library std; use std.textio.all; package log is type t_level is (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR); type t_config is record level : t_level; show_level : boolean; time_unit : time; show_sim_time : boolean; prefix : string(1 to 32); separator : string(1 to 3); end record; procedure set_config(cfg : t_config); type t_logger is protected procedure set_config(c : t_config); procedure trace(msg : string); procedure debug(msg : string); procedure info(msg : string); procedure warn(msg : string); procedure error(msg : string); end protected; procedure trace(msg : string); procedure debug(msg : string); procedure info(msg : string); procedure warn(msg : string); procedure error(msg : string); function config( level : t_level := INFO; time_unit : time := ns; prefix : string(1 to 32) := (others => nul); separator : string(1 to 3) := ": " & nul; show_level : boolean := true; show_sim_time : boolean := true ) return t_config; end package; package body log is type t_logger is protected body variable cfg : t_config := config; procedure set_config(c : t_config) is begin cfg := c; end procedure; procedure log(lvl : t_level; msg : string) is constant MAX_TIME_LEN : positive := 32; variable time : string(1 to MAX_TIME_LEN); variable time_line : line; procedure trim_time(t : inout string) is begin for i in t'reverse_range loop if t(i) = ' ' then time(i) := nul; else return; end if; end loop; end procedure; begin if lvl < cfg.level then return; end if; if cfg.show_sim_time then write(time_line, now, left, MAX_TIME_LEN, cfg.time_unit); time := time_line.all; trim_time(time); end if; write(output, t_level'image(lvl) & cfg.separator & time & cfg.separator & msg & LF); end procedure; procedure trace(msg : string) is begin log(TRACE, msg); end procedure; procedure debug(msg : string) is begin log(DEBUG, msg); end procedure; procedure info(msg : string) is begin log(INFO, msg); end procedure; procedure warn(msg : string) is begin log(WARN, msg); end procedure; procedure error(msg : string) is begin log(ERROR, msg); end procedure; procedure set_level(l : t_level) is begin cfg.level := l; end procedure; end protected body; shared variable logger : t_logger; procedure trace(msg : string) is begin logger.trace(msg); end procedure; procedure debug(msg : string) is begin logger.debug(msg); end procedure; procedure info(msg : string) is begin; end procedure; procedure warn(msg : string) is begin logger.warn(msg); end procedure; procedure error(msg : string) is begin logger.error(msg); end procedure; procedure set_config(cfg : t_config) is begin logger.set_config(cfg); end procedure; function config( level : t_level := INFO; time_unit : time := ns; prefix : string(1 to 32) := (others => nul); separator : string(1 to 3) := ": " & nul; show_level : boolean := true; show_sim_time : boolean := true ) return t_config is variable cfg : t_config; begin cfg.level := level; cfg.show_level := show_level; cfg.time_unit := time_unit; cfg.show_sim_time := show_sim_time; cfg.prefix := prefix; cfg.separator := separator; return cfg; end function; end package body; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.log; entity test is end entity; architecture tb of test is begin main : process is variable l : log.t_logger; begin wait for 7.5 ns; log.set_config(log.config(log.TRACE)); log.trace("TRACE"); log.debug("DEBUG");"INFO"); log.warn("WARN"); log.error("ERROR" & LF); l.set_config(log.config(log.TRACE)); l.trace("TRACE"); l.debug("DEBUG");"INFO"); l.warn("WARN"); l.error("ERROR"); std.env.finish; end process; end architecture;