#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2015 Clifford Wolf # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # import icebox import getopt, sys, re strip_comments = False strip_interconn = False lookup_pins = False check_ieren = False check_driver = False lookup_symbols = False do_collect = False pcf_data = dict() portnames = set() unmatched_ports = set() modname = "chip" def usage(): print(""" Usage: icebox_vlog [options] [bitmap.txt] -s strip comments from output -S strip comments about interconn wires from output -l convert io tile port names to chip pin numbers -L lookup symbol names (using .sym statements in input) -n name for the exported module (default: "chip") -p use the set_io command from the specified pcf file -P like -p, enable some hacks for pcf files created by the iCEcube2 placer. -c collect multi-bit ports -R enable IeRen database checks -D enable exactly-one-driver checks """) sys.exit(0) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "sSlLap:P:n:cRD") except: usage() for o, a in opts: if o == "-s": strip_comments = True elif o == "-S": strip_interconn = True elif o == "-l": lookup_pins = True elif o == "-L": lookup_symbols = True elif o == "-n": modname = a elif o == "-a": pass # ignored for backward compatibility elif o in ("-p", "-P"): with open(a, "r") as f: for line in f: if o == "-P" and not re.search(" # ICE_(GB_)?IO", line): continue line = re.sub(r"#.*", "", line.strip()).split() if len(line) and line[0] == "set_io": p = line[1] if o == "-P": p = p.lower() p = p.replace("_ibuf", "") p = p.replace("_obuft", "") p = p.replace("_obuf", "") p = p.replace("_gb_io", "") portnames.add(p) if not re.match(r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", p): p = "\\%s " % p unmatched_ports.add(p) if len(line) > 3: pinloc = tuple([int(s) for s in line[2:]]) else: pinloc = (line[2],) pcf_data[pinloc] = p elif o == "-c": do_collect = True elif o == "-R": check_ieren = True elif o == "-D": check_driver = True else: usage() if len(args) == 0: args.append("/dev/stdin") if len(args) != 1: usage() if not strip_comments: print("// Reading file '%s'.." % args[0]) ic = icebox.iceconfig() ic.read_file(args[0]) print() text_wires = list() text_ports = list() luts_queue = set() text_func = list() failed_drivers_check = list() netidx = [0] nets = dict() seg2net = dict() iocells = set() iocells_in = set() iocells_out = set() iocells_special = set() iocells_type = dict() iocells_negclk = set() iocells_inbufs = set() iocells_skip = set() iocells_pll = set() def is_interconn(netname): if netname.startswith("sp4_"): return True if netname.startswith("sp12_"): return True if netname.startswith("span4_"): return True if netname.startswith("span12_"): return True if netname.startswith("logic_op_"): return True if netname.startswith("neigh_op_"): return True if netname.startswith("local_"): return True return False pll_config_bitidx = dict() pll_gbuf = dict() for entry in icebox.iotile_l_db: if entry[1] == "PLL": match = re.match(r"B(\d+)\[(\d+)\]", entry[0][0]); assert match pll_config_bitidx[entry[2]] = (int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2))) def get_pll_bit(pllinfo, name): bit = pllinfo[name] assert bit[2] in pll_config_bitidx return ic.tile(bit[0], bit[1])[pll_config_bitidx[bit[2]][0]][pll_config_bitidx[bit[2]][1]] def get_pll_bits(pllinfo, name, n): return "".join([get_pll_bit(pllinfo, "%s_%d" % (name, i)) for i in range(n-1, -1, -1)]) for pllid in ic.pll_list(): pllinfo = icebox.pllinfo_db[pllid] plltype = get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "PLLTYPE", 3) if plltype != "000": if plltype in ["010", "100", "110"]: iocells_special.add(pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"]) else: iocells_skip.add(pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"]) iocells_pll.add(pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"]) if plltype not in ["010", "011"]: iocells_skip.add(pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"]) iocells_pll.add(pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"]) extra_connections = list() extra_segments = list() for bit in ic.extra_bits: entry = ic.lookup_extra_bit(bit) if entry[0] == "padin_glb_netwk": glb = int(entry[1]) pin_entry = ic.padin_pio_db()[glb] if pin_entry in iocells_pll: pll_gbuf[pin_entry] = (pin_entry[0], pin_entry[1], "padin_%d" % pin_entry[2]) extra_segments.append(pll_gbuf[pin_entry]) else: