 * Linux nfs_mount_data version 3 (as expected by mp_mount.c).
 * We extract it here to avoid some rather nasty fiddling necessary
 * to compile with v3 and v4 (the latter as found in the NFS v3 stuff).

#ifndef	LINUX_MISC_H
#define	LINUX_MISC_H

 * WARNING!  Do not delete or change the order of these fields.  If
 * a new field is required then add it to the end.  The version field
 * tracks which fields are present.  This will ensure some measure of
 * mount-to-kernel version compatibility.  Some of these aren't used yet
 * but here they are anyway.
#define NFS_MOUNT_VERSION       3

struct nfs_mount_data {
        int             version;                /* 1 */
        int             fd;                     /* 1 */
        struct nfs_fh   root;                   /* 1 */
        int             flags;                  /* 1 */
        int             rsize;                  /* 1 */
        int             wsize;                  /* 1 */
        int             timeo;                  /* 1 */
        int             retrans;                /* 1 */
        int             acregmin;               /* 1 */
        int             acregmax;               /* 1 */
        int             acdirmin;               /* 1 */
        int             acdirmax;               /* 1 */
        struct sockaddr_in addr;                /* 1 */
        char            hostname[256];          /* 1 */
        int             namlen;                 /* 2 */
        unsigned int    bsize;                  /* 3 */

/* bits in the flags field */

#define NFS_MOUNT_SOFT          0x0001  /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_INTR          0x0002  /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_SECURE        0x0004  /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_POSIX         0x0008  /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_NOCTO         0x0010  /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_NOAC          0x0020  /* 1 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_TCP           0x0040  /* 2 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_VER3          0x0080  /* 3 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_KERBEROS      0x0100  /* 3 */
#define NFS_MOUNT_NONLM         0x0200  /* 3 */