/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "cell_parameters.h" #include <limits> #include "DeviceResources.capnp.h" #include "context.h" #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr_assertions.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN CellParameters::CellParameters() // 1'b0 : verilog_binary_re("([1-9][0-9]*)'b([01]+)$"), // 8'hF verilog_hex_re("([1-9][0-9]*)'h([0-9a-fA-F]+)$"), // 0b10 c_binary_re("0b([01]+)$"), // 0xF c_hex_re("0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)$") { } void CellParameters::init(const Context *ctx) { for (const CellParameterPOD &cell_parameter : ctx->chip_info->cell_map->cell_parameters) { IdString cell_type(cell_parameter.cell_type); IdString parameter(cell_parameter.parameter); auto result = parameters.emplace(std::make_pair(cell_type, parameter), &cell_parameter); NPNR_ASSERT(result.second); } } static bool parse_int(const std::string &data, int64_t *result) { NPNR_ASSERT(result != nullptr); try { *result = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(data); return true; } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &e) { return false; } } DynamicBitarray<> CellParameters::parse_int_like(const Context *ctx, IdString cell_type, IdString parameter, const Property &property) const { const CellParameterPOD *definition = parameters.at(std::make_pair(cell_type, parameter)); DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat format; format = static_cast<DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat>(definition->format); DynamicBitarray<> result; switch (format) { case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::BOOLEAN: result.resize(1); if (property.is_string) { if (property.as_string() == "TRUE" || property.as_string() == "1") { result.set(0, true); } else if (property.as_string() == "FALSE" || property.as_string() == "0") { result.set(0, false); } else { log_error("Property value %s not expected for BOOLEAN type.\n", property.c_str()); } } else { if (property.intval == 1) { result.set(0, true); } else if (property.intval == 0) { result.set(0, false); } else { log_error("Property value %lu not expected for BOOLEAN type.\n", property.intval); } } return result; case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::INTEGER: if (property.is_string) { char *endptr; std::uintmax_t value = strtoumax(property.c_str(), &endptr, /*base=*/10); if (endptr != (property.c_str() + property.size())) { log_error("Property value %s not expected for INTEGER type.\n", property.c_str()); } return DynamicBitarray<>::to_bitarray(value); } else { return DynamicBitarray<>::to_bitarray(property.intval); } break; case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::VERILOG_BINARY: if (property.is_string) { std::smatch m; if (!std::regex_match(property.as_string(), m, verilog_binary_re)) { log_error("Property value %s not expected for VERILOG_BINARY type.\n", property.c_str()); } int64_t width; if (!parse_int(m[1], &width)) { log_error("Failed to parse width from property value %s of type VERILOG_BINARY.\n", property.c_str()); } if (width < 0) { log_error("Expected width to be positive for property value %s\n", property.c_str()); } return DynamicBitarray<>::parse_binary_bitstring(width, m[2]); } else { return DynamicBitarray<>::to_bitarray(property.intval); } break; case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::VERILOG_HEX: if (property.is_string) { std::smatch m; if (!std::regex_match(property.as_string(), m, verilog_hex_re)) { log_error("Property value %s not expected for VERILOG_HEX type.\n", property.c_str()); } int64_t width; if (!parse_int(m[1], &width)) { log_error("Failed to parse width from property value %s of type VERILOG_HEX.\n", property.c_str()); } if (width < 0) { log_error("Expected width to be positive for property value %s\n", property.c_str()); } return DynamicBitarray<>::parse_hex_bitstring(width, m[2]); } else { return DynamicBitarray<>::to_bitarray(property.intval); } break; case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::C_BINARY: if (property.is_string) { std::smatch m; if (!std::regex_match(property.as_string(), m, c_binary_re)) { log_error("Property value %s not expected for C_BINARY type.\n", property.c_str()); } return DynamicBitarray<>::parse_binary_bitstring(/*width=*/-1, m[1]); } else { return DynamicBitarray<>::to_bitarray(property.intval); } break; case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::C_HEX: if (property.is_string) { std::smatch m; if (!std::regex_match(property.as_string(), m, c_hex_re)) { log_error("Property value %s not expected for C_HEX type.\n", property.c_str()); } return DynamicBitarray<>::parse_hex_bitstring(/*width=*/-1, m[1]); } else { return DynamicBitarray<>::to_bitarray(property.intval); } break; default: log_error("Format %d is not int-like\n", definition->format); } // Unreachable! NPNR_ASSERT(false); } bool CellParameters::compare_property(const Context *ctx, IdString cell_type, IdString parameter, const Property &property, IdString value_to_compare) const { const CellParameterPOD *definition = parameters.at(std::make_pair(cell_type, parameter)); DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat format; format = static_cast<DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat>(definition->format); switch (format) { case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::STRING: return value_to_compare.c_str(ctx) == property.as_string(); case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::FLOATING_POINT: // Note: Comparing floating point is pretty weird log_warning("Doing direct comparisions on floating points values is pretty weird, double check this. Cell " "type %s parameter %s\n", cell_type.c_str(ctx), parameter.c_str(ctx)); return value_to_compare.c_str(ctx) == property.as_string(); case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::BOOLEAN: case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::INTEGER: case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::VERILOG_BINARY: case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::VERILOG_HEX: case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::C_BINARY: case DeviceResources::Device::ParameterFormat::C_HEX: { if (property.is_string) { // Given that string presentations should be equivalent if // formatted consistently, this should work most and or all of // the time. If there are important exceptions, revisit this. return property.as_string() == value_to_compare.c_str(ctx); } else { int64_t int_to_compare; if (!parse_int(value_to_compare.c_str(ctx), &int_to_compare)) { log_error("Comparision failed, to compare value %s is not int-like\n", value_to_compare.c_str(ctx)); } return property.intval == int_to_compare; } } } // Unreachable! NPNR_ASSERT(false); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END