iocells.add((pin_entry[0], pin_entry[1], pin_entry[2])) iocells_in.add((pin_entry[0], pin_entry[1], pin_entry[2])) s1 = (pin_entry[0], pin_entry[1], "io_%d/PAD" % pin_entry[2]) s2 = (pin_entry[0], pin_entry[1], "padin_%d" % pin_entry[2]) extra_connections.append((s1, s2)) for idx, tile in list(ic.io_tiles.items()): tc = icebox.tileconfig(tile) iocells_type[(idx[0], idx[1], 0)] = ["0" for i in range(6)] iocells_type[(idx[0], idx[1], 1)] = ["0" for i in range(6)] for entry in ic.tile_db(idx[0], idx[1]): if check_ieren and entry[1] == "IoCtrl" and entry[2].startswith("IE_") and not tc.match(entry[0]): iren_idx = (idx[0], idx[1], 0 if entry[2] == "IE_0" else 1) for iren_entry in ic.ieren_db(): if iren_idx[0] == iren_entry[3] and iren_idx[1] == iren_entry[4] and iren_idx[2] == iren_entry[5]: iocells_inbufs.add((iren_entry[0], iren_entry[1], iren_entry[2])) if entry[1] == "NegClk" and tc.match(entry[0]): iocells_negclk.add((idx[0], idx[1], 0)) iocells_negclk.add((idx[0], idx[1], 1)) if entry[1].startswith("IOB_") and entry[2].startswith("PINTYPE_") and tc.match(entry[0]): match1 = re.match("IOB_(\d+)", entry[1]) match2 = re.match("PINTYPE_(\d+)", entry[2]) assert match1 and match2 iocells_type[(idx[0], idx[1], int(match1.group(1)))][int(match2.group(1))] = "1" iocells_type[(idx[0], idx[1], 0)] = "".join(iocells_type[(idx[0], idx[1], 0)]) iocells_type[(idx[0], idx[1], 1)] = "".join(iocells_type[(idx[0], idx[1], 1)]) for segs in sorted(ic.group_segments()): for seg in segs: if ic.tile_type(seg[0], seg[1]) == "IO": match = re.match("io_(\d+)/D_(IN|OUT)_(\d+)", seg[2]) if match: cell = (seg[0], seg[1], int(match.group(1))) if cell in iocells_skip: continue iocells.add(cell) if match.group(2) == "IN": if check_ieren: assert cell in iocells_inbufs if iocells_type[cell] != "100000" or match.group(3) != "0": iocells_special.add(cell) iocells_in.add(cell) if match.group(2) == "OUT" and iocells_type[cell][2:6] != "0000": if iocells_type[cell] != "100110" or match.group(3) != "0": iocells_special.add(cell) iocells_out.add(cell) extra_segments.append((seg[0], seg[1], "io_%d/PAD" % int(match.group(1)))) for cell in iocells: if iocells_type[cell] == "100110" and not cell in iocells_special: s1 = (cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/PAD" % cell[2]) s2 = (cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/D_OUT_0" % cell[2]) extra_connections.append((s1, s2)) del iocells_type[cell] elif iocells_type[cell] == "100000" and not cell in iocells_special: s1 = (cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/PAD" % cell[2]) s2 = (cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/D_IN_0" % cell[2]) extra_connections.append((s1, s2)) del iocells_type[cell] def next_netname(): while True: netidx[0] += 1 n = "n%d" % netidx[0] if n not in portnames: return n for segs in sorted(ic.group_segments(extra_connections=extra_connections, extra_segments=extra_segments)): n = next_netname() net_segs = set() renamed_net_to_port = False for s in segs: match = re.match("io_(\d+)/PAD", s[2]) if match: idx = (s[0], s[1], int(match.group(1))) p = "io_%d_%d_%d" % idx if lookup_pins or pcf_data: for entry in ic.pinloc_db(): if idx[0] == entry[1] and idx[1] == entry[2] and idx[2] == entry[3]: if (entry[0],) in pcf_data: p = pcf_data[(entry[0],)] unmatched_ports.discard(p) elif (entry[1], entry[2], entry[3]) in pcf_data: p = pcf_data[(entry[1], entry[2], entry[3])] unmatched_ports.discard(p) elif lookup_pins: p = "pin_%d" % entry[0] if not renamed_net_to_port: n = p if idx in iocells_in and idx not in iocells_out: text_ports.append("input %s" % p) elif idx not in iocells_in and idx in iocells_out: text_ports.append("output %s" % p) else: text_ports.append("inout %s" % p) text_wires.append("wire %s;" % n) renamed_net_to_port = True elif idx in iocells_in and idx not in iocells_out: text_ports.append("input %s" % p) text_wires.append("assign %s = %s;" % (n, p)) elif idx not in iocells_in and idx in iocells_out: text_ports.append("output %s" % p) text_wires.append("assign %s = %s;" % (p, n)) else: text_ports.append("inout %s" % p) text_wires.append("assign %s = %s;" % (p, n)) match = re.match("lutff_(\d+)/", s[2]) if match: luts_queue.add((s[0], s[1], int(match.group(1)))) nets[n] = segs for s in segs: seg2net[s] = n if not renamed_net_to_port: text_wires.append("wire %s;" % n) for s in segs: if not strip_interconn or not is_interconn(s[2]): if s[2].startswith("glb_netwk_"): net_segs.add((0, 0, s[2])) else: net_segs.add(s) count_drivers = 0 for s in segs: if re.match(r"ram/RDATA_", s[2]): count_drivers += 1 if re.match(r"io_./D_IN_", s[2]): count_drivers += 1 if re.match(r"lutff_./out", s[2]): count_drivers += 1 if count_drivers != 1 and check_driver: failed_drivers_check.append(n) if not strip_comments: for s in sorted(net_segs): text_wires.append("// %s" % (s,)) if count_drivers != 1 and check_driver: text_wires.append("// Number of drivers: %d" % count_drivers) text_wires.append("") def seg_to_net(seg, default=None): if seg not in seg2net: if default is not None: return default n = next_netname() nets[n] = set([seg]) seg2net[seg] = n text_wires.append("wire %s;" % n) if not strip_comments: if not strip_interconn or not is_interconn(seg[2]): text_wires.append("// %s" % (seg,)) text_wires.append("") return seg2net[seg] if lookup_symbols: text_func.append("// Debug Symbols") with open("/usr/local/share/icebox/chipdb-%s.txt" % ic.device, "r") as f: current_net = -1 exported_names = dict() for line in f: line = line.split() if len(line) == 0: pass elif line[0] == ".net": current_net = int(line[1]) if current_net not in ic.symbols: current_net = -1 elif line[0].startswith("."): current_net = -1 elif current_net >= 0: seg = (int(line[0]), int(line[1]), line[2]) if seg in seg2net: for name in ic.symbols[current_net]: while name in exported_names: if exported_names[name] == seg2net[seg]: break name += "_" if name not in exported_names: text_func.append("wire \\_%s = %s;" % (name, seg2net[seg])) exported_names[name] = seg2net[seg] current_net = -1 text_func.append("") wb_boot = seg_to_net(icebox.warmbootinfo_db[ic.device]["BOOT"], "") wb_s0 = seg_to_net(icebox.warmbootinfo_db[ic.device]["S0"], "") wb_s1 = seg_to_net(icebox.warmbootinfo_db[ic.device]["S1"], "") if wb_boot != "" or wb_s0 != "" or wb_s1 != "": text_func.append("SB_WARMBOOT (") text_func.append(" .BOOT(%s)," % wb_boot) text_func.append(" .S0(%s)," % wb_s0) text_func.append(" .S1(%s)," % wb_s1) text_func.append(");") text_func.append("") def get_pll_feedback_path(pllinfo): v = get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "FEEDBACK_PATH", 3) if v == "000": return "DELAY" if v == "001": return "SIMPLE" if v == "010": return "PHASE_AND_DELAY" if v == "110": return "EXTERNAL" assert False def get_pll_adjmode(pllinfo, name): v = get_pll_bit(pllinfo, name) if v == "0": return "FIXED" if v == "1": return "DYNAMIC" assert False def get_pll_outsel(pllinfo, name): v = get_pll_bits(pllinfo, name, 2) if v == "00": return "GENCLK" if v == "01": return "GENCLK_HALF" if v == "10": return "SHIFTREG_90deg" if v == "11": return "SHIFTREG_0deg" assert False for pllid in ic.pll_list(): pllinfo = icebox.pllinfo_db[pllid] plltype = get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "PLLTYPE", 3) if plltype == "000": continue if not strip_comments: text_func.append("// plltype = %s" % plltype) for ti in sorted(ic.io_tiles): for bit in sorted(pll_config_bitidx): if ic.io_tiles[ti][pll_config_bitidx[bit][0]][pll_config_bitidx[bit][1]] == "1": resolved_bitname = "" for bitname in pllinfo: if pllinfo[bitname] == (ti[0], ti[1], bit): resolved_bitname = " " + bitname text_func.append("// (%2d, %2d, \"%s\")%s" % (ti[0], ti[1], bit, resolved_bitname)) if plltype in ["010", "100", "110"]: if plltype == "010": text_func.append("SB_PLL40_PAD #(") if plltype == "100": text_func.append("SB_PLL40_2_PAD #(") if plltype == "110": text_func.append("SB_PLL40_2F_PAD #(") text_func.append(" .FEEDBACK_PATH(\"%s\")," % get_pll_feedback_path(pllinfo)) text_func.append(" .DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_FEEDBACK(\"%s\")," % get_pll_adjmode(pllinfo, "DELAY_ADJMODE_FB")) text_func.append(" .DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_RELATIVE(\"%s\")," % get_pll_adjmode(pllinfo, "DELAY_ADJMODE_REL")) if plltype == "010": text_func.append(" .PLLOUT_SELECT(\"%s\")," % get_pll_outsel(pllinfo, "PLLOUT_SELECT_A")) else: if plltype != "100": text_func.append(" .PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTA(\"%s\")," % get_pll_outsel(pllinfo, "PLLOUT_SELECT_A")) text_func.append(" .PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTB(\"%s\")," % get_pll_outsel(pllinfo, "PLLOUT_SELECT_B")) text_func.append(" .SHIFTREG_DIV_MODE(1'b%s)," % get_pll_bit(pllinfo, "SHIFTREG_DIV_MODE")) text_func.append(" .FDA_FEEDBACK(4'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "FDA_FEEDBACK", 