--test bench written by alban bourge @ tima library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; package pkg_tb is --fsm state types type state_t is (Rst,Sig_start,Ack_data,Running,Waitfor,Cp_search,Cp_save,Idle,Rst_uut,Rest_ini0,Rest_ini1,Rest,Stop); --context descriptor subtype context_t is std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --argument width and type of fsm instruction constant ARG_WIDTH : integer := 8; subtype argument_t is unsigned(ARG_WIDTH - 1 downto 0); type instruction is record state : state_t; context_uut : context_t; arg : argument_t; end record; --reset instruction constant instr_rst : instruction := (state => Rst, context_uut => (others =>'0'), arg => (others =>'0')); --ram instruction type ram_instruction is record sel : std_logic; we : std_logic; addr_up : std_logic; addr_z : std_logic; end record; constant ram_instr_z : ram_instruction := (sel => '0', we => '0', addr_up => '0', addr_z => '0'); --assert unit instruction type assert_instruction is record en_feed : std_logic; en_check : std_logic; end record; constant assert_instr_z : assert_instruction := (en_feed => '0', en_check => '0'); --size of instruction table defined by PC_SIZE i.e. width of program counter constant PC_SIZE : integer := 5; type table_behavior is array (0 to 2**PC_SIZE - 1) of instruction; --constraint fixed by unit under test (augh dependant) --##CONSTRAINTS_START##-- subtype stdin_vector is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); subtype stdout_vector is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); subtype cp_vector is std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); --##CONSTRAINTS_END##-- --assert_uut vector number counter size constant VEC_NO_SIZE : integer := 20; end pkg_tb;