library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity bug is port ( clk : in std_ulogic ); end bug; architecture struct of bug is type data_t is record value : natural; end record; type offset_array_t is array(natural range<>) of natural; type data_array_t is array(natural range<>) of data_t; type collection_t is record offset : offset_array_t; data : data_array_t; end record; -- This results in an error function append(prefix : collection_t; data : data_array_t) return collection_t is begin return (offset => prefix.offset &'length, data => & data); end function; -- This works as a workaround function append2(prefix : collection_t; data : data_array_t) return collection_t is variable ret : collection_t(offset(0 to prefix.offset'length), data(0 to'length+data'length-1)); begin ret := (offset => prefix.offset &'length, data => & data); return ret; end function; --intentional null ranges for the initial value constant initial_collection : collection_t(offset(0 to -1), data(0 to -1)) := (offset => (others => 0), data => (others => (value => 0))); constant new_data : data_array_t(0 to 2) := (others => (value => 0)); constant final_collection : collection_t := append(initial_collection, new_data); begin end architecture;