/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf <clifford@symbioticeda.com> * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah <david@symbioticeda.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef PYWRAPPERS_H #define PYWRAPPERS_H #include <boost/function_types/function_arity.hpp> #include <boost/function_types/function_type.hpp> #include <boost/function_types/parameter_types.hpp> #include <boost/function_types/result_type.hpp> #include <boost/python.hpp> #include <boost/python/suite/indexing/map_indexing_suite.hpp> #include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp> #include <utility> #include "nextpnr.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN using namespace boost::python; namespace PythonConversion { template <typename T> struct ContextualWrapper { Context *ctx; T base; inline ContextualWrapper(Context *c, T x) : ctx(c), base(x){}; inline operator T() { return base; }; typedef T base_type; }; template <typename T> struct WrapIfNotContext { typedef ContextualWrapper<T> maybe_wrapped_t; }; template <> struct WrapIfNotContext<Context> { typedef Context maybe_wrapped_t; }; template <typename T> inline Context *get_ctx(typename WrapIfNotContext<T>::maybe_wrapped_t &wrp_ctx) { return wrp_ctx.ctx; } template <> inline Context *get_ctx<Context>(WrapIfNotContext<Context>::maybe_wrapped_t &unwrp_ctx) { return &unwrp_ctx; } template <typename T> inline T &get_base(typename WrapIfNotContext<T>::maybe_wrapped_t &wrp_ctx) { return wrp_ctx.base; } template <> inline Context &get_base<Context>(WrapIfNotContext<Context>::maybe_wrapped_t &unwrp_ctx) { return unwrp_ctx; } template <typename T> ContextualWrapper<T> wrap_ctx(Context *ctx, T x) { return ContextualWrapper<T>(ctx, x); } // Dummy class, to be implemented by users template <typename T> struct string_converter; class bad_wrap { }; // Action options template <typename T> struct pass_through { inline T operator()(Context *ctx, T x) { return x; } using ret_type = T; using arg_type = T; }; template <typename T> struct wrap_context { inline ContextualWrapper<T> operator()(Context *ctx, T x) { return ContextualWrapper<T>(ctx, x); } using arg_type = T; using ret_type = ContextualWrapper<T>; }; template <typename T> struct unwrap_context { inline T operator()(Context *ctx, ContextualWrapper<T> x) { return x.base; } using ret_type = T; using arg_type = ContextualWrapper<T>; }; template <typename T> struct conv_from_str { inline T operator()(Context *ctx, std::string x) { return string_converter<T>().from_str(ctx, x); } using ret_type = T; using arg_type = std::string; }; template <typename T> struct conv_to_str { inline std::string operator()(Context *ctx, T x) { return string_converter<T>().to_str(ctx, x); } using ret_type = std::string; using arg_type = T; }; template <typename T> struct deref_and_wrap { inline ContextualWrapper<T &> operator()(Context *ctx, T *x) { if (x == nullptr) throw bad_wrap(); return ContextualWrapper<T &>(ctx, *x); } using arg_type = T *; using ret_type = ContextualWrapper<T &>; }; template <typename T> struct addr_and_unwrap { inline T *operator()(Context *ctx, ContextualWrapper<T &> x) { return &(x.base); } using arg_type = ContextualWrapper<T &>; using ret_type = T *; }; // Function wrapper // Zero parameters, one return template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn, typename rv_conv> struct fn_wrapper_0a { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_result_type = typename rv_conv::ret_type; static conv_result_type wrapped_fn(class_type &cls) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return rv_conv()(ctx, (base.*fn)()); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // One parameter, one return template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn, typename rv_conv, typename arg1_conv> struct fn_wrapper_1a { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_result_type = typename rv_conv::ret_type; using conv_arg1_type = typename arg1_conv::arg_type; static conv_result_type wrapped_fn(class_type &cls, conv_arg1_type arg1) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return rv_conv()(ctx, (base.*fn)(arg1_conv()(ctx, arg1))); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // Two parameters, one return template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn, typename rv_conv, typename arg1_conv, typename arg2_conv> struct fn_wrapper_2a { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_result_type = typename rv_conv::ret_type; using conv_arg1_type = typename arg1_conv::arg_type; using conv_arg2_type = typename arg2_conv::arg_type; static conv_result_type wrapped_fn(class_type &cls, conv_arg1_type arg1, conv_arg2_type arg2) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return rv_conv()(ctx, (base.