library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity entity_1 is generic ( FREQ : real := 100.0; BITS : positive := 8.5 ns; type Typ ); port ( Clock: in std_logic := 5 ns; Reset: in std_logic := '0'; D: inout bit_vector(clock'range); Q: out std_logic_vector(BITS'left - 1 downto Re.set) ); constant fire : boolean := True; begin wood <= fire; end entity entity_1; architecture behav of entity_1 is constant MAX : positive := -25; signal rst : std_logic := foo('U'); signal vec : bit_vector(pack(3 to 2).signaal'range'value); signal copy : input'subtype; type newInt is range -4 to 3; type newFp is range 4.3 downto -3.9; type arr is array(natural range <>, enum range <>) of integer(3 downto 0); type rec is record elem1 : bit; elem2 : boolean; elem3 : integer_vector(3 downto 0); elem4 : natural range 7 to 8; end record; type enum is (e1, e2, e3); type acc is access bar; type fil is file of string; subtype uint8 is integer range 0 to 255; file f : text; function func (a : integer; b : boolean) return bit is begin end function; shared variable pt_var : lib.pack.prot; procedure proc(spam : egg) is begin end procedure; type prot is protected function meth(a : int) return bit; end protected; type prot is protected body variable var : positive; constant const : boolean; function meth(a : int) return bit is begin end function; end protected body; package pack_inst is new generic_pack generic map ( BITS => 32 ); attribute att : boolean; alias bar is boolean; disconnect address_bus : resolved_word after 3 ns; disconnect others : resolved_word after 2 ns; -- default clock is rising_edge(clk); package inner_pack is end package; begin proc: process(Clock) begin if rising_edge(Clock) then if Reset = '1' then Q <= (others => '0'); elsif Load = '1' then Q <= D after 10 ns; else Q <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(Q) + 1); end if; end if; for i in 7 downto 0 loop loop while true loop next; next when true; end loop; exit; exit when true; end loop; return; end loop; case foo_bar is when 0 => report "hello" & " " & "world"; when 1 | 2 => report "vhdl" severity note; when 3 to 4 => assert true nor false report "nothing"; when 5 to 6 | 8 to 9 => assert true nor false report "nothing" severity warning or error; when others => end case; wait; wait on a, b; wait until rising_edge(clock); wait on clock until rising_edge(clock); wait for 10 ns; wait on c for 50 ns; wait until rising_edge(clock) for 100 ns; wait on sel until rising_edge(clock) for 100 ns; end process; a <= b; inst1: entity work.counter1(rtl) generic map ( BITS1 => 8 ) port map ( clk1 => Clock ); inst2: component counter2 generic map ( BITS2 => 8, value2 ) port map ( clk2 => Clock, enable2 ); inst3: configuration counter3 generic map ( BITS3 => 8 ) port map ( clk3 => Clock, control(0) => battery and emergency ); blk: block begin inst4: entity work.counter4(rtl) port map ( clk => Clock, value => open ); end block; genIf: if True generate constant G0 : boolean := False; begin inst: component IfDummy; elsif False generate constant G1 : boolean := False; begin inst: component ElsifDummy; else generate constant G2 : boolean := False; begin inst: component ElseDummy; end generate; genFor: for I in 0 to 3 generate constant G3 : boolean := False; begin inst: component ForDummy; end generate; genCase: case selector generate when 0 => constant G4 : boolean := False; begin inst: component Case0Dummy; when 1 | 2 => constant G5 : boolean := False; begin inst: component Case12Dummy; when 3 to 4 => constant G6 : boolean := False; begin inst: component Case34Dummy; when 5 to 6 | 8 to 9 => constant G7 : boolean := False; begin inst: component Case5689Dummy; when others => constant G8 : boolean := False; begin blkOthers: block constant G9 : boolean := False; begin ifOthers: if false generate constant G10 : boolean := False; begin inst: component OthersDummy; end generate; end block; end generate; call: CallDummy; called: CalledDummy(25); ende: std.env.stop; end architecture behav; context ctx is library osvvm; library axi4_lite, axi4_stream; use osvvm.alert.all; use osvvm.alert.alertid, osvvm.alert.priority; end context; context work.ctx; package package_1 is generic ( BITS : positive ); use lib.pack.all; type cell; constant ghdl : float := (3, 5, 0 to 2 => 5, 3 => 4, name => 10, others => 10, 2.3); attribute fixed of ghdl, gtkwave [x, y] : constant is true; component comp is generic ( BITS : positive := 2 ); port ( clk : std ); end component; constant Pointer_1 : List := new List(1 to 1); constant Pointer_2 : List := new List'(1 => 0); signal init : std_logic_vector(abs(mssb_idx(GEN)-GEN'right)-1 downto 0); constant fid : real := +val; constant ceq11 : std_logic := '1' ?= '1'; type rt321 is range t3'reverse_range; type rt321 is range t3'reverse_range(1); end package; package body package_1 is constant ghdl : float := 1.5; type CAPACITY is range 0 to 1E5 units pF; nF = 1000 pF; uF = 1000 nF; mF = 1000 uF; F = 1000 mF; end units; end package body; vunit vu (component_1) { }