/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2019 gatecat <gatecat@ds0.me> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "nextpnr.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace SDF { struct MinMaxTyp { double min, typ, max; }; struct RiseFallDelay { MinMaxTyp rise, fall; }; struct PortAndEdge { std::string port; ClockEdge edge; }; struct IOPath { std::string from, to; RiseFallDelay delay; }; struct TimingCheck { enum CheckType { SETUPHOLD, PERIOD, WIDTH } type; PortAndEdge from, to; RiseFallDelay delay; }; struct Cell { std::string celltype, instance; std::vector<IOPath> iopaths; std::vector<TimingCheck> checks; }; struct CellPort { std::string cell, port; }; struct Interconnect { CellPort from, to; RiseFallDelay delay; }; struct SDFWriter { bool cvc_mode = false; std::vector<Cell> cells; std::vector<Interconnect> conn; std::string sdfversion, design, vendor, program; std::string format_name(const std::string &name) { std::string fmt = "\""; for (char c : name) { if (c == '\\' || c == '\"') fmt += "\""; fmt += c; } fmt += "\""; return fmt; } std::string escape_name(const std::string &name) { std::string esc; for (char c : name) { if (c == '$' || c == '\\' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == ':' || (cvc_mode && c == '.')) esc += '\\'; esc += c; } return esc; } std::string timing_check_name(TimingCheck::CheckType type) { switch (type) { case TimingCheck::SETUPHOLD: return "SETUPHOLD"; case TimingCheck::PERIOD: return "PERIOD"; case TimingCheck::WIDTH: return "WIDTH"; default: NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("unknown timing check type"); } } void write_delay(std::ostream &out, const RiseFallDelay &delay) { write_delay(out, delay.rise); out << " "; write_delay(out, delay.fall); } void write_delay(std::ostream &out, const MinMaxTyp &delay) { if (cvc_mode) out << "(" << int(delay.min) << ":" << int(delay.typ) << ":" << int(delay.max) << ")"; else out << "(" << delay.min << ":" << delay.typ << ":" << delay.max << ")"; } void write_port(std::ostream &out, const CellPort &port) { if (cvc_mode) out << escape_name(port.cell) + "." + escape_name(port.port); else out << escape_name(port.cell + "/" + port.port); } void write_portedge(std::ostream &out, const PortAndEdge &pe) { out << "(" << (pe.edge == RISING_EDGE ? "posedge" : "negedge") << " " << escape_name(pe.port) << ")"; } void write(std::ostream &out) { out << "(DELAYFILE" << std::endl; // Headers and metadata out << " (SDFVERSION " << format_name(sdfversion) << ")" << std::endl; out << " (DESIGN " << format_name(design) << ")" << std::endl; out << " (VENDOR " << format_name(vendor) << ")" << std::endl; out << " (PROGRAM " << format_name(program) << ")" << std::endl; out << " (DIVIDER " << (cvc_mode ? "." : "/") << ")" << std::endl; out << " (TIMESCALE 1ps)" << std::endl; // Write interconnect delays, with the main design begin a "cell" out << " (CELL" << std::endl; out << " (CELLTYPE " << format_name(design) << ")" << std::endl; out << " (INSTANCE )" << std::endl; out << " (DELAY" << std::endl; out << " (ABSOLUTE" << std::endl; for (auto &ic : conn) { out << " (INTERCONNECT "; write_port(out, ic.from); out << " "; write_port(out, ic.to); out << " "; write_delay(out, ic.delay); out << ")" << std::endl; } out << " )" << std::endl; out << " )" << std::endl; out << " )" << std::endl; // Write cells for (auto &cell : cells) { out << " (CELL" << std::endl; out << " (CELLTYPE " << format_name(cell.celltype) << ")" << std::endl; out << " (INSTANCE " << escape_name(cell.instance) << ")" << std::endl; // IOPATHs (combinational delay and clock-to-q) if (!cell.iopaths.empty()) { out << " (DELAY" << std::endl; out << " (ABSOLUTE" << std::endl; for (auto &path : cell.iopaths) { out << " (IOPATH " << escape_name(path.from) << " " << escape_name(path.to) << " "; write_delay(out, path.delay); out << ")" << std::endl; } out << " )" << std::endl; out << " )" << std::endl; } // Timing Checks (setup/hold, period, width) if (!cell.checks.empty()) { out << " (TIMINGCHECK" << std::endl; for (auto &check : cell.checks) { out << " (" << timing_check_name(check.type) << " "; write_portedge(out, check.from); out << " "; if (check.type == TimingCheck::SETUPHOLD) { write_portedge(out, check.to); out << " "; } if (check.type == TimingCheck::SETUPHOLD) write_delay(out, check.delay); else write_delay(out, check.delay.rise); out << ")" << std::endl; } out << " )" << std::endl; } out << " )" << std::endl; } out << ")" << std::endl; } }; } // namespace SDF void Context::writeSDF(std::ostream &out, bool cvc_mode) const { using namespace SDF; SDFWriter wr; wr.cvc_mode = cvc_mode; wr.design = str_or_default(attrs, id("module"), "top"); wr.sdfversion = "3.0"; wr.vendor = "nextpnr"; wr.program = "nextpnr"; const double delay_scale = 1000; // Convert from DelayQuad to SDF-friendly RiseFallDelay auto convert_delay = [&](const DelayQuad &dly) { RiseFallDelay rf; rf.rise.min = getDelayNS(dly.minRiseDelay()) * delay_scale; rf.rise.typ = getDelayNS((dly.minRiseDelay() + dly.maxRiseDelay()) / 2) * delay_scale; // fixme: typ delays? rf.rise.max = getDelayNS(dly.maxRiseDelay()) * delay_scale; rf.fall.min = getDelayNS(dly.minFallDelay()) * delay_scale; rf.fall.typ = getDelayNS((dly.minFallDelay() + dly.maxFallDelay()) / 2) * delay_scale; // fixme: typ delays? rf.fall.max = getDelayNS(dly.maxFallDelay()) * delay_scale; return rf; }; auto convert_setuphold = [&](const DelayPair &setup, const DelayPair &hold) { RiseFallDelay rf; rf.rise.min = getDelayNS(setup.minDelay()) * delay_scale; rf.rise.typ = getDelayNS((setup.minDelay() + setup.maxDelay()) / 2) * delay_scale; // fixme: typ delays? rf.rise.max = getDelayNS(setup.maxDelay()) * delay_scale; rf.fall.min = getDelayNS(hold.minDelay()) * delay_scale; rf.fall.typ = getDelayNS((hold.minDelay() + hold.maxDelay()) / 2) * delay_scale; // fixme: typ delays? rf.fall.max = getDelayNS(hold.maxDelay()) * delay_scale; return rf; }; for (const auto &cell : cells) { Cell sc; const CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get(); sc.instance = ci->name.str(this); sc.celltype = ci->type.str(this); for (auto port : ci->ports) { int clockCount = 0; TimingPortClass cls = getPortTimingClass(ci, port.first, clockCount); if (cls == TMG_IGNORE) continue; if (port.second.net == nullptr) continue; // Ignore disconnected ports if (port.second.type != PORT_IN) { // Add combinational paths to this output (or inout) for (auto other : ci->ports) { if (other.second.net == nullptr) continue; if (other.second.type == PORT_OUT) continue; DelayQuad dly; if (!getCellDelay(ci, other.first, port.first, dly)) continue; IOPath iop; iop.from = other.first.str(this); iop.to = port.first.str(this); iop.delay = convert_delay(dly); sc.iopaths.push_back(iop); } // Add clock-to-output delays, also as IOPaths if (cls == TMG_REGISTER_OUTPUT) for (int i = 0; i < clockCount; i++) { auto clkInfo = getPortClockingInfo(ci, port.first, i); IOPath cqp; cqp.from = clkInfo.clock_port.str(this); cqp.to = port.first.str(this); cqp.delay = convert_delay(clkInfo.clockToQ); sc.iopaths.push_back(cqp); } } if (port.second.type != PORT_OUT && cls == TMG_REGISTER_INPUT) { // Add setup/hold checks for (int i = 0; i < clockCount; i++) { auto clkInfo = getPortClockingInfo(ci, port.first, i); TimingCheck chk; chk.from.edge = RISING_EDGE; // Add setup/hold checks equally for rising and falling edges chk.from.port = port.first.str(this); chk.to.edge = clkInfo.edge; chk.to.port = clkInfo.clock_port.str(this); chk.type = TimingCheck::SETUPHOLD; chk.delay = convert_setuphold(clkInfo.setup, clkInfo.hold); sc.checks.push_back(chk); chk.from.edge = FALLING_EDGE; sc.checks.push_back(chk); } } } wr.cells.push_back(sc); } for (auto &net : nets) { NetInfo *ni = net.second.get(); if (ni->driver.cell == nullptr) continue; for (auto &usr : ni->users) { Interconnect ic; ic.from.cell = ni->driver.cell->name.str(this); ic.from.port = ni->driver.port.str(this); ic.to.cell = usr.cell->name.str(this); ic.to.port = usr.port.str(this); // FIXME: min/max routing delay ic.delay = convert_delay(DelayQuad(getNetinfoRouteDelay(ni, usr))); wr.conn.push_back(ic); } } wr.write(out); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END