4)) text_func.append(" .FDA_RELATIVE(4'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "FDA_RELATIVE", 4)) text_func.append(" .DIVR(4'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "DIVR", 4)) text_func.append(" .DIVF(7'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "DIVF", 7)) text_func.append(" .DIVQ(3'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "DIVQ", 3)) text_func.append(" .FILTER_RANGE(3'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "FILTER_RANGE", 3)) if plltype == "010": text_func.append(" .ENABLE_ICEGATE(1'b0),") else: text_func.append(" .ENABLE_ICEGATE_PORTA(1'b0),") text_func.append(" .ENABLE_ICEGATE_PORTB(1'b0),") text_func.append(" .TEST_MODE(1'b%s)" % get_pll_bit(pllinfo, "TEST_MODE")) text_func.append(") PLL_%d_%d (" % pllinfo["LOC"]) if plltype == "010": pad_segment = (pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][0], pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][1], "io_%d/PAD" % pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][2]) text_func.append(" .PACKAGEPIN(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) del seg2net[pad_segment] text_func.append(" .PLLOUTCORE(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) if pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"] in pll_gbuf: text_func.append(" .PLLOUTGLOBAL(%s)," % seg_to_net(pll_gbuf[pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"]])) else: pad_segment = (pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][0], pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][1], "io_%d/PAD" % pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][2]) text_func.append(" .PACKAGEPIN(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) del seg2net[pad_segment] text_func.append(" .PLLOUTCOREA(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) if pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"] in pll_gbuf: text_func.append(" .PLLOUTGLOBALA(%s)," % seg_to_net(pll_gbuf[pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"]])) pad_segment = (pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"][0], pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"][1], "io_%d/D_IN_0" % pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"][2]) text_func.append(" .PLLOUTCOREB(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) if pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"] in pll_gbuf: text_func.append(" .PLLOUTGLOBALB(%s)," % seg_to_net(pll_gbuf[pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"]])) text_func.append(" .EXTFEEDBACK(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["EXTFEEDBACK"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .DYNAMICDELAY({%s})," % ", ".join([seg_to_net(pllinfo["DYNAMICDELAY_%d" % i], "1'b0") for i in range(7, -1, -1)])) text_func.append(" .LOCK(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["LOCK"])) text_func.append(" .BYPASS(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["BYPASS"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .RESETB(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["RESETB"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .LATCHINPUTVALUE(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["LATCHINPUTVALUE"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .SDO(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["SDO"])) text_func.append(" .SDI(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["SDI"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .SCLK(%s)" % seg_to_net(pllinfo["SCLK"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(");") if plltype in ["011", "111"]: if plltype == "011": text_func.append("SB_PLL40_CORE #(") if plltype == "111": text_func.append("SB_PLL40_2F_CORE #(") text_func.append(" .FEEDBACK_PATH(\"%s\")," % get_pll_feedback_path(pllinfo)) text_func.append(" .DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_FEEDBACK(\"%s\")," % get_pll_adjmode(pllinfo, "DELAY_ADJMODE_FB")) text_func.append(" .DELAY_ADJUSTMENT_MODE_RELATIVE(\"%s\")," % get_pll_adjmode(pllinfo, "DELAY_ADJMODE_REL")) if plltype == "011": text_func.append(" .PLLOUT_SELECT(\"%s\")," % get_pll_outsel(pllinfo, "PLLOUT_SELECT_A")) else: text_func.append(" .PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTA(\"%s\")," % get_pll_outsel(pllinfo, "PLLOUT_SELECT_A")) text_func.append(" .PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTB(\"%s\")," % get_pll_outsel(pllinfo, "PLLOUT_SELECT_B")) text_func.append(" .SHIFTREG_DIV_MODE(1'b%s)," % get_pll_bit(pllinfo, "SHIFTREG_DIV_MODE")) text_func.append(" .FDA_FEEDBACK(4'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "FDA_FEEDBACK", 4)) text_func.append(" .FDA_RELATIVE(4'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "FDA_RELATIVE", 4)) text_func.append(" .DIVR(4'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "DIVR", 4)) text_func.append(" .DIVF(7'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "DIVF", 7)) text_func.append(" .DIVQ(3'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "DIVQ", 3)) text_func.append(" .FILTER_RANGE(3'b%s)," % get_pll_bits(pllinfo, "FILTER_RANGE", 3)) if plltype == "011": text_func.append(" .ENABLE_ICEGATE(1'b0),") else: text_func.append(" .ENABLE_ICEGATE_PORTA(1'b0),") text_func.append(" .ENABLE_ICEGATE_PORTB(1'b0),") text_func.append(" .TEST_MODE(1'b%s)" % get_pll_bit(pllinfo, "TEST_MODE")) text_func.append(") PLL_%d_%d (" % pllinfo["LOC"]) text_func.append(" .REFERENCECLK(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["REFERENCECLK"], "1'b0")) if plltype == "011": pad_segment = (pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][0], pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][1], "io_%d/D_IN_0" % pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][2]) text_func.append(" .PLLOUTCORE(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) if pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"] in pll_gbuf: text_func.append(" .PLLOUTGLOBAL(%s)," % seg_to_net(pll_gbuf[pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"]])) else: pad_segment = (pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][0], pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][1], "io_%d/D_IN_0" % pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"][2]) text_func.append(" .PLLOUTCOREA(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) if pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"] in pll_gbuf: text_func.append(" .PLLOUTGLOBALA(%s)," % seg_to_net(pll_gbuf[pllinfo["PLLOUT_A"]])) pad_segment = (pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"][0], pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"][1], "io_%d/D_IN_0" % pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"][2]) text_func.append(" .PLLOUTCOREB(%s)," % seg_to_net(pad_segment)) if pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"] in pll_gbuf: text_func.append(" .PLLOUTGLOBALB(%s)," % seg_to_net(pll_gbuf[pllinfo["PLLOUT_B"]])) text_func.append(" .EXTFEEDBACK(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["EXTFEEDBACK"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .DYNAMICDELAY({%s})," % ", ".join([seg_to_net(pllinfo["DYNAMICDELAY_%d" % i], "1'b0") for i in range(7, -1, -1)])) text_func.append(" .LOCK(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["LOCK"])) text_func.append(" .BYPASS(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["BYPASS"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .RESETB(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["RESETB"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .LATCHINPUTVALUE(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["LATCHINPUTVALUE"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .SDO(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["SDO"])) text_func.append(" .SDI(%s)," % seg_to_net(pllinfo["SDI"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(" .SCLK(%s)" % seg_to_net(pllinfo["SCLK"], "1'b0")) text_func.append(");") text_func.append("") for cell in iocells: if cell in iocells_type: net_pad = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/PAD" % cell[2])) net_din0 = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/D_IN_0" % cell[2]), "") net_din1 = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/D_IN_1" % cell[2]), "") net_dout0 = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/D_OUT_0" % cell[2]), "0") net_dout1 = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/D_OUT_1" % cell[2]), "0") net_oen = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_%d/OUT_ENB" % cell[2]), "1") net_cen = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_global/cen"), "1") net_iclk = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_global/inclk"), "0") net_oclk = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_global/outclk"), "0") net_latch = seg_to_net((cell[0], cell[1], "io_global/latch"), "0") iotype = iocells_type[cell] if cell in iocells_negclk: posedge = "negedge" negedge = "posedge" else: posedge = "posedge" negedge = "negedge" text_func.append("// IO Cell %s" % (cell,)) if not strip_comments: text_func.append("// PAD = %s" % net_pad) text_func.append("// D_IN_0 = %s" % net_din0) text_func.append("// D_IN_1 = %s" % net_din1) text_func.append("// D_OUT_0 = %s" % net_dout0) text_func.append("// D_OUT_1 = %s" % net_dout1) text_func.append("// OUT_ENB = %s" % net_oen) text_func.append("// CLK_EN = %s" % net_cen) text_func.append("// IN_CLK = %s" % net_iclk) text_func.append("// OUT_CLK = %s" % net_oclk) text_func.append("// LATCH = %s" % net_latch) text_func.append("// TYPE = %s (LSB:MSB)" % iotype) if net_din0 != "" or net_din1 != "": if net_cen == "1": icen_cond = "" else: icen_cond = "if (%s) " % net_cen if net_din0 != "": if iotype[1] == "0" and iotype[0] == "0": reg_din0 = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s;" % reg_din0) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= %s;" % (posedge, net_iclk, icen_cond, reg_din0, net_pad)) text_func.append("assign %s = %s;" % (net_din0, reg_din0)) if iotype[1] == "0" and iotype[0] == "1": text_func.append("assign %s = %s;" % (net_din0, net_pad)) if iotype[1] == "1" and iotype[0] == "0": reg_din0 = next_netname() reg_din0_latched = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s, %s;" % (reg_din0, reg_din0_latched)) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= %s;" % (posedge, net_iclk, icen_cond, reg_din0, net_pad)) text_func.append("always @* if (!%s) %s = %s;" % (net_latch, reg_din0_latched, reg_din0)) text_func.append("assign %s = %s;" % (net_din0, reg_din0_latched)) if iotype[1] == "1" and iotype[0] == "1": reg_din0 = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s;" % reg_din0) text_func.append("always @* if (!%s) %s = %s;" % (net_latch, reg_din0, net_pad)) text_func.append("assign %s = %s;" % (net_din0, reg_din0)) if net_din1 != "": reg_din1 = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s;" % reg_din1) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= %s;" % (negedge, net_iclk, icen_cond, reg_din1, net_pad)) text_func.append("assign %s = %s;" % (net_din1, reg_din1)) if iotype[5] != "0" or iotype[4] != "0": if net_cen == "1": ocen_cond = "" else: ocen_cond = "if (%s) " % net_cen # effective OEN: iotype[4], iotype[5] if iotype[5] == "0" and iotype[4] == "1": eff_oen = "1" if iotype[5] == "1" and iotype[4] == "0": eff_oen = net_oen if iotype[5] == "1" and iotype[4] == "1": eff_oen = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s;" % eff_oen) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= %s;" % (posedge, net_oclk, ocen_cond, eff_oen, net_oen)) # effective DOUT: iotype[2], iotype[3] if iotype[2] == "0" and iotype[3] == "0": ddr_posedge = next_netname() ddr_negedge = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s, %s;" % (ddr_posedge, ddr_negedge)) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= %s;" % (posedge, net_oclk, ocen_cond, ddr_posedge, net_dout0)) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= %s;" % (negedge, net_oclk, ocen_cond, ddr_negedge, net_dout1)) eff_dout = next_netname() text_func.append("wire %s;" % (eff_dout)) if cell in iocells_negclk: text_func.append("assign %s = %s ? %s : %s;" % (eff_dout, net_oclk, ddr_negedge, ddr_posedge)) else: text_func.append("assign %s = %s ? %s : %s;" % (eff_dout, net_oclk, ddr_posedge, ddr_negedge)) if iotype[2] == "0" and iotype[3] == "1": eff_dout = net_dout0 if iotype[2] == "1" and iotype[3] == "0": eff_dout = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s;" % eff_dout) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= %s;" % (posedge, net_oclk, ocen_cond, eff_dout, net_dout0)) if iotype[2] == "1" and iotype[3] == "1": eff_dout = next_netname() text_func.append("reg %s;" % eff_dout) text_func.append("always @(%s %s) %s%s <= !