From 91a0eb93672e9c764f03fd1b0a7d22595a61c516 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivier Galibert <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 22:37:35 +0100
Subject: Mistral: fix gpio OE, add hmc bypass support

 mistral/arch.h       | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 mistral/ | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 mistral/        | 10 +++++----
 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

(limited to 'mistral')

diff --git a/mistral/arch.h b/mistral/arch.h
index 9c38d5d2..98340d4e 100644
--- a/mistral/arch.h
+++ b/mistral/arch.h
@@ -461,9 +461,41 @@ struct Arch : BaseArch<ArchRanges>
     void add_bel_pin(BelId bel, IdString pin, PortType dir, WireId wire);
+    CycloneV::rnode_t find_rnode(CycloneV::block_type_t bt, int x, int y, CycloneV::port_type_t port, int bi = -1, int pi = -1) const
+    {
+        auto pn1 = CycloneV::pnode(bt, x, y, port, bi, pi);
+        auto rn1 = cyclonev->pnode_to_rnode(pn1);
+        if(rn1)
+            return rn1;
+        if(bt == CycloneV::GPIO) {
+            auto pn2 = cyclonev->p2p_to(pn1);
+            if(!pn2) {
+                auto pnv = cyclonev->p2p_from(pn1);
+                if(!pnv.empty())
+                    pn2 = pnv[0];
+            }
+            auto pn3 = cyclonev->hmc_get_bypass(pn2);
+            auto rn2 = cyclonev->pnode_to_rnode(pn3);
+            return rn2;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
     WireId get_port(CycloneV::block_type_t bt, int x, int y, int bi, CycloneV::port_type_t port, int pi = -1) const
-        return WireId(cyclonev->pnode_to_rnode(CycloneV::pnode(bt, x, y, port, bi, pi)));
+        auto rn = find_rnode(bt, x, y, port, bi, pi);
+        if(rn)
+            return WireId(rn);
+        fprintf(stderr, "Trying to connect unknown node %s\n", CycloneV::pn2s(CycloneV::pnode(bt, x, y, port, bi, pi)).c_str());
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    bool has_port(CycloneV::block_type_t bt, int x, int y, int bi, CycloneV::port_type_t port, int pi = -1) const
+    {
+        return find_rnode(bt, x, y, port, bi, pi) != 0;
     void create_lab(int x, int y, bool is_mlab);       //
diff --git a/mistral/ b/mistral/
index b432be03..33079727 100644
--- a/mistral/
+++ b/mistral/
@@ -29,6 +29,34 @@ struct MistralBitgen
     Context *ctx;
     CycloneV *cv;
+    using rnode_t = CycloneV::rnode_t;
+    using pnode_t = CycloneV::pnode_t;
+    using pos_t = CycloneV::pos_t;
+    using block_type_t = CycloneV::block_type_t;
+    using port_type_t = CycloneV::port_type_t;
+    rnode_t find_rnode(block_type_t bt, pos_t pos, port_type_t port, int bi = -1, int pi = -1) const
+    {
+        auto pn1 = CycloneV::pnode(bt, pos, port, bi, pi);
+        auto rn1 = cv->pnode_to_rnode(pn1);
+        if(rn1)
+            return rn1;
+        if(bt == CycloneV::GPIO) {
+            auto pn2 = cv->p2p_to(pn1);
+            if(!pn2) {
+                auto pnv = cv->p2p_from(pn1);
+                if(!pnv.empty())
+                    pn2 = pnv[0];
+            }
+            auto pn3 = cv->hmc_get_bypass(pn2);
+            auto rn2 = cv->pnode_to_rnode(pn3);
+            return rn2;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
     void options()
         if (!ctx->setting<bool>("compress_rbf", false)) {
@@ -38,27 +66,6 @@ struct MistralBitgen
             cv->opt_r_set(CycloneV::OPT_B, 0xffffff402dffffffULL);
-    void write_dqs()
-    {
-        for (auto pos : cv->dqs16_get_pos()) {
-            int x = CycloneV::pos2x(pos), y = CycloneV::pos2y(pos);
-            // DQS bypass for used output pins
-            for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
-                int ioy = y + (z / 4) - 2;
