#!/usr/bin/python2 from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import os from numpy.random import randint, choice, permutation def randbin(n): return "".join([choice(["0", "1"]) for i in range(n)]) num = 20 pins = [int(i) for i in """ 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 32 33 34 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 56 58 60 61 62 63 64 67 68 70 71 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 87 88 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 102 104 105 106 107 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 128 129 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 """.split()] pins.remove(49) pins.remove(50) os.system("rm -rf work_pll") os.mkdir("work_pll") for idx in range(num): pin_names = list() vlog_body = list() pll_inst = list() pll_type = choice(["SB_PLL40_CORE", "SB_PLL40_2F_CORE", "SB_PLL40_PAD", "SB_PLL40_2_PAD", "SB_PLL40_2F_PAD"]) pll_inst.append("%s uut (" % pll_type) if pll_type.endswith("_PAD"): pin_names.append("packagepin") vlog_body.append("input packagepin;") pll_inst.append(" .PACKAGEPIN(packagepin),") else: pin_names.append("referenceclk") vlog_body.append("input referenceclk;") pll_inst.append(" .REFERENCECLK(referenceclk),") for pin in ["a", "b"]: pin_names.append(pin) vlog_body.append("input %s;" % pin) for pin in ["w", "x", "y", "z"]: pin_names.append(pin) vlog_body.append("output %s%s;" % ("reg " if pin in ["y", "z"] else "", pin)) for pin in ["EXTFEEDBACK", "BYPASS", "RESETB", "LOCK", "LATCHINPUTVALUE", "SDI", "SDO", "SCLK"]: pin_names.append(pin.lower()) vlog_body.append("%sput %s;" % ("out" if pin in ["LOCK", "SDO"] else "in", pin.lower())) pll_inst.append(" .%s(%s)," % (pin, pin.lower())) if pll_type.find("_2_") < 0 and pll_type.find("_2F_") < 0: for pin in ["PLLOUTCORE", "PLLOUTGLOBAL"]: vlog_body.append("wire %s;" % pin.lower()) pll_inst.append(" .%s(%s)," % (pin, pin.lower())) vlog_body.append("assign w = plloutcore ^ a;") vlog_body.append("assign x = plloutcore ^ b;") vlog_body.append("always @(posedge plloutglobal) y <= a;") vlog_body.append("always @(posedge plloutglobal) z <= b;") else: for pin in ["PLLOUTCOREA", "PLLOUTCOREB", "PLLOUTGLOBALA", "PLLOUTGLOBALB"]: vlog_body.append("wire %s;" % pin.lower()) pll_inst.append(" .%s(%s)," % (pin, pin.lower())) vlog_body.append("assign w = plloutcorea ^ a;") vlog_body.append("assign x = plloutcoreb ^ b;") vlog_body.append("always @(posedge plloutglobala) y <= a;") vlog_body.append("always @(posedge plloutglobalb) z <= b;") for i in range(8): pin_names.append("dynamicdelay_%d" % i) vlog_body.append("input dynamicdelay_%d;" % i) pll_inst.append(" .DYNAMICDELAY({%s})" % ", ".join(["dynamicdelay_%d" % i for i in range(7, -1, -1)])) pll_inst.append(");") divq = randbin(3) if divq == "000": divq = "001" if divq == "111": divq = "110" pll_inst.append("defparam uut.DIVR = 4'b%s;" % randbin(4)) pll_inst.append("defparam uut.DIVF = 7'b%s;" % randbin(7)) pll_inst.append("defparam uut.DIVQ = 3'b%s;" % divq) pll_inst.append("defparam uut.FILTER_RANGE = 3'b%s;" % randbin(3)) pll_inst.append("defparam uut.FEEDBACK_PATH = \"%s\";" % choice(["DELAY", "SIMPLE", "PHASE_AND_DELAY", "EXTERNAL"])) if choice([True, False]): pll_inst.append("defparam uut.DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_FEEDBACK = \"FIXED\";") pll_inst.append("defparam uut.FDA_FEEDBACK = 4'b%s;" % randbin(4)) else: pll_inst.append("defparam uut.DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_FEEDBACK = \"DYNAMIC\";") pll_inst.append("defparam uut.FDA_FEEDBACK = 4'b1111;") if choice([True, False]): pll_inst.append("defparam uut.DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_RELATIVE = \"FIXED\";") pll_inst.append("defparam uut.FDA_RELATIVE = 4'b%s;" % randbin(4)) else: pll_inst.append("defparam uut.DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_RELATIVE = \"DYNAMIC\";") pll_inst.append("defparam uut.FDA_RELATIVE = 4'b1111;") pll_inst.append("defparam uut.SHIFTREG_DIV_MODE = 1'b%s;" % randbin(1)) if pll_type.find("_2_") < 0 and pll_type.find("_2F_") < 0: pll_inst.append("defparam uut.PLLOUT_SELECT = \"%s\";" % choice(["GENCLK", "GENCLK_HALF", "SHIFTREG_90deg", "SHIFTREG_0deg"])) elif pll_type.find("_2F_") < 0: pll_inst.append("defparam uut.PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTB = \"%s\";" % choice(["GENCLK", "GENCLK_HALF", "SHIFTREG_90deg", "SHIFTREG_0deg"])) else: pll_inst.append("defparam uut.PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTA = \"%s\";" % choice(["GENCLK", "GENCLK_HALF", "SHIFTREG_90deg", "SHIFTREG_0deg"])) pll_inst.append("defparam uut.PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTB = \"%s\";" % choice(["GENCLK", "GENCLK_HALF", "SHIFTREG_90deg", "SHIFTREG_0deg"])) if pll_type.find("_2_") < 0 and pll_type.find("_2F_") < 0: pll_inst.append("defparam uut.ENABLE_ICEGATE = 1'b0;") else: pll_inst.append("defparam uut.ENABLE_ICEGATE_PORTA = 1'b0;") pll_inst.append("defparam uut.ENABLE_ICEGATE_PORTB = 1'b0;") pll_inst.append("defparam uut.TEST_MODE = 1'b0;") with open("work_pll/pll_%02d.v" % idx, "w") as f: print("module top(%s);" % ", ".join(pin_names), file=f) print("\n".join(vlog_body), file=f) print("\n".join(pll_inst), file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) with open("work_pll/pll_%02d.pcf" % idx, "w") as f: for pll_pin, package_pin in zip(pin_names, list(permutation(pins))[0:len(pin_names)]): if pll_pin == "packagepin": package_pin = 49 print("set_io %s %d" % (pll_pin, package_pin), file=f) with open("work_pll/Makefile", "w") as f: print("all: %s" % " ".join(["pll_%02d.bin" % i for i in range(num)]), file=f) for i in range(num): print("pll_%02d.bin:" % i, file=f) print("\t-bash ../icecube.sh pll_%02d > pll_%02d.log 2>&1 && rm -rf pll_%02d.tmp || tail pll_%02d.log" % (i, i, i, i), file=f)