/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/rtlil.h" #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct SmvWorker { CellTypes ct; SigMap sigmap; RTLIL::Module *module; std::ostream &f; bool verbose; int idcounter; dict idcache; pool used_names; vector strbuf; struct assign_rhs_chunk { string rhs_expr; int offset, width; bool operator<(const assign_rhs_chunk &other) const { return offset < other.offset; } }; dict> partial_assignments; vector assignments; const char *cid() { while (true) { shared_str s(stringf("_%d", idcounter++)); if (!used_names.count(s)) { used_names.insert(s); return s.c_str(); } } } const char *cid(IdString id, bool precache = false) { if (!idcache.count(id)) { string name = stringf("_%s", id.c_str()); if (name.substr(0, 2) == "_\\") name = "_" + name.substr(2); for (auto &c : name) { if (c == '|' || c == '$' || c == '_') continue; if (c >= 'a' && c <='z') continue; if (c >= 'A' && c <='Z') continue; if (c >= '0' && c <='9') continue; if (precache) return nullptr; c = '#'; } if (name == "_main") name = "main"; while (used_names.count(name)) name += "_"; shared_str s(name); used_names.insert(s); idcache[id] = s; } return idcache.at(id).c_str(); } SmvWorker(RTLIL::Module *module, bool verbose, std::ostream &f) : ct(module->design), sigmap(module), module(module), f(f), verbose(verbose), idcounter(0) { for (auto mod : module->design->modules()) cid(mod->name, true); for (auto wire : module->wires()) cid(wire->name, true); for (auto cell : module->cells()) { cid(cell->name, true); cid(cell->type, true); for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) cid(conn.first, true); } } const char *rvalue(SigSpec sig, bool skip_sigmap = false, int width = -1, bool is_signed = false) { if (!skip_sigmap) sigmap.apply(sig); string s; int count_chunks = 0; for (auto &c : sig.chunks()) { count_chunks++; if (!s.empty()) s = " :: " + s; if (c.wire) { if (c.offset != 0 || c.width != c.wire->width) s = stringf("%s[%d:%d]", cid(c.wire->name), c.offset+c.width-1, c.offset) + s; else s = cid(c.wire->name) + s; } else { string v = stringf("0ub%d_", c.width); for (int i = c.width-1; i >= 0; i--) v += c.data.at(i) == State::S1 ? '1' : '0'; s = v + s; } } if (width >= 0) { if (is_signed) { if (GetSize(sig) > width) s = stringf("signed(resize(%s, %d))", s.c_str(), width); else s = stringf("resize(signed(%s), %d)", s.c_str(), width); } else s = stringf("resize(%s, %d)", s.c_str(), width); } else if (is_signed) s = stringf("signed(%s)", s.c_str()); else if (count_chunks > 1) s = stringf("(%s)", s.c_str()); strbuf.push_back(s); return strbuf.back().c_str(); } const char *rvalue_u(SigSpec sig, int width = -1) { return rvalue(sig, false, width, false); } const char *rvalue_s(SigSpec sig, int width = -1, bool is_signed = true) { return rvalue(sig, false, width, is_signed); } const char *lvalue(SigSpec sig, bool skip_sigmap = false) { if (!skip_sigmap) sigmap.apply(sig); if (sig.is_wire()) return rvalue(sig, true); const char *temp_id = cid(); f << stringf(" %s : unsigned word[%d]; -- %s\n", temp_id, GetSize(sig), log_signal(sig)); int offset = 0; for (auto &c : sig.chunks()) { log_assert(c.wire != nullptr); assign_rhs_chunk rhs; if (offset != 0 || c.width != GetSize(sig)) rhs.rhs_expr = stringf("%s[%d:%d]", temp_id, offset+c.width-1, offset); else rhs.rhs_expr = temp_id; rhs.offset = c.offset; rhs.width = c.width; partial_assignments[c.wire].push_back(rhs); offset += c.width; } return temp_id; } void run() { f << stringf("MODULE %s\n", cid(module->name)); f << stringf(" VAR\n"); for (auto wire : module->wires()) { SigSpec this_sig = wire, driver_sig = sigmap(wire); SigSpec unused_bits_in_this_sig; SigSpec driver_for_unused_bits; for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(this_sig); i++) if (this_sig[i] != driver_sig[i]) { unused_bits_in_this_sig.append(this_sig[i]); driver_for_unused_bits.append(driver_sig[i]); } if (GetSize(unused_bits_in_this_sig) == GetSize(this_sig)) { f << stringf(" -- unused -- %s : unsigned word[%d]; -- %s\n", cid(wire->name), wire->width, log_id(wire)); } else { f << stringf(" %s : unsigned word[%d]; -- %s\n", cid(wire->name), wire->width, log_id(wire)); if (!unused_bits_in_this_sig.empty()) assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := 0ub%d_0; -- unused %s -- using %s instead", lvalue(unused_bits_in_this_sig, true), GetSize(unused_bits_in_this_sig), log_signal(unused_bits_in_this_sig), log_signal(driver_for_unused_bits))); } } for (auto cell : module->cells()) { // FIXME: $slice, $concat, $mem if (cell->type.in("$shl", "$shr", "$sshl", "$sshr", "$shift", "$shiftx")) { SigSpec sig_a = cell->getPort("\\A"); SigSpec sig_b = cell->getPort("\\B"); int width_y = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); int shift_b_width = GetSize(sig_b); int width_ay = std::max(GetSize(sig_a), width_y); int width = width_ay; for (int i = 1, j = 0;; i <<= 1, j++) if (width_ay < i) { width = i-1; shift_b_width = std::min(shift_b_width, j); break; } bool signed_a = cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool(); bool signed_b = cell->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool(); string