entity MemPkgReproducer4 is end; architecture behav of MemPkgReproducer4 is function InitMemoryBaseType(Size : integer) return integer_vector is begin return (1 to Size => 0); end InitMemoryBaseType; subtype MemoryBaseType is integer_vector ; type MemBlockType is array (integer range <>) of MemoryBaseType ; type MemBlockPtrType is access MemBlockType ; begin process variable MemArr : MemBlockPtrType; variable BlockWidth : natural; begin BlockWidth := 4; MemArr := new MemBlockType'( 0 to BlockWidth - 1 => (0 to 31 => -1)); -- MemArr(0 to BlockWidth-1) := -- (0 to BlockWidth-1 => (0 to 31 => 0)) ; wait; end process; end;