*fn)(arg1_conv()(ctx, arg1), arg2_conv()(ctx, arg2))); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // Three parameters, one return template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn, typename rv_conv, typename arg1_conv, typename arg2_conv, typename arg3_conv> struct fn_wrapper_3a { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_result_type = typename rv_conv::ret_type; using conv_arg1_type = typename arg1_conv::arg_type; using conv_arg2_type = typename arg2_conv::arg_type; using conv_arg3_type = typename arg3_conv::arg_type; static conv_result_type wrapped_fn(class_type &cls, conv_arg1_type arg1, conv_arg2_type arg2, conv_arg3_type arg3) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return rv_conv()(ctx, (base.*fn)(arg1_conv()(ctx, arg1), arg2_conv()(ctx, arg2), arg3_conv()(ctx, arg3))); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // Zero parameters void template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn> struct fn_wrapper_0a_v { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; static void wrapped_fn(class_type &cls) { Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return (base.*fn)(); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // One parameter, void template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn, typename arg1_conv> struct fn_wrapper_1a_v { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_arg1_type = typename arg1_conv::arg_type; static void wrapped_fn(class_type &cls, conv_arg1_type arg1) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return (base.*fn)(arg1_conv()(ctx, arg1)); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // Two parameters, one return template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn, typename arg1_conv, typename arg2_conv> struct fn_wrapper_2a_v { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_arg1_type = typename arg1_conv::arg_type; using conv_arg2_type = typename arg2_conv::arg_type; static void wrapped_fn(class_type &cls, conv_arg1_type arg1, conv_arg2_type arg2) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return (base.*fn)(arg1_conv()(ctx, arg1), arg2_conv()(ctx, arg2)); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // Three parameters, one return template <typename Class, typename FuncT, FuncT fn, typename arg1_conv, typename arg2_conv, typename arg3_conv> struct fn_wrapper_3a_v { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_arg1_type = typename arg1_conv::arg_type; using conv_arg2_type = typename arg2_conv::arg_type; using conv_arg3_type = typename arg3_conv::arg_type; static void wrapped_fn(class_type &cls, conv_arg1_type arg1, conv_arg2_type arg2, conv_arg3_type arg3) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); return (base.*fn)(arg1_conv()(ctx, arg1), arg2_conv()(ctx, arg2), arg3_conv()(ctx, arg3)); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.def(name, wrapped_fn); } }; // Wrapped getter template <typename Class, typename MemT, MemT mem, typename v_conv> struct readonly_wrapper { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_val_type = typename v_conv::ret_type; static object wrapped_getter(class_type &cls) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); try { return object(v_conv()(ctx, (base.*mem))); } catch (bad_wrap &) { return object(); } } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.add_property(name, wrapped_getter); } }; // Wrapped getter/setter template <typename Class, typename MemT, MemT mem, typename get_conv, typename set_conv> struct readwrite_wrapper { using class_type = typename WrapIfNotContext<Class>::maybe_wrapped_t; using conv_val_type = typename get_conv::ret_type; static object wrapped_getter(class_type &cls) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); try { return object(get_conv()(ctx, (base.*mem))); } catch (bad_wrap &) { return object(); } } using conv_arg_type = typename set_conv::arg_type; static void wrapped_setter(class_type &cls, conv_arg_type val) { Context *ctx = get_ctx<Class>(cls); Class &base = get_base<Class>(cls); (base.*mem) = set_conv()(ctx, val); } template <typename WrapCls> static void def_wrap(WrapCls cls_, const char *name) { cls_.add_property(name, wrapped_getter, wrapped_setter); } }; } // namespace PythonConversion NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END #endif