#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re, sys, os device_class = os.getenv("ICEDEVICE") def sort_bits_key(a): if a[0] == "!": a = a[1:] return re.sub(r"\d+", lambda m: "%02d" % int(m.group(0)), a) def read_database(filename, tile_type): raw_db = list() route_to_buffer = set() add_mux_bits = dict() with open(filename, "r") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() m = re.match(r"\s*\((\d+)\s+(\d+)\)\s+(.*)", line) assert m bit = "B%d[%d]" % (int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(1))) line = m.group(3) line = re.sub(r"^Enable bit of Mux", "MuxEn", line) line = re.sub(r"^IO control bit:", "IoCtrl", line) line = re.sub(r"^Column buffer control bit:", "ColBufCtrl", line) line = re.sub(r"^Negative Clock bit", "NegClk", line) line = re.sub(r"^Cascade (buffer Enable )?bit:", "Cascade", line) line = re.sub(r"^Ram config bit:", "RamConfig", line) line = re.sub(r"^PLL config bit:", "PLL", line) line = re.sub(r"^Icegate Enable bit:", "Icegate", line) line = re.sub(r"^MAC16 functional bit:", "DspConfig", line) line = re.sub(r"^Hard IP config bit:", "IpConfig", line) line = line.split() if line[0] == "routing": if line[3] == "wire_gbuf/in": line[3] = "fabout" raw_db.append((bit, (line[0], line[1], line[3]))) elif line[0] == "IoCtrl": line[1] = re.sub(r"^.*?_", "", line[1]).replace("_en", "") # LP384 chips have reversed IE_0/IE_1 and REN_0/REN_1 bit assignments # we simply use the assignments for 1k/8k for all chips and fix it in ieren_db if bit == "B6[3]" and line == ['IoCtrl', 'IE_0']: continue if bit == "B9[3]" and line == ['IoCtrl', 'IE_1']: continue if bit == "B1[3]" and line == ['IoCtrl', 'REN_0']: continue if bit == "B6[2]" and line == ['IoCtrl', 'REN_1']: continue # Ignore some additional configuration bits that sneaked in via ice5k fuzzing if line[0] == "IoCtrl" and line[1].startswith("cf_bit_"): continue if line[0] == "IoCtrl" and line[1].startswith("extra_padeb_test_"): continue raw_db.append((bit, (line[0], line[1]))) elif line[0] in ("IOB_0", "IOB_1"): if line[1] != "IO": raw_db.append((bit, (line[0], line[1]))) elif line[0] == "PLL": line[1] = re.sub(r"CLOCK_T_\d+_\d+_IO(LEFT|RIGHT|UP|DOWN)_", "pll_", line[1]) line[1] = re.sub(r"pll_cf_bit_", "PLLCONFIG_", line[1]) raw_db.append((bit, (line[0], line[1]))) elif line[0] == "ColBufCtrl": line[1] = re.sub(r"B?IO(LEFT|RIGHT)_", "IO_", line[1]) line[1] = re.sub(r"IO_half_column_clock_enable_", "glb_netwk_", line[1]) line[1] = re.sub(r"(LH|MEM[BT])_colbuf_cntl_", "glb_netwk_", line[1]) if m.group(1) == "7": line[1] = re.sub(r"glb_netwk_", "8k_glb_netwk_", line[1]) elif m.group(1) in ["1", "2"]: line[1] = re.sub(r"glb_netwk_", "1k_glb_netwk_", line[1]) raw_db.append((bit, (line[0], line[1]))) elif line[0] == "Cascade": match = re.match("(MULT\d|LH)_LC0(\d)_inmux02_5", line[1]) if match: raw_db.append((bit, ("buffer", "wire_logic_cluster/lc_%d/lout" % (int(match.group(1))-1), "input_2_%s" % match.group(1)))) else: match = re.match("MEMT_LC\d+_inmux\d+_bram_cbit_(\d+)", line[1]) if match: raw_db.append((bit, ("RamCascade", "CBIT_%d" % int(match.group(1))))) else: raw_db.append((bit, (line[0], line[1]))) elif line[0] == "RamConfig": if line[1] == "MEMB_Power_Up_Control": line[1] = "PowerUp" line[1] = re.sub(r"MEMT_bram_cbit_", "CBIT_", line[1]) raw_db.append((bit, (line[0], line[1]))) elif