#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2015 Clifford Wolf # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import icebox import getopt, sys, os, re chipname = "iCE40 HX1K" outdir = None tx, ty = 0, 0 def usage(): print("Usage: %s [options]" % sys.argv[0]) print(" -x tile_x_coordinate") print(" -y tile_y_coordinate") print(" -d outdir") sys.exit(0) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "x:y:d:") except: usage() for o, a in opts: if o == "-x": tx = int(a) elif o == "-y": ty = int(a) elif o == "-d": outdir = a else: usage() ic = icebox.iceconfig() ic.setup_empty_1k() mktiles = set() for x in range(1, 6) + range(8, 13): mktiles.add((x, 0)) mktiles.add((x, 17)) for x in range(0, 6) + range(8, 14): mktiles.add((x, 1)) mktiles.add((x, 16)) for x in range(0, 5) + range(9, 14): mktiles.add((x, 2)) mktiles.add((x, 15)) for x in range(6, 8): for y in range(8, 10): mktiles.add((x, y)) expand_count=[0] def print_expand_div(title): print('[+] Show %s') def print_expand_all(): print('[+] Expand All' % (expand_count[0], expand_count[0])) expand_count[0] += 1 def print_index(): print("Project IceStorm – %s Overview" % chipname) print("

Project IceStorm – %s Overview

" % chipname) print("""Project IceStorm aims at documenting the bitstream format of Lattice iCE40 FPGAs and providing simple tools for analyzing and creating bitstream files. This is work in progress.""") print("""

This documentation is auto-generated by icebox_html.py from IceBox.
A machine-readable form of the database can be downloaded here.

""") print("""

The iCE40 FPGA fabric is organized into tiles. The configuration bits themself have the same meaning in all tiles of the same type. But the way the tiles are connected to each other depends on the types of neighbouring cells. Furthermore, some wire names are different for (e.g.) a IO tile on the left border and an IO tile on the top border.

""") print("""

Click on a highlighted tile below to view the bitstream details for the tile. The highlighted tiles cover all combinations of neighbouring cells that can be found in iCE40 FPGAs.

""") print('

') for y in range(ic.max_y, -1, -1): print("") for x in range(ic.max_x + 1): print('') elif (x, y) in mktiles: if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "IO": color = "#aee" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "LOGIC": color = "#eae" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "RAM": color = "#eea" print('bgcolor="%s">%s
(%d %d)
' % (color, x, y, ic.tile_type(x, y), x, y)) else: if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "IO": color = "#8aa" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "LOGIC": color = "#a8a" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "RAM": color = "#aa8" print('bgcolor="%s">%s
(%d %d)
' % (color, ic.tile_type(x, y), x, y)) print("") print("

") def print_tile(tx, ty): tile = ic.tile(tx, ty) tile_type = ic.tile_type(tx, ty) print("Project IceStorm – %s %s Tile (%d %d)" % (chipname, tile_type, tx, ty)) print("

Project IceStorm – %s %s Tile (%d %d)

" % (chipname, tile_type, tx, ty)) print("""Project IceStorm aims at documenting the bitstream format of Lattice iCE40 FPGAs and providing simple tools for analyzing and creating bitstream files. This is work in progress.""") print("""

This page describes the %s Tile (%d %d), what nets and configuration bits it has and how it is connected to its neighbourhood.

""" % (tile_type, tx, ty)) visible_tiles = set() print('

') for y in range(ty+2, ty-3, -1): print("") for x in range(tx-2, tx+3): print('') else: if (x, y) in mktiles: if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "IO": color = "#aee" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "LOGIC": color = "#eae" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "RAM": color = "#eea" print('bgcolor="%s">%s Tile
(%d %d)
' % (color, x, y, ic.tile_type(x, y), x, y)) else: if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "IO": color = "#8aa" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "LOGIC": color = "#a8a" if ic.tile_type(x, y) == "RAM": color = "#aa8" print('bgcolor="%s">%s Tile
(%d %d)' % (color, ic.tile_type(x, y), x, y)) visible_tiles.add((x, y)) print("") print("

") # print_expand_all() print("

Configuration Bitmap

") print("

A %s Tile has %d config bits in %d groups of %d bits each:
" % (tile_type, len(tile)*len(tile[0]), len(tile), len(tile[0]))) print(("%s

