/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 gatecat * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "globals.h" #include #include #include #include #include "cells.h" #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "place_common.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class GowinGlobalRouter { public: GowinGlobalRouter(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx){}; private: // wire -> clock# dict used_wires; // ordered nets struct onet_t { IdString name; int clock_ports; WireId clock_io_wire; // IO wire if there is one onet_t() : name(IdString()), clock_ports(0), clock_io_wire(WireId()) {} onet_t(IdString _name) : name(_name), clock_ports(0), clock_io_wire(WireId()) {} // sort bool operator<(const onet_t &other) const { if ((clock_io_wire != WireId()) ^ (other.clock_io_wire != WireId())) { return !(clock_io_wire != WireId()); } return clock_ports < other.clock_ports; } // search bool operator==(const onet_t &other) const { return name == other.name; } }; bool is_clock_port(PortRef const &user) { if (user.cell->type == id_SLICE && user.port == id_CLK) { return true; } return false; } WireId clock_io(PortRef const &driver) { // XXX normally all alternative functions of the pins should be passed // in the chip database, but at the moment we find them from aliases/pips // XXX check diff inputs too if (driver.cell == nullptr || driver.cell->bel == BelId()) { return WireId(); } // clock IOs have pips output->SPINExx BelInfo &bel = ctx->bels.at(driver.cell->bel); if (bel.type != id_IOB) { return WireId(); } WireId wire = bel.pins[id_O].wire; for (auto const &pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(wire)) { if (ctx->wire_info(ctx->getPipDstWire(pip)).type.str(ctx).rfind("SPINE", 0) == 0) { return wire; } } return WireId(); } // gather the clock nets void gather_clock_nets(std::vector &clock_nets) { for (auto const &net : ctx->nets) { NetInfo const *ni = net.second.get(); auto new_clock = clock_nets.end(); WireId clock_wire = clock_io(ni->driver); if (clock_wire != WireId()) { clock_nets.emplace_back(net.first); new_clock = --clock_nets.end(); new_clock->clock_io_wire = clock_wire; } for (auto const &user : ni->users) { if (is_clock_port(user)) { if (new_clock == clock_nets.end()) { clock_nets.emplace_back(net.first); new_clock = --clock_nets.end(); } ++(new_clock->clock_ports); } } } // need to prioritize the nets std::sort(clock_nets.begin(), clock_nets.end()); if (ctx->verbose) { for (auto const &net : clock_nets) { log_info(" Net:%s, ports:%d, io:%s\n", net.name.c_str(ctx), net.clock_ports, net.clock_io_wire == WireId() ? "No" : net.clock_io_wire.c_str(ctx)); } } } // non clock port // returns GB pip IdString route_to_non_clock_port(WireId const dstWire, int clock, pool &used_pips, pool &undo_wires) { static std::vector one_hop = {id_S111, id_S121, id_N111, id_N121, id_W111, id_W121, id_E111, id_E121}; char buf[40]; // uphill pips for (auto const &uphill : ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire)) { WireId srcWire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(uphill); if (find(one_hop.begin(), one_hop.end(), ctx->wire_info(ctx->getPipSrcWire(uphill)).type) != one_hop.end()) { // found one hop pip if (used_wires.count(srcWire)) { if (used_wires[srcWire] != clock) { continue; } } WireInfo wi = ctx->wire_info(srcWire); std::string wire_alias = srcWire.str(ctx).substr(srcWire.str(ctx).rfind("_") + 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "R%dC%d_GB%d0_%s", wi.y + 1, wi.x + 1, clock, wire_alias.c_str()); IdString gb = ctx->id(buf); auto up_pips = ctx->getPipsUphill(srcWire); if (find(up_pips.begin(), up_pips.end(), gb) != up_pips.end()) { if (!used_wires.count(srcWire)) { used_wires.insert(std::make_pair(srcWire, clock)); undo_wires.insert(srcWire); } used_pips.insert(uphill); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" 1-hop Pip:%s\n", uphill.c_str(ctx)); } return gb; } } } return IdString(); } // route one net void route_net(onet_t const &net, int clock) { // For failed routing undo pool used_pips; pool undo_wires; log_info(" Route net %s, use clock #%d.\n", net.name.c_str(ctx), clock); for (auto const &user : ctx->net_info(net.name).users) { // >>> port <- GB0 WireId dstWire = ctx->getNetinfoSinkWire(&ctx->net_info(net.name), user, 0); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" Cell:%s, port:%s, wire:%s\n", user.cell->name.c_str(ctx), user.port.c_str(ctx), dstWire.c_str(ctx)); } char buf[30]; PipId gb_pip_id; if (user.port == id_CLK) { WireInfo const wi = ctx->wire_info(dstWire); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "R%dC%d_GB%d0_%s", wi.y + 1, wi.x + 1, clock, ctx->wire_info(dstWire).type.c_str(ctx)); gb_pip_id = ctx->id(buf); // sanity NPNR_ASSERT(find(ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).begin(), ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).end(), gb_pip_id) != ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).end()); } else { // Non clock port gb_pip_id = route_to_non_clock_port(dstWire, clock, used_pips, undo_wires); if (gb_pip_id == IdString()) { if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" Can't find route to %s, net %s will be routed in a standard way.