# nextpnr-ecp5 Primitive Support List

nextpnr-ecp5 currently supports the following primitives:
 - **ALU54B** - 54-bit ternary adder/subtractor (limited support, must be manually placed)
 - **CCU2C** - 2x LUT4 with carry logic
 - **CLKDIVF** - clock divider
 - **DCUA** - dual channel 3/5Gbps SERDES
 - **DDRDLLA** - 90° delay for DQS or clock for DDR interface
 - **DELAYF** - configurable signal delay
 - **DELAYG** - simple signal delay
 - **DP16KD** - true dual port block RAM
 - **DQSBUFM** - DQS control for DDR memory
 - **DTR** - die temperature readout *notice: The IO-names in the FPGA Libraries Reference Guide 08/16 are wrong*
 - **ECLKSYNCB** - edge clock stop/synchronisation
 - **EHXPLLL** - phase-locked-loop
 - **EXTREFB** - reference clock input buffer for external clock for SERDES
 - **GSR** - global set/reset interface
 - **IDDR71B** - 7:1 input gearbox
 - **IDDRX1F** - generic 1:2 input DDR
 - **IDDRX2DQA** - DDR2/3 memory 1:4 input interface
 - **IDDRX2F** - generic 1:4 input DDR
 - **JTAGG** - JTAG access to fabric
 - **L6MUX21** - 2 input multiplexer for LUT6 and above
 - **LUT4** - 4 input Look Up Table
 - **MULT18X18D** - DSP multiplier (cascade functionality not supported)
 - **ODDR71B** - 7:1 ODDR implementation
 - **ODDRX1F** - generic 2:1 output DDR
 - **ODDRX2DQA** - memory 4:1 output DDR primitive for DQ outputs
 - **ODDRX2DQSB** - memory 4:1 output DDR primitive for DQS outputs
 - **ODDRX2F** - generic 4:1 output DDR
 - **OSCG** - internal oscillator
 - **OSHX2A** - memory 4:1 output DDR primitive for address and command
 - **PCSCLKDIV** - clock divider for SERDES clock outputs
 - **PFUMX** - 2 input multiplexer for LUT5s
 - **SEDGA** - allows checking configuration data for soft-errors, see TN1268 (untested)
 - **TRELLIS_DPR16X4** - 16x4 LUTRAM
 - **TRELLIS_ECLKBUF** - internal edge clock buffer
 - **TRELLIS_FF** - SLICE flipflop
 - **TRELLIS_IO** - tristate IO, mapped by Yosys from BB, IB, OB, etc
 - **TRELLIS_SLICE** - logic SLICE (2x LUT4, 2x FF, 2x MUX2, CCU2 carry)
 - **TSHX2DQA** - tristate control for DQ data output for DDR2 and DDR3 memory
 - **TSHX2DQSA** - tristate control for DQS output
 - **USRMCLK** - provides access to SPI flash clock (MCLK)