#!/usr/bin/env python3 from fuzzconfig import * import numpy as np import os device_class = os.getenv("ICEDEVICE") working_dir = "work_%s_aig" % (device_class, ) os.system("rm -rf " + working_dir) os.mkdir(working_dir) w = len(pins) // 2 for idx in range(num): with open(working_dir + "/aig_%02d.v" % idx, "w") as f: print("module top(input [%d:0] a, output [%d:0] y);" % (w-1, w-1), file=f) sigs = ["a[%d]" % i for i in range(w)] netidx = 0 for i in range(100 if num_ramb40 < 20 else 1000): netidx += 1 newnet = "n_%d" % netidx print(" wire %s = %s%s && %s%s;" % (newnet, np.random.choice(["", "!"]), np.random.choice(sigs), np.random.choice(["", "!"]), np.random.choice(sigs)), file=f) sigs.append(newnet) while len(sigs) > w: netidx += 1 newnet = "n_%d" % netidx a = np.random.choice(sigs) sigs.remove(a) b = np.random.choice(sigs) sigs.remove(b) print(" wire %s = %s%s && %s%s;" % (newnet, np.random.choice(["", "!"]), a, np.random.choice(["", "!"]), b), file=f) sigs.append(newnet) for i in range(w): print(" assign y[%d] = %s;" % (i, sigs[i]), file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) with open(working_dir + "/aig_%02d.pcf" % idx, "w") as f: p = np.random.permutation(pins) for i in range(w): print("set_io a[%d] %s" % (i, p[i]), file=f) print("set_io y[%d] %s" % (i, p[i+w]), file=f) output_makefile(working_dir, "aig")