/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah <david@symbioticeda.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Timing-optimised detailed placement algorithm using BFS of the neighbour graph created from cells * on a critical path * * Based on "An Effective Timing-Driven Detailed Placement Algorithm for FPGAs" * https://www.cerc.utexas.edu/utda/publications/C205.pdf * * Modifications made to deal with the smaller Bels that nextpnr uses instead of swapping whole tiles, * and deal with the fact that not every cell on the crit path may be swappable. */ #include "timing_opt.h" #include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp> #include <queue> #include "nextpnr.h" #include "timing.h" #include "util.h" namespace std { template <> struct hash<std::pair<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString, NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString>> { std::size_t operator()( const std::pair<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString, NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString> &idp) const noexcept { std::size_t seed = 0; boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString>()(idp.first)); boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString>()(idp.second)); return seed; } }; template <> struct hash<std::pair<int, NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX BelId>> { std::size_t operator()(const std::pair<int, NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX BelId> &idp) const noexcept { std::size_t seed = 0; boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<int>()(idp.first)); boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX BelId>()(idp.second)); return seed; } }; #if !defined(ARCH_GOWIN) template <> struct hash<std::pair<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString, NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX BelId>> { std::size_t operator()(const std::pair<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString, NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX BelId> &idp) const noexcept { std::size_t seed = 0; boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString>()(idp.first)); boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX BelId>()(idp.second)); return seed; } }; #endif } // namespace std NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class TimingOptimiser { public: TimingOptimiser(Context *ctx, TimingOptCfg cfg) : ctx(ctx), cfg(cfg), tmg(ctx){}; bool optimise() { log_info("Running timing-driven placement optimisation...\n"); ctx->lock(); if (ctx->verbose) timing_analysis(ctx, false, true, false, false); tmg.setup(); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { log_info(" Iteration %d...\n", i); tmg.run(); setup_delay_limits(); auto crit_paths = find_crit_paths(0.98, 50000); for (auto &path : crit_paths) optimise_path(path); if (ctx->verbose) timing_analysis(ctx, false, true, false, false); } ctx->unlock(); return true; } private: void setup_delay_limits() { max_net_delay.clear(); for (auto net : sorted(ctx->nets)) { NetInfo *ni = net.second; for (auto usr : ni->users) { max_net_delay[std::make_pair(usr.cell->name, usr.port)] = std::numeric_limits<delay_t>::max(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ni->users.size(); i++) { auto &usr = ni->users.at(i); delay_t net_delay = ctx->getNetinfoRouteDelay(ni, usr); delay_t slack = tmg.get_setup_slack(CellPortKey(usr)); delay_t domain_slack = tmg.get_domain_setup_slack(CellPortKey(usr)); if (slack == std::numeric_limits<delay_t>::max()) continue; max_net_delay[std::make_pair(usr.cell->name, usr.port)] = net_delay + ((slack - domain_slack) / 10); } } } bool check_cell_delay_limits(CellInfo *cell) { for (const auto &port : cell->ports) { int nc; if (ctx->getPortTimingClass(cell, port.first, nc) == TMG_IGNORE) continue; NetInfo *net = port.second.net; if (net == nullptr) continue; if (port.second.type == PORT_IN) { if (net->driver.cell == nullptr || net->driver.cell->bel == BelId()) continue; for (auto user : net->users) { if (user.cell == cell && user.port == port.first) { if (ctx->predictDelay(net, user) > 1.1 * max_net_delay.at(std::make_pair(cell->name, port.first))) return false; } } } else if (port.second.type == PORT_OUT) { for (auto user : net->users) { // This could get expensive for high-fanout nets?? BelId dstBel = user.cell->bel; if (dstBel == BelId()) continue; if (ctx->predictDelay(net, user) > 1.1 * max_net_delay.at(std::make_pair(user.cell->name, user.port))) { return false; } } } } return true; } BelId cell_swap_bel(CellInfo *cell, BelId newBel) { BelId oldBel = cell->bel; if (oldBel == newBel) return oldBel; CellInfo *other_cell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(newBel); NPNR_ASSERT(other_cell == nullptr || other_cell->belStrength <= STRENGTH_WEAK); ctx->unbindBel(oldBel); if (other_cell != nullptr) { ctx->unbindBel(newBel); ctx->bindBel(oldBel, other_cell, STRENGTH_WEAK); } ctx->bindBel(newBel, cell, STRENGTH_WEAK); return oldBel; } // Check that a series of moves are both legal and remain within maximum delay bounds // Moves are specified as a vector of pairs <cell, oldBel> bool acceptable_move(std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> &move, bool check_delays = true) { for (auto &entry : move) { if (!ctx->isBelLocationValid(entry.first->bel)) return false; if (!ctx->isBelLocationValid(entry.second)) return false; if (!check_delays) continue; if (!check_cell_delay_limits(entry.first)) return false; // We might have swapped another cell onto the original bel. Check this for max delay violations // too CellInfo *swapped = ctx->getBoundBelCell(entry.second); if (swapped != nullptr && !check_cell_delay_limits(swapped)) return false; } return true; } int find_neighbours(CellInfo *cell, IdString prev_cell, int d, bool allow_swap) { BelId curr = cell->bel; Loc curr_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(curr); int found_count = 0; cell_neighbour_bels[cell->name] = std::unordered_set<BelId>{}; for (int dy = -d; dy <= d; dy++) { for (int dx = -d; dx <= d; dx++) { // Go through all the Bels at this location // First, find all bels of the correct type that are either unbound or bound normally // Strongly bound bels are ignored // FIXME: This means that we cannot touch carry chains or similar relatively constrained macros std::vector<BelId> free_bels_at_loc; std::vector<BelId> bound_bels_at_loc; for (auto bel : ctx->getBelsByTile(curr_loc.x + dx, curr_loc.y + dy)) { if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, bel)) continue; CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel); if (bound == nullptr) { free_bels_at_loc.push_back(bel); } else if (bound->belStrength <= STRENGTH_WEAK && bound->constr_parent == nullptr && bound->constr_children.empty()) { bound_bels_at_loc.push_back(bel); } } BelId candidate; while (!free_bels_at_loc.empty() || !bound_bels_at_loc.empty()) { BelId try_bel; if (!free_bels_at_loc.empty()) { int try_idx = ctx->rng(int(free_bels_at_loc.size())); try_bel = free_bels_at_loc.at(try_idx); free_bels_at_loc.erase(free_bels_at_loc.begin() + try_idx); } else { int try_idx = ctx->rng(int(bound_bels_at_loc.size())); try_bel = bound_bels_at_loc.at(try_idx); bound_bels_at_loc.erase(bound_bels_at_loc.begin() + try_idx); } if (bel_candidate_cells.count(try_bel) && !allow_swap) { // Overlap is only allowed if it is with the previous cell (this is handled by removing those // edges in the graph), or if allow_swap is true to deal with cases where overlap means few // neighbours are identified if (bel_candidate_cells.at(try_bel).size() > 1 || (bel_candidate_cells.at(try_bel).size() == 1 && *(bel_candidate_cells.at(try_bel).begin()) != prev_cell)) continue; } // TODO: what else to check here? candidate = try_bel; break; } if (candidate != BelId()) { cell_neighbour_bels[cell->name].insert(candidate); bel_candidate_cells[candidate].insert(cell->name); // Work out if