" % (", ".join(['%sB%d[%d:0]' % (" " if i < 10 else "", i, len(tile[i])-1) for i in range(len(tile))]))).replace(" B8", "
 B8")) bitmap_cells = list() for line_nr in range(len(tile)): line = list() bitmap_cells.append(line) for bit_nr in range(len(tile[line_nr])): line.append({"bgcolor": "#aaa", "label": "?"}) for entry in ic.tile_db(tx, ty): if not ic.tile_has_entry(tx, ty, entry): continue for bit in [bit.replace("!", "") for bit in entry[0]]: match = re.match(r"B(\d+)\[(\d+)\]$", bit) idx1 = int(match.group(1)) idx2 = int(match.group(2)) if entry[1] == "routing": bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["bgcolor"] = "#faa" bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "R" bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["is_routing"] = True elif entry[1] == "buffer": bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["bgcolor"] = "#afa" bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "B" bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["is_routing"] = True else: bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["bgcolor"] = "#aaf" if entry[1] == "ColBufCtrl": bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "O" elif entry[1].startswith("LC_"): bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "L" elif entry[1].startswith("NegClk"): bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "N" elif entry[1].startswith("CarryInSet"): bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "C" elif entry[1].startswith("IOB_"): bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "I" elif entry[1].startswith("IoCtrl"): bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "I" elif entry[1].startswith("Cascade"): bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "A" elif entry[1].startswith("RamConfig"): bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = "R" else: assert False bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"] = '%s' % (idx1, idx2, bitmap_cells[idx1][idx2]["label"]) print('') print("") for cell_nr in range(len(line)): print('' % cell_nr) print("") for line_nr, line in enumerate(bitmap_cells): print("") print('' % line_nr) for cell in line: print('' % (cell["bgcolor"], cell["label"])) print('' % line_nr) print("") print("") for cell_nr in range(len(line)): print('' % cell_nr) print("") print("
") print("

Nets and Connectivity

") print("""

This section lists all nets in the tile and how this nets are connected with nets from cells in its neighbourhood.

""") grouped_segs = ic.group_segments(set([(tx, ty)])) groups_indexed = dict() this_tile_nets = dict() for segs in sorted(grouped_segs): this_segs = list() neighbour_segs = dict() for s in segs: if s[0] == tx and s[1] == ty: this_segs.append(s[2]) match = re.match(r"(.*?_)(\d+)(.*)", s[2]) if match: this_tile_nets.setdefault(match.group(1) + "*" + match.group(3), set()).add(int(match.group(2))) else: this_tile_nets.setdefault(s[2], set()).add(-1) if (s[0], s[1]) in visible_tiles: neighbour_segs.setdefault((s[0], s[1]), list()).append(s[2]) if this_segs: this_name = ", ".join(sorted(this_segs)) assert this_name not in groups_indexed groups_indexed[this_name] = neighbour_segs print("

List of nets in %s Tile (%d %d)

" % (tile_type, tx, ty)) def net2cat(netname): cat = (99, "Unsorted") if netname.startswith("glb_netwk_"): cat = (10, "Global Networks") if netname.startswith("glb2local_"): cat = (10, "Global Networks") if netname.startswith("wire_gbuf"): cat = (10, "Global Networks") if netname.startswith("local_"): cat = (20, "Local Tracks") if netname.startswith("carry_in"): cat = (25, "Logic Block") if netname.startswith("io_"): cat = (25, "IO Block") if netname.startswith("lutff_"): cat = (25, "Logic Block") if netname.startswith("lutff_0"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 0") if netname.startswith("lutff_1"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 1") if netname.startswith("lutff_2"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 2") if netname.startswith("lutff_3"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 3") if netname.startswith("lutff_4"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 4") if netname.startswith("lutff_5"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 5") if netname.startswith("lutff_6"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 6") if netname.startswith("lutff_7"): cat = (30, "Logic Unit 7") if netname.startswith("neigh_op_"): cat = (40, "Neighbourhood") if netname.startswith("logic_op_"): cat = (40, "Neighbourhood") if netname.startswith("sp4_v_"): cat = (50, "Span-4 Vertical") if netname.startswith("span4_vert_"): cat = (50, "Span-4 Vertical") if netname.startswith("sp4_r_v_"): cat = (55, "Span-4 Right Vertical") if netname.startswith("sp4_h_"): cat = (60, "Span-4 Horizontal") if netname.startswith("span4_horz_"): cat = (60, "Span-4 Horizontal") if netname.startswith("sp12_v_"): cat = (70, "Span-12 Vertical") if netname.startswith("span12_vert_"): cat = (70, "Span-12 Vertical") if netname.startswith("sp12_h_"): cat = (80, "Span-12 Horizontal") if netname.startswith("span12_horz_"): cat = (80, "Span-12 Horizontal") return cat nets_in_cats = dict() for this_name in sorted(this_tile_nets): nets_in_cats.setdefault(net2cat(this_name), list()).append(this_name) for cat in sorted(nets_in_cats): print('


' % cat[1]) print('

") print("

Nets and their permanent connections to nets in neighbour tiles

") # print_expand_div("connection details") all_cats = set() for this_name in sorted(groups_indexed): all_cats.add(net2cat(this_name)) for cat in sorted(all_cats): print('


' % cat[1]) print('

") # print_expand_end() print("

Routing Configuration

") print("""

This section lists the routing configuration bits in the tile. The entries titled "routing" configure transfer gates, the entries titled "buffer" configure tri-state drivers.

