which lets you assign it a " "name. After that, I suggest you perform a full backup.
" "Please click Finish now.
" )); grid->addWidget(l, 1, 1, Qt::AlignTop); grid->setRowStretch(1, 1); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); grid->addRowSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(2, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(2, KDialog::marginHint()); addPage(page5, i18n("Finished")); setFinishEnabled(page5, true); } void FirstTimeWizard:: slotBdirBrowse() { QString dir = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(bdirLabel->text(), this, i18n("Backup folder")); checkBackupDir(dir); } void FirstTimeWizard:: reject() { // kapp->quit() and [QK]Application::exit(0) don't work here?! // probably because we didn't call kapp->exec() yet? // -> brute force if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("You are about to abort the initial setup of KPsion. No configuration will be stored and you will have to repeat this procedure when you start KPsion next time.
Do you really want to exit now?
")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { if (!bdirCreated.isEmpty()) ::rmdir(bdirCreated.data()); ::exit(0); } } void FirstTimeWizard:: accept() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KPsionConfig pcfg; config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDIR)); config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDIR), bdirLabel->text()); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPGEN)); config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPGEN), genSpin->value()); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_INCINTERVAL)); config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_INCINTERVAL), iIntCombo->currentItem()); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_FULLINTERVAL)); config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_FULLINTERVAL), fIntCombo->currentItem()); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_CONNRETRY)); config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_CONNRETRY), rconSpin->value()); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALDEV)); config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALDEV), devCombo->currentText()); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALSPEED)); config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALSPEED), speedCombo->currentText()); hide(); setResult(Accepted); } void FirstTimeWizard:: next() { for (int i = 0; i < pageCount(); i++) if (currentPage() == page(i)) { switch (i) { case 1: QString dir(bdirLabel->text()); if (!checkBackupDir(dir)) return; } break; } KWizard::next(); } void FirstTimeWizard:: closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { reject(); } bool FirstTimeWizard:: checkBackupDir(QString &dir) { if (!bdirCreated.isEmpty()) { if (bdirCreated != dir) { ::rmdir(bdirCreated.data()); bdirCreated = ""; } } if (!dir.isEmpty()) { QDir d(dir); if (!d.exists()) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("The folder %1 does not exist.
Shall it be created?
").arg(dir)) == KMessageBox::No) { bdirLabel->setText(bdirDefault); return false; } if (mkdir(dir.data(), 0700) != 0) { QString msg = i18n("The specified folder
could not be created"); switch (errno) { case EACCES: case EPERM: case EROFS: msg += i18n(", because you either don't have sufficient rights to do that, or the filesystem is readonly."); // Insufficient permissions/ readonly FS break; case ENOSPC: msg += i18n(", because the filesystem has not enough space."); // No space break; case EEXIST: // shouldn't happen, we checked already // for existence. msg += i18n(", because there already exists another object with the same name."); break; case EFAULT: case ENOMEM: case ENAMETOOLONG: // shouldn't happen. msg += "."; break; case ENOENT: // propably dangling symlink msg += i18n(", because you specified a path which probably contains a dangling symbolic link."); break; case ENOTDIR: msg += i18n(", because you specified a path which contains an element which is not a folder."); // path element not dir. break; case ELOOP: msg += i18n(", because you specified a path which contains too many symbolic links."); // Too many symlinks break; } bdirLabel->setText(bdirDefault); msg += i18n("
Please select another folder.