-                if (ioy < 0 || ioy >= int(cv->get_tile_sy()))
-                    continue;
-                BelId bel = ctx->bel_by_block_idx(x, ioy, id_MISTRAL_IO, z % 4);
-                if (bel == BelId())
-                    continue;
-                CellInfo *ci = ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel);
-                if (ci == nullptr || (ci->type != id_MISTRAL_IO && ci->type != id_MISTRAL_OB))
-                    continue; // not an output
-                cv->bmux_m_set(CycloneV::DQS16, pos, CycloneV::INPUT_REG4_SEL, z, CycloneV::SEL_LOCKED_DPA);
-                cv->bmux_r_set(CycloneV::DQS16, pos, CycloneV::RB_T9_SEL_EREG_CFF_DELAY, z, 0x1f);
-            }
-        }
-    }
     void write_routing()
         for (auto &net : ctx->nets) {
@@ -87,12 +94,20 @@ struct MistralBitgen
         if (is_output) {
             cv->bmux_m_set(CycloneV::GPIO, pos, CycloneV::DRIVE_STRENGTH, bi, CycloneV::V3P3_LVTTL_16MA_LVCMOS_2MA);
             cv->bmux_m_set(CycloneV::GPIO, pos, CycloneV::IOCSR_STD, bi, CycloneV::DIS);
+            // Output gpios must also bypass things in the associated dqs
+            auto dqs = cv->p2p_to(CycloneV::pnode(CycloneV::GPIO, pos, CycloneV::PNONE, bi, -1));
+            printf("%s -> %s\n", CycloneV::pn2s(CycloneV::pnode(CycloneV::GPIO, pos, CycloneV::PNONE, bi, -1)).c_str(), CycloneV::pn2s(dqs).c_str());
+            if(dqs) {
+                cv->bmux_m_set(CycloneV::DQS16, CycloneV::pn2p(dqs), CycloneV::INPUT_REG4_SEL, CycloneV::pn2bi(dqs), CycloneV::SEL_LOCKED_DPA);
+                cv->bmux_r_set(CycloneV::DQS16, CycloneV::pn2p(dqs), CycloneV::RB_T9_SEL_EREG_CFF_DELAY, CycloneV::pn2bi(dqs), 0x1f);
+            }
         // There seem to be two mirrored OEIN inversion bits for constant OE for inputs/outputs. This might be to
         // prevent a single bitflip from turning inputs to outputs and messing up other devices on the boards, notably
         // ECP5 does similar. OEIN.0 inverted for outputs; OEIN.1 for inputs
-        cv->inv_set(cv->pnode_to_rnode(CycloneV::pnode(CycloneV::GPIO, pos, CycloneV::OEIN, bi, is_output ? 0 : 1)),
-                    true);
+        cv->inv_set(find_rnode(CycloneV::GPIO, pos, CycloneV::OEIN, bi, 0), is_output);
+        cv->inv_set(find_rnode(CycloneV::GPIO, pos, CycloneV::OEIN, bi, 1), !is_output);
     void write_clkbuf_cell(CellInfo *ci, int x, int y, int bi)
@@ -299,7 +314,6 @@ struct MistralBitgen
-        write_dqs();
diff --git a/mistral/ b/mistral/
index dab3672e..a0a01af3 100644
--- a/mistral/
+++ b/mistral/
@@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ void Arch::create_gpio(int x, int y)
         WireId pad = add_wire(x, y, id(stringf("PAD[%d]", z)));
         BelId bel = add_bel(x, y, id(stringf("IO[%d]", z)), id_MISTRAL_IO);
         add_bel_pin(bel, id_PAD, PORT_INOUT, pad);
-        // FIXME: is the port index of zero always correct?
-        add_bel_pin(bel, id_I, PORT_IN, get_port(CycloneV::GPIO, x, y, z, CycloneV::DATAOUT, 0));
-        add_bel_pin(bel, id_OE, PORT_IN, get_port(CycloneV::GPIO, x, y, z, CycloneV::OEIN, 0));
-        add_bel_pin(bel, id_O, PORT_OUT, get_port(CycloneV::GPIO, x, y, z, CycloneV::DATAIN, 0));
+        if(has_port(CycloneV::GPIO, x, y, z, CycloneV::DATAOUT, 0)) {
+            // FIXME: is the port index of zero always correct?
+            add_bel_pin(bel, id_I, PORT_IN, get_port(CycloneV::GPIO, x, y, z, CycloneV::DATAOUT, 0));
+            add_bel_pin(bel, id_OE, PORT_IN, get_port(CycloneV::GPIO, x, y, z, CycloneV::OEIN, 0));
+            add_bel_pin(bel, id_O, PORT_OUT, get_port(CycloneV::GPIO, x, y, z, CycloneV::DATAIN, 0));
+        }
         bel_data(bel).block_index = z;
cgit v1.2.3