use std.textio.all;
-- Original Source:
-- Original Author: Ricardo Jasinski
-- Define operations to read formatted data from a comma-separated-values file
-- (CSV file). To use this package:
--    1. Create a csv_file_reader:      variable csv: csv_file_reader_type;
--    2. Open a csv file:               csv.initialize("c:\file.csv");
--    3. Read one line at a time:       csv.readline;
--    4. Start reading values:          my_integer := csv.read_integer;
--    5. To read more values in the same line, call any of the read_* functions
--    6. To move to the next line, call csv.readline() again
package crashExample is
    type csv_file_reader_type is protected
        -- Open the CSV text file to be used for subsequent read operations
        procedure initialize(file_pathname: string);
        -- True when the end of the CSV file was reached
        impure function end_of_file return boolean;
        -- Release (close) the associated CSV file
        procedure dispose;
        -- Read one line from the csv file, and keep it in the cache
        procedure readline;
        -- Read a string from the csv file, until a separator character ',' is found
        impure function read_string return string;
    end protected;

package body crashExample is

    type csv_file_reader_type is protected body
        file my_csv_file: text;
        -- cache one line at a time for read operations
        variable current_line: line;
        -- true when end of file was reached and there are no more lines to read
        variable end_of_file_reached: boolean;
        -- Maximum string length for read operations
        constant LINE_LENGTH_MAX: integer := 256;

        -- Open the CSV text file to be used for subsequent read operations
        procedure initialize(file_pathname: string) is begin
            file_open(my_csv_file, file_pathname, READ_MODE);
            end_of_file_reached := false;

        -- True when the end of the CSV file was reached
        impure function end_of_file return boolean is begin
            return end_of_file_reached;
        -- Release (close) the associated CSV file
        procedure dispose is begin
        -- Read one line from the csv file, and keep it in the cache
        procedure readline is begin
            readline(my_csv_file, current_line);
            end_of_file_reached := endfile(my_csv_file);
        -- Read a string from the csv file, until a separator character ',' is found
        impure function read_string return string is
            variable return_string: string(1 to LINE_LENGTH_MAX);
            variable read_char: character;
            variable read_ok: boolean := true;
            variable index: integer := 1;
        	read(current_line, read_char, read_ok);
        	while read_ok loop
                if read_char = ',' then
                    return return_string;
                    return_string(index) := read_char;
                    index := index + 1;
                end if;
                read(current_line, read_char, read_ok);
            end loop;
    end protected body;