line[0] == "MuxEn": if line[4] == "wire_gbuf/in": line[4] = "fabout" if line[3].startswith("logic_op_"): for prefix in ["IO_L.", "IO_R.", "IO_T.", "IO_B."]: route_to_buffer.add((prefix + line[3], line[4])) add_mux_bits.setdefault(prefix + line[3], set()).add((bit, ("buffer", prefix + line[3], line[4]))) else: raw_db.append((bit, ("buffer", line[3], line[4]))) route_to_buffer.add((line[3], line[4])) elif line[0] == "NegClk" or line[0] == "Icegate" or re.match(r"LC_\d+", line[0]): raw_db.append((bit, (line[0],))) elif line[0] == "Carry_In_Mux": continue elif line[0] == "DspConfig": line[1] = re.sub(r"MULT\d_bram_cbit_", "CBIT_", line[1]) elif line[0] == "IpConfig": line[1] = re.sub(r"MULT\d_bram_cbit_", "CBIT_", line[1]) #not a typo, sometimes IP config bits are in DSP tiles and use a MULT prefix... line[1] = re.sub(r"IPCON_bram_cbit_", "CBIT_", line[1]) else: print("unsupported statement: %s: %s" % (bit, line)) assert False for i in range(len(raw_db)): if raw_db[i][1][0] == "routing" and (raw_db[i][1][1], raw_db[i][1][2]) in route_to_buffer: if raw_db[i][1][1] in add_mux_bits: for entry in add_mux_bits[raw_db[i][1][1]]: raw_db.append(entry) raw_db[i] = (raw_db[i][0], ("buffer", raw_db[i][1][1], raw_db[i][1][2])) func_to_bits = dict() for entry in raw_db: func_to_bits.setdefault(entry[1], set()).add(entry[0]) bit_groups = dict() for func, bits in list(func_to_bits.items()): for bit in bits: bit_groups[bit] = bit_groups.setdefault(bit, set()).union(bits) for func in func_to_bits: new_bits = set() for bit2 in func_to_bits[func]: for bit in bit_groups[bit2]: if bit in func_to_bits[func]: new_bits.add(bit) else: new_bits.add("!" + bit) func_to_bits[func] = new_bits database = list() for func in sorted(func_to_bits): bits = func_to_bits[func] entry = (",".join(sorted(bits, key=sort_bits_key)),) + func database.append(entry) return database with open("database_io.txt", "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_io.txt", "io"): print("\t".join(entry), file=f) with open("database_logic.txt", "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_logic.txt", "logic"): print("\t".join(entry), file=f) with open("database_ramb.txt", "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_ramb.txt", "ramb"): print("\t".join(entry), file=f) with open("database_ramt.txt", "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_ramt.txt", "ramt"): print("\t".join(entry), file=f) for device_class in ["5k", "8k"]: with open("database_ramb_%s.txt" % (device_class, ), "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_ramb_%s.txt" % (device_class, ), "ramb_" + device_class): print("\t".join(entry), file=f) with open("database_ramt_%s.txt" % (device_class, ), "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_ramt_%s.txt" % (device_class, ), "ramt_" + device_class): print("\t".join(entry), file=f) if device_class == "5k": for dsp_idx in range(4): with open("database_dsp%d_5k.txt" % (dsp_idx, ), "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_dsp%d_5k.txt" % (dsp_idx, ), "dsp%d_5" % (dsp_idx, )): print("\t".join(entry), file=f) with open("database_ipcon.txt", "w") as f: for entry in read_database("bitdata_ipcon.txt", "ipcon"): print("\t".join(entry), file=f)