we need to delete any overlap std::vector<IdString> overlap; for (auto other : bel_candidate_cells[candidate]) if (other != cell->name && other != prev_cell) overlap.push_back(other); if (overlap.size() > 0) NPNR_ASSERT(allow_swap); for (auto ov : overlap) { bel_candidate_cells[candidate].erase(ov); cell_neighbour_bels[ov].erase(candidate); } } } } return found_count; } std::vector<std::vector<PortRef *>> find_crit_paths(float crit_thresh, size_t max_count) { std::vector<std::vector<PortRef *>> crit_paths; std::vector<std::pair<NetInfo *, int>> crit_nets; std::vector<IdString> netnames; std::transform(ctx->nets.begin(), ctx->nets.end(), std::back_inserter(netnames), [](const std::pair<const IdString, std::unique_ptr<NetInfo>> &kv) { return kv.first; }); ctx->sorted_shuffle(netnames); for (auto net : netnames) { if (crit_nets.size() >= max_count) break; float highest_crit = 0; size_t crit_user_idx = 0; NetInfo *ni = ctx->nets.at(net).get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ni->users.size(); i++) { float crit = tmg.get_criticality(CellPortKey(ni->users.at(i))); if (crit > highest_crit) { highest_crit = crit; crit_user_idx = i; } } if (highest_crit > crit_thresh) crit_nets.push_back(std::make_pair(ni, crit_user_idx)); } auto port_user_index = [](CellInfo *cell, PortInfo &port) -> size_t { NPNR_ASSERT(port.net != nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < port.net->users.size(); i++) { auto &usr = port.net->users.at(i); if (usr.cell == cell && usr.port == port.name) return i; } NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("port user not found on net"); }; std::unordered_set<PortRef *> used_ports; for (auto crit_net : crit_nets) { if (used_ports.count(&(crit_net.first->users.at(crit_net.second)))) continue; std::deque<PortRef *> crit_path; // FIXME: This will fail badly on combinational loops // Iterate backwards following greatest criticality NetInfo *back_cursor = crit_net.first; while (back_cursor != nullptr) { float max_crit = 0; std::pair<NetInfo *, size_t> crit_sink{nullptr, 0}; CellInfo *cell = back_cursor->driver.cell; if (cell == nullptr) break; for (auto port : cell->ports) { if (port.second.type != PORT_IN) continue; NetInfo *pn = port.second.net; if (pn == nullptr) continue; int ccount; DelayQuad combDelay; TimingPortClass tpclass = ctx->getPortTimingClass(cell, port.first, ccount); if (tpclass != TMG_COMB_INPUT) continue; bool is_path = ctx->getCellDelay(cell, port.first, back_cursor->driver.port, combDelay); if (!is_path) continue; size_t user_idx = port_user_index(cell, port.second); float usr_crit = tmg.get_criticality(CellPortKey(cell->name, port.first)); if (used_ports.count(&(pn->users.at(user_idx)))) continue; if (usr_crit >= max_crit) { max_crit = usr_crit; crit_sink = std::make_pair(pn, user_idx); } } if (crit_sink.first != nullptr) { crit_path.push_front(&(crit_sink.first->users.at(crit_sink.second))); used_ports.insert(&(crit_sink.first->users.at(crit_sink.second))); } back_cursor = crit_sink.first; } // Iterate forwards following greatest criticiality PortRef *fwd_cursor = &(crit_net.first->users.at(crit_net.second)); while (fwd_cursor != nullptr) { crit_path.push_back(fwd_cursor); float max_crit = 0; std::pair<NetInfo *, size_t> crit_sink{nullptr, 0}; CellInfo *cell = fwd_cursor->cell; for (auto port : cell->ports) { if (port.second.type != PORT_OUT) continue; NetInfo *pn = port.second.net; if (pn == nullptr) continue; int ccount; DelayQuad combDelay; TimingPortClass tpclass = ctx->getPortTimingClass(cell, port.first, ccount); if (tpclass != TMG_COMB_OUTPUT && tpclass != TMG_REGISTER_OUTPUT) continue; bool is_path = ctx->getCellDelay(cell, fwd_cursor->port, port.first, combDelay); if (!is_path) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < pn->users.size(); i++) { if (used_ports.count(&(pn->users.at(i)))) continue; float crit = tmg.get_criticality(CellPortKey(pn->users.at(i))); if (crit >= max_crit) { max_crit = crit; crit_sink = std::make_pair(pn, i); } } } if (crit_sink.first != nullptr) { fwd_cursor = &(crit_sink.first->users.at(crit_sink.second)); used_ports.insert(&(crit_sink.first->users.at(crit_sink.second))); } else { fwd_cursor = nullptr; } } std::vector<PortRef *> crit_path_vec; std::copy(crit_path.begin(), crit_path.end(), std::back_inserter(crit_path_vec)); crit_paths.push_back(crit_path_vec); } return crit_paths; } void optimise_path(std::vector<PortRef *> &path) { path_cells.clear(); cell_neighbour_bels.clear(); bel_candidate_cells.clear(); if (ctx->debug) log_info("Optimising the following path: \n"); auto front_port = path.front(); NetInfo *front_net = front_port->cell->ports.at(front_port->port).net; if (front_net != nullptr && front_net->driver.cell != nullptr) { auto front_cell = front_net->driver.cell; if (front_cell->belStrength <= STRENGTH_WEAK && cfg.cellTypes.count(front_cell->type) && front_cell->constr_parent == nullptr && front_cell->constr_children.empty()) { path_cells.push_back(front_cell->name); } } for (auto port : path) { if (ctx->debug) { float crit = tmg.get_criticality(CellPortKey(*port)); log_info(" %s.%s at %s crit %0.02f\n", port->cell->name.c_str(ctx), port->port.c_str(ctx), ctx->nameOfBel(port->cell->bel), crit); } if (std::find(path_cells.begin(), path_cells.end(), port->cell->name) != path_cells.end()) continue; if (port->cell->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK || !cfg.cellTypes.count(port->cell->type) || port->cell->constr_parent != nullptr || !port->cell->constr_children.empty()) continue; if (ctx->debug) log_info(" can move\n"); path_cells.push_back(port->cell->name); } if (path_cells.size() < 2) { if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Too few moveable cells; skipping path\n"); log_break(); } return; } // Calculate original delay before touching anything delay_t original_delay = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { NetInfo *pn = path.at(i)->cell->ports.at(path.at(i)->port).net; for (size_t j = 0; j < pn->users.size(); j++) { auto &usr = pn->users.at(j); if (usr.cell == path.at(i)->cell && usr.port == path.at(i)->port) { original_delay += ctx->predictDelay(pn, usr); break; } } } IdString last_cell; const int d = 2; // FIXME: how to best determine d for (auto cell : path_cells) { // FIXME: when should we allow swapping due to a lack of candidates find_neighbours(ctx->cells[cell].get(), last_cell, d, false); last_cell = cell; } if (ctx->debug) { for (auto cell : path_cells) { log_info("Candidate neighbours for %s (%s):\n", cell.c_str(ctx), ctx->nameOfBel(ctx->cells[cell]->bel)); for (auto neigh : cell_neighbour_bels.at(cell)) { log_info(" %s\n", ctx->nameOfBel(neigh)); } } } // Actual BFS path optimisation algorithm std::unordered_map<IdString, std::unordered_map<BelId, delay_t>> cumul_costs; std::unordered_map<std::pair<IdString, BelId>, std::pair<IdString, BelId>> backtrace; std::queue<std::pair<int, BelId>> visit; std::unordered_set<std::pair<int, BelId>> to_visit; for (auto startbel : cell_neighbour_bels[path_cells.front()]) { // Swap for legality check CellInfo *cell = ctx->cells.at(path_cells.front()).get(); BelId origBel = cell_swap_bel(cell, startbel); std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> move{std::make_pair(cell, origBel)}; if (acceptable_move(move)) { auto entry = std::make_pair(0, startbel); visit.push(entry); cumul_costs[path_cells.front()][startbel] = 0; } // Swap back cell_swap_bel(cell, origBel); } while (!visit.empty()) { auto entry = visit.front(); visit.pop(); auto cellname = path_cells.at(entry.first); if (entry.first == int(path_cells.size()) - 1) continue; std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> move; // Apply the entire backtrace for accurate legality and delay checks // This is probably pretty expensive (but also probably pales in comparison to the number of swaps // SA will make...) std::vector<std::pair<IdString, BelId>> route_to_entry; auto cursor = std::make_pair(cellname, entry.second); route_to_entry.push_back(cursor); while (backtrace.count(cursor)) { cursor = backtrace.at(cursor); route_to_entry.push_back(cursor); } for (auto rt_entry : boost::adaptors::reverse(route_to_entry)) { CellInfo *cell = ctx->cells.at(rt_entry.first).get(); BelId origBel = cell_swap_bel(cell, rt_entry.second); move.push_back(std::make_pair(cell, origBel)); } // Have a look at where we can travel from here for (auto neighbour : cell_neighbour_bels.at(path_cells.at(entry.first + 1))) { // Edges between overlapping bels are deleted if (neighbour == entry.second) continue; // Experimentally swap the next path cell onto the neighbour bel we are trying IdString ncname = path_cells.at(entry.first + 1); CellInfo *next_cell = ctx->cells.at(ncname).get(); BelId origBel = cell_swap_bel(next_cell, neighbour); move.push_back(std::make_pair(next_cell, origBel)); delay_t total_delay = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { NetInfo *pn = path.at(i)->cell->ports.at(path.at(i)->port).net; for (size_t j = 0; j < pn->users.size(); j++) { auto &usr = pn->users.at(j); if (usr.cell == path.at(i)->cell && usr.port == path.at(i)->port) { total_delay += ctx->predictDelay(pn, usr); break; } } if (path.at(i)->cell == next_cell) break; } // First, check if the move is actually worthwhile from a delay point of view before the expensive // legality check if (!cumul_costs.count(ncname) || !cumul_costs.at(ncname).count(neighbour) || cumul_costs.at(ncname).at(neighbour) > total_delay) { // Now check that the swaps we have made to get here are legal and meet max delay requirements if (acceptable_move(move)) { cumul_costs[ncname][neighbour] = total_delay; backtrace[std::make_pair(ncname, neighbour)] = std::make_pair(cellname, entry.second); if (!to_visit.count(std::make_pair(entry.first + 1, neighbour))) visit.push(std::make_pair(entry.first + 1, neighbour)); } } // Revert the experimental swap cell_swap_bel(move.back().first, move.back().second); move.pop_back(); } // Revert move by swapping cells back to their original order // Execute swaps in reverse order to how we made them originally for (auto move_entry : boost::adaptors::reverse(move)) { cell_swap_bel(move_entry.first, move_entry.second); } } // Did we find a solution?? if (cumul_costs.count(path_cells.back())) { // Find the end position with the lowest total delay auto &end_options = cumul_costs.at(path_cells.back()); auto lowest = std::min_element(end_options.begin(), end_options.end(), [](const std::pair<BelId, delay_t> &a, const std::pair<BelId, delay_t> &b) { return a.second < b.second; }); NPNR_ASSERT(lowest != end_options.end()); std::vector<std::pair<IdString, BelId>> route_to_solution; auto cursor = std::make_pair(path_cells.back(), lowest->first); route_to_solution.push_back(cursor); while (backtrace.count(cursor)) { cursor = backtrace.at(cursor); route_to_solution.push_back(cursor); } if (ctx->debug) log_info("Found a solution with cost %.02f ns (existing path %.02f ns)\n", ctx->getDelayNS(lowest->second), ctx->getDelayNS(original_delay)); for (auto rt_entry : boost::adaptors::reverse(route_to_solution)) { CellInfo *cell = ctx->cells.at(rt_entry.first).get(); cell_swap_bel(cell, rt_entry.second); if (ctx->debug) log_info(" %s at %s\n", rt_entry.first.c_str(ctx), ctx->nameOfBel(rt_entry.second)); } } else { if (ctx->debug) log_info("Solution was not found\n"); } if (ctx->debug) log_break(); } // Current candidate Bels for cells (linked in both direction> std::vector<IdString> path_cells; std::unordered_map<IdString, std::unordered_set<BelId>> cell_neighbour_bels; std::unordered_map<BelId, std::unordered_set<IdString>> bel_candidate_cells; // Map cell ports to net delay limit std::unordered_map<std::pair<IdString, IdString>, delay_t> max_net_delay; Context *ctx; TimingOptCfg cfg; TimingAnalyser tmg; }; bool timing_opt(Context *ctx, TimingOptCfg cfg) { return TimingOptimiser(ctx, cfg).optimise(); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END