op = cell->type.in("$shl", "$sshl") ? "<<" : ">>"; string expr, expr_a; if (cell->type == "$sshr" && signed_a) { expr_a = rvalue_s(sig_a, width); expr = stringf("resize(unsigned(%s %s %s), %d)", expr_a.c_str(), op.c_str(), rvalue(sig_b.extract(0, shift_b_width)), width_y); if (shift_b_width < GetSize(sig_b)) expr = stringf("%s != 0ud%d_0 ? (bool(%s) ? !0ud%d_0 : 0ud%d_0) : %s", rvalue(sig_b.extract(shift_b_width, GetSize(sig_b) - shift_b_width)), GetSize(sig_b) - shift_b_width, rvalue(sig_a[GetSize(sig_a)-1]), width_y, width_y, expr.c_str()); } else if (cell->type.in("$shift", "$shiftx") && signed_b) { expr_a = rvalue_u(sig_a, width); const char *b_shr = rvalue_u(sig_b); const char *b_shl = cid(); f << stringf(" %s : unsigned word[%d]; -- neg(%s)\n", b_shl, GetSize(sig_b), log_signal(sig_b)); assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := unsigned(-%s);", b_shl, rvalue_s(sig_b))); string expr_shl = stringf("resize(%s << %s[%d:0], %d)", expr_a.c_str(), b_shl, shift_b_width-1, width_y); string expr_shr = stringf("resize(%s >> %s[%d:0], %d)", expr_a.c_str(), b_shr, shift_b_width-1, width_y); if (shift_b_width < GetSize(sig_b)) { expr_shl = stringf("%s[%d:%d] != 0ud%d_0 ? 0ud%d_0 : %s", b_shl, GetSize(sig_b)-1, shift_b_width, GetSize(sig_b)-shift_b_width, width_y, expr_shl.c_str()); expr_shr = stringf("%s[%d:%d] != 0ud%d_0 ? 0ud%d_0 : %s", b_shr, GetSize(sig_b)-1, shift_b_width, GetSize(sig_b)-shift_b_width, width_y, expr_shr.c_str()); } expr = stringf("bool(%s) ? %s : %s", rvalue(sig_b[GetSize(sig_b)-1]), expr_shl.c_str(), expr_shr.c_str()); } else { if (cell->type.in("$shift", "$shiftx") || !signed_a) expr_a = rvalue_u(sig_a, width); else expr_a = stringf("resize(unsigned(%s), %d)", rvalue_s(sig_a, width_ay), width); expr = stringf("resize(%s %s %s[%d:0], %d)", expr_a.c_str(), op.c_str(), rvalue_u(sig_b), shift_b_width-1, width_y); if (shift_b_width < GetSize(sig_b)) expr = stringf("%s[%d:%d] != 0ud%d_0 ? 0ud%d_0 : %s", rvalue_u(sig_b), GetSize(sig_b)-1, shift_b_width, GetSize(sig_b)-shift_b_width, width_y, expr.c_str()); } assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), expr.c_str())); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$not", "$pos", "$neg")) { int width = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string expr_a, op; if (cell->type == "$not") op = "!"; if (cell->type == "$pos") op = ""; if (cell->type == "$neg") op = "-"; if (cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool()) { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := unsigned(%s%s);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), op.c_str(), rvalue_s(cell->getPort("\\A"), width))); } else { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s%s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), op.c_str(), rvalue_u(cell->getPort("\\A"), width))); } continue; } if (cell->type.in("$add", "$sub", "$mul", "$and", "$or", "$xor", "$xnor")) { int width = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string expr_a, expr_b, op; if (cell->type == "$add") op = "+"; if (cell->type == "$sub") op = "-"; if (cell->type == "$mul") op = "*"; if (cell->type == "$and") op = "&"; if (cell->type == "$or") op = "|"; if (cell->type == "$xor") op = "xor"; if (cell->type == "$xnor") op = "xnor"; if (cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool()) { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := unsigned(%s %s %s);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue_s(cell->getPort("\\A"), width), op.c_str(), rvalue_s(cell->getPort("\\B"), width))); } else { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s %s %s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue_u(cell->getPort("\\A"), width), op.c_str(), rvalue_u(cell->getPort("\\B"), width))); } continue; } if (cell->type.in("$div", "$mod")) { int width_y = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); int width = std::max(width_y, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A"))); width = std::max(width, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\B"))); string expr_a, expr_b, op; if (cell->type == "$div") op = "/"; if (cell->type == "$mod") op = "mod"; if (cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool()) { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := resize(unsigned(%s %s %s), %d);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue_s(cell->getPort("\\A"), width), op.c_str(), rvalue_s(cell->getPort("\\B"), width), width_y)); } else { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := resize(%s %s %s, %d);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue_u(cell->getPort("\\A"), width), op.c_str(), rvalue_u(cell->getPort("\\B"), width), width_y)); } continue; } if (cell->type.in("$eq", "$ne", "$eqx", "$nex", "$lt", "$le", "$ge", "$gt")) { int width = std::max(GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A")), GetSize(cell->getPort("\\B"))); string expr_a, expr_b, op; if (cell->type == "$eq") op = "="; if (cell->type == "$ne") op = "!="; if (cell->type == "$eqx") op = "="; if (cell->type == "$nex") op = "!