\n", dstWire.c_str(ctx), net.name.c_str(ctx)); } for (IdString const &undo : undo_wires) { used_wires.erase(undo); } return; } } if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" GB Pip:%s\n", gb_pip_id.c_str(ctx)); } if (used_pips.count(gb_pip_id)) { if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" ^routed already^\n"); } continue; } used_pips.insert(gb_pip_id); // >>> GBOx <- GTx0 dstWire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(gb_pip_id); WireInfo dstWireInfo = ctx->wire_info(dstWire); int branch_tap_idx = clock > 3 ? 1 : 0; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "R%dC%d_GT%d0_GBO%d", dstWireInfo.y + 1, dstWireInfo.x + 1, branch_tap_idx, branch_tap_idx); PipId gt_pip_id = ctx->id(buf); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" GT Pip:%s\n", buf); } // sanity NPNR_ASSERT(find(ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).begin(), ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).end(), gt_pip_id) != ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).end()); // if already routed if (used_pips.count(gt_pip_id)) { if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" ^routed already^\n"); } continue; } used_pips.insert(gt_pip_id); // >>> GTx0 <- SPINExx // XXX no optimization here, we need to store // the SPINE <-> clock# correspondence in the database. In the // meantime, we define in run-time in a completely suboptimal way. std::vector clock_spine; dstWire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(gt_pip_id); for (auto const &uphill_pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire)) { std::string name = ctx->wire_info(ctx->getPipSrcWire(uphill_pip)).type.str(ctx); if (name.rfind("SPINE", 0) == 0) { clock_spine.push_back(name); } } sort(clock_spine.begin(), clock_spine.end(), [](const std::string &a, const std::string &b) -> bool { return (a.size() < b.size()) || (a.size() == b.size() && a < b); }); dstWireInfo = ctx->wire_info(dstWire); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "R%dC%d_%s_GT%d0", dstWireInfo.y + 1, dstWireInfo.x + 1, clock_spine[clock - branch_tap_idx * 4].c_str(), branch_tap_idx); PipId spine_pip_id = ctx->id(buf); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" Spine Pip:%s\n", buf); } // sanity NPNR_ASSERT(find(ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).begin(), ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).end(), spine_pip_id) != ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire).end()); // if already routed if (used_pips.count(spine_pip_id)) { if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" ^routed already^\n"); } continue; } used_pips.insert(spine_pip_id); // >>> SPINExx <- IO dstWire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(spine_pip_id); dstWireInfo = ctx->wire_info(dstWire); PipId io_pip_id = PipId(); for (auto const &uphill_pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(dstWire)) { if (ctx->getPipSrcWire(uphill_pip) == net.clock_io_wire) { io_pip_id = uphill_pip; } } NPNR_ASSERT(io_pip_id != PipId()); if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" IO Pip:%s\n", io_pip_id.c_str(ctx)); } // if already routed if (used_pips.count(io_pip_id)) { if (ctx->verbose) { log_info(" ^routed already^\n"); } continue; } used_pips.insert(io_pip_id); } log_info(" Net %s is routed.\n", net.name.c_str(ctx)); for (auto const pip : used_pips) { ctx->bindPip(pip, &ctx->net_info(net.name), STRENGTH_LOCKED); } ctx->bindWire(net.clock_io_wire, &ctx->net_info(net.name), STRENGTH_LOCKED); } public: Context *ctx; void route_globals() { log_info("Routing globals...\n"); std::vector clock_nets; gather_clock_nets(clock_nets); // XXX we need to use the list of indexes of clocks from the database // use 6 clocks (XXX 3 for GW1NZ-1) int max_clock = 3, cur_clock = -1; for (auto const &net : clock_nets) { // XXX only IO clock for now if (net.clock_io_wire == WireId()) { log_info(" Non IO clock, skip %s.\n", net.name.c_str(ctx)); continue; } if (++cur_clock >= max_clock) { log_info(" No more clock wires left, skip the remaining nets.\n"); break; } route_net(net, cur_clock); } } }; void route_gowin_globals(Context *ctx) { GowinGlobalRouter router(ctx); router.route_globals(); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END