%s;" % (posedge, net_oclk, ocen_cond, eff_dout, net_dout0)) if eff_oen == "1": text_func.append("assign %s = %s;" % (net_pad, eff_dout)) else: text_func.append("assign %s = %s ? %s : 1'bz;" % (net_pad, eff_oen, eff_dout)) text_func.append("") for p in unmatched_ports: text_ports.append("input %s" % p) ram_config_bitidx = dict() for tile in ic.ramb_tiles: for entry in ic.tile_db(tile[0], tile[1]): if entry[1] == "RamConfig": assert entry[2] not in ram_config_bitidx ram_config_bitidx[entry[2]] = ('B', entry[0]) for entry in ic.tile_db(tile[0], tile[1]+1): if entry[1] == "RamConfig": assert entry[2] not in ram_config_bitidx ram_config_bitidx[entry[2]] = ('T', entry[0]) break for tile in ic.ramb_tiles: ramb_config = icebox.tileconfig(ic.tile(tile[0], tile[1])) ramt_config = icebox.tileconfig(ic.tile(tile[0], tile[1]+1)) def get_ram_config(name): assert name in ram_config_bitidx if ram_config_bitidx[name][0] == 'B': return ramb_config.match(ram_config_bitidx[name][1]) elif ram_config_bitidx[name][0] == 'T': return ramt_config.match(ram_config_bitidx[name][1]) else: assert False def get_ram_wire(name, msb, lsb, default="1'b0"): wire_bits = [] for i in range(msb, lsb-1, -1): if msb != lsb: n = "ram/%s_%d" % (name, i) else: n = "ram/" + name b = seg_to_net((tile[0], tile[1], n), default) b = seg_to_net((tile[0], tile[1]+1, n), b) if len(wire_bits) != 0 or b != default or i == lsb: wire_bits.append(b) if len(wire_bits) > 1: return "{%s}" % ", ".join(wire_bits) return wire_bits[0] if get_ram_config('PowerUp') == (ic.device == "8k"): if not strip_comments: text_func.append("// RAM TILE %d %d" % tile) text_func.append("SB_RAM40_4K #("); text_func.append(" .READ_MODE(%d)," % ((1 if get_ram_config('CBIT_2') else 0) + (2 if get_ram_config('CBIT_3') else 0))); text_func.append(" .WRITE_MODE(%d)," % ((1 if get_ram_config('CBIT_0') else 0) + (2 if get_ram_config('CBIT_1') else 0))); for i in range(16): text_func.append(" .INIT_%X(256'h%s)%s" % (i, ic.ram_data[tile][i], "," if i < 15 else "")); text_func.append(") ram40_%d_%d (" % tile); text_func.append(" .WADDR(%s)," % get_ram_wire('WADDR', 10, 0)) text_func.append(" .RADDR(%s)," % get_ram_wire('RADDR', 10, 0)) text_func.append(" .MASK(%s)," % get_ram_wire('MASK', 15, 0)) text_func.append(" .WDATA(%s)," % get_ram_wire('WDATA', 15, 0)) text_func.append(" .RDATA(%s)," % get_ram_wire('RDATA', 15, 0)) text_func.append(" .WE(%s)," % get_ram_wire('WE', 0, 0)) text_func.append(" .WCLKE(%s)," % get_ram_wire('WCLKE', 0, 0, "1'b1")) text_func.append(" .WCLK(%s)," % get_ram_wire('WCLK', 0, 0)) text_func.append(" .RE(%s)," % get_ram_wire('RE', 0, 0)) text_func.append(" .RCLKE(%s)," % get_ram_wire('RCLKE', 0, 0, "1'b1")) text_func.append(" .RCLK(%s)" % get_ram_wire('RCLK', 0, 0)) text_func.append(");") text_func.append("") wire_to_reg = set() lut_assigns = list() const_assigns = list() carry_assigns = list() always_stmts = list() max_net_len = 0 for lut in luts_queue: seq_bits = icebox.get_lutff_seq_bits(ic.logic_tiles[(lut[0], lut[1])], lut[2]) if seq_bits[0] == "1": seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/cout" % lut[2])) for lut in luts_queue: tile = ic.logic_tiles[(lut[0], lut[1])] lut_bits = icebox.get_lutff_lut_bits(tile, lut[2]) seq_bits = icebox.get_lutff_seq_bits(tile, lut[2]) net_in0 = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/in_0" % lut[2]), "0") net_in1 = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/in_1" % lut[2]), "0") net_in2 = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/in_2" % lut[2]), "0") net_in3 = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/in_3" % lut[2]), "0") net_out = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/out" % lut[2])) if seq_bits[0] == "1": net_cout = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/cout" % lut[2])) net_in1 = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/in_1" % lut[2]), "0") net_in2 = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/in_2" % lut[2]), "0") if lut[2] == 0: net_cin = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "carry_in_mux")) if icebox.get_carry_cascade_bit(tile) == "0": if not strip_comments: text_wires.append("// Carry-In for (%d %d)" % (lut[0], lut[1])) text_wires.append("assign %s = %s;" % (net_cin, icebox.get_carry_bit(tile))) if not strip_comments: text_wires.append("") else: net_cin = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_%d/cout" % (lut[2]-1)), "0") carry_assigns.append([net_cout, "/* CARRY %2d %2d %2d */ (%s & %s) | ((%s | %s) & %s)" % (lut[0], lut[1], lut[2], net_in1, net_in2, net_in1, net_in2, net_cin)]) if seq_bits[1] == "1": n = next_netname() text_wires.append("wire %s;" % n) if not strip_comments: text_wires.append("// FF %s" % (lut,)) text_wires.append("") net_cen = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_global/cen"), "1") net_clk = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_global/clk"), "0") net_sr = seg_to_net((lut[0], lut[1], "lutff_global/s_r"), "0") if seq_bits[3] == "0": always_stmts.append("/* FF %2d %2d %2d */ always @(%sedge %s) if (%s) %s <= %s ? %s : %s;" % (lut[0], lut[1], lut[2], "neg" if icebox.get_negclk_bit(tile) == "1" else "pos", net_clk, net_cen, net_out, net_sr, seq_bits[2], n)) else: always_stmts.append("/* FF %2d %2d %2d */ always @(%sedge %s, posedge %s) if (%s) %s <= %s; else if (%s) %s <= %s;" % (lut[0], lut[1], lut[2], "neg" if icebox.get_negclk_bit(tile) == "1" else "pos", net_clk, net_sr, net_sr, net_out, seq_bits[2], net_cen, net_out, n)) wire_to_reg.add(net_out) net_out = n if not "1" in lut_bits: const_assigns.append([net_out, "1'b0"]) elif not "0" in lut_bits: const_assigns.append([net_out, "1'b1"]) else: def make_lut_expr(bits, sigs): if not sigs: return "%s" % bits[0] l_expr = make_lut_expr(bits[0:len(bits)//2], sigs[1:]) h_expr = make_lut_expr(bits[len(bits)//2:len(bits)], sigs[1:]) if h_expr == l_expr: return h_expr if sigs[0] == "0": return l_expr if sigs[0] == "1": return h_expr if h_expr == "1" and l_expr == "0": return sigs[0] if h_expr == "0" and l_expr == "1": return "!" + sigs[0] return "%s ? %s : %s" % (sigs[0], h_expr, l_expr) lut_expr = make_lut_expr(lut_bits, [net_in3, net_in2, net_in1, net_in0]) lut_assigns.append([net_out, "/* LUT %2d %2d %2d */ %s" % (lut[0], lut[1], lut[2], lut_expr)]) max_net_len = max(max_net_len, len(net_out)) for a in const_assigns + lut_assigns + carry_assigns: text_func.append("assign %-*s = %s;" % (max_net_len, a[0], a[1])) if do_collect: new_text_ports = set() vec_ports_min = dict() vec_ports_max = dict() vec_ports_dir = dict() for port in text_ports: match = re.match(r"(input|output|inout) (.*)\[(\d+)\] ?$", port); if match: vec_ports_min[match.group(2)] = min(vec_ports_min.setdefault(match.group(2), int(match.group(3))), int(match.group(3))) vec_ports_max[match.group(2)] = max(vec_ports_max.setdefault(match.group(2), int(match.group(3))), int(match.group(3))) vec_ports_dir[match.group(2)] = match.group(1) else: new_text_ports.add(port) for port, direct in list(vec_ports_dir.items()): min_idx = vec_ports_min[port] max_idx = vec_ports_max[port] new_text_ports.add("%s [%d:%d] %s " % (direct, max_idx, min_idx, port)) text_ports = list(new_text_ports) print("module %s (%s);\n" % (modname, ", ".join(text_ports))) new_text_wires = list() new_text_regs = list() new_text_raw = list() for line in text_wires: match = re.match(r"wire ([^ ;]+)(.*)", line) if match: if strip_comments: name = match.group(1) if name.startswith("\\"): name += " " if match.group(1) in wire_to_reg: new_text_regs.append(name) else: new_text_wires.append(name) continue else: if match.group(1) in wire_to_reg: line = "reg " + match.group(1) + " = 0" + match.group(2) if strip_comments: new_text_raw.append(line) else: print(line) for names in [new_text_wires[x:x+10] for x in range(0, len(new_text_wires), 10)]: print("wire %s;" % ", ".join(names)) for names in [new_text_regs[x:x+10] for x in range(0, len(new_text_regs), 10)]: print("reg %s = 0;" % " = 0, ".join(names)) if strip_comments: for line in new_text_raw: print(line) print() if do_collect: for port, direct in list(vec_ports_dir.items()): min_idx = vec_ports_min[port] max_idx = vec_ports_max[port] for i in range(min_idx, max_idx+1): if direct == "input": print("assign %s[%d] = %s [%d];" % (port, i, port, i)) if direct == "output": print("assign %s [%d] = %s[%d] ;" % (port, i, port, i)) if direct == "inout": print("tran(%s [%d], %s[%d] );" % (port, i, port, i)) print() for line in text_func: print(line) for line in always_stmts: print(line) print() for p in unmatched_ports: print("// Warning: unmatched port '%s'" %p) if unmatched_ports: print() print("endmodule") print() if failed_drivers_check: print("// Single-driver-check failed for %d nets:" % len(failed_drivers_check)) print("// %s" % " ".join(failed_drivers_check)) assert False