"); KMessageBox::error(this, msg.arg(dir)); return false; } bdirCreated = dir; } bdirLabel->setText(dir); return true; } bdirLabel->setText(bdirDefault); return false; } NewPsionWizard::NewPsionWizard(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KWizard(parent, name, true) { setCaption(i18n("New Psion detected")); psion = (KPsionMainWindow *)parent; QWhatsThis::add(nextButton(), i18n("Click this button to continue with the next page.")); QWhatsThis::add(backButton(), i18n("Click this button, to go to a previous page.")); QWhatsThis::add(cancelButton(), i18n("If you click this button, the setup for the new connected Psion will be aborted and next time you connect this Psion again, KPsion will run this setup again.")); // Page 1 page1 = new QWidget(this, "newmachine"); QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(page1); QLabel *l = new QLabel(page1, "newmachmessage"); uid = psion->getMachineUID(); l->setText(i18n( "" "The Psion with the unique ID %1 " "is connected the first time. Please assign a name to it." "").arg(uid)); grid->addMultiCellWidget(l, 1, 1, 1, 2, Qt::AlignTop); l = new QLabel(page1, "nameLabel"); l->setText(i18n("&Name of new Psion")); nameEdit = new KLineEdit(page1, "nameEdit"); nameEdit->setText(i18n("My new Psion")); nameEdit->selectAll(); nameEdit->setFocus(); l->setBuddy(nameEdit); grid->addWidget(l, 3, 1); grid->addWidget(nameEdit, 3, 2); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); grid->setRowStretch(1, 1); grid->addRowSpacing(2, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(4, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(2, KDialog::marginHint()); addPage(page1, i18n("New Psion detected")); // Page 2 page2 = new QWidget(this, "bdrives"); grid = new QGridLayout(page2); l = new QLabel(page2, "bdrivemessage"); l->setText(i18n( "" "Please select the Drive(s), you want to be backed up when " "running in unattended backup mode." "" )); grid->addMultiCellWidget(l, 1, 1, 1, 3, Qt::AlignTop); backupListView = new KListView(page2, "bdriveListView"); backupListView->addColumn(i18n("Available drives")); driveMap dlist = psion->getDrives(); driveMap::Iterator it; int height = backupListView->header()->height(); for (it = dlist.begin(); it != dlist.end(); it++) { QCheckListItem *i = new QCheckListItem(backupListView, it.data(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox); height += i->height(); i->setSelectable(false); } backupListView->setMaximumSize(backupListView->columnWidth(0) + 5, height + 5); grid->addWidget(backupListView, 3, 2); grid->setColStretch(1, 1); grid->setRowStretch(1, 1); grid->setColStretch(3, 1); grid->addRowSpacing(2, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addRowSpacing(4, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(0, KDialog::marginHint()); grid->addColSpacing(4, KDialog::marginHint()); addPage(page2, i18n("Specify drives to backup")); setFinishEnabled(page2, true); } void NewPsionWizard:: next() { for (int i = 0; i < pageCount(); i++) if (currentPage() == page(i)) { switch (i) { case 0: QString tmp(nameEdit->text()); if (!checkPsionName(tmp)) return; } break; } KWizard::next(); } bool NewPsionWizard:: checkPsionName(QString &name) { if (name.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The name cannot be empty.")); return false; } psionMap l = psion->getMachines(); psionMap::Iterator it; for (it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++) { if (name == it.data()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The name %1 is already assigned to another machine.
Please choose a different name.
")); return false; } } return true; } void NewPsionWizard:: accept() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KPsionConfig pcfg; config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_UIDS)); QStringList machines = config->readListEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_UIDS)); machines += uid; config->writeEntry(pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_UIDS), machines); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_MACHNAME)); QString tmp = pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_MACHNAME).arg(uid); config->writeEntry(tmp, nameEdit->text()); tmp = nameEdit->text(); psion->setMachineName(tmp); driveMap dlist = psion->getDrives(); driveMap::Iterator di; QStringList drives; for (di = dlist.begin(); di != dlist.end(); di++) { QString drv = ""; drv += di.key(); drives += drv; } config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_DRIVES)); config->writeEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_DRIVES).arg(uid), drives); QListViewItemIterator li(backupListView); QStringList bdrives; for (; li.current(); li++) { QCheckListItem *qcli = (QCheckListItem *)(li.current()); if (qcli->isOn()) { tmp = qcli->text(); for (di = dlist.begin(); di != dlist.end(); di++) if (di.data() == tmp) { QString drv = ""; drv += di.key(); bdrives += drv; } } } config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDRIVES)); config->writeEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDRIVES).arg(uid), bdrives); hide(); setResult(Accepted); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: */