Patches to plptools-0.6, collected by Matt Gumbley

1) Compilation patches to enable builds on Solaris. and
2) Christof Meerwald's patches so that ncpd can autoterminate (-e option), and
   patch for mgetty PLP autodetection (in the new patches directory), also a
   patch to make the connection more stable.
3) Peter Cherriman's patch which fixes the "one hour out" bug, which " that
   a file timestamp is sometimes different when you do a "ls -l" on a mounted
   psion, than the timestamp listed by the properties box on the psion.

   My previous fix, no longer worked when the daylight saving changed. Linux 
   stores timestamps internally as the number of seconds since the EPOC in 
   UTC(GMT). However the psion seems stores timestamps as the number of seconds 
   since the EPOC. However the EPOC in defined relative to the currently set 
   timezone on the psion.

   My new fix takes into account the timezone and DST status provided by the 
   linux system, it now works in by GMT(UTC+0) and BST(UTC+0+DST), but I 
   haven't tested it very much in other timezones, but I think it works. 

   It provides the correct timestamps apart from files created within a hour 
   of a DST change, however this can't be helped due to the strange way the 
   psion stores timestamps and handles timezone and DST."
4) Added --with-mountdir option to configure to allow the plpnfsd mount point
   to be specified at build time. Default is /mnt/psion.
5) Added /dev/psion at the start of the serial ports probed for.
6) Peter Cherriman's patch that fixes compilation of on some platforms.
7) Jim Hague's patches for SIBO, and later Linux Kernels, from Feb 2000. 
   My apologies to Jim for not merging these sooner.  He says:

   "I've been doing a little work on getting plptools working with my 3a. ...
    I have plpftp working for file transfer and plpnsfd also working, at least 
    sufficiently to back up my 3a.

    I have also modified the include files required for the Linux build so 
    that it works with a 2.2 series kernels with the NFSv3 patch applied; 
    actually, all I've done is copy the relevant bits of the old NFSv2 headers.

    It all seems to work with my 3a, though compared to p3nfsd plpnsfd seems 
    very slow at listing directories - when time permits I shall take a 
    closer look.

    In addition to my English 3a (v3.22F) I have also tried it on an Italian 3a
    (v3.40F). The latter exhibits some curious behaviour - if you start ncpd, 
    run up plpftp and quit plpftp, the 3a closes its serial port down (drops 
    CTS and DSR) and seems to need a reset before it will re-open the serial 
    port. Again, when time permits I shall see if it does this when using 

    Other parts of Jim's patch:
    "Which reminds me - 0.6 doesn't seem to have working copyFromPsion and
     copyToPsion. I've fixed it up and tidied up the retrieval of Owner 
     Infomation a little - 3as anyway send lots of \0\0\0\0\0, each of which 
     was being displayed in plpftp as a blank line. "

    Jim's patch removes lots of diagnostics in the rfsv16 code, and looks like
    it fixes lots of stuff I hadn't got round to <hides head in shame>.

Last patch update: 18/07/00.