""") grpgrp = dict() config_groups = dict() other_config_groups = dict() for entry in ic.tile_db(tx, ty): if not ic.tile_has_entry(tx, ty, entry): continue if entry[1] in ("routing", "buffer"): cfggrp = entry[1] + " " + entry[3] + "," + ",".join(sorted([bit.replace("!", "") for bit in entry[0]])) config_groups.setdefault(cfggrp, list()).append(entry) grpgrp.setdefault(net2cat(entry[3]), set()).add(cfggrp) else: grp = other_config_groups.setdefault(" ".join(entry[1:]), set()) for bit in entry[0]: grp.add(bit) for cat in sorted(grpgrp): print('


' % cat[1]) bits_in_cat = set() for cfggrp in sorted(grpgrp[cat]): grp = config_groups[cfggrp] for bit in cfggrp.split(",")[1:]: match = re.match(r"B(\d+)\[(\d+)\]", bit) bits_in_cat.add((int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))) print('') print("") for cell_nr in range(len(bitmap_cells[0])): print('' % cell_nr) print("") for line_nr, line in enumerate(bitmap_cells): print("") print('' % line_nr) for cell_nr, cell in enumerate(line): color = cell["bgcolor"] if (line_nr, cell_nr) not in bits_in_cat: color="#aaa" print('' % (color, cell["label"])) print('' % line_nr) print("") print("") for cell_nr in range(len(line)): print('' % cell_nr) print("") print("
") # print_expand_div("details") src_nets = set() dst_nets = set() links = dict() for cfggrp in sorted(grpgrp[cat]): grp = config_groups[cfggrp] for entry in grp: src_nets.add(entry[2]) dst_nets.add(entry[3]) if entry[1] == "buffer": assert (entry[2], entry[3]) not in links links[(entry[2], entry[3])] = 'B' else: assert (entry[2], entry[3]) not in links links[(entry[2], entry[3])] = 'R' print('
Connectivity Matrix
') print('') dst_net_prefix = "" dst_net_list = sorted(dst_nets, icebox.cmp_netnames) if len(dst_net_list) > 1: while len(set([n[0] for n in dst_net_list])) == 1: dst_net_prefix += dst_net_list[0][0] for i in range(len(dst_net_list)): dst_net_list[i] = dst_net_list[i][1:] while dst_net_prefix != "" and dst_net_prefix[-1] != "_": for i in range(len(dst_net_list)): dst_net_list[i] = dst_net_prefix[-1] + dst_net_list[i] dst_net_prefix = dst_net_prefix[0:-1] print('' % (len(dst_net_list), dst_net_prefix)) print('') for dn in dst_net_list: print('' % dn) print("") for sn in sorted(src_nets, icebox.cmp_netnames): print("") print('' % sn) for dn in sorted(dst_nets, icebox.cmp_netnames): if (sn, dn) in links: print(links[(sn, dn)]) else: print('') print("") print("
") print('
Configuration Stamps
') for cfggrp in sorted(grpgrp[cat]): grp = config_groups[cfggrp] bits = cfggrp.split(",")[1:] print('

') for bit in bits: print('' % (re.sub(r"B(\d+)\[(\d+)\]", r"B.\1.\2", bit), bit)) group_lines = list() is_buffer = True for entry in grp: line = '' for bit in bits: if bit in entry[0]: line += '' else: line += '' is_buffer = entry[1] == "buffer" line += '' % (entry[1], entry[2], entry[3]) group_lines.append(line) if is_buffer: print('') else: print('') for line in sorted(group_lines): print(line) print('

') # print_expand_end() print("

Non-routing Configuration

") print("

This section lists the non-routing configuration bits in the tile.

") print('') print("") for cell_nr in range(len(bitmap_cells[0])): print('' % cell_nr) print("") for line_nr, line in enumerate(bitmap_cells): print("") print('' % line_nr) for cell_nr, cell in enumerate(line): color = cell["bgcolor"] if "is_routing" in cell: color="#aaa" print('' % (color, cell["label"])) print('' % line_nr) print("") print("") for cell_nr in range(len(line)): print('' % cell_nr) print("") print("
") print('

') for cfggrp in sorted(other_config_groups): bits = " ".join(['%s' % (re.sub(r"B(\d+)\[(\d+)\]", r"B.\1.\2", bit), bit) for bit in sorted(other_config_groups[cfggrp])]) cfggrp = cfggrp.replace(" " + list(other_config_groups[cfggrp])[0], "") print('' % (cfggrp, bits)) print('

') if outdir is not None: stdout = sys.stdout if not os.path.exists(outdir): print("Creating %s/" % outdir, file=stdout) os.makedirs(outdir) print("Writing %s/index.html.." % outdir, file=stdout) sys.stdout = open("%s/index.html" % outdir, "w") print_index() for x in range(ic.max_x+1): for y in range(ic.max_y+1): if (x, y) in mktiles: print("Writing %s/tile_%d_%d.html.." % (outdir, x, y), file=stdout) sys.stdout = open("%s/tile_%d_%d.html" % (outdir, x, y), "w") print_tile(x, y) print("Writing %s/chipdb.txt..." % outdir, file=stdout) os.system("python icebox_chipdb.py > %s/chipdb.txt" % outdir) sys.stdout = stdout elif (tx, ty) == (0, 0): print_index() else: print_tile(tx, ty)