="; if (cell->type == "$lt") op = "<"; if (cell->type == "$le") op = "<="; if (cell->type == "$ge") op = ">="; if (cell->type == "$gt") op = ">"; if (cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool()) { expr_a = stringf("resize(signed(%s), %d)", rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), width); expr_b = stringf("resize(signed(%s), %d)", rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), width); } else { expr_a = stringf("resize(%s, %d)", rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), width); expr_b = stringf("resize(%s, %d)", rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), width); } assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := resize(word1(%s %s %s), %d);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), expr_a.c_str(), op.c_str(), expr_b.c_str(), GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")))); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$reduce_and", "$reduce_or", "$reduce_bool")) { int width_a = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A")); int width_y = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); const char *expr_a = rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")); const char *expr_y = lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string expr; if (cell->type == "$reduce_and") expr = stringf("%s = !0ub%d_0", expr_a, width_a); if (cell->type == "$reduce_or") expr = stringf("%s != 0ub%d_0", expr_a, width_a); if (cell->type == "$reduce_bool") expr = stringf("%s != 0ub%d_0", expr_a, width_a); assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := resize(word1(%s), %d);", expr_y, expr.c_str(), width_y)); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$reduce_xor", "$reduce_xnor")) { int width_y = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); const char *expr_y = lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string expr; for (auto bit : cell->getPort("\\A")) { if (!expr.empty()) expr += " xor "; expr += rvalue(bit); } if (cell->type == "$reduce_xnor") expr = "!(" + expr + ")"; assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := resize(%s, %d);", expr_y, expr.c_str(), width_y)); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$logic_and", "$logic_or")) { int width_a = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A")); int width_b = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\B")); int width_y = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string expr_a = stringf("(%s != 0ub%d_0)", rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), width_a); string expr_b = stringf("(%s != 0ub%d_0)", rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), width_b); const char *expr_y = lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string expr; if (cell->type == "$logic_and") expr = expr_a + " & " + expr_b; if (cell->type == "$logic_or") expr = expr_a + " | " + expr_b; assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := resize(word1(%s), %d);", expr_y, expr.c_str(), width_y)); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$logic_not")) { int width_a = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A")); int width_y = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); string expr_a = stringf("(%s = 0ub%d_0)", rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), width_a); const char *expr_y = lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")); assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := resize(word1(%s), %d);", expr_y, expr_a.c_str(), width_y)); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$mux", "$pmux")) { int width = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); SigSpec sig_a = cell->getPort("\\A"); SigSpec sig_b = cell->getPort("\\B"); SigSpec sig_s = cell->getPort("\\S"); string expr; for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_s); i++) expr += stringf("bool(%s) ? %s : ", rvalue(sig_s[i]), rvalue(sig_b.extract(i*width, width))); expr += rvalue(sig_a); assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), expr.c_str())); continue; } if (cell->type == "$dff") { // FIXME: use init property assignments.push_back(stringf("next(%s) := %s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Q")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\D")))); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$_BUF_", "$_NOT_")) { string op = cell->type == "$_NOT_" ? "!" : ""; assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s%s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), op.c_str(), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")))); continue; } if (cell->type.in("$_AND_", "$_NAND_", "$_OR_", "$_NOR_", "$_XOR_", "$_XNOR_")) { string op; if (cell->type.in("$_AND_", "$_NAND_")) op = "&"; if (cell->type.in("$_OR_", "$_NOR_")) op = "|"; if (cell->type.in("$_XOR_")) op = "xor"; if (cell->type.in("$_XNOR_")) op = "xnor"; if (cell->type.in("$_NAND_", "$_NOR_")) assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := !(%s %s %s);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), op.c_str(), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")))); else assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s %s %s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), op.c_str(), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")))); continue; } if (cell->type == "$_MUX_") { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := bool(%s) ? %s : %s;", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\S")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")))); continue; } if (cell->type == "$_AOI3_") { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := !((%s & %s) | %s);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\C")))); continue; } if (cell->type == "$_OAI3_") { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := !((%s | %s) & %s);", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\C")))); continue; } if (cell->type == "$_AOI4_") { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := !((%s & %s) | (%s & %s));", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\C")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\D")))); continue; } if (cell->type == "$_OAI4_") { assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := !((%s | %s) & (%s | %s));", lvalue(cell->getPort("\\Y")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\A")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\B")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\C")), rvalue(cell->getPort("\\D")))); continue; } if (cell->type[0] == '$') log_error("Found currently unsupported cell type %s (%s.%s).\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell)); f << stringf(" %s : %s;\n", cid(cell->name), cid(cell->type)); for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) if (cell->output(conn.first)) assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s.%s;", lvalue(conn.second), cid(cell->name), cid(conn.first))); else assignments.push_back(stringf("%s.%s := %s;", cid(cell->name), cid(conn.first), rvalue(conn.second))); } for (auto &it : partial_assignments) { std::sort(it.second.begin(), it.second.end()); string expr; int offset = 0; for (auto rhs : it.second) { if (!expr.empty()) expr = " :: " + expr; if (offset < rhs.offset) expr = stringf(" :: 0ub%d_0 ", rhs.offset - offset) + expr; expr = rhs.rhs_expr + expr; offset = rhs.offset + rhs.width; } if (offset < it.first->width) expr = stringf("0ub%d_0 :: ", it.first->width - offset) + expr; assignments.push_back(stringf("%s := %s;", cid(it.first->name), expr.c_str())); } f << stringf(" ASSIGN\n"); for (const string &line : assignments) f << stringf(" %s\n", line.c_str()); } }; struct SmvBackend : public Backend { SmvBackend() : Backend("smv", "write design to SMV file") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" write_smv [options] [filename]\n"); log("\n"); log("Write an SMV description of the current design.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -verbose\n"); log(" this will print the recursive walk used to export the modules.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -tpl \n"); log(" use the given template file. the line containing only the token '%%%%'\n"); log(" is replaced with the regular output of this command.\n"); log("\n"); log("THIS COMMAND IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { std::ifstream template_f; bool verbose = false; log_header("Executing SMV backend.\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-tpl" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { template_f.open(args[++argidx]); if (template_f.fail()) log_error("Can't open template file `%s'.\n", args[argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-verbose") { verbose = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx); pool modules; for (auto module : design->modules()) if (!module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox") && !module->has_memories_warn() && !module->has_processes_warn()) modules.insert(module); if (template_f.is_open()) { std::string line; while (std::getline(template_f, line)) { int indent = 0; while (indent < GetSize(line) && (line[indent] == ' ' || line[indent] == '\t')) indent++; if (line[indent] == '%') { vector stmt = split_tokens(line); if (GetSize(stmt) == 1 && stmt[0] == "%%") break; if (GetSize(stmt) == 2 && stmt[0] == "%module") { Module *module = design->module(RTLIL::escape_id(stmt[1])); modules.erase(module); if (module == nullptr) log_error("Module '%s' not found.\n", stmt[1].c_str()); *f << stringf("-- SMV description generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str); log("Creating SMV representation of module %s.\n", log_id(module)); SmvWorker worker(module, verbose, *f); worker.run(); *f << stringf("-- end of yosys output\n"); continue; } log_error("Unknown template statement: '%s'", line.c_str() + indent); } *f << line << std::endl; } } if (!modules.empty()) { *f << stringf("-- SMV description generated by %s\n", yosys_version_str); for (auto module : modules) { log("Creating SMV representation of module %s.\n", log_id(module)); SmvWorker worker(module, verbose, *f); worker.run(); } *f << stringf("-- end of yosys output\n"); } if (template_f.is_open()) { std::string line; while (std::getline(template_f, line)) *f << line << std::endl; } } } SmvBackend; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END